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Midnight shrugged, nomming on an apple. "As long as I get to sleep with you, I don't care where we sleep." She snuggled close, burying her face in his mane. "More important question, where is everypony at?? I have't seen Thorn or Lux since we first hot here..." She huffed.

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"I don't know about thorn but lux went to save a another demigod " grell said as he ate another apple "and as for sleeping I can sleep anywhere as long as I have my coffin and you " grell said with a smile he finished his apple and grabbed another one that would make nine in less than an hour

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"yeah I love them" grell said as he finished his apple and grabbed yet another and began to eat it "almost as much as I love you "grell hadn't meant to say that last part although it was true he hadn't wanted to say it yet he was mentally kicking himself for slipping up like that

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Modnight blinked, looking at him. "You...you love me...?" She had to process it for a minute. She was in shock. Of course she loved him too. That wasn't the issue. She just never imagined he'd be so quick to say it first. "I-I love you, too, Grell..." She snuggled up to him, smiling lovingly.

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Grell sighed "yes I love you but I wasn't planning on saying yet I was hoping for a better setting something more romantic then this " grell said as he finished his apple and grabbed apple number eleven day began eating it if nopony stopped him he'd eat the whole crate full

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Midnight blinked, pushing the crate away. She looked at him. "I-I love you, too..." She smiled, pecking his cheek. "I love you very much... More than you know..." She snuggled close, nuzzling her head under his chin. She was extremely happy now; even more happy than she was before.

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Grell smiled as he finished his apple and used his magic to grab another apple he hugged her and ate his apple with a smile he was content with just laying there snuggled up to midnight and eating apples he finished apple number twelve and grabbed number thirteen and began eating it

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Midnight huffed. "I think that's enough apples, Grell..." She got up and pushed the crate back into the mess hall, then came back and sat down next to him. "Why do you like apples so much??" She looked up at him. "It's like your obsessed with them..." She laid down next to him.

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Before midnight moved the crate grell used his magic to grab eighteen apples "I dont know their just so good I can't eating them " grell said as he finished one and began another with a smile "they're so juicy and I may be addicted them" grell finished apple number fourteen and began on fifteen

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Midnight blinked, cocking her head. "I think it's an obssession. Not an addiction..." She grabbed one of the apples, sighing as she ate it. "By the way, how has no one questioned the fact you sleep in a coffin?? I mean, to other ponies, that's gotta be a little creepy..."

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Grell laughed "I a lot have most normally back away slowly or try to run away and stumble all over themselves " grell said with a laugh as he ate another apple and she started the next one "and I can't go to long without out eating some " grell said "I even get withdrawal symptoms"

Grell laughed "I a lot have most normally back away slowly or try to run away and stumble all over themselves " grell said with a laugh as he ate another apple and she started the next one "and I can't go to long without out eating some " grell said "I even get withdrawal symptoms"

Grell laughed "I a lot have most normally back away slowly or try to run away and stumble all over themselves " grell said with a laugh as he ate another apple and she started the next one "and I can't go to long without out eating some " grell said "I even get withdrawal symptoms"

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Midnight nodded, continuing to nom her apple. She looked around the camp, watching everypony train. She watched very closely at the ponies practicing with swords and blades. They were so delicate, yet dangerous. She continued to watch them, not even noticing that there was a pony in a different group looking right at her.

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Silver walked up to them, saying "Well you too seem to be getting along... I'm surprised you are both out right now, the nurse said that you got beat up pretty bad by some manticores. But to your defense, those are some tough creatures to kill, I should know given all the time that I spent fighting them... Anyway, were you planning on laying low and maybe doing some training until you both fully recover? If so, I can teach you guys some of what I know, whether it's about camp, or fighting." He gave them a wave as he walked away saying, "Just stop by my cabin if you need anything, it's the one next to the forge. I'll let you get back to snuggling, see ya!"

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Grell ate the last if his apples and watched the ponies train and he seen one of them looking at midnight so he put his foreleg around her and gave her a kiss to show that stallion that she was taken he stared daggers at the stallion as he held midnight close

"will do "grell said never taking his eyes off the stallion

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Midnight smiled, pecking him. She extended her wings, one draping over him. "I love you..." she said, looking up at him.


The stallion continued to watch her. He put his sword back in its holster and started walking over, smiling slightly. He stopped in front of them. "Hello there."

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Grell smiled "I love you too " grell said as he snuggled in to her when the other stallion walked up grell put on a fake smile "hello I couldn't help but notice that you was staring at midnight "grell said the grass just under him died as he took its life force and a very faint dark aura formed around grell

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Midnight blinked, noticing Grell's aura. She then looked at the stallion. "H-Hello... What is your name...?"


The stallion blinked at Grell. "Is that this wonderful mare's name? Hello Midnight. I am Skyler." He flashed a handsome smile at her. He was a little more built than Grell, due to the fact he was older. "My father is Ares."

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Grell already didn't like this stallion "god if war that's nice but you can still die " grell said " I'm grell son of thanatos " grell secretly undid the golden clasp that held his hoof wrapping on with out it the wrapping will fall away if grell moves his hoof

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Midnight blinked. "U-um, hello Skyler... My mother is Achelois... I-it's nice to meet you..." She smiled sheepishly at him. She's not good around new ponies.


Skyler smiled. "It's an honor to meet you, miss..." He bowed down and kissed the top of her hoof. "And it's a pleasure to meet you too, grell. I've heard a lot about you." He gave a half hearted smile.

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,grell didn't even bother to smile "really now iv been here for less then a day and ponies are already talking about me " grell said "so what have you heard " grell asked he wondered what ponies could possibly be saying about him he had only been in the camp a couple of hours

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Midnight blinked.


"Well first off, the say that the death pony is coming. And the nurse said you are a very weird pony; you apparently sleep in a coffin?" The stallion kind of had a disgusted look on his face. "Don't tell me she sleeps in one too?" He laughed, flipping his mane.


Midnight pouted. "Of course I do... I sleep anywhere Grell does..."

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Grell chuckled "the death pony I like it and yes I do sleep in a coffin they're actually very comfortable and she sleeps in the same coffin I do" grell said with a impish smile on his face he used his magic to pull out and enlarge the coffin from earlier "that's my bed"

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Skyler blinked. "So you just carry around a coffin in your bag???" He looked at Midnight. "Are you sure you're safe around this weirdo??"


Midnight glared at him. "I beg your pardon???"


Skyler smiled cooly. "It's just... A beautiful mare such as yourself shouldn't be hanging around the likes of somepony like him. It's just common sense."

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Grell sighed "I think it's time you left Skylar " grell said as other plants around them started to wilt and the aura darkened he didn't move yet he'd give Skyler a chance to leave or apologize before he reduced him to ash and bone "wouldn't want you to get hurt "

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