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Grell sighed "ok but if you're lying just know that I hate lying " grell said as he nuzzled her and kissed her before heading to the door as he did so he looked to scout "you coming or what " grell said with a smile he could tell that scout wanted to hang out with them

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Midnight's eyes lowered, walking out of the tent. -I hope he doesn't find out I'm lying... I don't want him mad at me...- She looked back at him and Scout, smiling.


Scout blinked. "R-Really?!" He ran to Grelll's side, smiling big. -Oh my Celestia! I'm going on my first journey!-

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Grell smiled "yeah me and midnight are supposed to investigate some charred trees because they sprites are mad about it " grell said "shouldn't be to dangerous so I'll let you join us just don't tell silver somehow I just don't think he'd like this " grell looked up at midnight with a loving smile

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Midnight smiled lovingly back, pecking him. "I think having this little guy around will be fun!"


Scout smiled. "Can I ride on your back??? Pleeeaaaasssseeeeee????" He looked up at Midnight with puppy dog eyes.


Modnight giggled. "Oh alright," she said, helping him on her back

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Grell smiled "I do too " grell said "and by the way scout that little look of yours won't affect me so don't bother trying alright " grells leg twitched causing him to fall he quickly got up "umm midnight we need to make a quick stop at the mess hall" grell said

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Midnight blinked, looking at him. "Okay...?" She flew to the mess hall. -I guess he's withdrawing from his apples...- She grabbed the crate of apples and drug it back outside. "Here you goo..." She smiled, looking at Grell.


Scout smiled, watching the scenery pass. -Do pretty...-

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Grell practically attacked the apples as he twitched "thanks midnight " grell said he walked over and kissed her while using his magic to load his bags and ate more apples and offered some to scout and midnight "that could have gotten pretty badd "

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Midnight smiled, taking one and nomming it. "I figured that's what you wanted..." She kissed his cheek.


Scout at it, smiling. "I love apples. So yummy," he said, a little of the apple's juice running down his chin. Midnight wiped it off him, giggling. "Thank you!" He smiled.

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Grell smiled and kissed midnight on the lips "more like needed and you're welcome scout I love them to just don't eat a lot every day you'll end up like me addicted to apples "grell said while eating more apples "do you need anything before we leave camp scout "

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Midnight looked at Grell and smiled, pecking his cheek. "I love you, Grell..."


Scout shook his head. -Maybe I'll get my cutie mark! I hope so!- "Not that I know of..." He climbed back on Midnight's back. He snuggled close, smiling. "You're sooooo comfy, Miss," he giggled, blushing a litttle.

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Grell nuzzled her "I love you too midnight " grell said he looked at scout a slight frown he wanted to ride on midnights back and fly it was so much fun "she really is comfortable I love it when she takes me flying "grell sighed as he nuzzled midnight "well let's get going "

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Midnight smiled, looking at Grell. "I can carry him in my arms. You don't have to stay on the ground."


Scout nodded, getting down. "I don't mind. I didn't know you wanted up there. I'm sorry." He hopped into her arms, smiling still. -Besides, this way, I can get an even better view of the scenery...- he thought, mainly talking about Midnight.

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Grell smiled "thanks but I'll be fine " grell used his magic to put scout on midnight then just as he touched her "never mind " grell said as he climbed up still holding scout in his magic he hugs midnight "ok let's go I'll hold onto scout with my magic " grell said

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Midnight blinked, trying to get used to the extra weight, taking off awkwardly. -Ugh this is getting a little heavy... I hope I don't throw my back out...- She got used to the weight and started flying towards the trees.


Scout blinked, being carried by his tail, upside down. He frowned, crossing his hooves.

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Grell smiled and used his magic to lift the bags of potions and his apples he looked at scout and smiled holding him by the body he turned him see couldn't see midnight he used his magic to lift himself and fly in front of her he kissed her for fifteen seconds then went back to sitting on her back "I didn't want the filly to see "

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midnight giggled, blushing a little. She flew a lot easier without all that weight on her. She kept flying towards the trees.


Scout blinked, frowning more. "Why can't I see??? I'm old enough!" He tried kicking but the magic wasn't allowing him to. He grumbled, huffing.

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Grell nuzzled midnight "you can't see because it's my stallionhood "grell said with a smile then whispered to midnight "just go with it " grell continued to nuzzle midnight he planned to make sure that scout wouldn't want to see anything they did together

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Midnight facehoofed, sighing. "Yeah. That."


Scout blinked, a disgusted look going across his face. "You mean your...?" Scout gagged a little, going pale.


Midnight sighed again. -Only Grell... Why must he torment this filly?? Geez... He's going to scar him for life... Unless Scout is....... EW!-

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"yeah I'm letting it all hang out " grell said and very slowly turned scout he couldn't see yet as he did so he whispered to midnight "this is great he actually believes me " grell smiled stopping himself from laughing but he wouldn't be able to hold it in forever

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Midnight groaned, rolling her eyes. She landed, sighing. -Maybe now he'll stop...- She smiled a little. -Although it IS kind of funny...-


Scout about puked when he said that. He didn't want to imagine Grelll's.....thing anywhere near him or Midnight. It was just weird.

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Grell couldn't help it he busted out laughing and turned scout "I can't believe it you actually bought that " grell said he rolled of of midnight he was laughing so hard that he teared up "I never had it out and I won't around anypony until I'm married and them just In front of my wife

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Midnight blinked, catching the medical bag before it hit the ground. "Phew. Be more careful next time, 'dear'." She huffed, putting the medical bag back on.


Scout's face turned bright red, hiding his face. "Sh-shut up!" he cried, embarrassed as heck. He couldn't believe he actually fell for that.

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Grell smiled "sorry baby I lost focus " grell said then he heard scout and walked over to him "cheer up " grell said then he leaned down and whispered "when I was your age I fell for it to but don't tell anypony " grell stood back up and smiled "I only mess with you because you remind me of somepony I knew "

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Midnight huffed, walking towards the charred trees. -Sometimes I wonder if he's 7 or 17....- She looked at the trees closely, inspecting them very closely. She nodded some char markes were darker than others. "Hmmmm..."


Scout blinked, looking up at him. "Really? Who???"

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"another time alright we have work to do "grell said turning serious he walked over to the charred trees and looked closely "phoenix... dragon... hellhound... pyromaniac..."grell said listing off possible reasons for the trees "I wonder if we can talk to the spirits "

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