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open MLP Camp Half-Blood


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Midnight looked st him. "I can... One of the perks of being a moon pony..." She put her hoof on the tree and concentrated.


Scout blinked, watching them. He watched as Midnight tried to talk to these spirits. -She's so cool... I wish I could get a girl like her... Although I'm too young for that stuff...-

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Grell nodded "hey scout being a son of Hades you may have the ability to talk to spirits and such you should try it could come and handy and you could get your cutiemark " grell said as he kept an eye out for anything hostile as midnight talked to spirits and scout watched them

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Midnight kept focusing, looking up at the top of the burnt tree.


Scout blinked, going over to Midnight. He looked at her, then faced the tree. He breathed in deeply, putting his hoof on the tree. He blinked, his eyes starting to glow, seeing spirits flying around.

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Grell smiled as he seen scouts eyes began to glow he tapped midnight "hey midnight our little buddy doing a trick " grell said grell happy that he had inspired scout to try and contact the dead " you don't need to talk to the sprites scouts got it "grell said

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Midnight stopped, looing at Scout. She smiled, walking over to Grell.


Scout started listening to the voices of the spirits, talking back with his mind. After a few minutes, he took his hoof off the tree. His eyes went back to normal. He looked at Grell. "I know why they're upset."

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Grell smiled he noticed that scout had his cutie mark and his smile broadened "so what's the problem " grell asked "let's get this taken care of " grell pulled out an apple and tossed it to scout and handed one to midnight before grabbing one for himself and munching on it

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Midnight smiled, noticing it too. She nommed on her apple, waiting for Scout to answer. -I wonder when he'll notice,,,- she thought, staring at it. She leaned on Grell.


Scout sighed. "They're mad because you killed their trees and plants." He nommed on his apple.

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Grell smiled and laid his head on midnights and looked at scouts cutie mark "well since you're so good at talking to spirits can you tell them in sorry for killing plants I kinda panicked and went into survival mode " grell said just then several apperition appeared and grabbed grell

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Midnight blinked. "Hey!" She pulled him back down, her eyes glowing as she got in front of him in a defensive position.


Scout blinked, looking at them. "What do you guys keep staring at??" He looked at his flank. "Oh my Celestia! I have my cutie mark!!" He jumped up and down.

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Grell sighed "look I'm sorry I didn't mean to kill any plants I was trying to save somepony " grell said wondering how he would fight spirits "congrats scout but right now can you please talk to the sprites for me before they try and kill me" grell said while looking around

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Midnight growled, making sure they wouldn't come near him. -They aren't touching my Grell...-


Scout nodded and closed his eyes. He focused, then opened his eyes. They were glowing. "Stop this now! He did not mean to harm your kind! He feels really bad about it! Please leave them alone!"

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Grell pulled his scythe out and instantly saw the sprites "yeah I'm sorry I didn't mean to I was saving somepony so back off" grell yelled his scythe was glowing and a prick of light was forming in front of the tip of the blade it was an opening to the underworld

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Midnight blinked, looking back at him. "What are you...?" She saw his sythe. "Don't hurt them!" She loooked at the spirits. "Please go back! We're sorrry! We mean no harm!"


Scout stood talll. "Go back to the spirit world! Now! You don't belong here!" Scout stomped his hooof.

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Grell jaw was clenched and he moved his scythe and the prick of light followed grell swiped at one and as the prick of light touched it I was sucked into the underworld "now leave me be and keep the camps shild up I told you I was sorry why can't you accept that "

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Midnight blinked. The spirits got fearful. They promised to keep the shield's up, running off.


Scout sighed, his eyes going back to normal. "That was easier said than done..." He looked at Grell. "Since when can you send things to the underworld??" He looked at Grell's scythe.

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Grell shrugged "I didn't know I could I didnt except anything to happen but hey it worked " grell sighed and put his scythe up and walked over to midnight and nuzzled her while eating a apple "well that was fun lets head home " grell said he grabbed scout in his magic and put him on his back "so are we walking or flying "

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Midnight giggled and smiled. "It's whatever you wish to do..." She opened her wings. "Personallly, I'm going to fly."


Scout smiled, snugggling onto Grelll's back, admiring his new cutie mark. "I want to stay with you guys. I like you guys. You're awesome!" He smiled brightly.

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Grell smiled "I think ill give you a break " grell said as he used his magic to take the bags and lift scout to place the bags then he put scout down on his back again "well you can but we live in the house by the grave yard so you know " grell gave midnight a quick kiss

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Midnight gigggled, hovering above them. "We neeed to get some cleaning suppplies before heading home. We gotta clean."


Scout smiled at Grell. "I don't mind. I lived on the streeets for most of my so far life..." He snugggled close. "I'd love to be ii an actual house..."

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Grell smiled "yeah I don't want to become Brown again " grell said "and scout I lived on the streets to "grell said "oh and midnight before we head home we need to tell silver that it's taken care and he has nothing to worry about it " grell ate an apple and walked to camp

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Midnight nodded, kissing his cheek. "Can you do that while I get the cleaning supplies? We can meet up at the house. I'll start cleaning up the house while I wait for you guys."


Scout blinked, looking up at him. "Can I go with you, Grell???" He looked up at Grell, smiling.

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Grell nodded and kissed midnight on the lips "I think that could be done "grell said then he looked at scoutt"yeah I guess that you can " grell pulled out most of the apples and put them In midnigjts bag "can you put these up when you get home we shouldn't be to long"

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Midnight nodded, smiling and heading up to the store. "I'll be at the house waiting!" she said, smiling.


Scout smiled, getting down and walking beside him. "Thank you for taking me in! I really appreciate it!" He looked around at the scenery, staying close to Grell.

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Grell nodded and watched midnight as she walked away and sighed "Man she's gorgeous " grell said as he walked "no problem kid "grell said looking around for silver so he could tell him that the situation had been dealt with so he could get back to midnight and get the house cleaned up

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(((I'm doing another time skip)))


Midnight was humming and cleaning; she got the entire downstairs cleaned. She was now working on their bedroom. "We could make the other room Scout's room..." She was still waiting on Grell to come home.


Scout was riding on Grell's back, asleep.

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