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Midnight smiled. "I would!" She continued to eat her food, smiling happily. Her mane and tail were a mess. She was going to have to brush it here in a minute. -Ugh, stupid twigs and leaves...-


Scout continued to eat, not saying a word. HE wasn't a big fan of tea. -I'll just get some water from a creek later...-

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Midnight thought for a moment. "I know we all won't be able to sneak into there without her noticing..." She looked up. "I'll go in, get the pearls, then come back out. I can be sneaky like a ninja, so it should be easy for me.


Scout frowned. He didn't like the idea of putting the one mare she actually thought of as a mother in that kind of danger. "You sure?? I can go in and get them. I have before..."

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Grell sighed "I'll go in with Leif his ability to control plants and my ability to kill by touch will mean if we do get caught we'll be able to kill her and get the pearls

Leif nodded he wasn't to keen on putting midnight I'm danger since grell likes her and he wouldn't let epic go in if she suggested it

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Midnight stomped her hoof. "I'm going by myself and that's final."


Scout blinked, looking at her.


"I can't keep being this scared little filly I've always been. I'm a demi-god for Celestia's sake! I need to start acting like one..." She stood up. The starry aura that was around the moon on her cutie mark started glowing. She blinked, looking down at it.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Midnight took it, sipping on it. The cutie mark began to change; the aura around the moon started going down her flank more and up onto her back, the moon changing from a normal cream color to a pure white, almost glowing color. She stared at it, blinking. -What in the name of Celestia...?-


Scout blinked, looking at her cutie mark. "What in the hay just happened to your cutie mark???"

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Midnight blinked, her eyes glowing white. She was having a vision.


Her mother was sitting in a thrown, a metal collar around her neck and cuffs on her legs, chains chaining her legs to the chair. She looked weak and frail. "Midnight..." she called weakly. "You must be the one to collect all of the pearls and defeat Hades... That is the only way to save me..." Midnight blinked, confused. "But Mother, I'm not strong enough by myself!" Midnight cried, tears in her eyes. Her mother looked at her cutie mark; it was the same as her mother's. "I gave you all my remaining power so that you may defeat him... His powers are weak now... He got into a fight with Zeus... You must hurry!" The vision started fading.


~end of vision~

"Mother wait!" Midnight cried as her eyes went back to normal. She jumped forward, trying to reach her. She blinked, realizing she was back to the real world. -Mother...-


Scout ran over to her, worried. "Midnight? Are you okay??" He nuzzled her gently.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Epic took the cup from Leif and drank the tea. "Thanks, Leif," she said. "Woah. Guys, calm down. Uhh... Midnight, what just happened? I'm so confused!" Epic started panicking in her confusion. "I don't like being confused!" She started crying a little. "What is going on?!"


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Midnight had tears going down her face as she got up. "I...I saw my mother... She was chained up in Hades' lair... She gave me the rest of her powers to defeat Hades and rescue her..." She looked at her cutie mark. "Mother has this cutie mark..."


Scout blinked. "So, let me get this straight... Your mother, a goddess of the moon, just gave you all of her powers she had left in order for you to save her...?"


Midnight nodded. "I have to be the one to get the pearls and defeat him... I have a feeling it's some sort of prophecy..." She looked up at Grell. Her eyes were a brighter gold now, her irises literally glowing gold.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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"Honestly, the safest bet would be for Leif and Grell to go in. My powers won't be especially useful in there, so I'll stay out here and make sure no harm comes to epic, midnight, and scout." Silver said. He them turned to Lief and Grell and said, "However, if you guys get in trouble, just say something and I'll be in there as soon as I can be."

Edited by Diamondeye83
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Midnight's ears lowered as she sighed. -Of course no one would care that I need to be the one to go get them...-


Scout looked at Silver. "Didn't you hear Midnight? She has to be the one to do it, unless you WANT her mother to be Hades' slave forever..." He kind of glared at Silver.


(when was Epic's bf going to join??)

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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((Oh whoops, that was you. Is he still joining though?))

Silver sighed, looked at Midnight, and said, "Just because your mother is in danger doesn't mean you have to do everything by yourself. Although my top priority is saving the camp, I really want your mom to be safe as well. You're not int his alone, we'll support you all the way to Hades and back!"


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(Idk now. He was really wanting to be Poseidon's son)


Midnight's eyes welled up with tears again. -I won't be able to save Mother unless I do it myself...- she thought, the tears starting to fall.


Scout glared at him. "The camp was never in danger, you plothole! We're going to go get her mom back and we can't do that unless she does it by herself! Who in the hay said you could even come, anyways?! All you've done this entire time is argue with us!" He flared his nostrils, letting out a small growl.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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((I don't really think it makes sense that only she can get the pearls, I mean, I get it that she needs one for her mom, but we can still help collect them, can't we?))

Struggling to keep his voice level, Silver told Scout, "The camp is in danger! With all the monsters pouring out of Tartarus, it's only a matter of time before they overpower the barrier with sheer numbers!"

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Midnight sniffed. "I-it's okay... You guys can find the pearls... I-It's okay..." Her ears were flat. She started walking off. -I'm sorry, Mother... I really am... I hope you can forgive me...-


Scout sighed, walking back to the hut before he said something he regretted. He sat down, huffing.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Midnight's walk turned into a trot as she ran off into the woods, tears running down her face. Her trot turned into a gallop as she started crying, running deep into the forest.


Scout glared at Silver. "I hope you're happy... You may have just caused a goddess to die..." he grumbled, looking away.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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