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He smiles anf nuzzles his son. "Yes you will ill teach you ill still call you my son if you can't" he stretches then he snuggles scout till walkibg. (Ooc i can't wait till i start with blackie he's gonna be wayyy diffrent then skies its gonna be awwssoommmee)

Edited by odd9120

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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"Well they're done!" Silver said has a triumphantly held up a pair of metal shoes, "They won't last very long because I made them out random scrap I had with me, but they should get us to Las Pegasus. They let me take enormous strides," he said, then nudging Epic, "might even beat you there..."

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Epic looked at Silver. "Not a chance," she said. "I can easily do a Double Rainboom. I'll be there before you even get to the Ghastly Gorge!" Epic stuck her tongue out at Silver in a joking manner. She smiled and started laughing. Her facial expression turned serious again. "Seriously, though. I'll beat you by several miles."


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(Wow, we've made 1000+ posts o.o)

"Awww, no fair! Teleportation is cheating," Silver jokingly complained, "With any of these methods, Las Pegasus won't be far. You know, I grew up there, maybe I'll know something about that casino you were talking about."


And maybe I'll see my mom, it has been a while...

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He smiles as a large bubble forms around the group no matter how farr they where as he close.his eyes as it glows brightly and suddenly the whole group was stareing at a casino in las pegassues as a black earth pony comes bouncing out laughing and having a good time.


"Himynamesblackypie I'mthesonofthegodofwineandparties!!" He says really fast and laughs

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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"Um, hi. I'm Silver Dust, son of Hephaestus." Silver said uncertainly to the highly excitable black pony. Looking around at the casino around him, he said, "Hmm this looks familiar, but I can't quite place it..." He didn't tell the others, but something about the casino put him on edge. "I guess we should split up and find the pearl... Scout, you go with skies. Grell, go with midnight, Leif, go with Epic, and I guess you can come with me Blacky. Just remember, we have a job to do and limited time to do it. Try to stay on task..."

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"A job is there gonna be a party when where done cuz i LOOOOOVVEEEE partirs!!!!!" He jumps up and down and hugs silver dust." Well be BEST FRIENDS" he bounces up andown. "And yes he does ohh you must be leif!" he bounces and dances.


skies looked trouble. "I smell ttouble lets stay together its dangeros to split up." He says looking at silver

Edited by odd9120

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Gods, he could crack a rib with that hug...

"I agree that this place makes me uneasy, but we'll never find the pearl as a big group, there is just too much ground to cover," Silver said, "As much as I don't want to, there really isn't a better way." He handed each group a small disc. "If you run into trouble, throw that on the ground. It'll let the rest of us know."

Edited by Diamondeye83
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"Oh i talk to my dad he's here in fact he's one of your guys teachera mr D? That's him!" he jumps up and he's really fun and love live loove parties!!!" He makes wine appear out of thin air and starts drinking it "mmmmm grapes anypony wanna try some?" He smiles and offers it to anypony.


skies looked a little worried. "But there isbt any water in sight, I'm defensless without wat"er, i know a few combat spells but that's it.

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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"Look, I'm sure it'll be fine,I mean, it's a casino, not an abandoned building. Also, you have the disc. That thing goes off, I'm there in a few seconds. Just keep an eye out for the pearl, don't do anything stupid, and we'll all be laughing at our paranoia tomorrow on our way to hell."

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"Ya know that kinda sounds bucked up" he looks at silver. "And tomorrow you do realize my uncle is hades right?" He looks at silver. "Its weird and messed up but i gotta see my uncle and last i checked he's pretty angry that he cabt visit olympi s only on the winter soliste meetings."


Blacky jumps up and down "PAARRTTEEH AT HADES CRIB WOOT"

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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((Ok not trying to be mean here, but can you try to proofread your posts, at least for spelling?))

"Yeah, and Hades is my grandpa. He still did something wrong, and we gotta go fix it, because our parents are occupied. Resentful or not, that's no excuse to kidnap Midnight's mom and leave the gates of Tartarus open. Anyway, I'm sure there's nothing to worry about in the casino. Come on Blacky, let's find us that pearl," he says as he walks off towards the roulette tables.

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(For real I'm being serious i usually post on a tiny phone lol its why its hard for me to correct my spelling.)


Oceon skies walks into a party; he turns and looks around the room, there was people playing games, drinking fruit punch, and a lot of ponies laughing over hardcore dubstep music. He walks around looking everywhere for that pearl.


(Trying my best now lol)


blackie bounces next to silver. "Hurray"

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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((Btw, Mia More is for Skies and Dark Shine is for Silver))


Midnight smiled, walking towards the enterance. She blinked, noticing two ponies.


Scout stayed on Skies' back.


Mia More was sitting by a poker table, Dark Shine on the side of her. "I call," she said coolly, smiling her usual seductive smile. Dark Shine saw Midnight and them, blinking. "Ma'am, there's newbies here..." she whispered to Mia More.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Grell followed midnight as always he seemed dark and sinister he looked around he really didn't fit in and stood out

Leif smiled at epic before walking into the casino he looked around ((we doing the whole lotus eaters thing cookie and all because the lotas is a plant and Leif can sense dangers plants even in food or drink ))

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Oceon skies then walked into the giant casino and walks up to mia. "Well there's a new fa-" -trouble by nevershoutnever started playing in the back- *such a beautiful mare* he blushes darkly then he covers his blushing muzzle. then he gulps. "Hi" was all he could muster.


Blacky pie was drinking wine trying to think

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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(Nah. i don't really feel like having action for this one. There's going to be a lot of action probably once they get to Hell, but if you want the Lotus stuff, you're the gm. You decide lol)

Midnight sighed, watching Mia and Skies. She shook her head, looking around more.


Scout blinked, looking at Mia. -She's a demi goddess...-


Mia smiled, flipping her mane. "Hello there. I'm Mia More, and this is Dark Shine," she points to the timid pony next to her, "What is your name?"


Dark Shine saw Silver, blinking.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Epic looked at Mia. She thought, What a flirter! Epic smiled at Leif and kissed him. She then realized something. Wait, she thought. I was once like that...but now I've got a boyfriend! Epic smiled at Dark Shine. "Hi," she said. "I'm Epic Rainbow, daughter of Iris. You can call me Epic though. And you are?"


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