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Tough Luck was in the clearing waiting for the others scratching Panomma behind the ear. "Hurry up guys!" Tough Luck said excitedly.


FILLER-so much filler so little characters, must think of things to say, guide me Helix Fossil, the prophet Pidgeot-FILLER


Sig by The Frozen Pegasus

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"Well the dear was slow and torturous and the dreamscape was darker" grell said he was so tired he was slipping his lies weren't convincing and that would be his down fall and he knew it but he had to try he wasn't sure how she would react to it being the fact it was her that made the dream troubling

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Tough Luck was in the clearing waiting for the others scratching Panomma behind the ear. "Hurry up guys!" Tough Luck said excitedly.


FILLER-so much filler so little characters, must think of things to say, guide me Helix Fossil, the prophet Pidgeot-FILLER

Snowstorm trotted into the clearing, going over to Panomma and petting her. "You like this, don't you?" she asked, caressing her fur.


"Well the dear was slow and torturous and the dreamscape was darker" grell said he was so tired he was slipping his lies weren't convincing and that would be his down fall and he knew it but he had to try he wasn't sure how she would react to it being the fact it was her that made the dream troubling

Snowstorm chuckled. "You," she said to Grell, playfully. "Are a terrible liar. What is it, really?" she asked. "I still wouldn't think that a slow and torturous death would be scary to you at all. And I can detect your lies very easily right now."

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Grell sighed "okay I get it I'm busted" grell said he leaned close to her ear so no pony else would hear "the truth is it was you that was.. Being killed over and over again" Grell was scared and worried about what she would say and how she would react he didn't want to ruin the friendship before it happens

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Tough Luck noticed that Grell and Snowstorm obviously wanted to talk about this in private so he walked over to Lief and tried to make some small talk. "So now that we are here can you explain to me why all these monsters are appearing and why we are the ones who can see them?" He asked Lief.


Sig by The Frozen Pegasus

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Grell sighed "okay I get it I'm busted" grell said he leaned close to her ear so no pony else would hear "the truth is it was you that was.. Being killed over and over again" Grell was scared and worried about what she would say and how she would react he didn't want to ruin the friendship before it happens

Snowstorm thought for a moment. "Well, I'm sure that you would be terrified by anypony being murdered over and over again!" she exclaimed, completely missing the point. It would not be that way for long. "Right?" As the implications of this started to weigh down on her, she hoped with all her heart that he would say yes. Or did she? What were her real emotions? She didn't really know.

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Grell shrugged "honestly I don't really know I've never had a dream like this one" grell said he could tell she wanted it to be just the death over and over but he wasn't sure that was the case " that's probably it snowstorm" grell said

Leif sighed "you're a Demi god"


"I'm a what? Like what I'm half-god, does that even make sense? I mean I know that I know nothing about my mother except that this whip was a gift from her, but being demigod, isn't that a bit absurd," Tough Luck said in disbelief. He thought to himself could this be real, I mean after the events of the last few days anything could be possible, but why didn't his dad tell him, why didn't anyone tell him and if his mom was a god why didn't she ever come see him.


Sig by The Frozen Pegasus

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Grell shrugged "honestly I don't really know I've never had a dream like this one" grell said he could tell she wanted it to be just the death over and over but he wasn't sure that was the case " that's probably it snowstorm" grell said

Leif sighed "you're a Demi god"

Snowstorm contemplated this. "I guess this is just a one-time thing then," she said. "Don't worry, it probably won't happen again. I find it easy to get out of nightmares by simply blinking a few times. It never fails," she said, comfortingly. "So if it ever happens again, then you'll be able to get out of it."

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Leif smiled "yup" Leif Said "it's true we're all demigods"

Grell nodded as he climbed off her back "I'll keep that in mind and thanks for carrying me here it means a lot" grell said " of it does I'll let you know that if you want to help me with it" grell didn't want to impose


"Umm ok then I guess," Tough Luck said, thoughts were racing through his mind, "well in that case, any idea who my mom is, how will I find out?" Just as he said that a broken wheel appeared over his head, although Tough Luck had no idea of the symbol over his head.


Sig by The Frozen Pegasus

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Leif smiled "yup" Leif Said "it's true we're all demigods"

Grell nodded as he climbed off her back "I'll keep that in mind and thanks for carrying me here it means a lot" grell said " of it does I'll let you know that if you want to help me with it" grell didn't want to impose

Snowstorm smiles. "You're welcome." Snowstorm didn't know whether she was happy or not that it didn't necessarily mean that he liked her. She was just... Confused. "I'll be happy to help you," she said, smiling. This was not a lie at all, she really did want to help him. Especially to find out what exactly was happening.

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Leif seen the broken wheel "you're the som of ((insert goddess name here I forgot what it was and I'm to lazy to go check))" Leif said

Grell smiled "thanks snowstorm" grell said he yawned he was really tired and should probably get to sleep bit he'd rather stay up and talk

((Nemesis. :P))

Snowstorm nodded in acknowledgement. "You're welcome." She noticed his yawning and chuckled. "Grell, you need to sleep again," she said, sternly. "You need to rest after the battle earlier. And this is the perfect place to do it. Understand?" she asked.

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Leif seen the broken wheel "you're the som of ((insert goddess name here I forgot what it was and I'm to lazy to go check))" Leif said

Grell smiled "thanks snowstorm" grell said he yawned he was really tired and should probably get to sleep bit he'd rather stay up and talk


"Nemesis huh, I think I've heard of her she's the goddess of revenge and balance," Tough Luck said, "that makes sense, when the monster couldn't stand up after I felt that wave of energy go through me and the way I was able to figure out the Karma of the people around me." Tough Luck couldn't believe it, he was a demigod, and more importantly he finally knew something about his mother though he still couldn't understand why she never stopped by.


Sig by The Frozen Pegasus

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((Hey, guys can I do filler in the camp, like RP with some friends but not have them make characters unless they want to continue the RP? Like, just until someone is back at the camp instead of just waiting being afk. Argh, I hate the 200 limit, it's kinda annoying ^.6

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Grell sighed "but I don't wanna sleep" grell said yawning again he really wanted to stay up but really needed his sleep

(Thanks i couldn't remember for the life of me grrrr gming is a pain when your memory sucks rotten eggs fillies fillies fillies filler

((*chucklechuckle* The More You Know!™))

Snowstorm shook her head. "Needs are more important than wants," she said, sternly. "You need to go to sleep. You want to stay up. Based on what you just learned, which is more important? The need, or the want?" She chuckled lightly. 

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"So now that is out of the way, can you tell me why we are going to the underworld and why those pearls were important?" Tough Luck asked the group of ponies.


((Haha no biggie, she's easy to forget, but she is my favorite, and now the filler that fills also someone drew me an OC :)))


Sig by The Frozen Pegasus

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((Just say they sent you to the group with a letter my friend cuz we won't be back for a bit))

Grell sighed " I suppose it's the need" grell Said as he laid down "but I'm not going to enjoy this if much rather stay up and get to know those around me "

"Because the gates of Tartarus are open and the camp is in danger and the pearls are so we can come back"

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"Oh I see, but there is only three pearls, how will we all get back?" Tough Luck hoped they had an answer because he definitely did not want to stay in the underworld forever until after he had died.


FILLER- Like Mean Girls the Limit does not exist-FILLER


Sig by The Frozen Pegasus

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((Just say they sent you to the group with a letter my friend cuz we won't be back for a bit))

Grell sighed " I suppose it's the need" grell Said as he laid down "but I'm not going to enjoy this if much rather stay up and get to know those around me "

"Because the gates of Tartarus are open and the camp is in danger and the pearls are so we can come back"

Snowstorm sighed. "But you need the sleep. Now please, go to sleep. We'll still be here when you wake." She hoped he would comply and go to sleep. He needed the rest.


"Oh I see, but there is only three pearls, how will we all get back?" Tough Luck hoped they had an answer because he definitely did not want to stay in the underworld forever until after he had died.


FILLER- Like Mean Girls the Limit does not exist-FILLER

((Simple. Go out the door. According to the books, the door to Hades is in Los Pegasus. You don't need the pearls. ._.))

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Snowstorm sighed. "But you need the sleep. Now please, go to sleep. We'll still be here when you wake." She hoped he would comply and go to sleep. He needed the rest.


((Simple. Go out the door. According to the books, the door to Hades is in Los Pegasus. You don't need the pearls. ._.))


((Book spoilers ahead: But also they need the pearls in the books because once you cross the River Styx you can't get back across that's why they needed the pearls in the Lightning Thief and why Grover had to stay until he was brought back by the Gods on Olympus))


Sig by The Frozen Pegasus

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((Book spoilers ahead: But also they need the pearls in the books because once you cross the River Styx you can't get back across that's why they needed the pearls in the Lightning Thief and why Grover had to stay until he was brought back by the Gods on Olympus))

((I've read all the books, and not once do they ever need pearls. They all crossed the River Styx easily. I think you might be thinking of the movie. Filler is needed, unfortunately, since this is an only OOC post. I probably need a bit more, so I'm just adding this in so that I don't embarrass myself when I press that "Post" button.))

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