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Grell seem the glance his coat shifted to am Ashen grey and his eyes got dark he was prepared for the fight

Leif sighed a he walked he took on the hard skin of a rhino and the heat resistance of a betal and the genagral survivabitly of the cockroach all with his from never shifting where it could be seen

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Minx shook her head and covered herself in shadows; creating Shadow Minx. She then unsheathed Skià and controlled herself to not shake in anger.


Kronos walked over to his sword and grabbed it in his mouth. He then turned his head and placed it on his back, waiting for the demigods to arrive.



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Anton couldn't decide what weapon to ready so he settled on readying them all

Grell sighed as he walked the groups mood went south quickly and one could feel the tension in the air

Leif looked straight ahead waiting for something to kill he was ready

((Don't forget children of the night ))

Edited by dashian500

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Kronos looked out a window and narrowed his eyes as he saw the ponies reach the summit. He barked a command and one of the titans broke ranks to intercept the demigods. This particular titan was covered in fire and had glowing coals for eyes. He raced towards the ponies and breathef some sort of hot magma from his mouth.



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The titan slid to a halt in front of the ponies. Looking at them he growled and spat some magma at them.


Minx jumped out of the way of the splash zone and glared at the magna titan. As if that would do any good. She wreathed the titan in shadows, forcing the magma titan to burn brighter than before in an effort to see.



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Kronos looked out a window and narrowed his eyes as he saw the ponies reach the summit. He barked a command and one of the titans broke ranks to intercept the demigods. This particular titan was covered in fire and had glowing coals for eyes. He raced towards the ponies and breathef some sort of hot magma from his mouth.

Speed Boost and Snowstorm made themselves ready for a fight, knowing that that was what was coming when they saw the Titan break rank and come toward them. Speed Boost electrified Ánemos and Snowstorm readied a whip of cold in her free hoof.


The titan slid to a halt in front of the ponies. Looking at them he growled and spat some magma at them.


Minx jumped out of the way of the splash zone and glared at the magna titan. As if that would do any good. She wreathed the titan in shadows, forcing the magma titan to burn brighter than before in an effort to see.

As the Titan spit magma at them, SNowstorm reacted on impulse and the whip of cold instantly extended and touched the magma, freezing it and turning it into stone the moment it touched. "That's rather useful," she said, smiling.


Speed Boost used Minx's distraction to send a bolt of lightning at the Titan as he tried to see.

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Leif glared as he dodged the magma "mugen illusion one" he said as He slashed at the air in truth no pony could see anything but the Titan seen and felt a pack of hellish wolves attacking it with out mercy

Grell flipped out of the way his scythe spinning at high speeds chilling the magma

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Kronos raised his eyebrows. He was clearly impressed with their teamwork.


The titan howled in anger as it felt it's arm harden and it's burning body attacked by hellhounds. Fuelling his anger with pain, he flared even brighter and a harsh light filled the area. Taking advantage of the situation, the titan sluggishly moved and left trails of magma behind it.


Minx hissed as the harsh light seared her retinas. She blinked rapidly to clear the after images just in time to see the titan punch her off the side of the mountain.



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Kronos raised his eyebrows. He was clearly impressed with their teamwork.


The titan howled in anger as it felt it's arm harden and it's burning body attacked by hellhounds. Fuelling his anger with pain, he flared even brighter and a harsh light filled the area. Taking advantage of the situation, the titan sluggishly moved and left trails of magma behind it.


Minx hissed as the harsh light seared her retinas. She blinked rapidly to clear the after images just in time to see the titan punch her off the side of the mountain.

Once the light shone, Speed Boost dissipated it as fast as he could, keeping it away from them, and instead reflecting it right into the titan's eyes.


Snowstorm's whip of cold shot down toward Minx and wrapped around her, pulling her back toward them before she could fall off of the mountain. "Are you okay?" she asked, as she pulled Minx back up to them.

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Leif smiled "illusion two" Leif said as he slashed his sword through the air this time the titian felt icy water flow Over it's body on a never ending torrent along with the hellish wolves still attacking to the others it looked like life was just slashing at the air they couldn't hear what he said or see what he and the titian seen

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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When Minx was brought back and set her feet on the ground, she started to ahiver uncontrollably due to the coldness of Snowstorm's whip. "Thanks. Is it-t-t alwaysss thisss c-c-cold?" Minx managed to ask through her chattering teeth.


The titan just laughed at Minx's predicament. It then howled as it felt the wolves attack it again and shrieked when it felt ice form over itself.

Edited by XANA



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The titan howled in pain as it saw it's worst fear. An avalanche. Trying to run away from it as best it could, it didn't look where it was going. The titan ran off the edge and fell off the mountain, screaming it's way to a firey death.


"That-t-t-t wassss weird. Why d-d-d-did it-t-t just run off like that-t-t?" Minx asked through her still chattering teeth,



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"Mugen sheath" leif said and the sword lost it's faint glow " I don't know but we should keep going in sure there's more titans to deal with as well as Anton and Kronos"

Grell was very confused he didn't know what had happened he put up his scythe "he's right" grell said

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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When Minx was brought back and set her feet on the ground, she started to ahiver uncontrollably due to the coldness of Snowstorm's whip. "Thanks. Is it-t-t alwaysss thisss c-c-cold?" Minx managed to ask through her chattering teeth.

The titan just laughed at Minx's predicament. It then howled as it felt the wolves attack it again and shrieked when it felt ice form over itself.

"Oh!" Snowstorm exclaimed, and smiled sheepishly. "Um... Heh... Sorry..." She retracted the whip and it melted away as the Titan ran off the cliff. "There we are." She created another whip, ready for another fight, just in case. Kronos would undoubtedly send another Titan, and so she needed to be prepared.
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Minx warmed up when she started walking again. Even if it was a slow walk. "Is it just me or did it just get extremely cold back then?" Minx asked. Sh le then kept up with the grop as they neared the castle's entrance.


Kronos smiled. "The demigods are nearly here. Perfect." Kronos said. The titan he sent them was just a ruse to test their strength.



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Anton smiled "when do u get to destroy them" he asked with an evil smile

Leif looked at minx "it was just you" leif said "it was rather hot to me"

Grell kept walking his scythe at the ready he was still confused but decided it was best for him to just focus on the task at hoof

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Minx warmed up when she started walking again. Even if it was a slow walk. "Is it just me or did it just get extremely cold back then?" Minx asked. Sh le then kept up with the grop as they neared the castle's entrance.


Kronos smiled. "The demigods are nearly here. Perfect." Kronos said. The titan he sent them was just a ruse to test their strength.

Snowstorm smiled sheepishly again. "I think that was me," she said, apologetically. "I'm sorry about that..." She started to follow the group, right beside Grell again, her sword ready and whip in her other hoof.


Speed Boost grinned. "ALmost there," he said. "Hopefully the fight will be quick, if it even happens at all."


Anton smiled "when do u get to destroy them" he asked with an evil smile

Leif looked at minx "it was just you" leif said "it was rather hot to me"

Grell kept walking his scythe at the ready he was still confused but decided it was best for him to just focus on the task at hoof

Snowstorm sighed. "I guess I need to learn to control the temperature of my whips," she said, sheepishly,

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"It's fine Snowstorm. Ah just hope Ah don't catch a cold." Minx smiled at Snowstorm to show her that there was nothing to worry about. She looked ahead and saw that they were at the entrance. "Ah did not think we would get here that quickly."


"Eager are we? Patience, Son of Ares. Everything good comes to those who wait." Kronos told him. Soon, he will get to destroy those demigods.



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"It's fine Snowstorm. Ah just hope Ah don't catch a cold." Minx smiled at Snowstorm to show her that there was nothing to worry about. She looked ahead and saw that they were at the entrance. "Ah did not think we would get here that quickly."


"Eager are we? Patience, Son of Ares. Everything good comes to those who wait." Kronos told him. Soon, he will get to destroy those demigods.

Snowstorm smiled back, glad that Minx had forgiven her. Of course, why would she not? Snowstorm had just saved her life. "Well, here we are," she said. "What will the plan be?"


SPeed Boost thought for a bit. "I can bend the light so that we can see inside the castle," he said. "Get a lay of the grounds, figure out what to do, where to go. How 'bout it?" He grinned.

((Also, I don't think that Minx would say Ah did not. Doesn't sound right. More like Ah didn't.))

Anton sighed he was ready to destroy them

Leif kept walking until he got to the entrance he looked at it "alright everypony let's do this" Leif said as he readied mugen

Grell nodded "be safe everypony we don't have much in the way of medical stuff" grell said

Snowstorm thought for a bit. "If I can get up close, I can heal wounds," she said. "It's rather hoofy."


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Grell nodded "indeed but how serious of a wound can you heal" grell asked "and I think that speedys idea will work once we see what we up against we can figure out what to do and make abetted plan then just charging in" grell said

Leif nodded although he didn't like speedy the idea was solid

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"That's some godd thinking Speedy." Minx nodded. If he could bend the light to let them see what they were up against then that would be good. "Snowstorm, can ya make anythin' other than that fancy whip o' yours?" Minx asked her.


Kronos saw Anton look despondent. He just shook his head an patiently waited for them to arrive in the throne room.



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Grell nodded "indeed but how serious of a wound can you heal" grell asked "and I think that speedys idea will work once we see what we up against we can figure out what to do and make abetted plan then just charging in" grell said

Leif nodded although he didn't like speedy the idea was solid

Snowstorm thought for a bit, and bit her lip. "I don't know..." she said, frowning. "I haven't tested my limits yet." She sighed. "It depends on how much time I have, I think," she said. "And, yeah, let's go with Speed's idea."


Speed Boost grinned and his eyes glowed as he bent the light until what they saw was not the gate, but the castle. "There we go," he said, as he continued to hold it. "They won't notice the bending at all."


"That's some godd thinking Speedy." Minx nodded. If he could bend the light to let them see what they were up against then that would be good. "Snowstorm, can ya make anythin' other than that fancy whip o' yours?" Minx asked her.


Kronos saw Anton look despondent. He just shook his head an patiently waited for them to arrive in the throne room.

Snowstorm thought for a bit. "I can make just about anything fluidly," she said, producing a snake, although not sentient, only made of cold. "And I can make things out of ice, if that's any help."

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