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open MLP Camp Half-Blood


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((This is filer since it seems to not want to post merge, since it's been days upon days since the last post. This is more filler since I need to put it down fast before anypony sees my utterly terrible filler I just had since I thought that it would post merge, but it didn't since it's been days upon days since the last post.))

Edited by whizzball1
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(@@whizzball1 I've been waiting for @dashian500 to post. Oh well.)

"Really? That's neat." Minx said. "The castle seems like it's a good stronghold. Besides, if anypony ever climbed this high, they won't notice it because of the Mist. Hmmm. What else is there Speedy?" Devilinx asked. Devilinx is a sort of strategist so she knows what a good stronghold is like and Kronos's castle is a good one.



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(@@whizzball1 I've been waiting for @dashian500 to post. Oh well.)

"Really? That's neat." Minx said. "The castle seems like it's a good stronghold. Besides, if anypony ever climbed this high, they won't notice it because of the Mist. Hmmm. What else is there Speedy?" Devilinx asked. Devilinx is a sort of strategist so she knows what a good stronghold is like and Kronos's castle is a good one.

((He was probably waiting for you to post xD He's been online with the same frequency as you have for the last two days. You two must have thought the other would post first. ))

Speed Boost moved the light around so that they could look through the place. After a while of searching, he smirked. "They have quite a few hidden passages," he said. "We can use them, and quickly move from one to another in the open when nopony's looking."

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Oceon skies was back a bit, he was being slow careful not to be tired when he met the group smileing as he caught up ready to fight when need to (Sorry again guys im still in this rp but im really busy at work so im gonna try to get on around night time here))


Blacky pie hops right along the group.

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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"Glad ya could join us Ocean. Ready tah kick some Titan butt?" Devilinx asked him. She couldn't wait to get started. "Speedy, ya said something about secret passages? We could split into pairs and take a passage each?" Devilinx asked him. It sounded like a good plan to her.



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Oceon skies was back a bit, he was being slow careful not to be tired when he met the group smileing as he caught up ready to fight when need to (Sorry again guys im still in this rp but im really busy at work so im gonna try to get on around night time here))


Blacky pie hops right along the group.

Speed Boost grinned as Ocean Skies came over to them. "Hey, cuz. We're about to get into the stronghold."


"Glad ya could join us Ocean. Ready tah kick some Titan butt?" Devilinx asked him. She couldn't wait to get started. "Speedy, ya said something about secret passages? We could split into pairs and take a passage each?" Devilinx asked him. It sounded like a good plan to her.

"Lots of them," he said, chuckling. "But I don't know if we should split up or not, we need to work together. What if we meet a Titan and the others aren't there? We just need to follow the passageways and kill Titans as we find them." He smirked.

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"Well, I did say pairs and - ah stuff it! Let's just go as one big group. That sound better to ya?" Devilinx huffed and got a mean look on her face. "Since we're going as a group, in what formation should we go in? I opt for the Big Three to stay in the back so that we don't get tired or anything and still have full power for when we actually try to fight Kronos." Devilinx said. If Speedy shoots down this plan then she's going in alone.



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"Well, I did say pairs and - ah stuff it! Let's just go as one big group. That sound better to ya?" Devilinx huffed and got a mean look on her face. "Since we're going as a group, in what formation should we go in? I opt for the Big Three to stay in the back so that we don't get tired or anything and still have full power for when we actually try to fight Kronos." Devilinx said. If Speedy shoots down this plan then she's going in alone.

Speed Boost shook his head. "It took the entire group to defeat the titan, remember?" he asked, and then contemplated her idea, hearing out the whole thing. He smiled. "Sounds good," he said. "I like that. What about you guys?"


Snowstorm nodded. "I'm fine with it, as long as them being in the back doesn't endanger us at the front." She laughed lightly.

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Leif rolled his eyes "oh yeah not like any of us here can match you three" leif Said "let's just go it Doesn't matter how we walk if you want to save your energy to fight Kronos them just don't fight" Leif said "now let's get moving"

Grell sighed because Lief was still in a bad mood

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"Leif come on now we all have secrets but if you stay in a bad mood antons going to feed off that and only slaughter us all" oceon skies says "we've been through a lot as friends could you please settle down just a little?" He asked as he was obvviously tired of this.

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Devilinx glared at Leif and took off into the castle. "Who cares what he thinks." She muttered angrily. Taking a corner, she found an alcove and hid in it. melting into the shadows so that she won't be seen. In Minx;s mind, Angelinx was trying to calm down Devilinx and, in turn, both of them were try to not let Personality Three out.



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Oceon skies walked up to to minx then just all of a sudden embraced her, "Come on now, i know devilinx is pretty pissed dont ask me why because if i tried to explain itll probably confuse the ever loving hell out of you" He says as he chuckles, "But i know you guys are trying to keep 'things that should not be mentioned' under wraps." He says as he chuckles.

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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"How? How do you know about 'that'?" Angelinx asked him. She had taken control while Minx and Devilinx tried to keep P3 at bay. "Try me. Explain and try me. I can take it." Angelinx's voice sounded hard with resolve. She has no idea how Ocean Skies found her and how he knew about Devilinx hiding in this particular alcove.



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"You guys forgotten everything havent you" He sighs, as he looks at them, it was he who saved them in the first place, "When i entered your head and found you both, i think i sorta set up a unbreakable link with all of you, i feel emotions from you all i feel hate, fear, and revenge im not gonna say where thats from." Oceon skies says looking at her. "Plus its like finding the source of it all, i can see when you go into the shadows."

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Angelinx chuckled. "You do realise you're talking to a bunch of shadows right? Anyway, I didn't even know you set up an emotional link." Agngelinx confessed. Devilinx lit up her horn and managed to teleport him inside Minx's mind. "We need your help again. Look at her. She's almost broken free of the first set of chains. You put in three sets of chains right? She's almost broken through the first one." Devilinx told him.



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Leif rolled his eyes "oh yeah not like any of us here can match you three" leif Said "let's just go it Doesn't matter how we walk if you want to save your energy to fight Kronos them just don't fight" Leif said "now let's get moving"

Grell sighed because Lief was still in a bad mood

Speed Boost scowled. "Why do you have to be so rude about this?" he asked, a bit annoyed. "Just get over it so we can fight well." He sighed and...


Devilinx glared at Leif and took off into the castle. "Who cares what he thinks." She muttered angrily. Taking a corner, she found an alcove and hid in it. melting into the shadows so that she won't be seen. In Minx;s mind, Angelinx was trying to calm down Devilinx and, in turn, both of them were try to not let Personality Three out.

Shot after Minx into the castle, shrouding himself so that he wouldn't be seen by the Titans. he noticed that Ocean Skies had been following her, and followed OCean Skies, eventually finding both of them. But by the time he got there, Ocean Skies had went into Minx's mind, and so Speed didn't exactly know how to talk to Minx, as she was mostly in her mind.

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His eye twitches, "Alright stand back" His horn shines brightly as 7 different chains form around the box each stronger and stronger as they start to entertwine with themselves making the most impossible to break chain box ever to be created. "There you go, i wont need to risk my life to protect my family" He says smileing.

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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"Thank you." Angelinx and Devilinx said at the same time. They made sure it was all secure and then teleported Ocean Skies back outside and next Speedy. "Hey Speedy and Ocean. What's up?" Minx asked them quietly. She kept her voice low in case any Titans were about.



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Oceon skies shook his head as he whispers. "You know how bucked up that is everytime you teleport me in and out of their yeesh its like a mixture of night day eclipsed and everything wrapped in a gift basket" He says shaking his head. He then looks around, "Oh yeah now i know where we are"

  • Brohoof 1

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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"Thank you." Angelinx and Devilinx said at the same time. They made sure it was all secure and then teleported Ocean Skies back outside and next Speedy. "Hey Speedy and Ocean. What's up?" Minx asked them quietly. She kept her voice low in case any Titans were about.

Speed Boost smiled. "Welcome back, Minx," he said, warmly. "We kind of left the rest of them hanging over there, I think we should go back. Unless you want to split up," he said, a bit more open to the idea, since it was a bigger split group. "I think the others can hold their own as a group."

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"Well, I did say pairs but going as two big groups would be fine. Where do we go from here? Straight ahead or back track a bit?" Minx asked them. She heard what Ocean said. "And no, I don't know how bucked up the teleportation is because I don't perform it on myself." Minx told him.



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"Just imagining suddenly standing here then in a flash of light your in someones brain, or there psychy or something like that its hard to explain, but when you go in someones mind lets just say you see alot of stuff" He shivers as he chuckles. "Anyways why are we here?"

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Leif had walked in leaving grell and the others behind he didn't care if Anton could feed off of him he welcomed the challenge didn't even bother trying to hide himself he had mugen

Grell sighed "so much for not spitting up" grell said with a sigh " alright let's just go"

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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