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open MLP Camp Half-Blood


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"Over here." Minx told him. She led him to where he food was and got herself some salad. "While ya get the grub, Ah'll be over here." Minx pointed to a table where she saw an old friend at. Leaving him at the food, she walked over to where she saw Velocity. Sitting down, she looked at him. "Howdy Velocity. How ya doin'?" Minx asked him.


"G'Day Minx. What's bring ya back from Hades?"



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Shadow heart got his food and walked over to minx and sat down by her liking down his food he was uncomfortable because he didn't know velocity and the shadows around him began to ripple

Leif seen minx and go and sit by velocity so once they finished talking he walks over to them with his salad and sat down

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Minx smiled as Shadow Heart sat next to her. "Hey Velocity. Turns out Ah've got a brother. This is Shadow Heart." Minx said, gesturing to the pony that sat next to her. Velocity smiled and waved at Shadow Heart. He looked to the pony that just joined them.


"What's your name mate? I don't think I got it, considering you were carrying Minx back to her cabin." Velocity asked him.



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Leif smiled "I'm Leif evergreen son of pan" Leif said " so who are you again" Leif asked he had forgot the stallions band because he hadn't been paying attention yesterday

Shadow heart just kept looking down at his food he ate a few bites and the shadows near him rippled and just kept

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lawleit pronounced law le it

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"G'Day Leif. I'm Velocity. I'd tip my hat to ya but I don't have one. Did you guys go on a quest or something?" Velocity asked him.


Minx looked at Shadow and noticed him making waves in the shadows. "You okay Shadow?" Minx whispered. He probably didn't feel comfortable with Leif and Velocity there.



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"Crikey. I'm guessing you managed to defeat him?" Velocity asked. He had finished his meal and placed everything back where it should be. He went back to the table.


"Yeah we did!" Minx crowed and pumped a hoof in the air. "Something different happened though. When Ah went god-mode, apparently all mah personalities fused into one major personality. So now I've only got one personality." Minx said. She had realised that Devilinx, Angelinx and even P3 was gone when she woke up but she didn't feel empty. More like she felt complete. Minx didn't even notice Shadow scooting closer to her.


Velocity blinked. He knew that Minx had MPD but he didn't realise that going god-mode would cure somepony of that.



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Leif hadn't known that her personalities had fused but figured that it made sense he smiled. " I thought something was different " Leif said

Then panomma came running in a rabbit in her mouth she walked up to Leif who nodded in approval "good girl go home and eat up" Leif said and she ran off

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Velocity looked at the wolf but didn't say anything about her. "I've got something to tell you two. I was talking to some friends and they told me that the kids from the Ares cabin felt lost. They also told me that their cabin leader, Anton, has been missing for days. Do you know anything about that?" Velocity asked them seriously.


"This is tha first Ah've heard of it." Minx said.



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Leif nodded " yeah he's of in a quest something about finding himself " leif said

Shadow heart look at minx while she talked he was glad that he meet her because now there was somepony that cared about he had had nopony for a long tube before findi he minx and the others

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Velocity leaned back. "To be honest, I'm kind of surprised, considering how much of a bully he is." Velocity admitted. He never really liked Anton but they didn't really fight or anything, It was more of a reputation sort of thing. Getting reputation for all the wrong reasons. "I'm going to go over to the training grounds and get some training in. See you three later." Velocity said. He waved bye and headed back to the Hermes cabin for his Shurikens.


Minx smirked and banged her head against the table. "Oww. Ah don't know why Ah did that." She muttered.



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Minx lifted her head up and rubbed at her face. "Ah have no idea. It just happened randomly." Minx said. She pushed her food away and got up from the table. "Do ya wanna see Hades's cabin?" Minx asked him. She frowned on the inside as she tried to figure out why she hit her head on the table.



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XANA, on 17 Apr 2014 - 6:06 PM, said:


(Jeez that was a long post. You pulled all the stops out for that one didn't you?)


Minx smiled as Shadow Heart jumped on to her back. "Hey Shadow Heart, after breakfast maybe J can show you Hades cabin?" Minx asked him. Even though it had one bedroom it was still Hades cabin.


(Screw it. I'm bringing Gareth back.)

Garth walked over to the training area to see if he can practice with his staff. Once there, he saw that Speed and Snowstorm were there. "Hey you two. How was the quest?" Gareth asked as he walked up to them.

((I write like that all the time xD LIke I said in the edit, it only took me about 15 minutes to write that. Since I roleplay rather often, I have tonnes of experience in putting lots of detail that really makes my posts understandable and easy to respond to. Also, after all that post, you give me three sentences with barely any detail? :P))


Now that the player of these two characters had more time, he could actually describe how they were getting to know each other.


Speed Boost had, when Snowstorm approached him, been practising throwing his electrified knives. The knives themselves weren't naturally electrified, of course, that would be absurd, redundant, and completely unnecessary, since Speed Boost was the son of he who controlled electricity itself, and therefore, Dragon could very easily generate electricity. Besides that, he'd had a total of 7 years of practise in the art, and therefore, it came incredibly easily to him. So Speed Boost was throwing his electrified knives (I thought I'd recap that for you) and knife after knife stabbed into the dummies, electrocuting them as they hit. Dragon went over to the dummies when he ran out of knives and pulled them out, starting to throw them again.


Fighting for him was mechanical, but fluid, an instinct for him after several years of survival in the demigod world. There really was no need to train with knives for him, although he did it anyway, just to get even more perfect at it than he already was. The author of this post had purposefully placed the ungrammatically placed the comparative more in front of the incomparable adjective perfect, just because he had to emphasize just how skilled Dragon was at throwing his knives. He had such a sharp instinct in this area that if somepony didn't know he had been training for 7 years, they might think that it was actually a natural instinct, passed on with birth, but no, not at all. It might as well have been, though, but the author wasn't suddenly and inexplicably change Speed BOost's history on a whim unless he was in the mood to be really random, which he wasn't. Oh wait, he was, since Dragon's history (and name) seemed to have changed at least 50 times in his player's mind during the duration of this post. In case you haven't noticed yet, Dragon's player's mind was very, very scattered. You should see him normally. Of course, you would go insane, so never mind.


Snowstorm approached Speed Boost quietly, knowing that it would be quite detrimental to her health if she were to disturb him when he was throwing knives, since his reflexes didn't care whether the pony in question was friendly or not, they would still send the knives at her anyway. How she knew this, she didn't know, and neither did anypony else, but it was obviously a device of the author of this post to make sure that Snowstorm was still alive by the end of this post. Obvious, that is, to anypony who was reading the post, not anypony inside of it. In fact, nopony inside of the post even knew that they were inside a post that was part of a roleplay that was a fictional creation inside a fictional universe that only existed within the minds of its creators. Although, the author was contemplating inserting Pinkie Pie into a random point within the post just to prove that wrong. In fact, he decided to do that right... About... Now.


In Ponyville, Pinkie Pie was getting rather annoyed at the ramblings of the author of this post, although she herself rambled often.


Back in Camp Half-Blood, Snowstorm was approaching Speed Boost quietly (thought I'd recap that for you) and waiting for him to finish throwing his knives. When he did so and pulled them out, she brought a hoof to his side and touched it to alert Speed Boost to her presence, which of course she wouldn't have done in any other situation, but did anyway because the author wanted her to and so her subconscious told her to do it. She (and the author) realised that was a mistake when she was statically shocked and jumped back. Dragon chuckled and turned toward Snowstorm. "Careful there, gorgeous," he said, smirking.


In case you didn't know, Speed Boost was totes a player, which the author in no way made up on the spot to make this post better, although the likelihood of that actually making this post better was rather low. And it most definitely was not a device to make this post any longer, even though it would make this post at least a paragraph longer and bring it closer to the quota of 2.000 characters per post, although that very clearly is far less than this eventually will be. Anyway, Speed Boost is a player (thought I'd better recap that for you) but that did not mean that he flirted with every mare he saw, obviously, but only that he flirted with those that he deemed cool or pretty enough.


It just so happens to be that Dragon has been with three mares prior to this moment, the latest of which he had dumped about a month ago. Contrary to what is most likely the popular belief of the people reading this post at this very moment (yes, the moment you're reading this post), Speed didn't dump them because he was tired of them or didn't like them any more, but because each of them had, in fact, been using them, which is another story entirely, although I will say that he knew from the start because he has a habit of spying on ponies, and was simply prolonging his time with them so that they would be more humiliated when they found out that he did know.


Anyway, Snowstorm had touched Speed Boost (who is a player) and gotten shocked (thought I'd better recap that for you). She ignored his little comment, since she was with Grell. She shook herself to make sure there were no more traces of electricity, and frowned. As she shook herself, Speed Boost continued to flirt, (not surprising) saying, "We wouldn't want the electricity in my veins messing up that perfect hair of yours." Speed Boost did, in fact, have electricity in his veins, which was uncommon for a foal of Zeus, almost unheard of. However, he had it anyway, so there's no need to touch on that facet of it further.


The reason that Snowstorm had gotten shocked now and not any other time that she might have touched him was because when Speed Boost is fighting, the electricity in his veins becomes strong enough to deliver a small static shock to those who happen to make contact with him. Now, he can purposefully make it stronger, enough to make stronger and stronger shocks, which he sometimes used to prank his friends, but he wasn't intending on doing that right now, just flirting with this gorgeous (from his perspective) mare. Snowstorm ignored his comment once again, and then a thought came to her head. "Wait... You have electricity flowing through your veins?" she asked. "Is that a metaphor or something? Because I've never heard of a foal of Zeus having electricity in their veins."


Speed Boost simply shrugged. "It's just another facet of how awesome I am," he said, chuckling lightly. "Now, you interrupted me when I was training because...?" he asked, although he already thought he knew the answer, which of course he didn't, since Snowstorm had an entirely different, and in fact malicious reason for getting to know him.


Snowstorm contemplated the question for a bit. "Well, we all went on that quest together, and since I hadn't really met you before, I decided that I needed to get to know you." This was a half-truth. Speed Boost thought the other half was something completely different than what we know it really is, but that's no matter anyway. "So, you like training as much as possible," she mused. "Why is that?"


Speed Boost smirked as he threw another knife. "So that I can be the best fighter I can possibly be for mares like you," he said, a flirting tone lacing his voice, as always. He was rather audacious, although it need not be said, but is anyway for the sake of redundancy.


Snowstorm ignored the second comment (which she seemed to be very good at) and stored the first one away in her mind. "What kinds of things do you like?" she asked, next.


Speed Boost thought for a bit, and then answered, "Training, fighting (especially hoof-fighting), writing, flying, a little gore every now and then-" Correction: A lot of gore, "-pretty mares." That was all he could think about at the moment. I mean, come on, who can think of all their likes on the spot? The author of this post certainly can't, and nor can he do that for Speed Boost.


Snowstorm stored everything except the last comment away in her mind (although that doesn't really need to be stated, it was already obvious, but was inserted just for redundancy and the insert of this note for a prolonged post) and then asked next, "What do you like in a friend?"


Speed Boost grinned at this. "Good fighters, not afraid to hurt or get hurt, awesome personalities, and when talking about mares, gorgeous too." He smirked.


Snowstorm ignored that last comment (ha) and stored everything else away in her mind. She was just about to ask another question when Gareth conveniently (for the author, who couldn't be bothered to figure out another question and answers and be even more redundant and Snowstorm's response) trotted up to them. Snowstorm observed the purple-coated unicorn, taking in his grey and red-streaked mane and tail, remembering within a split second that this one Gareth, whom she had met in the first quest, when she came into contact with Camp Half-Blood. The author of this post would have recounted that entire quest from the time that Snowstorm had joined it, but he was far too lazy, and it was a wonder he had even composed a post this long to begin with, but he's getting pretty mad, so let's get off of the subject of his inherent laziness.


Dragon spoke up first. "Hey, you're that... Um... Gareth, right?" he asked, and then nodded. "Yeah, Gareth." He turned back to Snowstorm, seemingly more interested in the mare.


Snowstorm ignored him for now and looked at Gareth. "Hello, Gareth!" she exclaimed, warmly. "How have things been with Waterfall? And, the quest went very well," she said, happily. "Kronos is killed, his remains scattered in the deepest depths of Tartarus once again, and the Titan army scattered. Overall I'd say it was a very successful quest." She chuckled lightly.




Also, the reason it took so long to compose this post is because I was cut off 2 minutes into making it because of having to go to bed, but now that I've woken up, I finished composing it in ~15 minutes.))

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Gareth looked sad for a fleeting moment before returning his face back to his normal expression. "Things have been great with Waterfall. She decided to go on a Quest by herself and I haven't seen her since." (That should take care of Waterfall not being here.) Gareth said calmly. He looked towards Speed Boost and saw that Speed was interested in Snowstorm.


He chuckled to the thought of Speed's reaction when he finds out about Snowstorm being with Grell. "So the quest was a success. That's great!" Gareth said happily. He out on a smile then turned around and took his glasses off. Closing them, they transformed into the bone staff that hia father gave him and he started to train with it against the training dummies.



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((Yeah I'm bit redding that super long post not enough Time))

Shadow heart got up "yeah but I think that trying to figure out why you just did that is more important right Leif" shadow heart said

Leif nodded "he's right minx we need to find out why you did that" Leif said

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 She didn't even hear what Shadow Heart and Leif said. Minx stumbled into some shadows and teleported to her cabin  "Dagnabit!" Minx yelled as she held her head. She laid down on the floor and curled into herself in an effort to lessen the pain but it was no use. It felt like her head was going to split open.



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Gareth looked sad for a fleeting moment before returning his face back to his normal expression. "Things have been great with Waterfall. She decided to go on a Quest by herself and I haven't seen her since." (That should take care of Waterfall not being here.) Gareth said calmly. He looked towards Speed Boost and saw that Speed was interested in Snowstorm.


He chuckled to the thought of Speed's reaction when he finds out about Snowstorm being with Grell. "So the quest was a success. That's great!" Gareth said happily. He out on a smile then turned around and took his glasses off. Closing them, they transformed into the bone staff that hia father gave him and he started to train with it against the training dummies.

Snowstorm continued to ignore Speed Boost, at which point he gave up (for the moment) and looked back at Gareth. Snowstorm responded as he did so. "Well, I'm sure that she'll come back soon," she said, comfortingly. "Don't worry, she'll be just fine." She smiled, thinking about her own coltfriend, Grell, who she assumed was sleeping. "Grell came back from the quest relatively unscathed. After I'm done training, I'm going to go check on him." She blushed very slightly at the thought of Grell.


Speed Boost, of course, didn't notice, because the author of this post wanted more laughs. However, he most definitely didn't want to prolong the time of Speed's ignorance so that it would be more humiliating when he found out. No, definitely not, and you have no reason to believe so.


Anyway, Speed Boost looked back at Grell. "Yeah, it was pretty fun. I killed two Titans with Minx, although I missed fighting Kronos and that wimp, Anton left instead of fighting like a real stallion. I'm really not surprised, he's a pussy cat on the inside." He smirked at this. Whether Anton was in the vicinity or not, Dragon had no trouble insulting him, even though Anton would likely get mad and try and kill him when in the vicinity of an insult aimed at him. But, of course, Anton wasn't here right now, or so everypony in the camp and everybody reading this post except dashian in the case that he made Anton be here thought. And it was probably the case that he wasn't, so the author of this post stopped touching on the subject and went off to do chores.

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Gareth stopped his training for a moment. "It must have been fun. Is Minx alright, I saw you guys come back yesterday but I didn't have a chance to ask. That and I saw her on Leif's back." Gareth asked curiously. He thought about what Speed said about Anton. "Don't let him hear you say that. Or do, I don't really care. I hope you're right about Waterfall, Snowstorm." Gareth told them.



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Minx wrapped shadows around herself and teleported to some other location. Her teleportation kept happening at random times so when she finally stopped teleporting, Minx ended up somewhere in the forest that borders the camp. The whole time, she kept holding her head and trying to lessen the pain.



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Shade heart was able to follow her when she stopped the shadows around him made a net like design in the ground stoping minxs movement and magic use he'd been working on this trick for awhile he focused both the shadow net and shrouding minx in shadows to hopefully help her

Leif got to her cabin and sighed seeing she wasn't there

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Minx felt herself caught in a shadow net but she didn't fight it. In fact, she used it to help her to stop from going anywhere. Using shadows, she wrapped herself in a cocoon and this finally helped her to lessen pain. Through the pain she felt two layers of shadows. One of them must have been Shadow Heart's. 'Ah cain't believe Ah randomly hit mah head against tha tab;e. What made me do that?' Minx thought to herself.



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Gareth stopped his training for a moment. "It must have been fun. Is Minx alright, I saw you guys come back yesterday but I didn't have a chance to ask. That and I saw her on Leif's back." Gareth asked curiously. He thought about what Speed said about Anton. "Don't let him hear you say that. Or do, I don't really care. I hope you're right about Waterfall, Snowstorm." Gareth told them.

Now that the author of this post was back from doing chores, he could now post, but unfortunately, the author of the post he was quoting hadn't given him much to go off of. He would live, however, and so he began to post.


Snowstorm frowned at this. "Fun?" she asked, a bit confusedly. "Fighting extremely powerful gods and almost getting your coltfriend killed isn't really fun..." The author deliberately placed "coltfriend" there.


Speed Boost hoped that he'd misheard Snowstorm, and so with that hope, his mind inextricably locked in the thought that he had, in fact, misheard Snowstorm. The author still decided that he wanted more laughs out of this, that's just how much of a jerk he is to his characters, which are totally sentient and sapient and have feelings that can be hurt. Yup. Definitely. Speed Boost shook his head. "No, Minx is fine now," he said. "She was just rather tired from the fighting." He smirked as Gareth said that he shouldn't let Anton hear that. "Meh, I don't really care," he said. "Not like he can kill me. And fighting him is kind of fun, although he'll sometimes chicken out when he knows he's beaten." This was either a lie or not a lie, depending on whether dashian decided that was true of Anton or not, which they likely would not. Oh well.


Snowstorm nodded. "She's a strong one. She'll be fine," she said, warmly.

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