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(Interjecting BOTH PONIES NOW)) Oceon skies was training pretty hard as he was now back to speed and the side effects have worn off just a little as he had Nero Kyma out his favorite weapon as he was going mach speeds on the dummies.


Blacky pie was watching eating random popcorn.

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Gareth got to the mess hall and got his food. He put a portion of it into the fire and then sat down to start eating.


Minx still couldn't find the place. "Where the buck did I teleport to? Come, on. It's gotta be around here somewhere." Minx talked to herself. There wasn't an answer. She walked around in a clearing and then thought about flying over the tree tops. Thinking that was a good idea, she flapped her wings and started to fly around on top of the tree tops.


Velocity still had no luck finding his shurikens. "Oi Trevor! You haven't stolen me shurikens have ya?" He asked his brother. Trvor shook his head and pointed to under Velocity's bed. "Why didn't I think of checking there? Thanks mate." Velocity thanked him and tried to walk back out. He managed to do so after getting through the crowded cabin. "Phew. Glad that;s overwith. Now I can actually get some training." Velocity said to himself. He flapped his wings and flew on over to the training grounds.



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Velocity saw what oceon skies was doing as he was superfast destroying atleast 100 per second, he was panting he was still in a little pain from going full god mode as his eyes was full of determination as he continued to slash and send huge water waves towards the dummies grinning. "looks like i still got it" He says

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Velocity blinked at the sheer speed of Ocean's strikes. "Wow you're fast. Wait a minute. Aren't you a son of Poseidon?" Velocity asked curiously. Usually the only ponies that could beat him in a race were children of the Big Three or his siblings. "I haven't seen anypony go that fast before mate." Velocity said.



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He stops in front of velocity. "Why yes im the son of poseidon." He says as his british accent was out. "Sorry about that" He says smileing as he chuckles. "I didnt know that another pony was comeing down into the training feilds." He says smileing. Then he takes off being much faster this time going mach 5 making a sonic boom.

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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"That's fine." Velocity managed to say before he took off again. Opting to wait until he had finished, Velocity sat down and looked around at the fields. He saw another pony watching Poseidon's son. Walking over, he sat next to the pony. It appeared that he was eating popcorn. "What's your name mate? Mine's Velocity." He asked the pony.


(I think Velocity is talking to Blacky.)



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"CRIKEY!" Velocity yelped as he scrambled away from the loud voice. "I think you made me lose my hearing." Velocity mumbled as he flapped his hoof in front of his ear. "G'Day Blacky. Just don't shout so loudly next time. Jeez. The name's Velocity before you holler out the question." Velocity quickly said.



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He chuckles and smiles. "Sorry have to scream over the loud training boom if i don't how else can you hear me?" He asked smileing as another sonic boom was made.


"I can't get rusty" oceon says as he continues to train long and hard not careing anymore about the pain

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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"Now I know what you mean." Velocity said. He slowly walked back to Blacky and tried not to cringe everytime he opened his mouth. "So you're Blacky? I'm a Son of Hermes. My name's Velocity if you didn't catch that before." Velocity rose his voice to be heard over the sonic booms of Ocean Skies.


Minx grumbled as she tried to figure out where her teleportation dumped he. "Where ... is that it?" Minx couldn't believe it. She flew lower and scanned the area she thought she had teleported to. "That's ..." Minx alighted down and looked at something in the grass.



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"The messenger god?" Blacky screams as the sonic booms got more intense as Oceon skies was now at his limit mach 10 as he slowly comes to a stop and sits. "Damn the god mode took a toll on me that i didnt expect" Oceon skies says panting. "So much pain its not even funny"

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Velocity coughed as Ocean sat down. "I think all that shouting made my a throat a little horse. Anyway, yeah. I'm he son of the messenger god. You said you were the son of dionysus. Isn't he the god of wine?" Velocity managed to wheeze through all the coughing he did.



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"God of wine and partttehhhhhhs" He says smileing as he hops up and down.


Oceon skies walks over panting. "yup" Was all he could say as he sat down next to the three trying to calm down and breathe he was in deep pain as he pant. He was drinking lots of water to ease the pain.

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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"You okay mate? You don't look too good." Velocity asked. He was concerned but saw that the pony was drinking lots of water. Makes sense, seeming that he's Poseidon's son.


Gareth finished the meal and put the plate away. He walked outside and saw somepony flying in the distance. Over the trees. He then saw the pony dive down into the forest. "Was that Minx?" He asked himself as he took off running towards the forest.



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He explains god mode and all the effects and how painful it is to do that. He grimaces when he moves just a little


Blacky pie nods then looks at velocity. "Whats your god mode like?" He asked wondering he never seen a hermes ponies god mode before so of course he was curious

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Velocity shook his head. "Never gone god mode so I don't actually know  But it sounds pretty awesome." Velocity said happily. "What's your god mode like Blacky?" He asked him. He had come here to train and instead got sucked into a conversation about god modes.



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Oceon skies shakes his head. "You really dont want to know" He asks shuddering. "Its pretty creepy" He explains as he chuckles. "He becomes blood thirsty and a murder crazed pony."


"Thats right i never like going god mode its just too difficult and weird." He says smileing.

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Velocity made a face. "That sounds pretty scary actually. I'm not trying to get you to go god mode or anything but what will it take for a pony to god mode. Usually." Velocity asked curiously. He was curious about going god mode, now that they were on the subject.


Gareth had gone into the tree line and asked a few spirits who the Pegasus was. They all said the same thing. Minx. He then asked for directions and they pointed to the place. He nodded his thanks and walked to where they directed him to. "Minx? What's that?" Gareth asked as he saw Minx holding something in her hooves.



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"For me is when i lose my temper but there's set backs after i use it." Oceon skies says smileing awnssering the questions to the best of his abilities


blacky looks at velocity. "Either ehen I'm mad at a god or when i see my friends get hurt i really hate going god mode" he explains the

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Velocity nodded at the explanations. "Okay, so it seems different for each pony. The god mode is unique to each god's child. I came here to train but I sort of got sidetracked. I'm going to go and train now." Velocity said. He got out his shurikens and flew at least at Mach 5 at the surrounding dummies. Twirling around, he let go of each shuriken and practically seperated the dummy heads  from there bodies. Catching the shurikens, he waited for the dummies to restore and then repeated it, going at an increasingly faster speed each time he repeated.



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Grell smiles "you know you're adorable when you blush" grell said with a smile " and i suppose it's healing alright I haven't gone to the doctor about it I don't really trust doctors they tend to lie to get more bits out of you" grell said he really don't like docters

Snowstorm blushed harder at Grell's statement. "Thanks," she said, a bit sheepishly. "And, you probably should go to the infirmary. It's free here, remember? They'll give you a shot of nectar, you'll heal up fine." She smiled warmly. "Will you?" she asked, hopefully. She didn't want Grell to be hurting.

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Grell sighed " I know it's free here but I still don't like doctors" grell said "I'll be fine don't worry about me love" grell nuzzled her "anyways I was one way to my cabin would you like to join me " he asked he hadn't planned

In going to his cabin but alone time with snowstorm sounded great

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Minx inspected the object in her hooves but she couldn't make heads or tails of it. Looking up, she saw Gareth there. "Oh hey Gareth. No, I don't know what the object is. I was hoping Leif would know actually." Minx smiled and walked up to him. Gesturing with her hoof, she then walked to Leif's hammock with Gareth following her.



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Oceon skies watches while eating popcorn with blacky. "Hmm hes alright, i wonder if his dad will train him like ours did" Oceon skies ponders looking at blacky.


"Who knows" He says smileing watching. Then he smiles eating some popcorn as well. "Well this is quite interesting to see" He says smileing.

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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