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A loud explosion hit as they literally took off so fast it sounded like they broke the sound barrier as all that can be heard is multiple metal on metal as both ponies had dissappeared but you can see the sparks as they where so fast no pony can keep up as poseidon laughs. "Good good"

dat zelda wings


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Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Gareth's mouth fell open as he watched Ocean Skies and Poseidon fight. THWACK! Gareth rubbed his head and glared at Charon. He then charged at his father while Charon jumped above him and hit Gareth's flank."Always. Pay. Attention." Charon said, punctuating each word with a hit. 



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A loud bang was heard as Skies flew into a tree as he gets up and dissappears again fighting harder then ever. "Keep the trident high son" he says but the only pony that can hear it is skies as they got faster. They worked hard as they just kept going at it fighting harder and harder as poseidon smiles. "You've gotten much better then the first spar" he says

dat zelda wings


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Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Gareth had enough and started to retaliate with his own staff. Charon suddenly zipped to be behind Gareth. Gareth turned around but ducked just in time as Charon swung at his head. Taping the staff, Gareth shrunk it and placed it inside Charon's ribcage. "That tickles." Charon chuckled. The staff accidentally hit against one of Charon's bones and extended. Luckily it didn't break any. "That would have been fatal if the staff was swallowed. Interesting move." Charon commented.



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Oceon jumped back and shot a huge wavve at poseidon as he made his own wave making a clash of water as they both traveled through the watere their they made more fast action moves as they got faster and caster it may look like oceon skies could take poseidon but really poseidon was just taking it super easy on oceon skies.

Edited by odd9120

dat zelda wings


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Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Charon suddenly grinned and leapt downwards. He collapsed but his spirit moved over to the pile of bones that Gareth had summoned earlier. "If we had more time, I would teach this to you, but sadly, we do not." Charon said. Gareth rushed at him and picked up Charon's old body as well as his staff in his magic. He swung them both at Charon's head and Charon's body collapsed. "If I actually had flesh and was mortal, that would have mortally wounded me." Charon's voice echoed around the field even though Gareth couldn't see him.

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Suddenly oceon skies flew past gareth and skids across the feilds and get back up their his temper was starting to boil as the ground shook and he took off being super fast and agile as he started moveing faster and more smart as he was bleeding in his legs anf dripping from his mouth.

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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"Trust me Gareth. If you knew how to do this you would be unstoppable." Charon said, goading him into trying to fight him. Charon finally reformed his old body and took off towards Gareth while he was still incapable of moving. Charon hit his son and when he collapsed, Charon just laughed. "Oh ho so you have learnt the ability to become a spirit. Careful though because it is very taxing and if you don't return to your body within half an hour then you will never be able to return to the living." Charon cautioned his son as Gareth rose back up. "That was intense. It was like I was everywhere and nowhere at once." Gareth said as he slammed his bone staff onto Charon's head.


(Yeah half an hour should be a good time limit don't you think?)



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Oceon skies growls as poseidon slams his trident down. "Son you learned a lot now its time for you to learn more" he spins the trident extremely fast and points it down behind his back as oceon skies does the same they both start to spin it fast as they both yell "Neró kŷma! Its greek for water wave. The same name as his trident as a HUGE water wave clash against each other they where both rideing the wave and fighting hard that would catch any attention.

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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"Ooh wha ... ? Mummy I don't wanna go to .... huh? Damn it how could you hit me so hard Gareth?" Charon complained. Gareth shrugged and started to fight with Charon. Charon grimaced and began to hit his own staff against Gareth's. "Now we're getting somewhere." Gareth said. He was happy that he was finally training with his dad.



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Oceon skies was panting as they both stopped for a second sheith their tridents and watched gareth. "How far are you on the hard trick i showed you" poseidon asked skies.


"Meh i can do it halfway" he says chuckling.


a black pony that red and black hair pony started hopping through the feild he looked IDDEENNTICAL to blacky pie who was drinking extremely heavily any god knows this god.

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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(Seriously? Dionysius is in this now? Well why not.)

Gareth spun his staff and slammed it into the ground. This caused a bunch of bones to appear. He used his new-found spirit power to possess the pile of bones and he then started to punch Charon in the face with a bony hoof. Charon laughed and headbutted Gareth's body which made it to collapse. Gareth then returned to his own body and took a breather. "How's your training going Ocean Skies?" Charon asked Ocean as he waited for his son to get back up. He looked up and saw a black pony hopping on through. "DIONYSIUS!? Holy Hades what are you doing here?" Charon asked surprisingly.



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"Givin mah son a present I'm already booked enough but he needs this." He hands blacky a giant morphig mace. "I already trained blacky to use all the weapons i know how to use but i never gave him this"


"Ooooo a mace I LOOVVEE IT" it transforms into a katana and then a double edged scythe.


"Where taking a break we've already trained a year" oceon skies says smileing as they both jimped back then a large explosion hit as they both where fighting hard again.


dionysis pony phone was playing (come on every pony smile smile fill my heart up with sunshine sunshine) he awnsers it. "Ooooo gotta go another pony party gotta go byye sonnn" he dissappeared.

dat zelda wings


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Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Charon just grinned but jumped back when he saw Gareth swing . Charon brought his on staff up and again they clashed.


Minx watched the two pairs fight. She sighed as she realised that she would never get that type of training with her dagger. Feeling one of her hooves being dragged down she tried to scream out but her voice was swallowed by shadows before she could utter a single syllable. "Hello daughter." Minx gulped. "Hi dad."

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Poseidon looked over. "Oh luna sakes its my own brother what arevyou doing here brother of mine" he asked his eye twitchinng he gets annoyed easily by his own brother there.


oceon skies looked and.gasped. "ITS MY UNCLE WOOHOO"


"You take family seriously huh" posedion asked.



dat zelda wings


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Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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"It's simple really brother. I've come to help train my daughter with the shadow dagger. You know why I'm here anyway." Hades said as he looked Poseidon in the eye. '*yawn* Okay/ Who tha buck turned our lights out? Ah think it was Minx that dun it. Ah've got no answer for that. Let me take control. Fainh. Do whatever ya want. Ah'm back to ... zzzz ...' Minx glared at her father.


"Ah know how to use tha dagger." Minx said, her Southern accent more pronounced then ever.


Hades sighed and summoned his own dagger. "Ready to train?" Minx just gave a nod and  charged at Hades.


"Look over there Gareth, Hades is going to get beaten by his own daughter." Charon whispered to his son.



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He chuckles as again they take off extremely fast again this time so loud charon and gareth can see how brutal and quick they are training they both where pretty hard to catch up on skies was givibg it his all and the surprising part he wasn't relying on god mode like ye used to.

dat zelda wings


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Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Gareth and Charon watched as both Big Three Children fought their parents. They forgot their training and just enjoyed the show. "Popcorn?" Charon asked Gareth. He shrugged and put some kernels in his mouth.


Hades and Minx clashed. When they hit a ring of highly dense shadows exploded outward. Minx knew that she could take out Hades. It took her five years to do it but now that she's actually gotten stronger, she was sure that she could take out Hades in one day ... maybe a week.



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Oceon skies smiles as he skids back as he unsheaths his trident finally as he actuallly slams poseidon back laughing as he did so as poseidon came back twice as hard oceon skies was catching up as they both skid back.


"Guess ill notch up from easy to medium easy" poseidon says as they explode again water being thrown everywhere from using water as blades as skies was starting to have difficulty keeping up but he started to hang back in their.

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Minx vanished and reappeared behind Hades in a vortex of shadows. She slashed at his tail but Hades was ready and pulled Minx back in front of him by using shadows. Minx huffed and jumped. She flew high into the air and flew back down twice as fast. Hades just sighed and used shadow tendrils to bring Minx crashing to earth. Just before she hit the ground, Minx used her speed to vanish in the shadows and reappear above Hades to slam into his back.



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Minx scowled as she saw Hades vanish. She halted her flight long enough for Hades to make a shallow cut on her leg. Growling, Minx charged at Hades, not caring if blood leaked out, and they both clashed once more. Coming out of it, Minx slid back a few feet and covered her hooves in shadows to make her go faster. Hades had no need as he was confident he could defeat Minx. Minx laid her body parallel to the ground and while sliding underneath Hades, she brought her mouth up and cut Hades stomach. Golden ichor started to drip out.



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Minx could feel her seal start to spread from her hooves and legs and more towards her neck as she fought Hades. Hades noticed this and grinned. The speed and effort she put in the more stronger she got and the more happier Hades got. Minx's hoof started to bleed from a stray swipe from Hades. They then clashed and an even bigger explosion of shadows appeared.



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A big explosion hit as yet again they broke the sound barrier they where training pretty hard as oceon skies was also learning how to control his anger as they both started training hard. he wasn't using his god mode at all as he smiles he can finally start keeping up he was getting much sttonger.

Edited by odd9120

dat zelda wings


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Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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