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open MLP Camp Half-Blood


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As Silver scanned the room for any evidence of the pearl, his eye caught on a pitch black mare by the poker tables. He said, "Blacky, could you just search the roulette by yourself, I want to check over by poker." As he walked over, he saw Skies talking to the mare it looked like was her friend. "H...hi, I'm Silver Dusk, i was just w-wondering if you'd seen a pearls around here." He suddenly felt very nervous, thinking, Ok, its just a mare, granted a fairly attractive one, but still, calm down...

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Mia blinked in surprise. "You're a demi god too??"


Dark Shine smiled shyly. "I-I'm Dark Shine... M-my mother is Selene, a moon goddess..." She looked at Silver. "Pearls...?"


Midnight sighed, sitting. "This place is so big... How in the hay are we suppose to find these pearls?!" She pouted cutely.


Scout laughed at Skies' nervousness.

Edited by rainbowdashlover19

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Silver tried to calm himslef down, but couldn't slow his racing heart. "Oh, you're a demigod too? My dad is Hephaestus." Wow, I'd really like to spend some more time with this mare... "Yeah, I'm on an important quest to find some pearls, would you mind coming with me to help look?"

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Dark Shine blinked, blushing a little. "U-um... Sure..." -A stallion is asking me to go somewhere private with him to search for something...? Wow...- She stood up, stretching out her gorgeous wings. Her entire coat, mane and tail had a slight shimmer in them that twinkled like stars. ((I couldn't create that on the pony generator i used. It's suppose to be the reason she's called Dark Shine because her coat and mane and tail all shine like stars))

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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"Yes, one of the big three.at that" he was really nervous he looks up at her beautiful face. He had no idea what to do.


Blacky pie searched and searched and searched then he pops up next to silver and solutes. "I found nothing captain. he says as he chuckles and smiles.


(Don't let rbd19 fool ya i named dark shine after a muse song XDDD)

Edited by odd9120

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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((Strangely fitting, as this is Greek...))

"Ok Blacky, keep looking on your own I guess."


"Maybe our best bet is to find attractions here that use balls in them, maybe they are using the pearl." Silver said to dark, "I know it's a long shot, but it's all I got." Silver said, shrugging, "Should we try roulette? I don't know what else would use one..."

Edited by Diamondeye83
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Mia More looked at Silver, then back at Skies. "Are you looking for the hell pearls??" She stood up. "I fold." She put her cards down. "I had a bad hand anways."


Dark Shine stayed close to Silver. She didn't like being in the casino. It scared her. "O-oh! I-I'm sorry!" she apologized, backing up off him. She was blushing super bad.


Midnight looked over at them.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Skies looked confused. "How did you know? Where trying to go see my uncle to save midnights mother." He explains as he sits down next to her and begins playing as well. The best way to talk to a party pony is by playing cards with them.


blacky smiles. "Ooooo games i love games!v!" He jumps up and down.

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Mia More sighed. "I just figured that was the 'pearls' a group of demi-gods would be looking for..." She flipped her hair again, sighing. "You shouldn't play that game. The dealer cheats." She started walking off. "I can take you to the pearls. I know the owner QUITE well," she laughed, walking towards a different room.


Midnight blinked, following her. "You knew where they were this entire time???"


Dark Shine quickly followed her.


Scout looked at Skies.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Epic smiled at Dark Shine. "Nice to meet you Dark," she said. "Do you mind if I call you Dark? Or do you prefer Shine or Dark Shine?" Epic smiled with a squee. Epic looked at Leif. He looked like he felt awkward with the new demi-goddesses. Epic motioned him to come over with her hoof.


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Epic hugged Leif and looked at Dark Shine. "This is my stallionfriend, Leif," she said. "He's a great pony and one heck of a handsome stallion! He's really caring and nice." Epic hugged Leif again. She then pecked him on the cheek. 

((Okay then about how long does it take for us to eat the lotus flowers and get stuck here  and how long before we realize we need to get out))


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((So are we going to eat them soon?))

Silver walked up next to Dark, saying to Epic and Leif, "Why don't you guys try to find Grell to tell him that Mia knows where the pearls are?" Although Silver did need someone to do that, he really just wanted to spend more time Aline with Dark. She is seriously really pretty, I owner if she likes me at all... Turning to Dark, he asked, "So, um, d-do you wanna go get some food? I-I'm kinda hungry."

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As if on cue a waitress walked up and offered the group cookies (now)

Leif smiled and took one he took a bite and his eyes grew wide "mother if all things holy this is amazing" Leif said as he grabbed two more

Grell was off looking around and was also offered cookies he obliged and ate them then pulled out an apple to her the sweet taste out if his mouth

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Epic ate a cookie. "Holy Mother of Celestia," she said. "This is one amazingly heavenly cookie!" Epic grabbed more cookies off the plate and started stuffing her face with cookies. "Mmm this is sooo good!" She kept eating and eating and eating and then she got a slight stomachache. She didn't care; She just wanted more cookies.


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Silver saw Epic, Grell, and Leif huddled around a platter of food, eagerly grabbing and eating hooffuls. He asked Dark, "Seems like those are pretty good the way they're eating them, I'll get you one if you want." Silver tried one, and thought Wow, these are great! I should definitely make sure Dark tries one

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((Everyone is being offered the cookies so if one of yours is off somwehere they have been offered a cookie as soon as every ones oc has ate a cookie I will post the time skip so be sure to think about what your oc is doing after the time skip be it gambling drinking hanging with mares/stallions I don't care ))

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Mia shrugged, eating one. "Wow! Amazing!"


Scout blinked, looking at the woman. "Uhm... Sure, I guess..." He took one off the platter and ate it. His eyes grew wide. "These are amazing! What kind of cookies are these???"


Midnight and Dark Shine were eating.


(((How are we going to get unstuck from the casino??)))

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Epic kept on stuffin her face with cookies. She then took the whole platter in her front hooves and dumped all the cookies into her mouth. "Theshe awe shoo ghood," she mumbled through a mouth full of cookies. She swallowed. "Moar! Bring us moar cookies! Or, at least bring me more cookies!!"


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