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open Saving the Elements of Harmony


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When the music stopped and Dash was still yelling at Pinkie trying to get her to understand that they needed to be discreet. She realized that the music had stopped it was to late and all the guards began to notice that something was wrong. They started to realize that Dash was supposed to be held in a different city. The guards began to circle the group and close in. "Haha Sorry guys." Dash said blushing.


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Critical saw the guards encircle them. Critical had an idea. A stupid idea, but an idea none the less. He grabbed a knife, somehow, and made his way to Pinkie.

"All of you back off, or I cut the party animal."

The guards and the team looked to Criticla in shock. Critical holding the knife to her throat, but Critical whispered into her ear.

"Just play along Pinkie. I wont really hurt you, just playing a dark prank on them."

Critical kept moving Pinkie and himself to the edge. Sending a mental message to the tardis. This wasn't going to be easy.

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Pinkie was trying to put her best scared face. Critical saw that she was trying not to smile or giggle. She was holding nicely, but this has to happen now. Critical looked over the edge and saw his target. A smile formed on his face.

"Fillies and Gentlecolt's, I apologize for the disturbance, but for business reasons, Ms. Pie and I must take our leave. With this, I bid you..."

Critical took another step closer to off the ledge. and he finished his sentence

"Ad due."

Critical took the final step off the ledge, Critical and Pinkie falling fast to the ground. That is if a tool shed hadn't materialized in between their path. The door opened and the fell in, landing in the giant pool.

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Dash and Slipstream followed Critical into the TARDIS. "Nice plan." Slipstream said as she blew through the open door "A little heads up next time would be nice." Dash said sounding annoyed as she followed Slipstream into the TARDIS. "So... Critical..." Slipstream said cautiously "once we find out were the next bearer is... can I... maybe... fly us there?" She was noticeably hesitant, she loved to try new things but flying a time machine could be out of her league.


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@@The 2nd Mass,

"Sure, why not. Lets get out of here first."

Critical through a few switches as Steel came in through the main portal. The tardis began its dematerialization process and they had escaped with another element of harmony. Rainbow dash and Slipstream were sitting on the couch, Pinkie was jumping around and looking at the console room flipping buttons. Thanks to the isomorphic controls, she wont be able to do anything dangerous like blow up the sun. Critical sat the tardis in Appleoosa, a few hours after Pinkie disappeared from the party.

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"So now we wait." Said Slipstream as she opened the TARDIS doors and sat in the doorway "Eventually a mailmare will show up and give us our next destination." She wasn't really excited to find another element, at the moment all she could think about was getting a chance to fly a TARDIS.


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Critical walked away from the tardis' console and went over to the main door. He saw the vast desert and began to cringe at the thought of the heat. He looked down at Slipstream. He did promise her after all. Critical walked over to the console and told Pinkie the kitchen was down a hall and to make a cake for him. She didn't ask why, she was just happy to oblige. Critical looked over to the main portal.

"Well here we go I guess. Hey, Slipstream! You wanna fly her or not."

Critical set up a temporal anchor so he could return to this point in time when she's done.

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Critical looked to Steel.

"Yeah, there's one here. The gym is down the left hall, seventh door on the right. There is a panel on the wall. Don't touch it, its a gravity control. And the pool is on the other side of the room."

Critical went back to calibrating the controls for her flight. Setting it to basic and removing the isomorphism.

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Derpy was waiting at the Entrance of the town of Appleoosa wandering where the team was at. The package she holds has a message that said


"hey team how are you doing? Because we got 2 leads that's right 2. So there's a the laughter necklace somewhere in Appleoosa and the other is that Twilight Sparkle is in Baltimare. In other news why did you let rainbow dash in the giant party knowing guards where there think ponies think. If your wondering how I know that we updated our Surveillance technology here at the base. Also muffins for all this time pass them around."

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Critical went to the door to find Derpy. He greeted her and took the package. He read the note and what he read simultaneously mad his heart sink and rise. The necklace that belonged to pinkie was near. But... the location of another bearer is in... Baltimare... His home and point and origin. He REALLY didn't want to go back. He swore to never go back.

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Slipstream had moved to the console while Critical was getting the package she could barely contain her excitement. "So where am I taking this thing?" She said "Can we go to Canterlot? I love it there." She was almost talking like Pinkie. She noticed Critical reading the letter over and over again and she decided that she needed to know why "Whats wrong?"


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@@The 2nd Mass,

Critical looked to Slipstream putting on a fake smile.

"Oh, I-It's nothing. Just got the location of a necklace and Twilights locations. One's here in Appleoosa and Twilight is in B-Baltimare."

Critical handed Derpy a muffin and went on her way, and Critical went over to the console to help Slipstream with her flight.

"Okay, so. Place your hooves on the console without touching them."

She did as he said.

"Okay, these are your controls for travelling through space. The X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis."

He pointed to three levers. on the console.

"Each they go up and down and depending on which way, flies the tardis in that direction. Now, these... are the chrono-controls. They allow us to navigate through the time vortex."

Critical directed S;ipstream's attention to a keyboard.

"I'd highly advise using these, but its your flight. So, if canterlot is your destination, I'll put in the coordinates and you can take us there."

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Slipstream noticed his difficulty with the word Baltimare but decided to put it aside for now and use her new knowledge to try something exciting. "Lets go to the end of the universe" Slipstream said smiling as she flew all three levers to their max before Critical could stop her. The TARDIS began to shake violently and make a devastating high pitched whine. Slipstream was afraid she may have gone to far but she was far to excited to be able to stop smiling. All of a sudden the shaking stopped and the whine died down. "Well, lets see where we ended up." Slipstream said as she let go of the controls and walked to the door.


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@@The 2nd Mass,

Critical got up from the groun after his ships heavy take off. He saw Slipstream going for the door and decided to follow. He had already seen the edge of the universe. As they both opened the door, they saw it. The vast emptiness. No life, no stars, just the purest meaning of empty.

"So, welcome to the edge of, well... everything."

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"Its not as interesting as I would have liked." Slipstream said as she turned around already bored with her adventure... Unless... "Can I fly out there?" Slipstream asked in an excited tone, suddenly mesmerized by the thought of being able to fly forever in an infinite space.


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@@The 2nd Mass,

"I wouldn't. The ship is powered by the very life blood of a universe. There isn't any such energy out there. You can fly us out there. It's just we won't be able to get back."

Critical closed the doors and made his way back to the console.

"Besides. We have a job to do. I'll let you fly us back if you'd like."

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"No no no no no." Slipstream said annoyed "Can I, as in only me, with my wings fly out there?" Slipstream was surprised by Critical's shallow thinking and she wondered if he had forgotten her talent and the reason she was here. She decided to let it pass hoping to get an answer to her question.


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@@The 2nd Mass,

"Well. It is possible. Tell ya what. I'll throw up an air shield and give it a decent radius along with an artificial gravity. You can fly out there until you get bored. However, if you see a bluish tint in front of you, it means you're about to pass the shield. Oh and, don't stick your head out there holding your breath. Trust me on that one, it doesn't work."

Critical prepared for Slipstreams little exploration and the finally the shield was up.

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Slipstream was so excited and as soon as she heard the word yes she shot out of the door as fast as she could, blowing the doors closed behind her. Once outside she noticed that the TARDIS was an unusual shape, an almost invisible sphere, almost as black as the nothingness surrounding it. She liked it better this way, it suited the machine. She decided to use her time well and used the massive amount of space to practice her most complex moves for almost three hours straight when she was done she returned to the TARDIS and after walking up to the console returned the switches to their original position sending the TARDIS back home.


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@@The 2nd Mass,

The tardis was on it's way back to equestria, ready for them to get back to the mission. They had two target locations now, Appleossa and... Baltimare. Critical wasn't exactly ecstatic to go back there again. Since they had been gone for a while, Critical calibrated the chrono-controls to send them back a bit before they left. They would only look as if they had been gone for five minutes.

"So. How was your time in a zero-G environment?"

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"It was amazing, but it wasn't zero-G, the TARDIS has its own gravity field, this thing must be incredibly dense because it was almost normal gravity. How big is this thing anyway?" Slipstream wasn't a scientist but she was well versed in most basic scientific laws and she new that to have normal-G from something as small as the TARDIS it would have to be almost planet sized inside.


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@@The 2nd Mass,

Well, it was half-G at least. If it was abslolute zero, you'd fly off into the void."

Critical gave himself a small chuckle

"Now, how big is the tardis, how to explain that. hm... Okay, picture the biggest castle you can possible imagine."

She was doing so and when Critic saw that she had the image he spoke.

"Okay now forget that because the tardis is infinite. This place is huge, it would take hours to explore this place. Maybe days."

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