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Elements of Nature


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The wyrm inched closer to Plasma and roared again, creating a small crack in the back to the prison. (Large enough to slip a bottle through, not large enough for a pony. And PlasmaSpark can't pass through it for plot reasons.)

Frost noticed Dusty behind her as he appeared but was too slow for the staff. She blocked part of the blow with a thin ice shield, but it broke through and sent her sideways, off her throne.

"We meet again."

She flicked her tail and the throne grew spikes.

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Dusty blinked. Again? Where had he seen this pony before? He didn't have time to think, though, as Frost was already on the defensive. He quickly maneuvered around the spikes, trying to get another hit in.


Brace yourself.

Winter is coming.

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(He had seen her when they first fought. Remember? The first encounter.)

Frost anticipated him and turned into an ice statue, materializing on the other side of the chamber. As Dusty reached the statue, it exploded as a snow golem came out of the wall.

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Dusty silently cursed. She was a tricky one. He sighed. He didn't want to pull of his secret weapon so soon, but alas, he had been given no choice. He pressed a very small button on the top of his staff, revealing the end of a long metal tube embedded in the wood, filled with a strange, plastic-like substance. He scooped out a small chunk of the substance, stuck a small device into it, throwing it straight at the golem's neck. Pressing a second button on his staff triggered the reaction, causing the chunk to explode with extreme force.


Brace yourself.

Winter is coming.

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The snow golem collapsed, falling forward towards Dusty. Frost shook her head and the snow turned into ice shards.

Garth and Raek were busy fighting the wyrm that she had made first.

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(Let's revive this board like you revive a homie in Saint's Row 2. With alcohol!)

Masquerade had awoke from his trance. The cold put him in a state where he wasn't aware of anything. After observing the situation, he made a Molotov Cocktail and threw it at the snow wyrm, as to try and help Garth and Raek.

*Fire in the hole, you son of a bitch!*

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(Dude. This thread has already been revived.)

The Molotov Cocktail exploded on the wyrm's skin and got its attention. Garth and Raek got sent sailing to the wall. The wyrm rammed Masquerade against the wall.

(Last chance. Kill or survive. Your choice. Say it here so that you are giving me public permission to do so if you want me to.)

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(Man, Plasma is gonna get eaten at this rate. Getting distracted.)

The wyrm in front of Plasma roared and halved the distance between them.


The wyrm with Masquerade gulped him down in a single swallow, killing him.

(Wait until we return to the base to remake one if that's what you want.)

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Daisy could not believe what she had just seen. she could feel the sensation of tears rushing to her eyes. She could feel herself lose control. her mind began to dwell on one thing. Kill.

She sprinted toward the molotove Masque dropped when he slammed into the wall and ran up its back. She stuck the molotove inside of its mouth and jumped off and watched it burn.


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Rigel eyed the gap in the wyrms teeth. a bottle would get in there easily. But plasma couldn't ignite it.... He couldn't just throw the bottle in and wait; the wyrm might swallow it. As entertaining as the thought of a drunk wyrm was, he needed this thing dead before he caught it's attention. A flickering light caught his eye.


Below the other wyrm was the remains of Psycho's Molotov. A few pieces of glass were still covered in the liquid and were still burning. He smiled. The alcohol bottle flew into the wyrms mouth, while he levitated as many still-burning glass pieces as he could find. He shot them into various gaps in the wyrms jaws and broke the whiskey bottle. It ignited and created a satisfyingly large explosion.

Gotta love the home brew. Nothing in a store would have that much alcohol in it.


He levitated his glass, forming it into the usual 3 shards, and turned to where frost and dusty had been fighting.

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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(Update: All wyrms are killed. All snow golems are killed. This might change though.) (Do you want to die?) Frost looked at the remains of her two wyrms. "Damn them." She stomped the ground with both hooves and her best minion, the Frost Drake, came out of the wall. This minion isn't animated like a golem or wyrm, so she can't make more. Also, it's a one of a kind species. The Drake looked over at the creatures and licked its lips. It spoke:

"All of them are my meal?"

Frost looked at them all.

"Feast, my pet."

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Dusty watched the scene in abject horror, not believing what he had just seen. He turned back to Frost, the fire of a thousand suns burning in his eyes. His muscles tensed up, his blood rushed faster, he could feel himself going into a fit of rage like few could ever match.

Dusty appeared next to Frost as if by magic, with his already breathtaking speed enhanced by the pain and rage he experienced. His staff cut through the air, making a straight path towards Frost's torso.


Brace yourself.

Winter is coming.

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Frost was hit in the torso by Dusty and took a step back.

The Drake flew down in between Dusty and her.

"You'll be my first meal."

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Dusty, in his rage, noticed the dragon standing between him and his target. That simply wouldn't do. He knew that he couldn't defeat a dragon with merely a staff. It's scaly exterior was much to impenatrable for that. He once again opened the top portion of the staff, extracing a much larger chunk. Placing a detonator on the charge, he jumped straight toward the Dragon, anticipating an attack. That would be his window of opportunity.


Brace yourself.

Winter is coming.

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(The battle finally starts, and it is when I am offline.)


Autumn flew between Dusty and the Drake. "I'll take care of the Drake. You go on ahead and take Frost." "Fire!" he shouted, igniting his sword. He flew straight towards the giant monster, hurling flames into its eyes, trying to distract it.


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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