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Elements of Nature


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The Drake took a step back and it's tail whipped Dusty down to the floor.

"You'll need more than a little bomb to take me out, whelp."

The Drake breathed a frost breath, launching Autumn down with Dusty.

"And fire doesn't scare me either. I'm not made out of ice or snow."

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He may not be made of ice, but fire can still distract it. Autumn started flying around the Drake as fast as he could, launching fire towards it at random. Come on. Get irritated and pay attention to me. That way the others can fight Frost directly.
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yeah, hide behind you're fancy dragon. You're totally open from back here.


With Frost and the dragon occupied by the others, Rigel quickly pulled out his special glass bottles. They were made of a special glass he had helped make. it was much stronger than normal glass, and much more resistant to temperature changes. He only had enough 3 medium sized shards, so he formed these and quickly embedded them in the ice in a vaguely triangular shape behind frost. He then sent his normal shards towards her while walking quickly towards the battle.

Edited by Evilshy
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Dusty slowly got up from the ground and grinned.

"I know a bomb like that couldn't kill you. But a ceiling will. HEADS UP!"

Dusty looked at the package (which he had thrown onto the base of a massive stalactite), tipping his hat before pressing the detonator, raining down massive chunks of rubble onto the dragon's head.

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(Finally I get to post. I started this when Slender posted and have kept updating it.)


Frost leapt up onto the Drake's back after forming an ice wall between her and Plasma and started countering Autumn's fire with frost.

"Your pitiful fire can't bother us."

The Drake lashed it's tail out behind him, towards Plasma.

The stalagmite exploded and the Drake looked up and started to fly away from the raining rubble, its tail got caught under one of the rocks. He was able to get it free but it's now greatly injured.

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"Well, I guess we just have to worry about one target now." "Dusty. Do you have any more bombs? The boulders seemed to work pretty well." He said all of this while still element dueling with Frost. He knew that he wasn't as experienced a fighter as Frost, but he was good at evading. If he could keep her focused on him, then she wouldn't be able to attack the others. He just didn't know how much longer he could keep throwing flames.

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Frost flicked her head again, further suppressing Plasma's ability to teleport. (We already did this.)

The Drake clawed the plasma balls and activated them before they hit Frost. He then whipped Plasma away from him, effectively hurting his tail again.

[Dusty appeared behind her]

Frost created a wall of ice between her and Dusty from the ice that permeates the Drake's skin.

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(The Drake took it with his claws. I didn't post it, but you can think that. Basically: It didn't reach her.)

Frost saw how dangerously close she was to being beat and absorbed herself into the Drake. They were now one.

[You guys gotta take the Drake out first >.<]

The Drake shook Dusty off him and swatted Autumn down to the floor with Dusty.

[Frost is now speaking for the Drake.]

"Now how about we do it my way? Beat my Drake if you want to get at me."

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Dusty cursed loudly. He wasn't suited for battle against heavily armored foes. However, he did have a decent amount of explosive left. He took what was left and attached it to his throwing knives, aiming them straight for the drake's eyes.

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(so they're merged now, is the drake healed? If we kill it, are they both dead, or does frost emerge and must be fought?)


Rigel watched frost merge with the dragon in awe. There was no way glass, even hardened glass, would get through it's armor. it's gotta have a weak point. The eyes maybe?


He broke his glass into a shard swarm and sent it towards the dragons face, trying to hit the eyes. at the very least, that will distract him...her...them... Ah nevermind...

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(Disregarding Plasma's first post. That ones old.) (It's still a guy, Frost is just inside it.) (Oh I know. It's eyes are not surviving.) (He isn't healed. Frost is just taking residence in his body. They both die. Unless Frost leaves his body before hand. Foreshadowing.)


The Drake's eyes were stabbed and blown up, making it utterly blind.

"Isn't that a bit of an overkill?"

The Drake started to lash out at where they were previously standing.

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