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Elements of Nature


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Garth called out to him.

"Still defrosting. We're keeping the wyrm and golems here busy, take out the Drake!"

(The wyrms and golems are there to keep them busy so you guys can fight them.)

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Garth got irritated.

"He's defrosting and I have no idea, but you are NOT going to use his engine for your powers. He needs all the power he has right now to stay active while his hardware defrosts."

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"Dusty, maybe you should try to blow up the ceiling again. I'll fly you up there. At the very least, we might be able to weaken it."

Edited by Slendermane
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Gizmo began to transmit his thoughts into Plasma.

*I'm not too sure I can get off more than one blast, most of my systems are completely down. You'll have to do the aiming and the firing yourself.*

He stood, mostly defrosted, and took out his laser cannon.


The rubble began to fall down on top of the Drake. It tried to fly away, but one of the rocks hit his wings. He fell to the ground, the rocks piling up on top of him.


*One shot. Make it count.*

Edited by Linguz
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The Drake thrashed, the rocks lifting slightly.


Gizmo activated a small target reticule for Plasma's vision through his own (Gizmo's) eyes.

*Shoot his head off. Right through the eye sockets. That should kill him without any chance of the scales reflecting the laser.*

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PlasmaSpeck took precisive aiming.

*Your mine Frost.*

PlasmaSpeck aiming a bit above the eyes.

*Now with our energy combined we shall VANQUISH THIS BEAST!*

PlasmaSpeck charged the lazer to fire.

*Is there a way to communicate with everypony so there`s no standbys.*

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*Get out of me now. You annoying brat.*

Gizmo ejected Plasma out of him and began to move on his own, slowly but still moving.


The Drake got shot and fell down to the floor. A figure moved next to the Drake and began to scurry away from them.

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Rigel got out of the way as the laser went off. While he was sure that the drake was dead, he suspected that frost had pulled another trick.


"careful everypony!" he called out. "I'd bet good money that frost is still alive and fighting!"


He brought his glass up in a defensive formation. but if she steps into my triangle, I might be able to change that...

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Frost put up a small shield, barely stopping the flames, and continued to run perpendicular to the Drake's dead body.

(So not towards your trap Evil. Sorry, but that's how I envisioned her running away from the start.)

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Seeing her run away, Rigel moved to cover another possible escape route. maybe she was weakened by that if she trying to run. he sent 2 of his glass shards her way, trying to get her to step towards his trap. I wonder if I can let the others know where it is without tipping her off as well...

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