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open Fallout Equestria alternate the rp


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"thats what they all say even if i saw it by my own eyes" she roared before firing at architect more. then stops then she spoke. "first off where the fuck did you came from and where are you going".


(fhafhauwfhaufhau aweaeaweaw awhfuahwfuahfuawdhauwd)


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"I came from the Northern Union, and I don't know! My soldiers were wiped out by some advance soldiers before my soldiers and I could respond," Officer Architect replied, poking his head out a bit. He had a shield erected around him, not sure if it was entirely safe to look.

Edited by Demirari


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vatrana smirked. "ah the north have you seen santa claus?  i'm sure he lives there" she said mockingly. then spoke in a serious tone "anyway if your army got wiped then the north sucks". 


(ajfwnauwfnafn awfunaiunfauwn fnawufnauwfdfgdfgdg afwfawfawfaw)  


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"Ha ha, very funny, the North is proud and strong! Besides that was only ten soldiers, you have seen nothing of what an actual Northern Union army could do and be," Officer Architect replied annoyed. No one mocks the Northern Union and the North itself and gets away with it.


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 vatrana smirked "that's what they all say mr north pole guy". she then flies to architect's side and takes out her dart gun. "sorry but this has to be done tho". she then shots him in the neck with it.


(hey idea they can set on their own adventures :D until they find the group in the wasteland).


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"What are you doing?" Officer Architect spoke up angrily as he ripped out the dart with his magic. Officer Architect tried to say awake the best he could, though he felt the dart working its magic as he started to feel sleepy. He blinked as he yawned as he felt himself collapsing. 


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"S-stop fighting!!!" The little colt yelled as his eyes were ready to release another flood gate. You can already tell: He didn't like fights...


(abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz now i know mah abcs next time wont you sing with meandletthestupidlimitbedone)

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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vetraba sighed she then picks up architect and lays him inside a building. (i'm sure raider camps have those). she then looks at the colt. "hey lil guy this is the wasteland telling ponies to stop fighting will not work and it never will work. so you have to deal with fighting".


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"Y-you ponies are bad!" The little navy pony said. "I don't want nice ponies to fight!"  He whinnied. (Nice ponies= Pretty ponies)


(ahem... cmiiraqohguran g ragiuranchguira hia hioa ierab upira nra ni gi ranjg rap gnreap ng aira niira enrfa gnrae gnae gnjp angj)

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Vatrana sighed again. then spoke "look nopony is good but i kill bad ponies do you want me to leave you in here? leave you to eat dead bodies of your friends and family? do you? because if your gonna wonder the wasteland theres bound to be fighting you can't change that "..


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Officer Architect groaned as he felt his body awakening. His eyes opened slowly as he turned his gas mask to where he was hearing sounds. He blinked a bit wondering how did he get into a room and with a griffon and a small colt nearby. Where am I, Officer Architect thought. 

Edited by Demirari


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The little foal cowers at her when she starts chewing him out. "N-n-no Ms. Griffon ma'am." The little pony said softly and submissively. "B-but what about that bad pony?" He asked not looking at the mean griffon afraid that she'll eat his eyes for crying a lot.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Vatrana wipes the tears out of his eyes. "bad ponies are killed also don't worry i know a place where you can live in happily with other foals their called the crusaders. it's a growing village of foals like your age and they will gladly accept you as one of them". she kindly smiles "but if you want to come in my adventures that's alright i guess". 


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The little pony known as Navy Front just stares at the winged beast of a Griffon. He was pondering.  "I-i don't know..." He says. He truly didn't know. Join the exciting adventures with a scawy looking thing? Or go to a place with more fun and has a lot of play-mates. "I don't know..." He repeats...

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"then it's settled i am going to bring you to the crusaders though the place is quite far from here so yea getting their is like a adventure it self.". she said softly. "so whats your name lil guy ".


(ahfawuhfauwh awufhwaufh auwfhauwh awufhawufau ahfuwhf).


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"Where am I," Officer Architect slowly got up from his forced sleep, then he realized exactly what happened. He quickly got up and got into a defensive stance that was honed into him while he was training under the Northern Union. He spoke, "Who are you?"


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"N-names Navy Front..." The little pony said. Then the other bad pony started to get up. He sees this, and cowers behind the griffon. The bad pony is waking up! The big bad pony went into an intimidating stance. Navy was so terrified he jumps into the wings of the Griffon.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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@,  @@Demirari,



vatrana turned to face architect and pointed little gilda at him. "i did not smack your head or anything. first off i shot you with a dart gun and brough you here because you killed this colts father now i'm sure i am the one with more fire power here so please do your self a favor don't shot." she said in a modest tone.

Edited by moonlight7starshine


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"Eh, I've been fighting for a long while, I think I have a fair chance. And besides, I was defending myself against the bloody raiders, hell I didn't even know the bloody raider had a son," Officer Architect defended himself. It was self-defense and what was he supposed to do when the bloody colt's dad charged at him with a knife? Let him? As if!


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vatrana turned towards the door. "you coming or not? i am taking this colt to the crusaders where all foals go live happily oh and i've been fighting since i learned to fly so yea i think i have an advantage". 


(dhauwdawhudhauwhd audhauwdhaudhwuhdauh).


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"Fine," Officer Architect spoke as he relaxed his stance. He guessed that he might as well as trust this griffon for now, better to have some form of ally than having none at all. Then he spoke, "Crusaders? Must be a bright light compared to the wasteland." 


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vatrana answered. "indeed they are their pretty much the place was made by a unicorn stallion named priest also do note the crusaders aren't too trusting of adults.".


(demi i has new idea since vatrana is in gawds talons or whatever you call it their a butch of mercenaries right? so i'm going to make vatrana go meet gawd in wherever she stayed in. then she gives her some mercenary work).


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"I wonder why," Officer Architect replied but he continued speaking, "So exactly where is this Crusaders place?" He didn't want to go very far away from the Northern Union, he was already far away as it is. He still had to report back to high command about the high tech armor and weaponry he saw when his soldiers were ambushed. 

(I guess that's ok.) 


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"it's quite far but anyways we have to get to shattered hoof ridge before we head there i have few more small things to do it's a bit far but not too far or too close" she smiled.


(you play as gawd K? awdhawiudjawfaj wfjaiwfjaiwofjad awhduiawhgag awdafw)


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"I see, well then, let's start moving eh?" Officer Architect said as he gathered his weapons. He guessed that it was reasonable to follow this griffon for now. He do hope that the Northern Union won't think he had deserted and ran off to the south to escape their wrath.

(I'm going to do terrible rping as Gawd XD.)


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