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private (ROMANCE) The Love Triangle

Nurse Slava Medik

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Slava counties to fly to were there setting up the festival and he lands there"i wish there was some pony i can talk to somepony express the way i feel" Slava just sits down watching the pony set up the festival and ther ponys that walked by. Slava sighs once more.

Edited by Lighting Split


Signature done by @Lunia

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Doug thought for a while. *dont say nothin stupid* he thought to himself then spoke "well I usually fly, and do some artistic type things" he said stuttering a bit on the last part, he thought it was geeky he had no clue what a mare would think of something like that, do he very much under emphasized how much he liked to do art. He looked at her once more, and grinned a little. *just calm down, not like you're just learning how to talk to new ponies* he thought to himself

"That's pretty sweet!" Choco. She then started to laugh when she realized she used a pun. "Sorry, I just laugh a lot, especially at my own jokes!" She stated still giggling. "I love to make chocolate and ponies laugh." Choco stated still trying to recover from her short little giggle frenzy. 

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(Mr. Critical) Well, I might as well socialize with somepony. I don't really care who. I just want to talk to somepony. Or at the very least listen.


(Siver Star) I had gotten some food at the local bakery. I could have sworn I saw someone I've met before. It could be nothing, but then I saw him. He was tall, had a lite peach coat. And then I realized. It was my dear baby brother. I haven't seen him since he disapeared all those years ago. Looks likei might have some fun here after all. At my dear baby brothers expence of course.

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"That's pretty sweet!" Choco. She then started to laugh when she realized she used a pun. "Sorry, I just laugh a lot, especially at my own jokes!" She stated still giggling. "I love to make chocolate and ponies laugh." Choco stated still trying to recover from her short little giggle frenzy.

Doug giggled with her. Then he suddenly remembered something "Oh my celestia, where are my manners, I forgot to tell you my name" he said face hoofing at himself "I'm Doug Overcast. Or just Doug." He said, *seriously you forgot to tell her your name of all things* he thought in his head


Then they approach the little cafe. He opened the door "after you." He said trying to be a gentlecolt

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Doug giggled with her. Then he suddenly remembered something "Oh my celestia, where are my manners, I forgot to tell you my name" he said face hoofing at himself "I'm Doug Overcast. Or just Doug." He said, *seriously you forgot to tell her your name of all things* he thought in his head


Then they approach the little cafe. He opened the door "after you." He said trying to be a gentlecolt

"Oh! Thank you!" Choco said with a giggle. She then went in. "And it's okay if you're nervous. It seems as if it's your first time talking to a mare close to your age. Is it?" Choco asked. She was trying to lay low the best she could, but her personality got in the way of it. 

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I continued to walk throight the square. Wandering aimlessly. Then I here a voice.

"Well, well, well. If it ain't baby brother."

I knew that voice. It sent a shiver of terror up my spine. Of all people I had to meet today, it had to be her. Upon thousands and thousands it was her, in this exact spot in time. I looked behind me to make sure I hadn't lost my mind. And sure enough there she stood. Silver Star. My older sister and childhood torturer. Horrid memories came flooding back to me. I saw she had a satisfied expression on her face. My eye twitched at my brain trying to comprehend its fear.

"...no." was all I could muster.

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Patterson checked into his room, put all his bags down, and lay flat on the bed. His mind was full of the thoughts of being in Ponyville and going to the Hearts and Hooves Day Festival. "Ah finally" He said to himself, "Here in Ponyville, and things seem to be grand! Can't wait for the Festival, It will be spectacular" Well not as spectacular as he was hoping for. It would be a lot more spectacular if he had a special somepony to enjoy the night with. But he wasn't planning on letting that stop him from having a good time at the festival. He was determined to get out there and seize the day. So what are you waiting for Patterson? GET OUT THERE AND HAVE THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE!!! He rushes to the door flings it open and promptly exits in a very dramatic manner...


Still frozen in his dramatic pose he notices another stallion, who was passing through the hallway, consequently staring at him. Pat nonchalantly returns to a more natural pose. "Uuh...Hello" Pat shyly waves to the stallion, who simply turns and walks away. Pat heads into town and begins some sight-seeing. He heads to the town hall carrying his camera, "I suppose I should start taking some pictures, I promised Mom I would bring some back".


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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Slava takes his ticket out and looks at, he then thinks"there are pros and cons with having this ticket,the pros are i could meet a beautiful mare that we might love each other and i will never be sad and the con is, i will be lonely at the festival and be in a sad state" Slava sighs. 


Signature done by @Lunia

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Terse Tranquility stepped out of her house at the edge of Ponyville, near the Everfree forest. She walked around the side of her house, and noticed the dismal state of her garden. "I guess it's time for some new seeds, because this is just getting sad." She made her way towards Ponyville proper, noticing the festive aura in the air. "I guess it's that time again."


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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"Oh! Thank you!" Choco said with a giggle. She then went in. "And it's okay if you're nervous. It seems as if it's your first time talking to a mare close to your age. Is it?" Choco asked. She was trying to lay low the best she could, but her personality got in the way of it.

Doug shrugged "not exactly, you just seem different, in a good way that is... I don't know, Pegasus mares are more competitive than kind, very little do I meet a mare in cloudsdale who doesn't brag as soon as I speak." He exclaimed laughing a little at the thought. then approached the front counter.

"Choco, do you want to sit or just order to go?"

He asked, he didn't really care he just wanted a drink, maybe a little snack.

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((Why didn't you tell me this was up? So... Someone help me get caught up so I can actually post please... Wait, I was in this in the first place right? I'm pretty sure I was... And one more question: Is there any point in jumping in? It seems like it's come to the point where everyone has a special somepony already and Blazing's going to be left alone...))


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Doug shrugged "not exactly, you just seem different, in a good way that is... I don't know, Pegasus mares are more competitive than kind, very little do I meet a mare in cloudsdale who doesn't brag as soon as I speak." He exclaimed laughing a little at the thought. then approached the front counter.

"Choco, do you want to sit or just order to go?"

He asked, he didn't really care he just wanted a drink, maybe a little snack.

"Well, that's quite a difference. I'm just a regular unicorn like the others. People have asked me if I'm related to Pinkie Pie. You know her right? She works at Sugarcube Corner. I tell them that I'm not, but ponies have said that I have the same personality as Pinkie Pie." Choco stated with a giggle. "By the way, let's stay here and eat." Choco added. 

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((Same number of mares as stallions, just jump in))


Tranq strode into town looking for some seeds to plant before it got too warm for her garden. With Spring coming soon, she would have to act quickly. She begins checking the stalls, getting more and more annoyed with the decorations in town.

"This holiday was not made for single ponies."


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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((Well who's still single then?))

Blazing walked through Ponyville sadly. "I swear, this is the worst holiday to ever exist." He said to himself. "Hearts and Hooves day sucks!" He exclaimed accidentally, then covered his mouth with his hoof. Wow... This day is going wonderfully already... He thought.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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"Well. You just going to stand there or are you going to say hi."

I saw the stallion cowar before me. Celestia, I missed this. I rushed to him and gave him a hug.

"Oh don't be like that. What happened is in the past. Let bigons be bigons."

His fear was intense. I could feel it on him.

"I highly doubt pushing me off a cliff to teach an earth pony to fly, not all that forgiveable."

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(everone should not rush into things, just keep them as friends get to know them then a bit later you can start loving ok, and sorry about that Blazing Hoof)


Slava see,s a mare and walks up to her"ma'am?, can you maybe show me around here pretty please? Slava says.


Signature done by @Lunia

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"Well, that's quite a difference. I'm just a regular unicorn like the others. People have asked me if I'm related to Pinkie Pie. You know her right? She works at Sugarcube Corner. I tell them that I'm not, but ponies have said that I have the same personality as Pinkie Pie." Choco stated with a giggle. "By the way, let's stay here and eat." Choco added.

"Heh, that's pretty interesting. Eh, people can't believe I'm related to my complainer of a brother. But that doesn't matter" he said

He looked at the worker "table for two please"

(Skipping the waiting to be seated)

Doug sat down at the table and the waiter handed the menus. Doug looked trough his bags for his bits so he can see if he had enough for two ponies, *good I have enough bits* (FYI the ** means its in Doug's mind, just saying)

He looks back up at Choco.

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(Mr. Critical) This cant be happening. My greatest fear hugging me as if all those years ment nothing. Might as well get this over with.

"S-so. Silver Star. What brings you here? And how long?"

Please say not long. Please.


(Silver Star) "oh, baby brother's not happy to see his big sister." She said in a mocking tone.

"Fine. I'm just here for a short visit. But now that your here, I thought id stay longer."

I saw his expression, he looked like his world imploded in front of him.

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"What are you looking at me for?" Choco asked with a giggle. Usually when ponies look at Choco, it's because of her weight and chubbiness. Choco continued to look at the menu. She chose quite a big meal, which consisted of some chocolate cake (a rather large piece) and some apple juice. 

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(Silver Star)"So, what brings you here. Out and about, talking to people. Doesn't really seem like the you I remember, Demo reel." I gave a playful chuckle. And I saw his expression change from fear to anger. Quite suprising.


(Mr. Crirical)What did she call me. Wait I remember. That was my name all those years ago.

"Don't call me that. I've cast aside that name along with all those memories of you and the other two."

She seemed amused by this.


(Silver Star) "My, my. You've gained a backbone. Well what shall I call you then, Demo reel." I loved messing with this kid, so much fun.


"Critical. You are to call me Mr. Critical." I kept a stone faced expression, not to loose my composure.

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"What are you looking at me for?" Choco asked with a giggle. Usually when ponies look at Choco, it's because of her weight and chubbiness. Choco continued to look at the menu. She chose quite a big meal, which consisted of some chocolate cake (a rather large piece) and some apple juice.

Doug instantly picked up the menu as soon as she spoke, *was she serious or was she joking*

"Cant wait to get eat. So, are you ready to order?" He asked, laying his menu on the table. Then placing his saddle bags next to him.

He looked up awaiting an answer from her.

Edited by Pelate
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(Mr. Critical)we stared at each other for a while. She was trying not to burst into laughter at her brothers new name. And she was loosing terribly.


(Silver Star)That's adorable. Mr. Critical. That's just hilarious.

"Well" a small chuckle escaped. "Mr. Critical, it was nice seeing you again."

I walked away from my brother, and back to looking at the sights.


(Mr. Critical)I watched my sister leave. This was terrifying. Luckily shendidnt know I lived here. Well, I can at least get back to doing nothing. Now, off to the movie theatre.

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Tranq looks over, making sure she was being addressed. "Uh...Hi, sure. Ponyville is a little town, not much to see, but I'd be happy to show you where everything is. In fact, this is most of it, what you can see here." She points to the different shops and stores, explaining what most of them are. "And the last one, over there is Quills and Sofas. Strange combination, but it's great if you need a writing utensil or couch." She turns towards the forest. "Finally, over there is the Everfree Forest. The tiny house in front of it is mine."


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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(Silver Star)Well, this was an interesting day. Visiting a new town and reintroduced to your long lost brother. And learned he changed his name, to something ridiculous none the less. I continued down the road, seeing the sights. I can see why he'd live here. It is quite peaceful. I might make this a vacation spot. Maybe bring mom and dad with me...


(Mr. Critical)I was walking to the theatre and a shiver ran down my spine. No clue what that was. Oh well. I purchased my tickets.


(Silver Star)There's gotta be something to do here. I can't rely on my baby brother for my enjoyment the whole time.

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Patterson was wandering around alot. So much to see and so much time to kill. In the back of his mind he kind of hoped that he would meet a special somepony during his stay in Ponyville, but he knew that it would probably be no different here than back in Hoofington. See Pat usually keeps to himself, he doesn't say alot and he usually sits in the background. He is somewhat shy but mostly he just doesn't have much on his mind to say. He is hardly noticed by anypony, but hopefully the right mare will notice him. Some day. But Pat hardly ever thinks about that stuff now, and besides, it's almost Hearts and Hooves Day!!!...Oh wait...*sigh*


After a while of sight-seeing Pat starts feeling a little hungry, "OH MY! Look at the time" He rushes off and begins to seek out a food establishment.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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