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private (ROMANCE) The Love Triangle

Nurse Slava Medik

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Slava looks and says"wow that's a really cute little house you got there, and it looks nice cozy too, oh sorry my manners must of went out the window, im Doctor Slava Medik but you can just call me  Slava if you want, i live in Canterlot. Is there maybe anything i can help you with miss?.

Edited by Lighting Split


Signature done by @Lunia

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I entered the theatre, and took my seat. I readied my notepad as I awaited for the screen. A few minutes later I saw something in the credits. Silver Star as the leading lady. Oh I'm going to have a field day on this one.


-one hour and thirty minutes later-


Well... crap. I hate to admit it, but she was pretty good. I need to get out of here. Do something. This is growing to be a depressing day.

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Lightning Feather looked around the town and started trotting off towards the festival. She had told her CO that it was a mistake to send her here, she wasn't exactly the most social of ponies. She just kept going, hoping she'd be able to meet something she could socialize with.

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Doug instantly picked up the menu as soon as she spoke, *was she serious or was she joking*

"Cant wait to get eat. So, are you ready to order?" He asked, laying his menu on the table. Then placing his saddle bags next to him.

He looked up awaiting an answer from her.

"Ready!" Choco chimed with a small giggle. "Boy, he seems kind awkward. Maybe it's because he really hasn't been on dates before. I really hope that I don't offend him in any way shape or form by my laughter, but I really love to laugh...because that's who I am!" Choco thought. 

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"Ready!" Choco chimed with a small giggle. "Boy, he seems kind awkward. Maybe it's because he really hasn't been on dates before. I really hope that I don't offend him in any way shape or form by my laughter, but I really love to laugh...because that's who I am!" Choco thought.

(After ordering)

He thought of something to say

*cmon Doug dating ain't new to you or anything, what's the problem. Just so what you normally do* his conscience told him. He wasn't prepared for this so he tries to start a small conversation

"Uh, so. I'd like to maybe get to know you, Choco." So He asks a common question

"Where are you from?" (OOC as in what city in Equestria) He asks in a casual tone.

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"I live right here in Ponyville! Despite it's small size, it's a great place!" Choco stated with a giggle. "I usually hang around Sugarcube Corner helping Pinkie Pie with baking cakes and other stuff. Since you're a pegasus, I assume you work at the...whether factory, I don't know!" Choco stated with another laugh. @@Pelate

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"aah! what a perfect place!" said an orange stallion. curious cade had just entered ponyville. "still, they have terrible flight service." he chuckled to himself. he still hadn't gotten his baggage back. then his eyes lit up. a mystery! cade saw a small sweetshop, and rushed up to it, only to be disappointed. "closed!" he exclaimed, "and at this time of day!" he tried to find his way back to the airport, but soon realized he was hopelessly lost. "some detective i am!" he looked around, hoping some pony who lived here would take pity on him. @anypony?

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Lightning Feather saw a lonely orange stallion wandering around and decided to take pity on him and try to ignite a small conversation. "Greetings, what brings you to Ponyville," she said, trying her best to speak like a civilian and avoid speaking like a soldier.

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cade lit up. "opportunities! excitement!!" he said brightly, "and hopefully, more JOB oppurtunites." his smile almost faltered, but then he brightened again. "but i must have lost my manners along with my baggage. my name is curious cade, but you can call me cade. im afraid im lost, do you know anywhere where i could get a room? @@Half-Note,

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"I live right here in Ponyville! Despite it's small size, it's a great place!" Choco stated with a giggle. "I usually hang around Sugarcube Corner helping Pinkie Pie with baking cakes and other stuff. Since you're a pegasus, I assume you work at the...whether factory, I don't know!" Choco stated with another laugh. @@Pelate,

"nah, I work as an engineer for vehicles and machines. My boss wanted me to take a vacation for hearts and hooves day. I guess it was worth it." He explained.

"So you work at Sugarcube Corner, sounds fun. I've only been there once or twice as a younger colt." He said shrugging.

"Maybe I should go there when it isn't so busy."

Doug exclaimed.

(Then comes the waiter, serves food)

"Ah yes, looks delicious"

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cade lit up. "opportunities! excitement!!" he said brightly, "and hopefully, more JOB oppurtunites." his smile almost faltered, but then he brightened again. "but i must have lost my manners along with my baggage. my name is curious cade, but you can call me cade. im afraid im lost, do you know anywhere where i could get a room? @@Half-Note,

Lightning Feather nodded. "The Inn is just this way," she told him, pointing down the street a ways. She prepared to walk off but then remembered why she was sent there by her CO in the first place. "I suppose I should escort you there," she said to him. "What is your name, by the way?"

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(Silver Star) The town was getting more active. I saw three fillies race by with odd capes, a pink mare gave me a rather... original welcome, and signed a few autographs. Plus, it was relatively peaceful. A real nice place to be. I wonder if they have any dance clubs here. Make the package complete. Still... I kinda wished I had someone to share this with.

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Patterson kept trotting through town, until he spotted a nice looking cafe. "Well this looks about as good a place as any." He said to himself as he turned around and walked towards the door. He opened it up and took off his white cowboy hat before entering. as he walked towards the counter he passed by a table and couldn't help but notice the giggling of a chocolate brown mare sitting there. Huh. She kinda reminded him of that pink mare, with the poofy mane that looks like pillow stuffing, who welcomed him a while back.


Oh well. He kept walking, and he ordered some food at the counter. He went to a table, took of his trench coat, set it on the back of his chair, and sat down to eat.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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"nah, I work as an engineer for vehicles and machines. My boss wanted me to take a vacation for hearts and hooves day. I guess it was worth it." He explained.

"So you work at Sugarcube Corner, sounds fun. I've only been there once or twice as a younger colt." He said shrugging.

"Maybe I should go there when it isn't so busy."

Doug exclaimed.

(Then comes the waiter, serves food)

"Ah yes, looks delicious"

"Ah, that's pretty cool!" Choco stated with another giggle. "You should really come and visit Sugarcube Corner. It's a very nice place and everypony is smiling and laughing in there. Laughter's everywhere in that place, and you never know what surprises lurk!" Choco stated as she began to eat. 

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(Mr. Critical) I walked out of the theatre trying to think of my next thing to keep me active, while draining the thought of family out of my head. I looked around and I noticed something. There were a lot of couples out today. Spending their time just to enjoy each others company. It made me feel a bit left out. Oh well, if I am to be alone, might as well take it in stride.

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"Ah, that's pretty cool!" Choco stated with another giggle. "You should really come and visit Sugarcube Corner. It's a very nice place and everypony is smiling and laughing in there. Laughter's everywhere in that place, and you never know what surprises lurk!" Choco stated as she began to eat.

"Hm, sounds like a lot of fun!" Doug replied "I guess I'll stop by when I get the chance. are you there often?" He asked. It'd be even better to see Choco at Sugarcube corner, it would make the visit there even better.

(OOC I might not be posting for a while. I'll either be on later tonight or tomorrow morning ;) )


Edited by Pelate
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"Hmmm." Pat thought to himself, 'Mabye I should have gotten the cabbage and cheese sandwich, not sure I'm fond of this falafel and hummus. Wait, isn't that redundant?' He wondered. He wished that his sister River had come too, he would love to have somepony to talk to... or, listen to. "Hah" He chuckled at that. Conversations with River were usually one-sided. Although it was only that way with Pat, because River is extremely shy to anypony else except for him. Face to face with anypony else, and she clams up and hardly says a word. 'I'm not sure who is suffering more right now me or her.' He finished his entree, and moved on to his desert.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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(Silver Star) I was really bored now. I've seen everything in this little town, which is now smaller the longer I think about it. Maybe I could find my little brother and have some more fun with him. But, finding him would be a challenge. But I guess that would be somewhat fun. I thought of the little "game" in my head for a few minutes. Well, unless something interesting comes my way, I don't see anything better to do.

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Slava looks and says"wow that's a really cute little house you got there, and it looks nice cozy too, oh sorry my manners must of went out the window, im Doctor Slava Medik but you can just call me Slava if you want, i live in Canterlot. Is there maybe anything i can help you with miss?.

Tranq smiles kindly. "It's a small house, but perfect for me. I really do love it there. I'm Terse Tranquility, Tranquil for short. Right now all I'm really doing is looking for vegetable seeds, if you want to join me in my hunt. What're you doing here down from Canterlot?


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Tranq smiles kindly. "It's a small house, but perfect for me. I really do love it there. I'm Terse Tranquility, Tranquil for short. Right now all I'm really doing is looking for vegetable seeds, if you want to join me in my hunt. What're you doing here down from Canterlot?

Slava says,my mother always said if a mare needs help,you should help her no mater how big or small the job is,i was raised that way by my mum and dad and for the other question, i'm here to visit the the festival" Slava show her his ticket. "but i dont mind doing it alone and i would love to join in for your hunt".


Signature done by @Lunia

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"Oh yeah! I'm there just about every day!" Choco stated with a laugh. "I'm usually in the front making quickies for foals. Occasionally,  I do work in the back helping to bakes cakes and other sweets." She added. "I hope you can come and visit more often. Maybe I can even show you how to make cookies!" Choco stated.  

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(Silver Star) baby brother should be here somewhere. I continued my search for him, wondering what I could do with him.

(Mr. Critical) Why do I have the sudden urge to run for my life.

(Silver Star) Ugh, forget it no amount of entertainment is worth this. I should probably jus- oh wait, there he is. I saw the lite peach coated pony walk in the opposite direction. An ample opportunity for a sneak attack.

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"Oh yeah! I'm there just about every day!" Choco stated with a laugh. "I'm usually in the front making quickies for foals. Occasionally, I do work in the back helping to bakes cakes and other sweets." She added. "I hope you can come and visit more often. Maybe I can even show you how to make cookies!" Choco stated.

Doug suddenly felt excited to got here "Sounds awesome!" He smiled "maybe I can come tomorrow, definitely can't wait." Then He grabbed his bit bag and laid 5 bits at the edge of the table for the waiter to pick up. "Is Sugarcube Corner very busy at this time of year?" He asked. "Like, do you work a lot during hearts and hooves day?"
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"Oh yes! Many couples come on that day. That's the only day where we do all three meals. For breakfast, there's pancakes, tater tots and even sausage for the meat-lovers. For lunch, there's sanwiches, pizza and sweet treats. For dinner, veggies, meat and very sweet desert!" Choco stated with a giggle. 

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"Oh yes! Many couples come on that day. That's the only day where we do all three meals. For breakfast, there's pancakes, tater tots and even sausage for the meat-lovers. For lunch, there's sanwiches, pizza and sweet treats. For dinner, veggies, meat and very sweet desert!" Choco stated with a giggle.

(OOC thanks for making me hungry. Also I don't have a lot of time so I'll wrap this up)

"That will be great." The waiter comes by and grabs the bits.

"Thank you" Doug says as the waiter trots away.

"Well this was nice, well I need to sign into my hotel before its too late." Doug said looking out the window at the large hotel. Then putting on his saddle bags and waited fit Chico to get ready to go.

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