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open Children of the Night RP


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Steel nodded he didn't care what flair had to say he was slightly drunk and stressed out he wasn't in a good mood he walked over to the training dummies as the where overcome by a dark aura and moved to encircle him he pulled his daggers and a slight smile appeared as one after anther the dummies attacked him

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He shrugs, he yawns Then he watches aiko, he couldn't believe how beautiful she was as she fought. "im surprised no one wants to see me power up I haven't done it in 200 years, I could be a little rusty. He yawns again bored and just wants some actions. his eyes turning a little dark shade of red as he chuckles ok wanting a lot of action.

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Steel was focused as the dummies attacked without mercy try where unrelenting steel wasnt giving any ground he was fighting hard he had cast a spell on the dummies to make them fight and he would fight till he passed out or there was nothing left of the dummies

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Lightning flair gets up and stretches he closes his eyes and opens them with determination, "I call upon the spirits of lightning and give me my armor!" Lightning strikes down on Flair. in an explosion of light, a dark blue armor that had ancient lightning bolt marks all over it, the armor itself looked strikingly similar to nightmare nights armor as his plates on his hooves grew up to his legs. His legs looked similar but powerful static electricity spark across his hooves as he opens his eyes, They looked deadly red.  "Why does everypony wonder why they call me lightning flair." He chuckles as his head harness was almost exactly like nightmare moons head plate. (as you can tell my inspiration was nightmare moon herself for this ooc XDDD)) the chest plate had a lightning bolt in the center as he smiles, it looked TERRIFYING and twisted. "Ah I missed my form, the form that took down many a assassins!" His evil laugh rings throughout the gym. (no Dashian not a demon just his twisted evil side comes out once in awhile. Kinda like split personality. And yes hes very evil in this form) Even his british accent sounded dark and twisted. "ah its been quite a long time before I got to stretch out my hooves." He chuckles and sneers.

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Steel compleatly ignored flair more focused o his training ge had to Be in top form or he could very well die or any number of borrows thin could happen to him he kept fighting against the dummies his hooves where Jair Angkor as he moved with very quick and precise hits

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(OMG OMG OMG OMG I JUST REALIZED IM MY FAVORITE MANGA OF ALL TIME WATASHI NO MASSAIAH SAMMA this rp makes me wanna read it now :( ) He grins as electricity appears at the tip of his sharp horn as he starts punching another punching bag away from all the ponys as static electricity forms at his hoofs as he gets faster and faster, his cutie mark glowing dark red as he gets faster and faster. "The only one who was ever to snap me out of this is Mother herself" His laugh was more eviler as he kicks the punching back and does a spin back flip as he does a quick spin back flip kick. He chuckles.

Then flair jumps back and. his horn flashes brilliantly as an electric ball aimed at the punching bag. "Ill destroy this along with all of celestia" he laughs evily as the ball gets much biggsr and shines brightly. "Ill kill EVERYPONY WHO STANDS IN MY WAY" he shoots the ball obliterating the punching bag laughing evily. Edited by odd9120
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Steel looked over at flair while fighting the dummies - great another psychopath I'll end up having to kill- steel thought as he trained

Grell slept in his coffin dreaming about midnight

Rosey somehow after her maid slept deeply not even stirring a little

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Aiko blinked, looking at Flair. "Uhm... Could you calm down please...? You could have just asked at train with me..." She yawned, walking over to him.


Luna woke up from all the comption, groaning. "What in the hay...?" She got up, putting on her royal robe and walking out into the hall. She was walking down the hall as she heard the noise coming from the guards' quarters.

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His eyes slits which means his second personality has taken over. "Oh and what makes you think your so special." His eyes looks FREKIN CREEPY "You think i can just calm down that easily?!" He grins laughing creepy and very evil. "Not only will i help mom get equestria ill help her take over the world.!" He laughs

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Steel was done he had had enough of flair he stopes the dummies and walked over to him "she doesn't want the world she wants her land to be safe" steel said trying to keep his anger in check since it fueled spawn it "now calm down or I'll be forced to calm you down my self"

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"Calm me? The only one who can is luna herself!" He stretches. "forceing me will only bring this form out more. there's more to this form then what you see!" He laughs more "i am nightmare lightning!" He laughs harder his eyes more dark red as he starts to look more creepily like nightmare moon.

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Steel grit his teeth "I don't care who you are I have enough To worry about I don't any psychopaths running around destroying stuff" steel said his own eyes Turing solid black as tendrils of smoke rise from his hooves his wings start to shift starting to look draconic

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Aiko sighed, rolling her eyes. -So idiotic...- she thought, walking out. She sighed, going to the sleeping quarters.


Luna walked in. She blinked. "STEEL! LIGHTENING FLAIR!!!! WHAT IN THE NAME OF ITOSHIGO ARE YOU IDIOTS DOING?!?!?!" she screamed out in her royal voice. "STOP THIS IDIOCITY AT ONCE!!!!!"

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Steel heard Luna and walked away his hooves starting to smolder forming embers soon spawn would be free because steel was a angry and stressed he walked back to his room

Siren finished making the deal with the devil and woke up on the grave that steel had put her in

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He looks innocent. "But mommy what did i do wrong." the evil twisted and sadistic side startes melting like butter as his eyes dilates to normal still in his armor. "What i do" he asks as he grins. "I didn't do it" the ears in his head plate go flat as he kicks at the ground.

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Luna glared at him. "No one told you to power up!! Thanks to you I'm getting no sleep because I have to go calm Steel down!!" She stormed out, grumbling.


Aiko laid down, sighing. -I guess I should try to sleep... No sleep really isn't good for anypony...- she thought, yawning.

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Flair bows his head as he shakes it off as he appears behind aiko, back to complete normal as he licks her forehead, then he sings a GORGEOUS lullaby then he looks down at her. "Ya know the reason why you have insomnia is because your afraid of being alone" he lays down next to her and smiles. "Ill make sure you'll never be alone now get some sleep"

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Aiko blinked, looking over at him. "You're not a guard member. You can't be in here." She looked away. "Besides, I don't need any 'help' sleeping... I can't sleep because of something completely different than that..." She sighed, trying to hide the light pink blush barely noticable pn her cheeks.

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"I'm the son of loyalty,, plus my mother is bucking mad at me I'm pretty sure shed rather me sleep outside" he explains as he licks her cheek. "Your heart and thoughts are bothering you drop the cool act i kniw your kindhearted" he then licks her blushing cheek. "Now get some sleep ill watch over you" he smiles

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Aiko glared at him, looking away. "I don't need any 'protection' from a hyperactive little twit like you..." she snapped, walking over to a different mat. She glanced over at him. -I can't let another pony betray me again... I just can't...- She sighed, yawning. -Well... Maybe I could at least drop SOME of the bitch act...- she rethought, looking at him. "But if you must, you can watch over me... If it's that important to you..." She looked away.

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He walks over to her. "This serious me is the real me, i don't want my mom to worry about me, its why im 'hyper'. ive been alone for a thousand years searching for the right maire and your her and no way in equestria will i ever betray you. my mother was sealed away leaveing me alone a my life. trust me I'm never gonna. hurt you i promise as Luna as my witness i wont hurt you." He smiles

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Aiko looked at him, sighing. "I've been alone my entire life... My parents died when I was born... I was taken in by a dojo in Tokyony... I don't know any of my family, and my sensei only thought of me as a student... Never more..." She laid her head down. "I'm not used to having anypony caring about me... That's why you should just go on and find somepony who actually wants you to care for them... I went my entire life without anypony... I can manage the rest of my life without one, too..."

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"And that's why you can't sleep Im pretty sure your her. Watch" he walks over and he just licjs her cheek "please let me in and i promise on my life you'll never ever have to feel alone or betrayed ever again just please give me chance just one" he blushes he never felt like this torwards any pony.

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Aiko blinked, blushing. She looked up at him, gulping. -He really is quite handsome... And he's so sweet... Maybe I will...- She nodded. "O...okay... I-I guess I can try..." she said, her face red. She felt her heartbeat start pounding. She couldn't put her hoof on it, but she felt something for this pony.

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"Alright now get some sleep, imm right here if you need anything" he smiles chuckling a little. He then rubs her back with his hoof. "Get some sleep ypull feel alot better trust me" he then licks her cheek. "May peaceful dreams enter that weary head of yours."

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