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Hearts and Hooves Day Charity Drive!

Doctor XFizzle

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It's too late for Christmas now, but MLP Forums should host another charity drive for Hearts and Hooves Day in February.


The very first charity drive was within the first 3 months of the site's existence and we managed to raise $400 for a Vancouver Children's Hospital and it was sweet. Everyone pitched in and had fun doing it.


Then didn't we have a larger one last year where the staff gave out awards/prizes for certain level of donations?


Anyways, we should do it again but for Hearts and Hooves Day. We can raise money and make Valentine's art for kids. 


Here's the original drive topic


Edited by Doctor XFizzle
  • Brohoof 9
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It's too late for Christmas now, but MLP Forums should host another charity drive for Hearts and Hooves Day in February.


The very first charity drive was within the first 3 months of the site's existence and we managed to raise $400 for a Vancouver Children's Hospital and it was sweet. Everyone pitched in and had fun doing it.


Then didn't we have a larger one last year where the staff gave out awards/prizes for certain level of donations?


Anyways, we should do it again but for Hearts and Hooves Day. We can raise money and make Valentine's art for kids.


What a great idea! I'd love to contribute art for that. :) There are plenty of talented people here, so I'm sure that'd go great. :3 Also, the awards and prizes sound like a great idea to encourage people to donate.
  • Brohoof 2
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We should definitely do this. I support your suggestion wholeheartedly. 


Who should we raise the money for this time, though? Should it be for the same hospital?

  • Brohoof 1
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I can agree with this, Even though i don't have the means to donate really personally, and i don't really know if i have the talent to donate art either, i still think its a good idea as we haven't had a charity in quite a good bit of time. 



Woah, I must've made a topic in my sleep >___> This is a pleasant surprise

Wait you made this in your sleep? I can hardly have dreams that i remember, much less make full on threads IRL while asleep.. ;p.

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