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searching Equestria Squad

Twilight Sparkler

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A war has begun once more between Equestria and the Changelings. A specialised group of warriors, called the Equestria Squad has risen. They are currently recruiting young fillies and colts to start a long training course. Do you have what it takes?



• No Alicorns or non cannon species please

• Keep everything PG 13

• You must provide a link to your characters character database page

• This is a semi-lit RP, meaning grammar is important. Please don't be offended if you don't get accepted due to grammar

• No God modding or OP ponies please

• ONLY fillies/colts, no full grown ponies please



Basically, the characters will partake in some training sessions, missions and then get to fight in the actual war.




Pony name:



Database page link:


Accepted Ponies

Silver Dust-Me

Edited by EmeraldStreak


Sig by me for my use only

Self-proclaimed biggest Twilight Sparkle fan.


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