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The Time Pony

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(WooHoo! 200th!)


"As far as I'm concerned, Equestria is under martial law, and I still have a job. So I'm not killing anypony unless they are a threat, or provide immediate evidence of a crime more severe than looting a store and using narcotics. Conner, if you have anything to confess, by now I would just consider this an extended detainment and nothing more." Sharpwit crumpled up the wrapper to his energy bar and stuck it in his bag. No sense in poluting the planet just because it's been over run by the undead

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"if they try to attack anypony in this group, we fight back. Unless they had a very, very, good reason to do so" he said to the group. He stood and retrieved some candy from the minibar. "Anypony want a snack?" he asked the group in front of him. He munched on one himself.

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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Connor looked over to sharpwit and pulled out a note pad and started to read off of it.


"Let's see shall we hmmm I've eaten a cow I've burned a safezone to the ground before also raided a military convoy as well I stole a helicopter and crashed it into a radio station and I've also killed a lot government security forces that's it for page one of bad deeds are you sure you want to hear all of it sharpwit you might get nightmares ha ha"

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Damonater stopped in the middle of the dark, gloomy hallways of the hotel rooms and he thought "Would they really want to hear your piano skills right now? Its probably not the best time for it...." He said to himself. "Hmmm, perhaps i shall play it in that room we all stay in.... since they are all on the roof, they should not really hear it.... or perhaps not hear it at all." He thought to himself as he started walking back to the room with the keyboard under his wing.


So then, Damonater sits down at the slightly rotten couch and lays the keyboard on his lap. He then hits one of the keys on the keyboard and it makes a bit of a loud sound. He wasn't to sure if the others could here it. But then, Damonater remembers one of his songs that he made when he was in his teen years. He then takes a deep breathe and puts his hooves on the keyboard softly then simply begins to play his piece. (( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40Vj7LK0HaI  Thats the song he is playing )) His hooves move fluently with the tune and he begins to think about Lost. He knew he had to let go...... but he just couldn't..... He knew there was not going to be another chance. A small tear runs down his eyes.

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"Oh no I've heard much worse". SharpWit scowled particularly over the security part. He didn't escort convoys very often but he had some friends who did since they were new to the guard. You have to break them in somehow and miles of trotting certainly did the trick. "Go on, keep reading. I'd like to know how hard I'll be kicking your ass in the future". He smiled plainly. "Get me some chocolate would you Crimson?

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Connor flipped the page and smiled


"Sure buddy if you insist now page two of my life as a frowned upon survivors the deeds well we got me buzzing out on a jeffery then blowing up half of the Crystal kingdoms castle with stolen explosives we also have me we have me threatening a small town with a dirty bomb then losing the briefcase that detonates it oh oh one of my personal favorites burning some slavers after they tried to take a travel group that I managed at the time oh the screams they made was like music to my half singed ears you just can't find good napalm any more these days"

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"SharpWit cocked an eyebrow skeptically. "Styrofoam soaked in gasoline or tire bits and soapflakes in gasoline. let them sit till dissolved then you have napalm". Connor sounded like he was spewing horse shit more than anything at this point. If anything his crimes were ressembling achievements in video games. Not he could entirely blame him where a situation like this could be considered a giant game that had no end or final boss in sights. "Speaking of music, I believe Dam might be playing a little tune right now".

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While conner was distracted Crimson leaned over to sharpwit. "Conner will have to be delt with... talk later" he whispered. Then to the group. "Napalm is fairly easy to make conner, i think your just bullshiting us. Making yourself look good so we become scared of you"


((Napalm is fun though))

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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Damonater had just finished playing his piece. "I guess one more couldn't hurt. Perhaps..... one that isn't as depressing as the one I just played." He said to himself while wiping away his tear with his glasses on still. He would never dare to take off his glasses because that he never liked showing his eyes due to social problems


He then began to play his favorite song from his favorite band in hopes that would cheer him up just a bit more. He then proceeds to hum / quietly sing the lyrics to himself.


(( http://youtu.be/ebF7qGcQ1yg?t=21s that's the song he is playing now... but i bet you guys don't even listen to it. But if you do, then quote this little OOC bit  )) 

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"Anyways,,," SharpWit passed around the spears. "These won't bend unless you smash them on something really solid like a car block but just the same, use them the way they're supposed to be". He smiled remembering the idiocy of a new recruit one time in training "Surprisingly enough there is a difference between a spear and a club. So as a reminder, do not mix up the two. I'll go grab Dam so we can go". SharpWit went to the main room and wrapped a blanket around himself. It's best not to show off what you have in some cases but in others good for intimidation. He stood in the doorway where Dam was till his song was finished. "Ready to go Shepard of Fire?"

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"Oh haha... very funny..." He said sarcastically to SharpWit. "But yes I am ready to go. Is it Prance we are headed to?"  He asked as he put the keyboard in his saddlebag. Damonater's saddlebag is now full of ammo, guns, pictures of lost ones, food which was mainly cooked rice in small containers (Rice is his favorite food by the way, DON'T TOUCH HIS RICE!) and rashes of cooked bacon. And now a keyboard. His bags can not fit anymore things in there. After he packed and equips his PPSH-41, he then proceeds to follow SharpWit.

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Crimson stood and offered a hoof to Evergreen. "Let's keep going, dawn is almost here" he said as the first ray of light appeared. "Those turned don't like the sun, so we should t waste anytime. Let's go" he said. He hefted the spear as snapped the shaft in half so it was more daggers sized.

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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"These won't bend unless you smash them on something really solid like a car block but just the same, use them the way they're supposed to be"


 SharpWit and Dam get back to the group. So are we going to the next town over across the river, taking the main road the other way, following the river, or what? "He was thinking of the situation they would be in by the end of the day. Following the river would certainly mean less bandits but also less resources. Not to mention not knowing the terrain well enough that we might be forced into the river eventually. Over the bridge means less distance traveled but certainly more resources, and a place to sleep but bandits could be a serious issue along with the number of undead. The other way would have far less resources and they'ed be out in the open without the likelihood of shelter and being exposed to any and all danger. They might meet new ponies but who can you trust out here?

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"I vote we follow the river, we can always duck into a town to find more supplies if we need more. We don't want to go looking for trouble if we don't have too" he said. He glanced again at Ever, he didn't want her getting hurt. She was his number 1 priority, above himself

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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@@The Time Pony
((Sorry for my inactivity, been on a kinda hiatus from this site that's only like half over. The only reason I've been on recently has been to check up on this project I'm a part of. Yeah. Long story, but I'll try to be on more often.))
Evergreen took Crimson's hoof and allowed him to help her up. She listened to the conversation, and nodded in agreement when Crimson spoke. 
"I agree. The point of us going to Prance to look for a safe zone is to be safe. It would be stupid and redundant to go running into trouble."


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Damonater's stomach growled at him, begging for food. He looks down at his stomach, giving it an angry look. "No! You don't need anything." He thought to himself angrily. Damonater tries to fill himself up with some water and vodka. His stomach calms down a little but still growls a bit more. "Oh for the love of vodka, calm your shit stomach. Its only been like what.... 4 days since i ate? Isn't that enough?" He then thought to himself again. Damonater gives a sigh of envy as he quickly glanced at Crismon and Ever. He then slowly trots to the edge of the building, on the side of where the others were and stared off in the distance, thinking about what he could of had with Lost. A small tear from one side and a blood tear dripped down the other side giving a sigh. (( The blood tear is something to do with his right eye. No pony knows what his eyes look like due to his shade being on all the time. )) "Just..... Give it up... Its over...." He thought to himself sadly as a few more tears started to flow, both blood and normal.

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(Never thought it would take three days to complete 30 seconds at most of dialogue XD )


SharpWit nodded his head in acknowledgment to their decision. "Alright lets get moving" He raised an eyebrow at the blood streaming down Dams face. He picked up a random piece of paper and brought it over to him. "Hope that's nothing to serious you have there. If it is, take care of it, because as long as you keep completely to yourself as you have, no one will tend to you". He started off. "Eat something would you!".

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Damonater wiped away the blood tear with the piece of paper that SharpWit gave to him. He had nothing to say really.... because he felt like he didn't need to say anything to him. "Damn you everfree forest creatures...." He muttered under his breath. Damonater still stares at the scenary and the undead below from the edge of the building.

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  • 2 weeks later...

And so the sort of detained bandit, the casual universal some what or other, the hardly existent, the awkward lovebirds, and the lonesome alcoholic set forth to a not so well known safe zone within prance. they will encounter bandits, kill zombies, complain a fuck ton, and drink so much booze that it can't even be compared to an all out frat party. they are the most unlikely characters to get along for such a duration and in fact may end up killing each other over something probably pointless. (spoiler alert) A character may even appear that was thought to have been ripped to shreds during her attempt at making Molotov cocktails. yeah I know, how do you manage to die with an explosive on hoof. their journey will be one of largely alcoholic proportions and emotions may run so ridiculously wild, you'll hardly believe that some of these characters aren't those teenagers you hated in high school for being so over dramatic. This is,,, ACROSS THE GLOBE!!!

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