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open Firestorm, the RP

Cerise Hood

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"h..hey im not a baby!" Star yells"and you know its not nice to tease a mare like that it can sometimes brake a mares hearts teasing her like that" Star says with a little angrer. She then tries to show no pain from the 2nd drop of stuff on her wound"anyway thank you Steel".


Signature done by @Lunia

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A short piller of ice had stopped wanderlust. Chilly had stopped shooting the spikes as he saw the alpha being covered in spikes and currently pinned to the ground. Chilly on the other hand just looked dog, before turning around to wall out. A earie high pitch sound played off in his head.

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"Wanderlust, can we go now? I want to go to Canterlot as soon as we can. I bet mom is waiting for us." Willow levitate Wanderlust's dagger to him, and turns around. "And you, you better not follow us, or else mom will do something really bad to you! So you better just sit in your cave. Don't ever let me see you again!" Willow tugged on Wanderlust's mane and pointed to the exit. Wait Chilly, stop! She stood between him and Alpha Rex. "We need to go." Willow was in a position in which Chilly could easily hit her

Edited by Wind in the Willows


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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A short piller of ice had stopped wanderlust. Chilly had stopped shooting the spikes as he saw the alpha being covered in spikes and currently pinned to the ground. Chilly on the other hand just looked dog, before turning around to wall out. A earie high pitch sound played off in his head.

Wanderlust shivered as Chilly left, he realized he had been blocked by the ice and moved back embarrassed by what he had done. Still he resolved to talk to Chilly Bones more, he obivously needed some help.



He followed Chilly, "hey Willow come here, get on my back and close your eyes on the way out."


Runedawn strode over to where the alpha laid pinned on his back, he picked up the ancient Earthstriker's hammer and told the dog that the hammer was his before walking to follow the others.

Edited by Torrent505
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"I wasnt trying to taunt you star I promise I know how bad it hurts" steel said "it's just a pet name if you'd rather i won't use it" steel said as he dabbed the wound again as he poured again he hadn't meant to upset star

Grell whimpered I'm his sleep henwas still in isolation on the den

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"Um, okay. W- wait! I know what you are trying to do! You probably killed a bunch of them on your way here!" Willow looked down. "That is not what makes me mad, Wanderlust! It is the fact that you are trying to hide it! Now I know what these dogs deserve. I understand. They were trying to eat you, so you had to kill them. But just make sure I won't see any blood." She shivered, and climbed onto Wanderlust's back.


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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"isnt that enough dabbing of the wound,i mean its clean already dont need to make it clean that it will shine in the night" Star says to Steel" Star yawns and lays her head on the ground she kisses and nuzzles Steel and just stare at him and say"your handsome".


Signature done by @Lunia

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"Um, okay. W- wait! I know what you are trying to do! You probably killed a bunch of them on your way here!" Willow looked down. "That is not what makes me mad, Wanderlust! It is the fact that you are trying to hide it! Now I know what these dogs deserve. I understand. They were trying to eat you, so you had to kill them. But just make sure I won't see any blood." She shivered, and climbed onto Wanderlust's back.

"I wasn't trying to hide it Willow," he bucked her up a little on his back so he could lean his head back against her, "I know you're too smart for that. We couldn't get here without... fighting them and I know you know what that means. But you don't need to see stuff like that, it would hurt you and I want to keep you safe. You know that right? Chilly came through here and you saw what he was like so close your eyes tight, okay?" Wanderlust felt like his whole heart wasn't in comforting the filly; part of him was still angry that she hadn't taken care of the alpha and at the same time he hated himself for wanting the sweet foal to do something so cruel.

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Steel sighed "I want to be sure the infection is gone and I don't want you to get blood poisoning I doubt grell has the meds fir that" steel said he pulled out a needle "you're the most beautiful mare I've ever seen " steel said as he began to see her up the meds should have taken effect by now

Grell woke up in isolation in the den he couldn't break out the solid rock and steel room

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"Ok. I should not have been mad. You were trying to protect me." When they walked through the caves, Willow kept her eyes shut tight. She did not at all want to see the carnage. Once they got to the end Willow asked Wanderlust a question. "Wanderlust, please don't be mad at me about me not doing something to Alpha Rex when I could have. The Princesses' parents gave me a choice, and I wanted to say yes, but I could not bring myself to do it. It seemed to go against every single bit of my nature and what I learned. Please don't be mad at me."


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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star falls asleep on the ground and dreaming about Steel and her on a nice honeymoon and she smiled in her sleep and said"this is a nice honeymoon dear and im lucky to have such a handsome strong stallion like you" Star then giggles in her sleep and then stop.


Signature done by @Lunia

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Star snuggles"its really cuddly your wings" Star says and gives him another kiss"well today was a bit of a bad good day,they tracked my stent and found me and Grell but lucky we were no where the camp with the rest of the heard or is would of been bad and devastating". 


Signature done by @Lunia

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Steel smiled and pulled her closer with his wing so she was perfectly nestled under his wing and in his side "that's good at least we got away unlike grell" steel said he felt bad for leaving him but he had been worried about star and getting her to safety "but let's not think about that"

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"Ok. I should not have been mad. You were trying to protect me." When they walked through the caves, Willow kept her eyes shut tight. She did not at all want to see the carnage. Once they got to the end Willow asked Wanderlust a question. "Wanderlust, please don't be mad at me about me not doing something to Alpha Rex when I could have. The Princesses' parents gave me a choice, and I wanted to say yes, but I could not bring myself to do it. It seemed to go against every single bit of my nature and what I learned. Please don't be mad at me."

Wanderlust hesitated and a lump formed in his throat, "I-I shouldn't, couldn't expect something like that from you... You," he released a deep breathe, "you did the right thing Willow. I'm happy for you, and I'm not angry-I just... Don't lose that compassion, it's important because when you lose it, it's hard to ever find it again."

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"I just wanted to say sorry. You probably hate diamond dogs a lot, and after they captured us, you probably hated them a lot more." Willow fumbles with a piece of her mane. "Sometimes I do things I regret. Like when I got into that argument with Steel... things that make me really sad. I regret saying no..." Willow buried her head in Wanderlust's mane.


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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"I just wanted to say sorry. You probably hate diamond dogs a lot, and after they captured us, you probably hated them a lot more." Willow fumbles with a piece of her mane. "Sometimes I do things I regret. Like when I got into that argument with Steel... things that make me really sad. I regret saying no..." Willow buried her head in Wanderlust's mane.

"Hey, no tear in my mane back there," he leans his head back to nuzzle the side of his head against her face, "the choices we make, make us who we are and you're the most amazing filly I know so your making all the right choices believe me, I have a lot of regrets, you don't need to regret this. Besides if you don't put Steel and his moody lovey-dovey flank in its place who else will huh?" He brought his tail up to tickle her belly, "huh, who?"

((steel has no clue about them going to the den and no one knows about grell))

Grell was banging on the door "helooooooooooooo" grell yelled he had to pee

There is a grinding sound of the large steel door shifting, on the other side is Roxxy standing with a short sword, "I have new orders from my alpha." Step out of there now and follow me, she turns and starts to walk away not forcing him to follow or defending herself.

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Willow laughed. "Stop that! Heehee! Wait you really think that? Only my moms have complimented me like that... You really are my best friend!" Willow nuzzled the older stallion. "But you are amazing, too. Without you, I would always be feeling bad for myself." Willow had a mischievous grin. "You are rigjt, Steel and Star Struck cam be a little.. you know... sometimes." She opened her mouth and pointed at it. "It is kind of disgusting -they are always kissing eachother." Willow had a big grin on her face.


Big thanks to the universe for giving me such awesome inspiration! (And pictures!)


Those harmless swirly clouds Americans call tornadoes.

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Willow laughed. "Stop that! Heehee! Wait you really think that? Only my moms have complimented me like that... You really are my best friend!" Willow nuzzled the older stallion. "But you are amazing, too. Without you, I would always be feeling bad for myself." Willow had a mischievous grin. "You are rigjt, Steel and Star Struck cam be a little.. you know... sometimes." She opened her mouth and pointed at it. "It is kind of disgusting -they are always kissing eachother." Willow had a big grin on her face.

(Hnnngh cuteness heart attack)


Wanderlust had a goofy grin of his own now, "yeah I know right? And they aren't subtle about it at all it's all like mawh muh I love you Mawh muh and have you seen them giving each other the lovey-dovey eyes over the fire when they aren't together?! It's ridiculous!" He was laughing hard then he had in a long time while he made the face to the kissy noises. It was nice to act like this again, to act more normal and not dwell on what had happen. All thought's of the alpha were already out of his head.

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Star looks there way wave at them and then looks at her leg"man Steel said its bad i wonder if it will ever heal or it will stay that way,i cant walk but lucky i got wings to hover with" Star sighs and lay her head back down"no know interacts with me alot because im not like them" Star sighs again.


Signature done by @Lunia

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Luna stirred in the crystal caves deep underground beneath Canterlot's royal castle, she got shakily to her feet, barely able to stand, she stumbled a few feet to the near by pool of water and almost collapsed into it. She drank the water greedily, and heard a squawk as Philomena dropped a bit of charred bread she had found for the princess. Her hooves scooped it and it was gone it two bites. Satisfied she returned to the place she had been laying, she stood there and tears moved down her face she thought of her sister now gone forever, and all the ponies that had gone with her... The world had gone with her. She had wanted an eternal night once but never like this. Now She wanted to try and stay strong; she had to stay strong, she prayed silently to her parents and the other alicorn ancestors, she prayed that there were still ponies out there, and though she felt it was selfish when it was her own sister had caused so much pain and destruction she prayed that Willow was safe and she might she her daughter again.


She laid back down, she had a plan but she couldn't leave this place. She had to focus on the moon and the light and heat it was now forced to try and provide, the world needed her work now more than ever.

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Star is laying on the ground next to Steel with his wing over her and his asleep but Star isnt and sighs"i wish this whole didnt happen"Star looks over at Willow and Wonderlust"they are happy with each other im happy with Steel but i havent rpove anything yet to this group for them to start noticing me"


Signature done by @Lunia

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Embers woke up back at camp "Ugh, i have no idea what happend...i wonder what happend to willow..." He sighed, she had forgotten him like everypony else "What do i have to do to make them remember?"


Sapphire wonderd into the cave, saw grell, and went and sat next to him

     . +.  |  * . '
    .* \\_/|\_// + 

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Embers still felt the blood in his mouth, what the dog couldnt heal was his hate for the seer, he wanted to get revenge "Man, i need a new cape..."


Sapphire started wondering around looking for grell "Hello? grell? Is anypony there? No dogs though, just ponys!"

     . +.  |  * . '
    .* \\_/|\_// + 

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