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private MACH: Sound Broken

Aurora Lights

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@@Doc. Volt,


After staring at the monitor for a solid ten minutes, Seth had tracked the pony to a... tree house. Triangulating the position, he began to plot the distance from here to the residence. Once finishing the task, he called out on the comm line.


"All personnel, evac in progress. Strategic strike in 20 mins. We are moving out. Vex, transmit all the data to the EC-130J. Everyone else, lets move."

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"Seth.. friend.. i have a bad feeling about this... i am following you but you owe me some explanations before i get crazy.. you already know what happened here don't you? i can see it in your eyes.., this is something bigger than me and if i want to fight in it i must know what i am facing!"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt


Seth's mind had ether snapped or had hardened, although he didn't truly know or care. In the wolf's mind, he knew this pony's mind-state was over the point of psychotic. If someone with that mindset had any massing power, he would be a threat to the nations he gave blood and sweat to keep in the balance they were. With the suit that pony had, Seth was now going to make sure it was never to be used again. He would lay down his life to see that pony wasn't a threat to the equine and wolven nations.


As Volt boarded the EC-130J, Seth turned to him, his expression stone cold and remorseless.


"He mentioned something about his past when I meat up with him for this mission. He took two others with him, one being the professor that was going to join us. Drone seamed intent on finding out whatever his past was. Apparently, this is it. I cannot just let mutilating a live being and not do something about it. If you don't want to stop a psychopath, then by all means, take your jet. I have a swarm duty to my countries that I cannot let torture of anywhere near this nature be accepted...even to a changeling."

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@@Aurora Lights, @@arkman575,


"buddy.. it.. it is not that... i am fully withfull to find this bastard and rip his spine away"




"but.. but.. he is not the only one with a bad past you know that right? i... i have done.......... i have done things ok? i don't know if i'm going to hold my self if we capture him alive, because he is not going to stay so for much"



Volt shaled his head


"sorry... just.. just the.. th stress of the situation yeah... and the willing to fight again"


a spark blazed beetween Volt's eyes, then they slowly became smaller and smaller


"when we start the hunt season?" grinned Volt


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Aurora Lights, @@arkman575,


"buddy.. it.. it is not that... i am fully withfull to find this bastard and rip his spine away"




"but.. but.. he is not the only one with a bad past you know that right? i... i have done.......... i have done things ok? i don't know if i'm going to hold my self if we capture him alive, because he is not going to stay so for much"




Volt shaled his head


"sorry... just.. just the.. th stress of the situation yeah... and the willing to fight again"


a spark blazed beetween Volt's eyes, then they slowly became smaller and smaller


"when we start the hunt season?" grinned Volt

Seth didn't notice the speach differences. He walked over to he cockpit and yelled inside. "Get the bird flying, Fang." As he said this, both Vex and Hawl ran into the plane.


When Seth returned to the cabin, he turned to his men.


"I want you two prepped for leathal extraction. Stealth armor and smg loaded with emp rounds. Our target will be hard to take down."


Turning back to the pegasus, he said, "thirty minutes till drop. I want him allive... If possible."

Edited by arkman575
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"ehi wolf! i follow you, you track the bastard down, i'll end his breath with my coils ok? don't slow me down now"


shouted Volt sitting in the plane and cleaning the toroids of his Coils


"time to kill again eh eh yes... this is going to be fun... yes... using machines is not fun as doing the stuff with your own hooves.. or you paws am i right wolf? "


grinned Volt to Seth


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt


Seth was beginning to catch the difference in the pony's tone. He payed it little mind, but at least he thought of it.


"As I said, I plan to take him alive. I rather not deal with murder unless he fights back." Seth reminded Volt. Seth grabbed a side of the plane as the EC-130J began to move in the snow. After takeoff, Seth began adding the stealth gear as his wolves were already doing. Once finished, the team began testing their camo gear. It worked flawlessly, as expected. Seth took off his mask and looked at Volt. 


"Remember, no lethal actions unless I give the command." Seth looked over his wolves again and back at volt. Volt pupils had decreased. "Hey V, you ok?" The wolf asked.

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Volt stared at the wolf whit a smile for a while


"oh yes yes, never felt better than this before eh eh.. yes yes.. no lethal actions eh? eh eh no worries no worries... he will cry for death but it would be too simple for him eh eh.."


Volt strapped himself to the belt


"now move this plane faster wolf, i have a  pony to catch"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt


"Hang on. We just have to get past the ice layer. Once over that, we can go for twice as fast."


Seth sat back at the console, preping the plan of where the pony was. Last he saw, he was at the tree house. He calculated the eta. Roughly 30 mins if there wasn't any bad currants. After looking at the drop point, Seth sat back in the chair as he waited for the call for departure.

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"good good.. keep moving.."


Volt loaded his coil, from the back of his jacket he loaded a 92fs and he cleaned his switchknife, he removed the back of his coils sadle and charged the batteries with his hoof


"no lethal force my horn"

"you don't have one.. please let go.. let me back please... don't kill the pony.."

"shut up.. you are just too scared to do what we must do!"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@WhiteGuardian,@@Aurora Lights,  @@Doc. Volt,



When they finally arrived at the drop point, Seth gave his wolves a slight nod of confirmation. He pulled his mask back down and activated the stealth generators. With his team invisible, he called to Volt.


"Ok, one minute till drop. I'll go first fallowed by you, then my boys will join in. We will do to the door and ask for his surrender first. If he denies, then we can go for non lethal extraction. If you need anything else, get it done now. We are going to do this by the book."


Seth stepped over to the back hatch and spread his cloaked wings. The door began to open to reveal clouds. As he waited for the signal to jump, he stretched his wings.


'I'm sorry Drone, but this must be done'.


(Last post for a while. Have to begin my 15 hour day)

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Summer slowly crawled onto the bed and cuddled next to Drone. "It's okay. It was just a dream." she said gently. "I have them sometimes too." Flash st at the end of the bed and looked at his friend sympathetically. He stretched a hoof forward and rested it on Drone's shoulder. Jay nodded and said uncomfortably "Well, if there is no danger, then....I'll just...." he turned and walked out of the room.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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@@arkman575, @@WhiteGuardian,


"i'm not waiting for you old Wolf!"


shouted Volt launching himself out of the plane, after a 360° turn he opened his wings and followd the plane


"come on jump damn it!! i don't have time to lose! i must take that pony! for greater justice... and fun ahah!"


Volt satrted to fly around the plane waiting for Seth and looking down for a tree house.. he then spotted it




"the old wolf?"

"yes! you may not sure that it is and also you are under his orders!"

"NOPONY and no wolf give me orders! "


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Drone looked at Summer,a light blush forming on his cheeks as he was being cuddled by the filly,he couldn't help it,no matter how much he wanted to hold back,she was too cute,he cuddled her softly,"Thanks Summer,and Flash...and you too Jay..."he said softly and thankfully.

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Flash looked at his friend in concern and asked "Are you gonna be okay?" He didn't want to leave his friend if he wasn't going to be alright. Summer looked up anxiously with big blue eyes. She snuggled closer, trying to calm her new friend down. Flash looked from the filly to the stallion with a small smile.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Drone let her snuggle closer to him for a half minute before saying to his friend,"Take Summer,Chrysalis,and Jay and leave,go and don't look back,someone is coming after me...and I fear what you may see will haunt you forever..."he said,signaling to Flash with a loaded gaze into his eyes that he needed to do this,he needed to show them they were wrong and that he couldn't die...but they needed to be safe,gone,for now... 

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@@Doc. Volt


Seth watched the equine jump. "Damn it! Volt!" Seth shook his head and looked to his wolves. "When we get to the house and secure Drone, I want you to keep an eye on Volt. I don't like where this is going. One slip up and we might start wolven war II." 


Seth nodded to his men again and jumped out of the jet. Opening his wings, he aimed for Volt. Grabbing him in mid-air, Seth sank three claws into one of his legs giving him a modest cut.


"You ever disobey my command again, you will have much more to worry about than preening every night. Also, never call me old."


Letting go of the pony, Seth flew over to the house, fallowed by his team. He waited for Volt to land so the mission to begin.


@@Aurora Lights,@@WhiteGuardian,  

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@@arkman575, @@Aurora Lights, @@WhiteGuardian,


Volt heard the bite, when he turned Seth was already on the smal house


"that Bucking wolf doesn't know with who is messing with.. i'd better teach him a lesson or two!"



"only because he is more esperinced than me! and he doesn't want to start another war or having troubles!"

"another war?

"oh shit..."


Volt concentrated all of his energy on his saddle, lighting uo the two Tesla Coils like a forest on fire, he then launched himself trogh the air, getting past Seth he destroied the door of the small house and landed in the esact middle of it




Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,@@arkman575,


No one else was in the house but Drone now,he sat in the middle of the floor with his face pointed to the ground,he didn't even flinch when the door broke,he sighed and shook his head,"Volt..your making a big mistake here..."he said before looking around,"Ok,come on out Seth,and your wolfy buddies too...I won't hurt you...But you aint taking me no where."he said,looking around a moment. 

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@@Aurora Lights,


"Seth? i am not here for Seth of for whatever you have done eh eh, they saied you murdered somepony and it's a perfect excuse for me to hurt you ih ih"


Volt said while getting ready to charge, his coil started to sparkle


"so you are coming with the good manners or whit the bad manners?"


"stop! please! wait for Seth! maybe he did nothing! also remember the dream! THE DREAM!"

"shut up! i am stronger!"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Flash looked at Summer Breeze, his face pale. He nodded jerkily and she hesitated. She got up and gave Drone a hug before jumping off the bed. She ran after Flash as he went to grab Jay. Of course Jay was ticked off, but Flash threatened to shock him if he didn't leave. They flew out the back door and took off into the air.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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@@Aurora Lights,@@Doc. Volt,


Seth deactivated his clock armor and entered the house. When he did, the wolf brought up his DC-17 and pointed it at Drone. "Drone, I don't want to hurt you. But for your own good, please come with us. All I want to do it-" With all his might, Seth forced his elbow into Volt's scull while yelling to his troops, "Contain Volt now!". from the door, two armored wolves dissolved into reality. They bagan to advance on Volt.

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@@Aurora Lights, @@arkman575,


"what you thinking you are doing now? He is the enemy, not me! i was with you at all the time, He did the massacre! Don't try to get closer to me if you don't want to be eletrocutted!"

Volt shouted turning to the two wolves

"now take this pony bastard and go before i shoot him now "


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt@@Aurora Lights,



Bringing up both of his DC-17s, Seth pointed one at Drone and Volt while standing on his hind legs. Turning to Volt, he said, "If you attempt to kill him, I will end you just as quick."


He turned to Drone. "Now, what the hell were you doing at that base? You mutilated a changeling live! Now get on your knees." He gestured to the two wolves at the door. They approached the pony with paw cuffs.

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