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private MACH: Sound Broken

Aurora Lights

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"i am not killing anypony.. too easy for him.. he gotta pray me to end him..."


Volt said slowly moving away from the rifle barrell


@@Aurora Lights,


he then moved again near the pony


"Now scum, will you please answer? i have a millions volt charge here and i simply don't know where to put it, but your face seems good enough, how that sounds?"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,@@arkman575,


Drone watched all of this with a stone like calmness,he looked then to Seth,then to Volt in his face,he looked at the cuffs and sighed,slowly standing,"looks like you guys won't give up...well,I guess now is the time to come clean I suppose...Volt,since you wanna fry me so bad,do it,and you,Seth,shoot me in the head,on kill."he said,reaching behind him like he had a weapon. 

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@@Aurora Lights,


"oh not soo easy, death is an awesome gift you know? when a pony has nothing to lose, death is a benediction, when a pony is sufferinf everything he could only dream off, death become a mandatory thing for that pony, so sweet... no i am really sorry friend, but today i will not send gifts to anypony, oh no... it would be too easy for you... we are going to have fun.. lot of endeless fun... you will enjoy it till you die.. yes... yes..."


he licked his lips slowly walking toward the pony


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,


Drone let out a small half smile,"Who said I had anything to lose,Volt?..."he then whipped out his weapon,a scalpel,the one he had used to mutilate Chrysalis,he licked the now dry black blood off of the blade slowly before putting it to his throat and slicing open his neck,his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he drowned to death,but a few second's later,he slowly got back up with a look in his eye,he spun the little,razor sharp knife in his hoof. 

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@@Aurora Lights,


"oh my Celestia"




Volt turned hitting the wolf guards with his coil on stun power he then bucked Seth out of his way, he took off destroing the roof


"Time to dance with the demons"


Volts eyes became even more smaller, all the pupill was filled with electricty and his mane started to float in the air moved by static electricty,,, above them slowly some clouds started to hit each others


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Aurora Lights

@@Doc. Volt


'What the bloody hell...'


Seth watched as pony slit his throat, only to stand back up again. As he staired in disbelief, he felt a striking blow to the ribs. When he hit the ground, he lay there for a few seconds. What brought him back was the sound of a roof being broken in. He looked to see his wolves thrown across the grownd.


"Guy? Get up! I need to get volt down now!" One got up, but the other lay motionless. Seth ran over to him, ignoring what felt like a broken rib. He bent down to Fang's chest. He listened for a beat.


There was none.


He examined the body and found where a lightning bolt hit him on one of the stealth generators. The bolt was amplified and most likely electricuted him.


"Damn..." Seth said, a small tear in his eye. He turned to Drone.


"Don't go after him! Please, I don't want any more lives pointlessly lost. I beg you to come with me, not as a prisoner, but as a peace keeper."

Edited by arkman575
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Drone looked to the fallen wolf warrior and saw his friend have a tear in his eye,he sighed and shook his head as he walked over and said as he sat down next to his friend,"I'm sorry Seth,I can't leave...at least not yet...and your friend..."he sighed as he slowly undid his armor,he looked at his chest a moment before dropping his scalpel and rubbing his hooves together,"Here's to hopin'..."he said before pressing on the wolf's chest,"1,2,3..."he leaned down to hear nothing in his chest,his eyes changed from worry to determination,he then repeated this again and again,he then wiped his face and sighed,"I really did not want to do this..."he sighed,closing the wolf's nose and breathed into his mouth,his chest filling up with the exhaled air before it was let out,he then started pressing on his chest again,he leaned down to listen and he heard it...a soft,faint heartbeat...it was slow,but steady,Drone smiled slightly and picked up the wolf,"he then looked at Seth,"What's his name?"he asked softly.

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@@Aurora Lights


Seth looked from his fallen comrade to Drown. Noticing the smile on his face and the slight rise and lower of Fang's chest, Seth's emotions went from anger to gratitude.


"H-His name is Fang. I worked with him for a wile before this. He is loyal, more so then most wolves back home." Seth said, resting a paw on the wolf.


"Wolves consider their fellow members as brothers. When one falls, we all feel the pain. It keeps us united...until the end. Thank you."

Seth said.

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@@Aurora Lights, @@arkman575,


Volt looked at the wolf and Drone trying to reanimated the other wolf




"please stop, please!!! you killed another innocent pony! stop!"

"shut up! life's worthless without a reason for fighting!"

"you are insane!"

"and you let her die!"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,@@Aurora Lights,


When he heard the comment, Seth was enraged. He pulled out his DC-17 and shot in the air towards Volt. He was a great shot, but the distance cut back on accuracy. However, when you have 50 rounds per mag, accuracy isn't always needed.


"Volt, you have crossed the line!" Seth yelled, pulling out the second hand gun, continuing the barrage of energy.

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"what are you tring to do Wolf?!? Hitting a Pegasus in the air!?!? AHAH!"


while laughting, a round hit him in the right wing





"SHUT uuupppparghhh"


screamed Volt while failing down, trough the air and then crashing against all the trees


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Summer sat on the floor with wide eyes as she watched six older stallions discuss the situation. Sitting next to her was Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Derpy and Chrysalis. Jay, Flash, Doc and Firebrand were joined by the two remaining Elements of Nature, Clay and Lancelot. They were all talking loudly, except for Firebrand who sat and watched intently but silently, and Jay who stared off into space with a sullen looke on his face. They were all in Doc's lab trying to figure out what they were going to do. The mares had learned that when the guys were tzlking business, it was best to stay out of it.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Drone blinked and landed at Doc's house,he walked up to the door and knocked on it,he waited patiently as he started to clean off his neck,he sighed softly,sitting and waiting,he head the jabbering and shook his head,he knocked on the door again,still no reply...he narrowed his eyes,turned around and bucked the door hard,he then walked in and said,"Why,hello."he said softly. 

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Summer heard the knocking on the door and went over to open it. The knocking got louder and more insistent until finally the door burst open and sent Summer flying. She say there with little birds flying around her head. The room went silent as every head turned to look at the pony in the door way.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Drone looked at all the heads turned to him,he walked in a few steps before closing the door and sitting in front of the door.,he was then almost thrown right beck out of the door by being tackled by Derpy and Chrysalis,both snuggling into his chest,he blushed a deep color as he looked from head to head,his ears flat as he chuckled and pet their heads.

Derpy looked up at him with watery eyes,"You scared me Droney...I was so worried about you."she said,her eyes crossing slightly.

Drone blushed more as he held their heads into his chest softly,"Well...I'm ok now...don't worry/"he said softly.

Chrysalis just kept her mouth closed,not taking any time to talk to Drone because she wanted to cuddle him as much as possible before they called him over,like she knew they would.

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Clay and Lancelot stared at Drone curiously. Clay frowned and adjusted his hat. "So Ah'm guessin' this is the fellah y'all were talkin' about?" he said in a low rumbly voice. Flash nodded and walked over to his friend. Jay moved over to Summer Breeze and helped her up from the floor, scowling slightly at the newcomer. The rest of the ponies sat down and simply watched.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Drone blinked as the mares got off of him,he looked at Flash and blinked blankly,"Wa..."he said,his face blank,he yawned slightly and shook his head,"So,what were you guys talking about?"he asked,looking at Flash before walking forward,he smiled slightly and started to play with him.

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Flash held up a hoof and shook his head. "We were talking about you. We're trying to find out what to do about this situation. Your under attack. We need to discuss what to to do about Seth and Volt. Speaking of which, how did you get away?" he asked. The other ponies looked at him with slightly narrowed eyes as the question was brought up.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Drone blinked and looked away,he sighed,"well...uhh...I saved one of Seth's friend,and escaped..."he said,still not making eye contact with any of them,he then noticed Summer and trotted over to her,"Oh Summer,I'm so sorry,I-I didn't know you were behind the door,c-can I help?"he asked softly,his eyes big in concern. 

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Summer smiled slightly and opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by Jay. "You should be more careful you idiot! And by the way, if those dumb froends of yours did anything to my house, it's gonna come out of your hide!" he growled. Firebrand smiled softly in amusement, and Doc rolled his eyes while Lancelot, Clay and Rainbow shook their heads. Flash rolled his eyes and pushed Jay on the shoulder. Twilight put her hoof to her mouth and giggled slightly while Summer glared at Jay. "Don't listen to him Drone, Jay could pick a fight with a fencepost." said Rainbow.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Drone gulped,his ears flattening,"uhhh..."he took a small step back and then looked to Summer,he softly rubbed her head,"a-are you ok sweety?"he asked her softly.

Derpy looked at the other ponies in the room and she thought a moment,she smelt the irony scent of blood on his neck when she cuddled him and looked at Drone,"Drone...why did I smell blood when I hugged you?"she asked,Chrysalis agreeing with her question.

Drone blinked,he looked at Derpy with wide eyes,his mouth closed before looking back at Flash,then to Firebrand,they both knew his secret,so he guessed they would take a swing at the possibilities,he then looked over at Derpy and answered,"I...uhh...I had a nosebleed..."he said,looking from side to side,"y-yeah...a nosebleed..."he said,gulping softly.

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Summer looked up and leaned slightly into Drone's hoof. "Yeah I'm okay." she saod softly. Flash frowned at his friend as Derpy asked her question. He met his friend's gaze evenly and nodded. Firebrand did the same, but then the other four stallions copied them, looking right at Drone. Flash waited for Drone to finish lying to Derpy before he leaned in and whispered as quietly as he could in his friend's ear. "The other elements know already. Don't worry, they're cool."

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Volt woke up on the middle of a tree, beind him blue feathers hanging from other trees, he tried to move, only to fall down on the ground... his wing slightly bleeding, the heat of the round cicatrized it


"w..what the hall happened? where am i?... m..my..my wing...."


Volt looked at his wing for a while before letting himself down, he slowly started to cry


"i knew this was wrong. sigh... i knew... Celestia... forgive me for what have  i done.."


he rolled on himself looking at the sky


"Not only i killed a pont and let him take my body..but...the worst thing.... betraying a friend... and now.. i.. i am forever grounded.. her.. like... like a mud pony... i want to die... why should i live anymore?"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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