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private MACH: Sound Broken

Aurora Lights

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@@Doc. Volt

Seeing his prey shot down, Seth turned to Fang. The unconscious wolf's heart rate was still faint, but was at the vary least stable. He nodded to Vex to take care of his brethren while Seth investigated the winged pony. He walked out of the house and began to hunt. After roughly ten minutes, he spotted a crying Volt lying on the ground. Reloading his handgun, he approached the pony.


"Volt. What the hell? Why the wolven hell did you nearly kill us all?" Seth asked. 


(btw Over 600!!!)

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Volt slowly started to retreat dragging himself toward a tree, trying to get up, but his leg hurted very much


"i... it... it wasn't me... yes it was me but.. it wasn't.. it... it's.... just kill me ok? It's way more simple.... "


he said looking away and closing his eyes


"i will probably never able to fly again... and HE is going to hurt more ponies.. just pull that trigger"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,


Seth was questioning what to do. He could end a life and ensure more, or he could save one, but potentially endanger more. After a second, he made up his mine. He charged the gun and raised it to meet Volt. His gaze was stone cold. He leveled his shot, and pulled the trigger.


The blue bolt of energy flew from the gun, heading directly on coarse with what it was aimed for. With a satisfying spark, it landed on it's target.


With the coils of Volt's back shot, Seth had no reason to fear Volt. He lowered the gun and advanced on him. Holding the pony by his neck, claws nearly piercing his skin, Seth demanded, "Who are you?!?"


(600 posts on this forms)

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Volt closed his eyes hearing the charge, he felt the ions getting gathered in the barrel and then the stream... he looked around him, hiss body.. he weren' t hit, just the the main coil on his right was hanging on the ground sparking like a raging cat


"i...i.... i am.. i were... a simple electronic engineer.... that's all..... then.. i was asked to work for the Cloudsdale weather corporation... but that corporation... doesn't want to look only at the weather... you know why Pegasi were born in Equestria? to control weather, and protect the population... we were warriors... well... somepony nuts enough on the CWC thought that we Pegasi must be always ready for a war.. like the Gryphon one... were do you think they developed those jets and Fighters? were did i get the tecnology for my FALKEN? but... weapons aren't enough.. weapons brings power..and power demand more power... they built an underground laboratory under Cloudsdale, in the middle of the everfree... the best engineers of Cloudsdale were pratically closed inside there.. forced to do experiments over kidnapped fillies and colts from their birth... failures of test flights, abbandoned foals, Orphanage... they were........they were resource... i was forced too... and.. and there.. HE was born.. i icouldn't deal with the horror of every day there... i shutted my mind, my coscience... and he was born inside me.. myself.. without.. without any mercy.. i worked there for five years of my life... five years killing and torturing foals just to make weapons and monster of them... onl one of my 'experiments' survived.. his name was Nightstrike... he waked me up from my Nightmare.. and we escaped from that hell... i never saw him again... and i tried to live a normal life... untill now.. where... where that changelling.. that pony cutting himself.. awaked him again.. i am dangerous again Seth... kill me.. it's the only way..." Volt said letting himself down, watching his reflexion on a small pool... the reflected pony was smiling, while Volt was crying again


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Summer raised an eyebrow and said "if that will make you feel better. Cuz that's why I did it the first time." she smiled as she looked at him. Doc looked up and grunted impatiently. "Drone, we need to figure this out. Why are they after you? We don't have a lot of time, they will probably track you here. You need to give us more details so we can help you. And don't say you don't want help because you have involved all of us in this."

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Drone smiled slightly and nodded at Summer,he then looked up,"well...They are after me because..."he looked over his shoulder and stared at Chrysalis a moment before looking to the ground in front  of him and saying,"Ladies...I need you all to leave...now."he said,his voice commanding and stern,also a little cold.


Derpy and Chrysalis obeyed his orders.

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@@Doc. Volt


Seth wasn't sure how to respond to the explanation, mostly because of not comprehending what he had said. He focus jumped from Volt to his continues questions running through his mind. With every question he thought he answered, three took it's place. As he lost himself to his questions, he lessened his grip on Volt's throat, eventually letting go. He backed away from the pony, prepossessing the situation. What the questions always came down to was,


'Do I extinguish a life and prevent death, or do I spare him and potentially risk those who could fall to his power?' 


Seth was torn on two fronts, both having the same reasons. Honor, valor, protecting those he needed to, and doing what was right. He slowly brought up the DC-17. He knew he had to protect his nation over the cost of one life. He aimed down the sight, right for Volt's scull. As he edged towards the trigger, one final thought ran through his head. He fired the round, striking the tree above Volt.


"I'm sorry Volt. I don't kill innocent beings, no matter what." He said, tossing the gun to the ground. Seth looked at the weapon, remembering the reason of his change in mind: his last day in the pony-wolf war.

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Summer looked slightly afraid as she folllowed the two mares. Rainbow and Twilight looked uncertain, as if they didn't know if they were allowed to stay or not. The stallions stood a little straighter and Flash deadpanned. Doc's expression was unreadable, and Firebrand looked nervous.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Drone looked up at the two remaining mares,"Didn't you hear me?...I said leave!"he said in a harsh voice,as soon as they left,he looked back and stared at each of the stallions,panning around to each gaze before sitting on his hind end and saying in a very bleak,dark,and emotionless tone,"They want me captured because I had disemboweled Chrysalis...because I had killed her,because I had made myself look 'bad'...because I am who I am..."he said,slowly glaring at the six stallions(assuming there are 6),he then looked away and took in a large breath,"...So,elements of nature...do you resent me for being immortal? Or do you love the fact that you all have one more...I have been doing research,and I figured out what I want to do with this...power...this eternal life of mine...and this suit...I shall donate it,Donate it to our military...and then donate the schematics to the wolf empire...and I will be a 'civilian'..."he said,his eyes still slowly scanning each face.

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Twilight looked shocked and Rainbow scowled and said "Whatever." The two mares left the lab and Rainbow slammed the door behind her. Flash flinched and some of the other stallions rolled their eyes again. Then they listened patiently and carefully as Drone spoke. Then Clay chuckled and said "Look, no offense partner. But yer not exactly the mos' dangerous or strange thing we've come across." Then Lancelot said "And Doc has already told us everything that happened, and we don't blame you for how you reacted, but based on the things Flash has told us, we don't think your evil. He thinks very highly of you you knlw." Lancelot smiled while Flash blushed slightly. Then Jay said "Yeah but he has also told us how dumb you can be too." He smirked and Flash glared at him. Jay continued "But you must have done something right, cuz Flash still sees you as one of his best friends." "And any friend of Flash is a friend of ours."said Firebrand while the rest of them nodded in agreement.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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"NO!!!" screamed Volt launching himself over the gun, he took it from the ground with his mouth and then he launched it toward Seth's paws, he then pointed the barrel over his chest


"do it Seth! i am dangerous!!! shit!! kill me before he gains control again! listen, paint my word, I. AM. NOT. INNOCENT. i killed thousand of filles and colts, tortured them to death, matating thir dna, strapping mecahnical devices to them, brainwashed.... i did all of this shit trying to turn them into monsters... into weapons... for Cloudsdale... i don't want to husrt.. i don't want to kill... but i did it.. the other me did it... i have a monster inside me, and my tecnology and my knowledge makes me even more dangerous.. i am a walking doom device Seth... kill me now before he returns.. do it... please.. if you don't want to do for other ponies... do it for me... pull that trigger....."


he then closed his eyes


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Drone smiled slightly before long,he dropped his serious look and he looked to be at peace now and he sighed slightly,he looked up slowly and said,"I need all of you to know every bit of my past...what I was before all of my memory was destroyed,I want to know what happened to my mother and father...I remember now that I had a sister...I can't remember her face,name,or anything about her..."he looked down with a small smile,his voice sounding distant but blissful,"...I remember her voice though...I remember she loved me,that she was always there for me...that she protected me..."he smiled more as he quoted her,"She said this to me once,'Drone,your so amazing,you don't even know how amazing you are yet,but soon,you will,I know you will do great things one day,amazing things...I love you Sentinel.'thats what I remember from her...Her voice was so soft,so sweet..."he said softly. 

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@@Doc. Volt


Seth held the gun, although he capt it lowered.


"Do you think you are the only one who has blood on their paws? If you do, you are sadly mistaken. You are not the only being who has killed uncountable lives. Do you know why I never talk about the first war I was in? It's because I killed ponies. A thousand years ago, I was forced to fight a war that should not have started. Our nation sent hundreds of thousands of our warriors to counter the Discord slave army. I had been trained as a pup for war, trained to be the ultimate warrior. With my team of ten, we secured many fronts across the battlefield. But it left scars on us. You might have killed ponies with experiments, but I was forces to take hundreds of lived daily with my bare paws. We were even forced to eat the bloody remains if supplies were cut off.


"The last day during a raid on a small town, we flashed the area with incendiaries. When we moved up, I saw something that put me over the edge: A young filly writhing in pain as she slowly burned to death. That's when I was nearly killed. I knew I was responsible for the death of kids, but seeing that... I....couldn't take it."


Seth put down the gun and closed his eyes, trying to purge the ill memories of his past. Then he looked up and yelled. "It's like you said, death is a gift! If I have to live through this mess, then you will too!"

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Volt looked in Seth's eyes for a while.. whit an emotionless face and vacuum in his eys.. then a small drop of tear flown off them.. he tried to open his mouth twice.. but no words out of it.. he then tried to speak again "Listen Seth... maybe i am the only one who can understand you.... and i see what you mean.. really.. but.. but.. you changed... you are still here as yourself.. i have a killer insid me.. and if you don't kill me.. he will kill others... if you don't want to give me this gift... do it for others.. please.."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt


Seth looked at the pony's pleading eyes.


"I can't kill another pony. I just can't. In the war, I was forced to basically break every fiber of the wolven code. I have spent years suppressing the part of me that let my kill. I just can't kill ponies any more. If you want yourself dead,"


Seth tossed over the gun, landing in front of Volt.


"Then, you will have to do it your self. Just know, I had a little respect for you. You contained yourself this well... I wish I could have known you."

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Volt grabbed the weapon pointing at his head.. he then opened his mouth and placed the hoof over the trigger... but when he was going to press it, he turned the weapon toward  the wolf




Volt shooted the gun that completely missed the wolf hitting a tree, he launched the rifle away






Volt started hitting himself, rolling on the dirt  like fighting against another invisible pony


"you killed enough! it's your turn now!"


Volt shouted before stopping looking at the ground panting


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt


Seth jumped at the sight of blue energy streaking towards him. Instinctively, he hit the ground, pulling his second pistol. The wolf watched as Volt struggled with himself. After the pony seemed to die down, Seth brought up his pistol. Flicking a switch on the sidearm, he shot off three stun rounds into the pony. It might be considered overkill, but he knew better than to overestimate the situation.

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Volt turned his head just to see three burst of energy, he felt them hitting his body, he dropped on his side, he saw just trees and shadows fading away while losing consciunsnees, he felt cold, starting from his hooves and his wing.. then only black remained


"i told you"

"it was your fault"

"indded, and i'm happy with this"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt


Standing from his prone stance, Seth looked at the limp body of the pony. 


"Ya know, I should have lead with that..." he muttered, holstering his gun. He then collected the second weapon and returned to Volt. He made sure that he wasn't injured beyond the wing. The bleeding had already began to subside.


Remembering his previous mission, the wolf turned to his COM line. 

"Hawk, you don't happen to know where that one pony went, do you? The one that left after Volt smashed through the roof?" Seth called to his eye in the sky.



"Remember that house he went to the first time around when you flew over to pick him up for this covert op? Same place." The air-wolf called from the C-130.


"Good. A bit of a walk, but good. You wouldn't mind landing to give us a lift, do ya?"


"Um, I'm running low on fuel up here Seth, I should already be heading back to-"


"You just don't want to have a psychotic pony while trying to take down another psychotic pony on your plane."




"Fine, I'll walk. But you owe me so much when I get back."


Seth signed off the com line and gripped Volt and tossed his lifeless body over his back. He winced as the presser intensified on his wings. As he began walking, he wondered why he didn't ask Hawk for one of the ATV's they packed for the snow mission.


@@Aurora Lights,@@WhiteGuardian,  

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Drone looked away as he felt the feeling again..."They are coming to try to take me again..."he said,looking off to the side,he calle the mares back in and smiled at them,"I'm sorry....just...it was very secret...and...well...yeah."he said before looking to Twilight,he blinked and tilted his head,"Oh...hey...I haven't met you before,my name is Sentinel Drone,it's nice to meet you..."he said,extending his hoof. 

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@@Aurora Lights,@@WhiteGuardian, @@Doc. Volt,  


Seth had been walking for the better part of an hour. He had already re-stun Volt a few times just for precaution. At this point in the journey, he was rather sour. Finally, he was in sight of the structure from his earlier visit. He placed down Volt and stretched his body. When examining his wings he noticed some feathers where bent.


"Well... guess I'm not flying anytime soon." He muttered to himself. He winced, plucking the bent feathers. He had been a pterolykos for a short time and he still hadn't learned proper wing etiquette. He placed Volt's limp body on his back and continued on his walk to the house.


When he finally arrived, he knocked firmly on the door. At this point, he was panting from both the heat of the body on him and just from the long walk.

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Twilight smiled and extended her hoof. "It's a pleasure to meet you Sentinel Drone." she said. Rainbow smirked as she walked past the stallion. Summer came in behind her and smiled hesitantly at Drone. Rainbow walked up and sat right next to Flash to rest her head on his shoulder.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Drone smiled and shook her hoof,"I'm sorry,I don't know your name."he said with a small chuckle,he then looked right at the door right before it knocked,he gulped softly and looked back at Flash with a loaded gaze,he smiled at Summer quickly before walking into a vacant room,and hiding under a desk,he sighed softly as he hoped they wouldn't find him. 

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Flash looked worriedly at the door as it knocked. He looked at Doc and the blue unicorn nodded. Flash slowly walked toward the door and opened it. his eyes widened as he saw Seth standing there with a look of consternation. he appeared to be hauling Volt on his back like a sack of potatoes. he tried not to snicker at the comical sight. "Seth, what are you doing here?" he asked.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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@@WhiteGuardian@@Aurora Lights,


Seth couldn't take it the strain any longer. With the increase in back and wing pain and lack of breath and stamina, the second the door opened, the wolf fell strait in. When he looked up to the pony that opened the door, he swore the room was spinning around him.


"Hey... I... kind of came here to... lie down for a few seconds..." Seth said, fighting to stay awake. "...I could use some water if you have it..."

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