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private MACH: Sound Broken

Aurora Lights

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Flash yelped again as his neck was cracked, first to the left, then to the right. Then he relaxed again and proceeded his soft moaning. Dash smiled ruefully and said "Eh, I'm not sure Flash would be too comfortable with that. He's kinda jealous. Not that he doesn't have reason to be. I am pretty awesome." She sat there watching her stallionfriend as she smiled smugly. Flash mumbled unintelligably into the pillow.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Drone chuckled softly,"naw,he wouldn't mind,would ya Flash?"he smiled and moved to his lower back,he smiled up at his friend a moment before looking at Dash,"hey,come here,I'll show you how to do this right."he said to Dashie,he then softly put his hooves on hers and made her push in a certain way,unraveling his wound up muscles and soon he let her finish his lower back,"very good,very good. Now,time for his legs,I got these,these are really tricky."he said and moved to his rear legs,softly massaging the tensed muscles,he didn't want to mess with his flank,but,he would if he needed it too bad,he knew how bad cramps in that area hurt.

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Dash looked uncertainly at Drone. She wasn't very good with this kind of thing. He took her hooves and showed her how to work the muscles. She didn't want to hurt him so she tried to be gentle while still trying to be firm. It also probably helped that her hooves were softer than Drone's. As she worked, Flash's moaning changed. It became lower and slower and more ecstatic. He practically squirmed underneath her hooves. She could feel his muscles unknot and he continued to moan in pure satisfaction. Dash grew more confident with her hoofwork as she smiled.

Edited by WhiteGuardian

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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"i am coming friend!" Volt shouted while opening his wing and flying toward his furried friend, he then was almost over him, without touching ground he staied above his head hovering


"buddy what is that liquid shit? i am not going to land near it! my pad here is crazy!!"

Seth was holding back his gag reflex. He knew all too well what it was. With a slight stutter in his tone, he spoke. "It's blood. The question is, why is it not fully dried? It looks to just be a day or two old..." Seth, for the first time in two years, was lagitmintly scarred. Looking from the blood to volt and then back to the door, Seth caushisly opened the door. What was inside made him freeze in his tracks.



A labrotoy for surgical implementation covered in blood and flesh. Still as fresh as the puddle at his paws. There were jars of origins, instruments of torture that could not be described in words, and large pieces of flesh and organs across the ground.


"...what the hell happened here?..."

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Drone smiled and softly pat the mare on the head,"good job,keep it up."he said softly and finished his lower legs,he then looked at his flank thoughtfully a moment,he then walked up to his friend's ear and whispered,"Uh...bud...don't take this the wrong way,but is your flank cramped? I don't know if Dash is ready for those muscles yet...lower back is really easy..."he said in his ear in a whisper only he could hear.

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Flash mumbled incoherently. Then he moaned even deeper as Dash began softly massaging his flanks. She started softly and slowly increased the pressure. Flash slumped in a puddle again as Dash smiled. She was getting the hang of it. She kind of like this. She would have to do this more often.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Drone's ears flung up as he looked at Dash,he then trotted over quickly and said,"Dash,be careful!...This is very very tender,if you make one wrong move,you will hurt him more than help him...NO WAIT!"he said as he stopped her hoof from touching a certain spot,"Are you crazy?!...here."he said,moving her hooves to some other muscles in his flank,he then studied her hooves,"ok..ok..slow now SLOW...slow down...this isn't a race kid."he said and slowed her hooves down. 

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Dash looked at Drone with an annoyed expression. "I'm doing fine." she said impatiently, but she let herself be corrected, doing it the way Drone showed her. Flash's moans increased in volume and intensity. Dash blushed slightly and bit her lip. She increased her movements. She wondered if she was beginning to get as much pleasure out of this as Flash was.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Drone blinked up at Dash and softly slapped her head,"Hey,focus,your healing him,not sexing him up...be professional...or I'll take over this."he said and examined her blush,he looked at his friend and looked back,"hmmm...I think that might be all Dashie,every muscle is good now,so,yeah,you can stop."he said and pulled her hooves away,letting his friend regroup himself. 

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Flash lay there in a blissful heap. Dash looked slightly stunned as she blushed even harder. Then she sat on the floor and rubbed the back of her neck looking sheepish. "Sorry, I guess I kinda got carried away. Heh heh." Flash began snoring loudly as he slipped into happy slumber. He curled up in a peaceful fetal postion. Dash smiled at the adorable sight.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Drone smiled at his friend and covered him up,"sweet dreams bud..."he said and picked up Dash,he carried her out and closed the door behind them softly,he smiled and softly pet Dashie's head softly,"very good,you did good,but next time,don't get wet while doing that."he said and carried her to the couch,he then put her down and sat beside her,turning on some TV. 

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Dash said "Hey what are you doing?" Drone put her down amd pet her head and her face flushed and she scowled at him. "I'm not a filly." she said indignantly. He merely picked her up and put her on the couch. She folded her hooves and pouted. When she heard his 'wet' comment, she blushed heavily and turned away in embarrassment.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Drone smiled and pat her head again,he looked at the TV,he then heard Chrysalis snoring away in her room,man,she slept a lot...

He sighed and raised an eyebrow to Dash before he pushed her softly,"come on,let's play."he said and softly pushed her again,his smile wide and inviting. 

Edited by Aurora Lights
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Volt looked inside the room, just to return out to not puke


"buddy.. this... is utterly... horrific... far worst than my lost job... what the hell happened here? what is going on? and most of all where are our two friends? damn.. buddy... we got ourselves in something big... we must find out what the tartarus is happening there... i.. i don't.. know what to think.."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Dash shifted uncomfortably and said "Actually, honestly I need to get out of here. I have a practice session planned with the Wonderbolts. But I'll be back later. Take care of Flash for me kay?" She smiled at him warmly and got up from the couch, heading for the door.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Drone sighed softly,"awwww,ok Dashie,bye!"he said before hugging her tight,he then let her go and waved her off,he then yawned and looked around before slowly walking into his room,he laid in his bed and closed his eyes,soon after he felt hooves wrap around him,they had holes in them,which meant only one thing...

"I'm having nightmares..."she said softly,snuggling up to Drone's back.

Drone blushed and sighed softly,"Ok...ok,you can sleep in here,but just for tonight."he said softly,he then closed his eyes again and took a nap along with Chrysalis.

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Dash widened her eyes only slightly as she was hugged. She blushed slightly and said "Yeah.....sure....see ya." She walked out the door and flew off.


Flash woke suddenly. He sat up and looked around. He stretched and yawned and scratched his chest. It was darker, meaning it was later. He jumped out of bed and out of his room. He was greeted by the smell of something delicious and the sound of someone in the kitchen. Summer was hoe from school and making dinner. He wondered if Jay was home too. He flew over the railing of the balcony and down to the first floor. Jay was standing in the kitchen talking to Summer while she cooked. He looked up and nodded at Flash as he approached.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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A few hours later,Drone woke to be alone in his bed,he looked around and sat up quickly,his heart rate quickening as he saw darkness filling his room,"CHRYSALIS?! FLASH?!? SUMMER?!?!?! ANYONE?!?!?!"he started to panic before he heard a voice whisper to him,"This is not a place you can bend to your will,Sentinel...You are nothing but a useless waste of a life,the power of being immortal that you have gotten is wasted on an insolent little shit like you...' Drone started shaking.

In the real world,he was tossing and turning,murmuring something as he started sweating,tears streaming out of his eyes,Chrysalis really was gone,but just in the room with Jay and Summer,Drone let out small whimpers before he bolted upright out of his bed and let out a blood-curdling scream,his eyes huge in fear as he breathed in gasps...nightmares...he hated them...

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Flash's eyes jerked wide. He sensed Drone's trouble just before he heard the terrifying scream. He bolted upstairs and burst into his friends room with Jay and Summer close behind. Flash was breathing heavy in panic. He loooed around but only saw Drone, upright in bed, sweating and clearly upset. Jay narrowed his eyes and glanced around the room, making sure there was no danger. "What happened?" he asked.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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@@Doc. Volt


Seth was having a mini flash back of his days in the war. He remembered being tortured and beaten. His own men even being experimented on. But what lay in front of him was far worse. This was dissection on a horrific scale.


"What the hell happened in here..." Seth muttered to himself again. Finally, a burst of comm static came over the line.


Hawk's voice came over the line. "Hey Seth, we found the security wing for the base.I accessed the tapes and found a few equines enter the base two days ago. Vex is reviewing the da- *Off the comm line* What? Let me see that. *back on the come line* Ok, Vex said they went into exam wing 13..." Hawk's voice faded out. After a few seconds it came back. "Sir, I think you need to see this."


"Why?" Seth asked.


"Oh wolven hell... just get over here." Hawk said. 


Seth was dreading what the officer had to show the two. "Volt, it seems we might have an answer to what... this... is all about." Seth walked out of the room, trailing blood from the puddles he stepped in. He fallowed the helmets nav to the security office.

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Volt without stopping loocking at the mess slowly turned to his friend


"ye..yes..ok.. fine then.. let.. let's go.. i'm not really sure if i want to know... but for tartarus... whatever has been here.. whatever happened.. we must help them... damn,... in what have got myself into? let's go friend... i am going to slowly murde the bastard who did this"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Volt without stopping loocking at the mess slowly turned to his friend


"ye..yes..ok.. fine then.. let.. let's go.. i'm not really sure if i want to know... but for tartarus... whatever has been here.. whatever happened.. we must help them... damn,... in what have got myself into? let's go friend... i am going to slowly murde the bastard who did this"

When he reached the desired wing, Seth pushed open the door. What he found were two wolves that had just seen a ghost.


"What is it Hawk?"


The wolf in question didn't say a word. With a slight tremble in his movement, he gestured to the main monitor. Vex, taking the cue, pressed the play button. Seth could only watch the horrors unfold. The sheiks of pain, the madness of the torture, the shire gore. Seth forced himself to finish the tape. Finally, the recording turned to static as a portal opened. What moved Seth the most was the fact that it was Drone that did all of it. He may have seen brutal actions before, but even he would need therapy after what he just watched. After a few seconds, he spoke.


"Back to the plane."

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volt stared at the screen


"yes.. yes..  this pleases me"

"oh Celestia please no...no..not again.."


"is,,, is,,, is tha...that pony... isn't the one.. of.. that.... we meet at the.. the  college?.. why.. why he is doing that? i thought he never wanted war... and.. and he turned.. in to this monster... even.. even i .. i never done.. things like that... "


"but you wished"



Volt continued to stare at the statics on the screen without turning to his friend, vacuum on his eyes


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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volt stared at the screen


"yes.. yes..  this pleases me"

"oh Celestia please no...no..not again.."


"is,,, is,,, is tha...that pony... isn't the one.. of.. that.... we meet at the.. the  college?.. why.. why he is doing that? i thought he never wanted war... and.. and he turned.. in to this monster... even.. even i .. i never done.. things like that... "


"but you wished"



Volt continued to stare at the statics on the screen without turning to his friend, vacuum on his eyes


With no response from the others, Seth yelled this time. "Back to the plane! We are moving out! Volt, your flying in the C-130 with me."


He walked over to the exit door. When he got out, he gestured to fang to prep the plane. After doing so, he called out on the comm. "Lonewolf to Atlantic, requesting strategic strike on the military complex. I want nothing to be left there. No one must know of those horror..."


"Atlantic to Lonewolf. Oh Seth, are you ok?"


"Send the strike in 30 mins. That's an order." Seth said, moving towards the plane. Once inside, he sat at a comp panel and accesses the sat feed over equesria. He timed it to a few hours after the video ended and began hunting for Drone. This pony had committed brutal torture on the highest degree possible, and he was going to pay for his war crime.

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Volt said in a cold, mechanic voice, he then started to follow the wolf


"he wants to murder that pony"

"and you are happy with it aren't you?"

"of course eh he.. but,, it will be a shame to waste such.... talent"

"you call brutaly torture ponies and changellings a talent?"

"of course!"

"get lost"

"i am you"

"no, you are me at the factory.. you don't live anymore go away"

"i'm sorry Volt, i'm afraid i can't let you do that ahhaha"

"shut up go away!"

"i'll do i'll do... but just a thing... beware of yourself if you stay near your wolf friend"




"shit.. this is just sick.. everything is sick.. why i cried for war so much? foal of me... well... let's.. let's just follow the orders.."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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