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private MACH: Sound Broken

Aurora Lights

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@@Doc. Volt,@@arkman575, @@WhiteGuardian,


Drone and Derpy soon found themselves cuddling,then,out of no where,Derpy gasped,"Bathroom!"she said worriedly,she busted out of the soft warm grip and he flew back into the door,it was just barley closed,so it opened right up,he growled slightly and rubbed the back of his head,he opened his eyes and was now face to face with the wolf,"uhhhh...I'm...I'm Oster,nice to meat ya,I'm...um...I work here,as Doc's assistant,I was just sorting out some papers,and I tripped..."he said,hopefully he could mask himself long enough to get back into the room,just then they all heard a flush of a toilet and Derpy walked out,a blush on her face. 

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Firebrand smiled in a friendly way and led the way into the other room where his friends waited. They all looked up and most of them smiled tensely as the entered the room. Firebrand went around the room introducing his friends by name. They each nodded and said hello as each name was said.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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@@Aurora Lights, @@WhiteGuardian, @@Doc. Volt,


Seth was about to depart the residence, only to see Drone burst through the door right in front of him. With his fruitless attempt of tricking him, Seth glared at him. "Hello Drone. Nice to see you again." He looked at the others with the same unamused look. "Just to say, this it Drone. The one I was looking for."


When Volt walked in, Seth turned his attention to him. He stood in a defensive stance, staring at his... whatever Volt was to Seth. "Are you... ok?"

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Firebrand walked in just in time to  see Drone tumble into the room. he sat down and sighed as his face took on a flat expression. Flash stared at his friend in horror while Summer Breeze and Dash facehoofed. Clay and Lancelot got up and said "Uhhh we gotta go." they headed for the door while Doc just shook his head. 'Wonderful." jay grumbled under his breath.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Drone looked to Derpy then to the wolf again,"uhhh..."he sighed before getting up,"Yeah,wish you could stay buddy,but you should really go before your dinner gets cold,and you left your water on and the stove...oh and your wife is home."he shoved him out the door with Volt,closed the door,locked it and leaned against it ,"Heh...hehe..."he said,looking at all his friends,blushing.

Derpy blushed as she said,"I'm sorry...it was my fault...My Bad!"she said,her nose wrinkling up cutely. 

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@@Aurora Lights,@@WhiteGuardian, @@Doc. Volt,


Seth, not realizing what was going on, was rendered useless to stop. When he was tossed outside, he looked at Volt.

"Well, is it just me, or do then not want us for company?" Seth asked in the most sarcastic voice he could muster. He then began to pound on the door with his paws, then with his body. When both failed, the wolf pulled out both DC-17s. He turned to Volt.


"Unless you have any better ideas, I was going to let the blaster do the knocking. I'm still open to ideas though."

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@@Aurora Lights, @@arkman575,


"Friend... i don't know what the hell is happening ok? my head hurts, my brain is fucled up to the core, i just confused my target as a friend, he is still inside me and i'm sure that the same moment you shoot him, he will take over again.. like everytime there is a sign of violence.. for what are we fighting for? yes i hate Changlellings and no, i am not very sad about Chrisalys dead, and yes, it is a crime and shall be punished... but... all of those ponies... they did nothing. maybe we will hurt them too... oh my.. i am really saying this? "


Volt turned from the door locking at the landscape


"why i am so useless in this world? what is my purpose here? to suffer for the hell i broguht here?... "


he then turned again to Seth


"ok buddy.. let's take him alive... and please try to not hurt anypony else.."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Doc looked up from his facehoof and sighed. His eyes narrowed as he heard the knocking on the door. He sent a quick glare at Drone and rubbed his head in frustratio. Flash looked from pony to pony in anxious concern. Doc walked up to the door and called through it keeping it closed. "I'm sorry about Drones bad manners. I'm willing to let you back in if your promise not to try anything funny. If you do, you have six elements of nature to deal with. I'm assuming you saw the video of Flash and Firebrand in the changeling hideout. You don't want to deal with that plus four more. Please understand I am not threatening you and I have no negative feelings toward you, but we are prepared to defend ourselves."

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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@@Doc. Volt


Seth looked at his...friend(?). "Well, I never did plan on hurting anypony. I want to make sure that Drone is kept away from anywhere he could be harmful. I promise to you that I will not harm the others."


He heard the call from the Doc. "All we want is Drone. Nopony else has to get involved."

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@@WhiteGuardian, @@arkman575,


"ok mate.. keep the violence at minimum.. for the safety of all.... and doctor.. i saw it.. and i am sure that if my other self will wake up.. no one of us two will survive... he will fight till he dies.. and i am sure that your friend will do too.. that's why we need to secure him... and me too after that... whatever Seth plans to put him.. i should go with him.. i am dangerous too"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Doc sighed and said "Seth? I'm sorry but you cant have Drone. You see, there are things we know that you don't, and we cannot in good conscience hand him over. We will do what it takes to protect him but we don't want to fight you. We are giving you this chance to handle this calmly and peacefully and possibly hear the other side of the story. Volt? I can assure you, we don't want to fight you and I might even be able to help you with your condition. I know you don't believe me but its true." The five other elements of nature nodded in determined agreement.

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Drone smiled slightly,his friends taking up for him...he had never felt that before,how great it felt...he smiled more as he looked at them,he took a large breath and looked down at his hooves,he then felt hooves wrapping around him slowly,he looked up with a shock and saw Derpy,hugging him with her eyes closed softly,she snuggled into his chest more and he closed his eyes softly,he felt...so...amazed...so wonderful...he had never felt what it was like to have real friends,or any at all,and to see and feel this mare holding him...it almost made him cry...he had tears in his eyes as he hugged her back tightly,cuddling his face into her shoulder and neck.

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@@WhiteGuardian, @@Aurora Lights, @@Doc. Volt,


Seth didn't want to fight, but he had to get the point across. If they wanted a reason, he would give one.


"Look. I don't want to hurt anypony. Truthfully, I didn't even want to get volt involved. Because of my negligence, he is now grounded until we patch his hole in his wing. I just want answers. I saw him mutilate a changeling. I saw him slit his own throat and stand right back up. I'm sorry, but... I don't know what to think of that. I just want answers."

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@@Aurora Lights, @@arkman575, @@WhiteGuardian,


"and i just want that fucking monster away from my head before he completely take control over me.. i can't coesixt with him.. he will take over one day i know.. and for Drone... i really don't understand that pony but it is not safe for others and for him to let him be free... we need answers.. I need answers, and  maybe a cell or something like that... to be trown in and forget.. and it wasn't your fault friend " he said to Seth "you did what you had to do"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Doc looked back at his friends. They nodded seriously and stared back at him. He looked at Drone for a minute. He nodded and said "Very well. You can have your explanations, but Volt needs to control himself. And you will meet our terms. Do you agree?" He looked back at Drone again and then his gaze scanned the other ponies in the room. He looked at Chrysalis. She would obviously need to leave the room.

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Drone sighed softly,he looked at Derpy,she looked curious and confused,he let her go slowly,he then slowly got back up and said,"I so agree...explanations are required...but I need every mare out...that includes fillies Summer...Get on,go."he said,scooting the little ten year old filly out of the room,and held the door open for the mares to go. 

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@@WhiteGuardian, @@Aurora Lights, @@arkman575,


"i am calm.. i am always calm except for the other me.. that's it... and sorry if i acted rude but this is like a nightmare that comes back ffor me ok? i just want it to end as soon as possible.. we will await... ah Celestia what did i do so wrong to deserve this?... ah.. yes... i suppose i know..."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Rainbow scowled  and Twilight frowned slightly and Summer looked like she was close to shedding angry tears. She glared at Drone and said "Fine!" she turned around, and with the older mares, she stormed out the back door with Rainbow grumbling discontentedly. Jay rolled his eyes and followed Summer out the door. "We will be back later." he said. Clay and Lancelot looked at each other and Clay said "Sorry partner, but we really do need to be somewhere else. Call us if ya need us." Doc nodded and prepared to open the door. Flash and Firebrand both stayed where they were. Doc opened the door to see the too warriors.

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Seth sighed, realizing where his life had gone. A few years ago, he was a desk job worker at the Wolven capital making a vary good pay. Now, he was negotiating to see an equine that attempted suicide and succeeded. That same equine then stood and nearly faught him. Again, that equine also murdered a changeling, somehow failing at that. And now he and a phicotic pony who he shot were about to discus why the first one did what he did. How in Wolven hell did his life go this insane?


Realizing he zoned out for a second, he saw the door open to reveal the doc. "Sorry, just had a mini epifiny..." He said, then cleared his throat. "Well, thanks for letting us back in. Should we start?"

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Doc nodded and moved aside to let the wolf and the pony in. He closed the door behind them and walked into the room after them. Flash watched them warily, while Firebrand watched with somewhat vindictive eyes. Doc and Flash loooked at Drone and Doc said "Lets sit down and talk about this. Drone your up."

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Drone sat and sighed,"I have lost my memory...but I went to that laboratory because it felt like I needed to go there...but...little did I know,what I was going to find would change my life forever..."he slowly looked down,"I found out that I cannot die,and my DNA was being used to clone me...the changelings failed,thankfully,and I met Chrysalis...Queen Chrysalis...she and I are alike,she too cannot die,and she wanted me to become her eternal servant...but I think she meant food source,since they feed off of love..."he sighed softly and looked away. 

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@@Aurora Lights


Seth was slightly befuddled by the statement, again not rally sure what to make of it.


"Ok... first question. Why can't you die? Fallow up, how did...Chrysalis...take your DNA and implement it on herself... unless you already have working knowledge of stem cells in Equestria. Thirdly, and the real reason I'm here, why in wolven hell did you butcher her to the point there was more you in her body than there was origins?" Seth asked, approaching Drone

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@@WhiteGuardian, @@Aurora Lights, @@arkman575,


"ok.. this is officially more twisted and akward then everything i have heard or done in my miserable life... and i am even mor convinced that you should stay away from civility.. just like me.. you are even more dangerous then me if you snap off... i just got tecnology.. but *shows holed wing* i can die as well.. .if you really are immortal.. well buck that... you can be the greatest weapon of Equestria!"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Doc shook his head slowly and said "No, he doesnt want to be a weapon. He is not evil. And the reason he went berserk on Chrysalis was because she told him that she had been using him as her test subject, in fact he was the only one that survived. She ripped out all his organs and stole his immortality. She did horrible things to him. Half of what he is is because of her. I would go nuts too if i found that out about myself. Anypony would."

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@@WhiteGuardian,@@Aurora Lights,  


Seth glared at Doc, slight confusion in his eyes (but mostly anger). "Then that begs the all important question. What do we do with this. He did mutilate a changeling. By wolven standards, that's a high war crime. The reason I bring in wolves is that Equestria has never had to deal with something of this scale. I'm not sure where Volt's loyalty lies, but I can't let this go. I am a member of the Wolven imperial armed forces and Equestrian military. By doing what he did, I...I can't just sit here and shrug it off like nothing happened. There has to be something."


Seth finished his rant, then sat down on a chair. He berried his head in his paws, trying to think he needed to do.

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