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searching (OOC thread) What do you see in the stars?


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A new war comes....See it came in unexpected. Not even me or Luna could've foreseen this. It all started when the humans landed. They came from the sky, warning us about the threat that they had been running from. They explained what they where, machines, breed to kill all life in the universe. (Basically imagine the terminator's) But not even words came close to what they really did. We've seen a short wave of them. They fought with no fear of death, but instead only to take as many lives as it can before going down. Ripping ponies and humans limb from limb, putting us down with projectile weapons (guns) massacre it was. And I couldn't do much to defend my people.


The humans won the first attack on their home planet. But victory was short lived, every fight after that was worse then the last. Their only chance of hope was to find help. A way of help so they can have time to create a way to end it all. A means to end if those machines. So they decided to create what they call super soldiers. Humans with unique enhancements. One of them being able to consume electricity, and then use it in anyway he wants. The humans could only produce one of those electrical beings. After that, a new breed of altered humans came. Being able to withstand hits, and fall from unimaginable heights only suffering bruises, due to the armor. They called it "spartan armor" their armor had a weird type of magnetic shield around it that took the damage, and protecting the human. It would break after a couple hits of projectiles, but It would come back again. It was a marvelous invention, my sister defiantly agreed.


We decided to have a hand picked team of ponies to practice with the humans, to learn the machines weak points. The humans had also made projectile weapons for us to use in defense.


when we had the first attack, we had second thoughts about our new friends. We won, with only three quarters of our population gone. We wanted a explanation of what the machines origin was from... But what they told us, made me feel betrayed. They created them, in a field test, but it backfired. And soon the machines kept getting created. And soon they took over the planet earth. Some of equestria had decided to fight the humans, because of their creation. And the damnation they brought onto them. But the rest of equestria decided to stay with the battle.


Now we have a year to prepare for the next attack. Hopefully we can win this.



Straight forward bio: humans have ran from a fight to the planet holding equestria. Only to bring the machines to fight both humans and ponies. Now in a year the Next invasion is soon to happen. Train with a team that you pick. And get ready for the fight.



No godmodding

Nothing to OP

If any ideas that might help the story pm me so I can decide if it's helpful or not.

No Mary Sue characters.

Keep things pg-13 please forum rules :P

I control all npc's

If you have any questions just ask :) I don't bite


Human spartan format








Rebels: lead by chilly bones: main objective is to get rid of the humans before the fight.






Human Spartans: lead by captain cole : main objective is to train for the elimination of the machines






Hand picked ponies: lead by no one: objective is to train with the Spartans for the assault and the protection of equestria






My oc's


Chilly bones: link in my sig


Captain cole

Age 22

Appearance. He wears a white spartan recon suit

Personality: smart, witty, always finds humor in things but always keeps things in check. A true leader to his squad.

Bio: he was born in the ship that had lead the humans to equestria. He was raised up to be a spartan, learning combat skills as he was kid. It was hard but he didn't complain. He always did wonder what it was like to have a normal life.



Age 26

Appearance: semi long black hair, length at his nose. White skin, blue eyes. Always wears his white and blue jumpsuit

Personality: he's lazy at times, but always loves to get some action in. Calling himself a badass. He's friendly to all, and always tries to lend a hand to others.

Bio: he was born on earth, in Delaware. He was a foster child, and adopted by the US agency to be tested on. The tests ended up putting him to rest up untill the day where he woke up in a ship. He had the ability to absorb electricity, and could use it at his own will. Giving him an advantage against the machines.



The Rp will start when there is a satisfying amount of people :)

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