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Around the World RP


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Distance Traveller stepped out of his room onto the airship deck. It was a medium sized airship. He had come with other ponies on a quest to travel the entire world. They would be taking the airship. He moved to a viewing room, looking down in awe at the ground beneath him. He had flown this high, but this just felt different. He stared at the ground for many minutes...

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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Majestic Bloom laid in her bed for a moment. Then she slowly got up after resting in her bed for a few minutes. Stretching her hooves and body, she opened the door and walked out of her comfortable room. An exciting day is waiting, and an exciting journey is greeting her.

Holding the railings of the airship, she peered downwards. She blinked before smiling. She couldn't believe she was so high up in the air, everything looked so small from up here on the airship.


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Red was trotting around the airship. He was very excited to be travelling the world. This was to be a much bigger adventure than the time a walrus stole his cupcake. Suddenly, a devious grin spread across his face to ridiculous proportions. He went out to the balcony, and emptied a bucket of fishheads over the edge.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Traveller was looking out from the balcony when he noticed something. Wh...


Why were fishheads falling from the top of the airship?


He shrugged. Probably something that had to be done. He wasn't much of an airship person, considering he was a Pegasus. He went down to the mess hall and picked out his usual. Hay fries and apple slices. He munched on them happily.

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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Red walked away, satisfied with his prank. Suddenly, he felt a sneeze coming on. He picked up his napkin and put it to his snout. Hey, didn't I spread chlorophyll on this napkin? thought Red. The last thing he thought before passing out was, Why did I take chlorophyll on this trip in the first place?


Red awoke in some sort of strange universe. Is this a dream? He thought to himself. Suddenly, he noticed his hooves had been replaced with hands. And it was easier to stand on his hind legs. He had transformed into a human? "Holy unnecessary plot twist!" exclaimed Red. Then he played rock-paper-scissors with his two hands, and accused his left hand of cheating.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Majestic Bloom feeling a bit hungry trotted down to the ship's mess hall. There she ordered simplicity at its best: two applies, one orange, and one banana. Best for breakfast and nothing too fancy. Sitting at an empty table, she ate. She didn't feel like chattering or meeting any pony at the moment.


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Volt was returning home from the Ponyville dam.. another boring and heavy day... all that work for a miserable pay for an engineer... he was almost over Ponyville.. he landed on the main square


"yawh... i need a vacancy... my bones are almost in pieces... ngh.." he said stretching.."sigh... i wish i could send to hell this work and make a nice trip around Equestria... to relax and see something differen than those stupid valves all day long... bah... i'll buy some cream puffs at the sugarcube corner.. i hope they will lift up my humor"


Volt said entering in the shop


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Snapshot yawned as she woke up, practically falling out of her bed. Before she went outside, she grabbed her camera, slinging the lanyard around her neck and then headed out. She saw that a few of the others were already up and on the deck was some... Fish heads? She shrugged it off and headed to the mess hall.

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After finishing her breakfast, she got up and trotted up the ship. After grabbing her spear, which was actually a spear that can kill, she closed her eyes as she stand on the deck. Then a sudden thrust to the front then a jab from the butt of her spear. All of this using her hooves. Practice makes perfect.


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Red awoke from his peculiar dream. He was back in Equestria, as a pony. He noticed his BFF Green Unicorn staring at him. "Uh, are you alright, Red?" asked Green.


"Yeah, sure dude," replied Red. "Say, wanna go to the mess hall?" he asked.


"Okay, why not?" asked Green. "But remember - when they say "mess hall", they don't mean it literally. So no mlik-chugging."


And the two colts proceeded to the mess hall.

OCs: RileyAnala

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"ah damm... how can she not get fat with those stuffs? those cakes are health killing... i almost gained a chilograms... well... at least it made me happy... buck that... i am taking a vacation... fuck pipe wrench and the dam... i need some rest and i know where! " volt trotted toward the nearest trip agency... well, the only one in ponyville...


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Majestic Bloom stops. Repeated motions for two hours. Eight steps per motion. Four attacks. Taking a deep breath, she stopped and waited. Then she strapped the spear onto her back. Her daily exercise was completed. Then she trotted to her room happily.


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what the hey??? 358 gems for a night in saddle arabia??? i'd rather build my own plane for that money!" volt screamed exiting from the agency "ehi.... it's not a so bad idea!! maybe i can do it! to the junkyard!" volt screamed while taking off and almost hitting a grey pegasus with bubbles as cutie mark "ehi watch where you fly idiot!!!" volt was ready for the challenge of his engineering life... build a plane with scrap metal "this is going to bè awesome!"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Majestic Bloom was in her room, she wondered exactly where would they be heading to. The Captain never said anything, or the other ponies for that matter. Saddle Arabia possibly? Who knows. Sighing, she returned to reading her book. The book was Advance Offensive Spells Vol. 3.


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Atlas stepped out of his cabin refreshed. This trip is just what he needed. Relaxing, trouble free, and he could drop off some artifacts if they landed in any major cities for refuel. Well he hoped it was trouble free. He just had to hope none of those griffon gangsters had followed him abourd. Thw whole travel the world part of this was no big deal to him. He had done that multible times. not many can say they went to the Changling Empire and back without there love drained.


Atlas walked the decks looking out the window. He wondered where the hay was there first stop. He walked off now looking far a crew member to anwser his quastion.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Ten volumes of books on offensive and defensive magic. Enough to teach oneself on the rare arts of this side of magic. Most unicorns were comfortable with their level of magic, but Majestic Bloom wasn't. That was one of her reasons to go along with this circumnavigation plan.

Closing the book after taking notes, she opened the door and stepped out again. Her eyes squinted at the sudden change, but they returned to their normal level of comfort. Maybe she could find out where they were going. It better not be to Manehatten, she'll forcefully throw out the captain if they were.

Edited by Demirari


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Red took out a pair of joke glasses and wore them on his rump, which he rested on the table. He was basically using it as a puppet.


"Red, please stop that..." said Green.


"Butt why, Green?" asked Red, and giggled. "It's fun to be a little cheeky once in a while!" he added, and was now giggling like a madcolt. Green just had his face hidden in his hooves.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Majestic Bloom decided to view the scenery than search for the captain of the ship. It was rather beautiful being up here. The clouds, the landscape below, so peaceful and quite. A sharp contrast to the ever busy, never asleep city of Manehatten. A nice change.


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Thunder Dash woke up after a long nap. He was on the airship that was traveling around Equestria. He decided to go and look around and see who else was on the airship. He then gathered some electricity and made a digital map appear. The map indicated the location. 

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Atlas gave up his search for a crew member after a few minutes. He should just relax. He hadn't done much of that. Well then again bieng tailed by a griffon baron's men across the Griffon Kingdom and Equestria was nerve racking.


As he hovered into the mess hall he noticed how luxerious it was. He had gotten the tickets cheep from a Canterlot politiction freind. He just imagined the real price of the tickets. He then noticed two kids messing around next to a table. Did that kid have glasses on his flank? It reminded him of himself when he was young. Let's see here. To get to the lounge he had to go through this room and the only way was past those kids... Knowing his luck one of them would end up hitting him right on his bad leg for seom reason... And he reallt didn't want to speed past them. The hoity toity Canterlot types here wouldn't like that here. Time to try his luck he began to hovor past the two kids.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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(OOC: See my avatar for Thunder's height)


Thunder suddenly heard his stomach growl and decided to head over to the mess hall. As he was heading over there, he saw a pegasus pony slowly hovering. Thunder appeared taller than the pegasus. "Oh, hi there. Name's Thunder Dash." Thunder Dash stated.   

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After a while, Red took off the joke glasses, threw them out of the window, and then bounced out to the deck. Oh sweet Celestia, what is he doing now? thought Green. Meanwhile on the deck, Red was dressed in a top hat and suit, and began dancing like a madcolt.

Edited by Red Pegasus

OCs: RileyAnala

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Traveller got up and put his plate away. Hovering like he always did, he noticed two other ponies attempting to get to the other half of the airship. 'Oh. Let me help.' He said as he opened the doors from the top, causing him a bit more trouble than it was worth. 'There ya go.' He smiled happily as he kept the door open.

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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Atlas turne to see who had made the introdution. He saw a mostly yellow pegusus that was also somwhat tall.

"Hello. I'm Atlas" He said as he extended his hoof and remained hovering. "What are you going on this trip around the world for? If you don't mind. I know someponies on board are here for less than mentionable reasons"


Edited by Airbornepony

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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No matter how insane he got, nopony seemed to notice Red's 'dancing', so he took off his outfit and threw it overboard. Then he somehow got a bunch of signs. They read, "NO DUMPING - VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED". Red then put them up in all of the toilet cubicles.

Edited by Red Pegasus

OCs: RileyAnala

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