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open The Days after Equestria Died: A Time of Oppression


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Snake now officially hated this pony he looked up at his singed mane and eyebrows and then back to circet with a look of anger "why have you got to do that I'm trying to talk to you and you blow up your cuffs you know you won't be able to escape from here right we are seven floors under canterlot castle and there are three hundred and fifty guards on duty right now and fifty black ops personnel on call for rapid deployment so are you gonna try and escape or are you gonna sit and talk like a civil pony?"

"I dunno, all I did was answer a question" he smiled. Seven floors under the castle huh? Draining the area of power, would render the place blind. But he couldn't absorb that much energy. But he could've easily took out a floor at a time. But maybe he could see what this pony has to offer.

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Snake dragged his hoof across his face and sighed he hated smart asses and now he had to deal with one "listen smart arse you are here wasting my time when I should be with celestia discussing what to get luna for her birthday and that does not make me happy you are lucky its me your talking too and not commander stone he would have had a field day with your organs now please just answer the question did you do anything illegal?"

Edited by lonewolf1735
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Snake dragged his hoof across his face and sighed he hated smart asses and now he had to deal with one "listen smart arse you are here wasting my time when I should be with celestia discussing what to get luna for her birthday and that does not make me happy you are lucky its me your talking too and not commander stone he would have had a field day with your organs now please just answer the question did you do anything illegal?"

Birthday present? "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" short circuit fell to the floor laughing hysterically. Crying and such "a present? Hahah" he. Then got up and acted serious " but don't forget to get Luna some flowers, Sargent too too" he then laughed some more.


Once calm he got up. "Well yes, I smuggled in bear past check point, took energy for myself from the power plant, and I also switched more power to district four then five" he smiled.

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Snake was about to lose it with this pony the CRRD had sent this pony here for this bull crap he drained power from a plant that's DRMD problem not his and he laughed at his need to buy a gift for luna. "look I'm gonna let you go because they sent you to me and not the DRMD just don't kill anyone with your powers then we wont have a problem you will have to check in with me twice a week okay."

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"Yeah....whatever" he said with a sigh. Ok looks like he was DRMD problem now.


Things shuffled through his head. He thought maybe he could fuck things up a bit on the floors going up. That could be a way to get celestia's attention, or Luna's. Desicions desicions. Maybe he could stop the stupid crazy celestia thing, by fighting against it. Or joining it. Desicions desicions

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Snake was shifting threw papers as he filled out forms and documents "okay circet I will let you go and you won't be bothered again unless you do something illegal like stealing power but don't cause any trouble on the way out cause there are only five nice ponies in this building and I'm one of them and two of them live in the castle so if you mess up again its likely you will be ether killed or imprisoned"

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Nuclear sighed as she opened her eyes. She stared at the cracking ceiling with the tired yellow orbs. Her apartment was trash, it was decent for very basic housing, VERY BASIC being the key words. 


A groan came from the gray unicorn as she got out of bed before making her way to her tiny kitchen, Levitating a piece of stale bread, she nibbled on it as she left for work.


"A crappy apartment....and the job I got....at least it's somewhat interesting...." she muttered to herself as she walked.

Edited by Nuclear Neur☢tic
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Two guards walked him out to an elevator. Once the door shut. He smiled "so how's the military going" asked short circuit. The guards grunted and didn't say much. "Ok then..." He said before touching them both, and they both fell to the ground twitching as electricity ran through their body. "Idiots" murmured short circuit.


"Alarm alarm, security breach" said the loud speaker for the whole base. Short circuit in the elevator just shot out the speaker with a bolt of electricity. Once he got to the top floor, he completely drained the power of the elevator. Stopping it before all the ponies waiting at top floor, could shoot him. He snuck out through the top of the elevator and went through the vents.


He then found a power generator for the top floor. He put a hoof to it, and the thing exploded, and top floor went dark. "I hate the military."



Once home he gathered his things, and got ready for some more work he supposed. Unless the workers would snitch......again.

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Nuclear's ears twitched, hearing a faint boom in the distance. Her expertise in explosives made her able to tell which direction it came from. She turned her head but unable to see what building it was.


"Hm. Must've been a power overload...." she remarked, her curiosity pulling her the direction of the explosion.


'No, no, no. I have to work or I'll get in trouble....' Nuclear thought, kicking the ground as she took a few steps toward the ammunition factory where she worked.

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Nuclear's ears twitched, hearing a faint boom in the distance. Her expertise in explosives made her able to tell which direction it came from. She turned her head but unable to see what building it was.


"Hm. Must've been a power overload...." she remarked, her curiosity pulling her the direction of the explosion.


'No, no, no. I have to work or I'll get in trouble....' Nuclear thought, kicking the ground as she took a few steps toward the ammunition factory where she worked.

Short circuit had a gun in his bag. Looking at it he tilted his head "never even thought to use one of these" but once his hooves touched it, it exploded in his hands. All the bullets fired off at once as soon as electricity left his hoove it went into the gun, setting it off horribly. Smoke poored out of the apartment he was in. Short circuit laid on his back coughing "ok....not to self, guns don't mix well with me...." He the realized he set several things on fire, and the bullets broke the window. Nice smoke signal for the military. "WHY AM I SUCH A SCREW UP"

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The second explosion the gray mare heard made her flinch.

"Two explosions in a short time...." She faced towards the direction the second explosion had come from. "That's not normal...."


After a second of hesitation the mare took off towards the rising smoke cloud albeit with some fear as it wasn't in her interest to get in trouble for something she didn't do. Nuclear just wanted to see what had caused the explosion and if anypony had gotten hurt.

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The second explosion the gray mare heard made her flinch.

"Two explosions in a short time...." She faced towards the direction the second explosion had come from. "That's not normal...."


After a second of hesitation the mare took off towards the rising smoke cloud albeit with some fear as it wasn't in her interest to get in trouble for something she didn't do. Nuclear just wanted to see what had caused the explosion and if anypony had gotten hurt.


His face was covered in black dust, he quickly got up and started putting out the fires. "Stupid genetics" he murmured as he put out the last of the fires. But the room was still smoky. With that he opened a window and washed his face, then the water started to sizzle and evaporate. "forgot that I can't touch water..." He then looked at the outlet and held out his hoof and electricity jumped to his hoofs from the outlet. Making the lights a little dimmer

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Nuclear slowly walked through the apartments til she noticed the smoke around one of the homes.


"H-hello? Is anyone in there?" she coughed as she tapped on the hole-ridden door. The mare tried to peer inside but the smoke made her eyes sting. She huffed, making a yellow aura appear around her head, keeping the smoke from her lungs and her eyes.

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Nuclear slowly walked through the apartments til she noticed the smoke around one of the homes.


"H-hello? Is anyone in there?" she coughed as she tapped on the hole-ridden door. The mare tried to peer inside but the smoke made her eyes sting. She huffed, making a yellow aura appear around her head, keeping the smoke from her lungs and her eyes.

Great the military is here. He charged his right hoof, letting electricity travel around it as he aimed it for the door as he opened it "WHAT THE BUCK DO YOU PLOT KISSERS WA-" he was cut short as he saw a mare, that didn't look hostile, and defiantly wasn't a military troop from celestia's bunch of loonies. "Oh um....sorry for that" he said whipping his hoof as the electricity from it disappeared. Edited by Thepumpkinking
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Nuclear yelped from surprise, her magic aura disappearing. "Oh!" She stumbled back a couple steps before regaining her balance. "A-Are you alright? I heard an explosion."


The mare's yellow eyes looked at Short Circuit, genuinely curious and worried. "I was heading to work when I heard two explosions but this one was closer to where I was."

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" OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....well the both of them were me, one was at the military base, overloaded the generator. And one here because electricity doesn't mix well with guns, so it exploded in my hoofs" he said with complete honesty. There was no reason to hide anything, he didn't really care for secrets, or lies now.




Nuclear yelped from surprise, her magic aura disappearing. "Oh!" She stumbled back a couple steps before regaining her balance. "A-Are you alright? I heard an explosion."


The mare's yellow eyes looked at Short Circuit, genuinely curious and worried. "I was heading to work when I heard two explosions but this one was closer to where I was."

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Nuclear bit her lip. "Aren't you afraid of getting executed or caught?" she asked, lowering her voice to a careful whisper. "It's been really hard for myself to not get in trouble. I'm constantly fidgeting cause I can't use my magic or I'll attract attention."

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Nuclear bit her lip. "Aren't you afraid of getting executed or caught?" she asked, lowering her voice to a careful whisper. "It's been really hard for myself to not get in trouble. I'm constantly fidgeting cause I can't use my magic or I'll attract attention."

"Nope I don't care, hell if I did my new here home would be clean and in tip top shape" the lamp fell down from the ceiling behind him, shattering to pieces on the floor "but it's not, the resistance doesn't care, so why should I." He spoke with a bit if joy. He didn't really care for the new equestrian life, if anything it should all burn.
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Nuclear scratched the ground nervously with her hoof. "The resistance...?" 

She glanced around and behind herself.

"Are you saying you're part of it? Not that I'm gonna snitch or anything. I'm good at keeping secrets."

She made a locking gesture with her hoof over her mouth.

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Ofcourse there were resistance spys and informants everywhere so it didn't take long till the high people of the resistance were informed.

"I want to meet that guy. Be it on his own or by forcing him, I have to meet him." Loyalty was shouting at the informant.
The informant just looked at him, nodded and left.

Edited by Dr. Daniel Dash
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Nuclear scratched the ground nervously with her hoof. "The resistance...?"

She glanced around and behind herself.

"Are you saying you're part of it? Not that I'm gonna snitch or anything. I'm good at keeping secrets."

She made a locking gesture with her hoof over her mouth.


"Well no, I am not apart of the resistance. I don't know how to join. But either way, I'm pretty set off on my on anyways" he spoke. He then leaned on the doorway "but if I could join I would join, gives me something to do, should be fun to mess with celestia for all the shit she has put us through" he shrugged.

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"Hello?" A pony in some camo like clothing looked trough the door.
"Umm are you the pony that did this?" He pointed at Short Cicuit and then at the mess he made. "If so, I would like you to come with me. Fast if possible, we can't wait for the guards to come here." he said and pointed one hoof into the direction of the next outpost.

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@@Thepumpkinking, @,


"Ah! I don't want to get executed!" The sudden entry of the other pony startled Nuclear who was already afraid of getting in trouble with the authorities for merely speaking about the Resistance. In her fright and will to protect herself, a bright glow came from her horn, a small explosion busting apart half the apartment.

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@@Nuclear Neurotic
OOC (Lol I can't mention you because of the radiation sign in your name XD)



"I'm not gonna execute" the pony said, getting back on his hoofs because the explosion throw him on the ground. "But the military will soon be here, if the gunshots didn't startle them, this explosion sure has. The doc might be interested in you as well. You should either run now or come with us..." he was aiming his gun at the street, ready to fire if there should be some troublemakers.

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"OH MOTHER BU-" he was blown away as he hit the wall. Coughing up a storm. He then watched as the pony was blown away by the mare. The energy of the explosion felt wierd, it was like nothing he had ever felt. But it sort've super charged him.


He got up, instead of blue electricity, it was a yellow, a bright greenish yell electricity forming all around him. He looked over to were the pony once was before being blown away "YOU JUST HAD TO SCARE THE BUCK OUT OF HER HUH?" He said shaking his head. The energy felt wierd, but yet it quenched his thirst.

Edited by Thepumpkinking
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