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Introduction: Shadow the Alicorn is an artificial pony that resides in Ponyville who was created to be the most powerful pony in Equestrian history. As he as seen as a friend to the Mane 6, he is seen as Rainbow Dash's rival in terms of flight, and Twilight Sparkle's rival in terms of magic. He assists the Mane 6 when necessary, and after his release and assualt on Equestria, he finally has become a welcomed and forgiven citizen of Ponyville. He does whatever it takes to complete what he feels is right, and is eventually recognized as a neutral (more or less a hero) pony for Ponyville. Shadow is also very intelligent, knowing all forms of magic, and being fully aware of the history of Equestria. Background and Story in FiM: Shadow the Alicorn was created by Doctor Whooves (a relative from the past, not the current one) and other scientists in a secret base 1,000 years ago months before Nightmare Moon's imprisoning. When first created as a colt, the scientists gave him the abilities of a professional magic mare/stallion and flying abilities rivaling many. However, there were two issues. The first was that these abilities could be matched by any natural pony. The second was that the body had not been perfected yet. The scientists only focused on his powers, when forgetting he needed a basic body. They needed DNA from a powerful life force, preferably a mare/stallion. When Princess Luna heard rumors that she was to be imprisoned, she made a deal to give a blood sample for Shadow's production in exchange for Shadow to wreak havoc on Equestria in the future for revenge of her imprisonment (Shadow had no knowledge of these events, he found it as instinct to destroy Equestria when first released) . When Celestia heard what had happened months later, she found the operation as a threat, and ceased the production. Luna was sent to the moon for her treason and her refusal to lower the moon, the scientists were arrested, and Shadow was put in a chamber in a secret underground hideout within the Everfree Forest, where he would be kept until a 1,000 years later when Fluttershy and the C.M.C's would unintentionally stumble upon the hideout. As they searched the hideout, they eventually stumbled upon Shadow's chamber and his sleeping body. Unaware of how dangerous and significant Shadow was, the C.M.C's and Fluttershy release him, believing he was an innocent, average pony. Shadow quickly destroys the surrounding area and gives a brief introduction to Fluttershy and the C.M.C's, and teleports away, leaving them startled and rushing back to Ponyville to explain to the other ponies. At first the rest of the Mane 6 don't believe the mare and three fillies, however, after half a week, Princess Celestia calls the Mane 6 over to inform them of Shadow's past, his objective, and that they need to stop him. After the Mane 6 make several encounters with Shadow and their friends (who Shadow has hypnotized), Rainbow Dash finally confronts him on the race track of Cloudsdale, as Shadow learns it is the pathway to the core of Cloudsdale which, if destroyed, can cause Cloudsdale to crumble and fall from the sky (Rainbow Dash noticed before finding Shadow the Wonderbolts unconscious, making her furious, which could've been a factor in how she defeated Shadow). Following a physical and quick-paced racing battle, Rainbow Dash manages to defeat Shadow and leave him unconscious. When Shadow awakes, he discovers he is trapped and unable to move as his hooves are secured in the ground and his wings are tied very tightly down with the Mane 6 surrounding him. Shadow is shocked at the fact that he is actually defeated and captured when Twilight explains she put a spell on him disabling his magic. As the Mane 6 interogated him, he exclaims of his cursed past from his own standpoint, explaining how he befriended two siblings, a mare (pegasus) and an older colt (unicorn), and that they were "the only ponies who treated him like somepony, rather than a research experiment." He explains how infuriated he was with Celestia and the rest of Equestria when they arrested the scientists who had began to treat him well, and banished the siblings for attempting to assist Shadow in defending the laboratory (the mortal ponies had soon died off in banishment, making Shadow furious). When Celestia requests the Mane 6 come immediately as Canterlot was under siege due to Shadow releasing of an Ursa Major, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack head off to be of some assistance. Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity attempt to reason with Shadow. Eventually, they calm Shadow down, and unknowingly remind him that the two ponies wanted him to protect Equestria, as Fluttershy reminded Shadow of the his mare friend. Shadow is then released and he immediately heads to Canterlot. He noticed the Ursa Major was occupied with his feet tied together by Applejack, confused by Rainbow Dash's constant flying and rainbow trail, Twilight's magical abilities, with Celestia's aid. However, the three ponies were very tired and injured. As the Ursa Major begins to land the final blow, the girls notice a black blur slam into the Ursa's head, knocking him down. Shadow had saved them, and now he was fighting the Ursa with Celestia, who had also been surprised by the newcomer's unexpected aid. Shortly, the Ursa Major had been returned to its slumber and returned to its cave. Once Shadow explains his story to Celestia, he is given minor punishments for his action, and is introduced to the rest of Ponyville, where he chose to live. At first, he was rejected, however eventually ponies began to tolerate his presence and begin to befriend him. Shadow had finally begun to live a normal life. Personality: Shadow has a very serious mentality, rarely showing any emotions of happiness (often annoying Pinkie Pie), or emotions at all. However, the most common emotion he displays is anger, although as said, he rarely shows emotions. When interogated after captured by the Mane 6, he is shown to be insecure about his past, eventually leading to even a few tears when reminded of his two friend's final requests by Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie PIe. However, after he started living in Ponyville and settled in, he began to show his usual, loner self and hide his emotions. When Princess Luna comes for Nightmare Night, and she reveals him and her "share the same blood," and that she is the reason he's alive, Shadow is shown to be incredibly shocked at the news. Abilities: Shadow has numerous powers and abilities in which he inherited from Nightmare Moon (although he is much less powerful) , and some are his own: ∙ Teleportation. ∙ Flying abilities (speed, agility, etc.) that rival Rainbow Dash's (As Rainbow Dash's trail displays a rainbow, Shadow's displays black with a red outline). ∙ Ability to transform into anypony's shadow (in this form, he is unable to be injured or even touched. However he is unable to use any of his other abilities as well). ∙ Magic abilities that are equal (if not, more powerful) to Twilight's. However, unlike Twilight, Shadow does not need to look up spells in books, as said before, he has knowledge of all forms of magic, giving him an advantage. He is able to shoot dangerous projectiles from his horn, and has the ability to manipulate ponies' minds to his advantage. P.S If you were unable to discover this by now, Shadow the Alicorn is a direct reference to Shadow the Hedgehog with a slightly edited story and abilities. To all you people who dislike this, then I apologize. Please no negative comments. Edited by Shadow the Alicorn

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