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private Piracy is Treasure [Pirate Adventure/Romance/Drama]


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As they trekked onwards, the path veered close to a large cliff. Dusk heard a pebble drop somewhere up above, and got very nervous about a landslide. He quickly identified a cave that he could hide in, if need be. I wonder if I should tell Shiggs... He might just punch me again, but it could be useful...

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Blade giggled at what Shiggs had said to Blood. "Wow, first mate," she teased. "Way to take charge and help the captain." She then burst out laughing with Scar.


((OOC   by the way, Blade and Scar are pretty much best friends in case you haven't noticed... soooooooo yeah))

Edited by Epic Rainbow


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((don't you mean now is NOT the time? and lmao))

Blade immediately shut up. Scar kept laughing, so Blade punched him in the face to get him to shut up too. He looked at her, looking saddened by her violence towards her friend. Blade silently apologized and put her hoof to her lips, signaling for him to stay silent. She then pointed up towards the landslide hazard. Scar looked and zipped his mouth shut.


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Blade walked over to Shiggs, rather intrigued by the way she was called over. "What is it, Captain," she asked quietly, saluting. Blood walked over to Guns and walked with him. Blade looked at Scar. She gave him a glance that said, I'll be back in a second. Scar nodded and continued walking.


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Blade remembered that day like it was yesterday. She was terrified, but grew to love piracy. "I remember it like it was yesterday," she said. "How could I forget? I was terrified, but, as you know, I grew to love piracy. I also remember you volunteering to train me. You were tough, but not too tough. You were just building my strength and tolerance for tough orders and stuff. Anyway, what about that day?"


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Dusk heard some rustling in the bushes behind him. He was not too concerned, as this was rumored to be an abandoned island, and was populated only by animals. However, he did remember the various ominous warnings on the trail. He also saw the sun lowering in the sky ahead. They were entering some foothills, and mountins soared in the distance. The landslide hazrd behind them, Dusk shouted, "Cap'n! We should mamke camp for the night. We dont want to be goin' in blind in the night."

((Yeah, btw just to clear this up, I am the navigator, so i can read maps...))

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Blade thought a moment. "Now that I think about it," she said thoughtfully. "I do remember you sparing me, but I don't know why." Blade half-lied. She did in fact remember Shiggs sparing her, but she also kind of knew why. She had a theory that Shiggs...liked her. He treated her so specially.


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"I spared you because it was your first day and we got attacked and I don't fancy sending ponies into slaughter of it can be avoided" shiggs said that was a lie but no pony would be able to tell he had been lying his whole life and would lie till the day he died he looked back to dust "well keep going a bit longer"

((Oh you are my bad))

Edited by dashian500

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Blade looked at Shiggs.  She had a hunch he was lying about the real reason he spared her. Judging by the way he treated her, he definitely was in love with her. Blade decided to just go along with it and said, "Oh, okay! Is that all you wanted to talk to me about?"


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Blade looked at Shiggs and fell back to walk with Scar. Scar asked, "What was that all about?" "Eh, Captain Shiggs just wanted to remind me about how he spared me when I was a little filly," Blade replied. Scar looked at her. Blade looked at him back. the two ponies then started giggling together.


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Scar saluted with his hoof and trotted to the entrance of the cave and stood watch. Blade set up a cot for herself and took out her swords. Blade started sharpening her swords; she hadn't done so in quite a while. After the blades of the swords were razor sharp, she set up a cot for Scar nearby.


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Shiggs didn't say anything he just widdled no pony could tell what he was making but it was blade or that's what it will be once he's done it was a good pass time he glanced at her often them back to his work making sure it was right he pulled out some nuts and ate as he worked

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Ugh, chef duty again? Silver groaned inwardly in annoyance. Admittedly, however, he was one of the best chefs of the crew. He began rifling around in his pack, looking for foodstuffs and spices. While doing so, he came across one of the maps he'd been carrying around for while, that made no sense to him. However, he realized that the back looked very familiar. Is that... Brisbon Bay? Hmmm... I'll have to look into this later...
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Guns and Blood sat on their beds in a corner, talking about different kinds of knots and weapons. "No," said Guns. "I think it's called a cutlass." Blood nodded as he realized that Guns was right. Blood asked, "What's that really thin one called again?" Guns said, "A rapier."


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Shiggs was working quietly listing to everything he was board he got up and walked outside the cave leaving his wilding on his bed roll the head looked almost perfect it was just missing small details and it needed refinement but form liking at it one could tell who it was meant to be

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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// Excuse my absence in the posting. If you all don't mind, I could just jump in here. Seems like a good slow spot and I have an idea in mind. //


Stormwing, the grey pegasus with the most striking mane one could ever hope to see in their lives, awoke. He was in the underbelly of the ship, laying on the floor. He had been sleeping, until his bloody cot broke and spilled him out onto the floor with a thunk. He looked round for his hat, and found it on the post where it always was, when not upon his noggin. The pegasus began to go up the steps from the cabins to the deck when he slowly realized that the cap'n, the first mate, those other fellows and the lass had gone. Cursing his laze, he went to the side of the ship and hopped off into the cold, dark water. The moon was out, a clear night for now, but a mighty fierce storm seemed to be rolling in. "Great," he said under his breath. Adjusting his had, and fixing the plume, he attempted to follow the hoof prints in the sand. He sighed and puffed with his bottom lip pointed upwards, in order to put his mane out of his eyes. Stormwing's hat, a gorgeous jet black that matched his mane, sat atop his head. The feather bounced with every step or every slight breeze. He adored the hat. It had been with him ever since he was a young'n. His grandpap had given it to him for his sixteenth birthday. He held it nearer to his heart than even the desire to find the Elements of Harmony. He knew he had quite a journey ahead until he caught up with the rest of the crew. Hiking up the pace a little more, he left the beach and followed the previously beaten-down path into the moonlight. "Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me..."

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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Irrelevant filler: Sorry, checking all the water in this area; there's an escaped fish. I'm the Doctor. Well, they call me the Doctor. I don't know why. I call me the Doctor too. I still don't know why. It's art! A statement on modern society, 'Oh Ain't Modern Society Awful?'! I am the last of my species, and I know how that weighs on the heart so don't lie to me! The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things.…hey.…the good things don't always soften the bad things; but vice-versa the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things and make them unimportant. I'm the Doctor, I'm worse than everyone's aunt. *catches himself* And that is not how I'm introducing myself.

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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