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The Trotting Dead


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Kenzie smiled. The stallion has finally woken up! She cleared her throat and held her hoof up.


"Hello I'm Mankenzie Bolt. But call me Kenzie. If you're wondering how you got here... Well you fainted in front of a mansion and I didnt want the Trotters to get you so I dragged you here. You are...?"


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Kenzie smiled. The stallion has finally woken up! She cleared her throat and held her hoof up.


"Hello I'm Mankenzie Bolt. But call me Kenzie. If you're wondering how you got here... Well you fainted in front of a mansion and I didnt want the Trotters to get you so I dragged you here. You are...?"

"Ace Starshielder." He said shaking her hoof. He tried to stand again but it hurt to much. He layed back down glumly.

"Wait...why did you save me? Most other ponies would have left me there, why did you help me?" He asked curiously as she eyed his necklace. 

She seemed distracted by it.

"Hello?" It broke her distraction and she remembered the question.


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"Ace Starshielder." He said shaking her hoof. He tried to stand again but it hurt to much. He layed back down glumly.

"Wait...why did you save me? Most other ponies would have left me there, why did you help me?" He asked curiously as she eyed his necklace. 

She seemed distracted by it.

"Hello?" It broke her distraction and she remembered the question.

"Huh? Oh. Well I cant just leave somepony there! That's just cruel! Wait... What do you mean by 'other ponies would have left you there'?"


Kenzie wondered where he got his weird necklace. She might ask him some time but not now...


"Oh and try to not stand for a day or two... I think you um... you uh..."


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"Huh? Oh. Well I cant just leave somepony there! That's just cruel! Wait... What do you mean by 'other ponies would have left you there'?"


Kenzie wondered where he got his weird necklace. She might ask him some time but not now...


"Oh and try to not stand for a day or two... I think you um... you uh..."

"Broke it? Great...well...thank you Kenzie." He said gratefully.

"And what I meant was most ponies would leave me as bait so they could get away." He said.

"It happened to my father.....They..left him behind to escape..." He said saddened. A single tear fell from his eye, but he wiped it away.


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"Broke it? Great...well...thank you Kenzie." He said gratefully.

"And what I meant was most ponies would leave me as bait so they could get away." He said.

"It happened to my father.....They..left him behind to escape..." He said saddened. A single tear fell from his eye, but he wiped it away.

Kenzie stayed silent before speaking up, "I'm sorry. I guess other ponies have gone extreme just to survive by killing their own kin... So um... Would you like some soup?"


Kenzie pushed  a bowl of pea soup towards him. She found a pea bush two days ago and stuffed some in her backpack.


"It'll help you with your health. You look starving."


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Kenzie stayed silent before speaking up, "I'm sorry. I guess other ponies have gone extreme just to survive by killing their own kin... So um... Would you like some soup?"


Kenzie pushed  a bowl of pea soup towards him. She found a pea bush two days ago and stuffed some in her backpack.


"It'll help you with your health. You look starving."

He thankfully took the soup.

"Thank you again." He said eating some of it.

"This is delicious." He said. 

He looked at her, she was eyeing his necklace again. He didn't have to tell her what it did, but he could at least tell her how he got it.

"It was a gift from my mother before she passed away 4 years ago." He said.


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He thankfully took the soup.

"Thank you again." He said eating some of it.

"This is delicious." He said. 

He looked at her, she was eyeing his necklace again. He didn't have to tell her what it did, but he could at least tell her how he got it.

"It was a gift from my mother before she passed away 4 years ago." He said.

Kenzie blinked and blushed, "Sorry... Nice necklace by the way. If you dont mind me asking, where are your friends and other family members? Surely they've been able to survive."


Kenzie sipped some of the soup she made. Mmm! Yum! Could use a little salt though...


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Kenzie blinked and blushed, "Sorry... Nice necklace by the way. If you dont mind me asking, where are your friends and other family members? Surely they've been able to survive."


Kenzie sipped some of the soup she made. Mmm! Yum! Could use a little salt though...

"My father is gone as I told you and.......my daughter.....I don't know where she is....." He said saddened.

"After the zombies first started, I left her In the  Princesses chambers, but when I went to go get her, she was gone.... I don't know where she went...I told her to stay put....." He said with his voice cracking due to sadness.


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"My father is gone as I told you and.......my daughter.....I don't know where she is....." He said saddened.

"After the zombies first started, I left her In the  Princesses chambers, but when I went to go get her, she was gone.... I don't know where she went...I told her to stay put....." He said with his voice cracking due to sadness.

Kenzie put a hoof on his shoulder, "Hey I'm sorry. I didn't know. Don't cry. Crying is for the weak. You're not weak now are you?"


Kenzie waited for an answer. Man that must suck. Losing your daughter... All of a sudden an idea popped in her head.


"Hey, how about we find that daughter of yours?"


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Kenzie put a hoof on his shoulder, "Hey I'm sorry. I didn't know. Don't cry. Crying is for the weak. You're not weak now are you?"


Kenzie waited for an answer. Man that must suck. Losing your daughter... All of a sudden an idea popped in her head.


"Hey, how about we find that daughter of yours?"

"Really?" He asked. This was the first time someone cared enough to offer help. Not to mention she was a total stranger. She was trusting him. He didn't know this mare at all, and she was willing to help find his daughter she'd also never met?

"Do you think we can find her?" He asked wiping away a tear or two. 


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"Really?" He asked. This was the first time someone cared enough to offer help. Not to mention she was a total stranger. She was trusting him. He didn't know this mare at all, and she was willing to help find his daughter she'd also never met?

"Do you think we can find her?" He asked wiping away a tear or two. 

Kenzie smiled and nodded, "Of course we can!"


But deep inside Kenzie feared that his daughter might be dead... But who knows? She just wanted to help a heartbroken pony. It's not cool seeing somepony sad. 


"We leave in about two days after your leg heals... IF it heals."


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Kenzie smiled and nodded, "Of course we can!"


But deep inside Kenzie feared that his daughter might be dead... But who knows? She just wanted to help a heartbroken pony. It's not cool seeing somepony sad. 


"We leave in about two days after your leg heals... IF it heals."

"Thank you." He said as he pulled her into a hug.

" I can't believe your being this kind to somepony you just met......." He said befire letting go off the hug.

"Most ponies wouldn't probably even talk to me. But your nothing likemost ponies." He said.

He ate a bit more soup.


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"Thank you." He said as he pulled her into a hug.

" I can't believe your being this kind to somepony you just met......." He said befire letting go off the hug.

"Most ponies wouldn't probably even talk to me. But your nothing likemost ponies." He said.

He ate a bit more soup.

Kenzie smiled, "It's no problem. I try my best to help other survivors." She said while eyeing Ace's necklace.


Wonder what's in it... Kenzie sipped some of the soup. She saw that Ace finished his bowl.


"Want more?" Kenzie asked smiling slowly reaching for the soup spoon.


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Kenzie smiled, "It's no problem. I try my best to help other survivors." She said while eyeing Ace's necklace.


Wonder what's in it... Kenzie sipped some of the soup. She saw that Ace finished his bowl.


"Want more?" Kenzie asked smiling slowly reaching for the soup spoon.

"Yes please." He said as she got him more soup.

"Thank you." Where did you even get everything for soup?" He asked, eating more. After using the amulate twice in one day e needed to eat and rest for a few days. He ate the soup slowly to be polite, though all of him wanted to eat it all at once.


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"Yes please." He said as she got him more soup.

"Thank you." Where did you even get everything for soup?" He asked, eating more. After using the amulate twice in one day e needed to eat and rest for a few days. He ate the soup slowly to be polite, though all of him wanted to eat it all at once.

Kenzie chuckled, "No problem. I gathered the ingredients in a meadow not too far away from here."


She sipped her soup and sighed happily. She took some bread out from her backpack. She found in in Ponyville while searching for resources. Of course that didn't last because a hoard of zombies came running and flying her way.


"Here. Have some. It's good for dipping in the soup."

Edited by XxConfusedUnicornxX


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Kenzie chuckled, "No problem. I gathered the ingredients in a meadow not too far away from here."


She sipped her soup and sighed happily. She took some bread out from her backpack. She found in in Ponyville while searching for resources. Of course that didn't last because a hoard of zombies came running and flying her way.

"Well, You have heard a lot about me now I wanna know about you." He said before taking another sip of soup.

"Where are your family?" He asked thinking about his daughter Forestfire.

He waited patiently for an answer. He didn't want to make her upset though, so he added,

"If that's a bad quetion, I'm sorry..."


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"Well, You have heard a lot about me now I wanna know about you." He said before taking another sip of soup.

"Where are your family?" He asked thinking about his daughter Forestfire.

He waited patiently for an answer. He didn't want to make her upset though, so he added,

"If that's a bad quetion, I'm sorry..."

Kenzie smiled and shook her head, "No no it's fine. They died years before this whole apocalypse started. My friends... Well we fought a few weeks ago when this all started and well... I flew away and here i am right now!"


Kenzie remembered the happy memories of her friends... The snowball fights and the jokes they shared..


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Kenzie smiled and shook her head, "No no it's fine. They died years before this whole apocalypse started. My friends... Well we fought a few weeks ago when this all started and well... I flew away and here i am right now!"


Kenzie remembered the happy memories of her friends... The snowball fights and the jokes they shared..

"Oh..." He said.

"I'm sorry..." 


He finnished his soup.

"How long was I asleep?" He asked wondering why he was still tired. He had probably slept five or six hours. He thought about how he snored. 

'I bet that looked really nice' He thought sarcastically to himself. 'Just what every mare wants to see. Me snoring.'


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"Oh..." He said.

"I'm sorry..." 


He finnished his soup.

"How long was I asleep?" He asked wondering why he was still tired. He had probably slept five or six hours. He thought about how he snored. 

'I bet that looked really nice' He thought sarcastically to himself. 'Just what every mare wants to see. Me snoring.'

"Knocked out for two days... Had to clean up the puddle of drool you made... twice." Kenzie smirked. Ace blushed making Kenzie laugh quietly. Too much noise will attract unwanted guests. She dipped her piece of bread in her soup and ate it. Yummmmmmy! :DDDDDD


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"Knocked out for two days... Had to clean up the puddle of drool you made... twice." Kenzie smirked. Ace blushed making Kenzie laugh quietly. Too much noise will attract unwanted guests. She dipped her piece of bread in her soup and ate it. Yummmmmmy! :DDDDDD

"Two days? I was out for two days?" He said.

She nodded.

"Longest I've ever slept after using it." He said.

"Ussually I only sleep a few hours, but i guess it took a lot out of me from using it twice in one day." He said.

He looked over to her and saw an utterly confused face.


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"Two days? I was out for two days?" He said.

She nodded.

"Longest I've ever slept after using it." He said.

"Ussually I only sleep a few hours, but i guess it took a lot out of me from using it twice in one day." He said.

He looked over to her and saw an utterly confused face.

"W-what? A few hours?! Oh my Celestia man! If you want to survive the apocalypse, you have to have energy. Especially during emergency!"


Kenzie sipped her soup some more before biting on to her bread slice.


"Besides, nopony wants a Trotter to catch you, right?"


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"W-what? A few hours?! Oh my Celestia man! If you want to survive the apocalypse, you have to have energy. Especially during emergency!"


Kenzie sipped her soup some more before biting on to her bread slice.


"Besides, nopony wants a Trotter to catch you, right?"

"Well...I can't control when I sleep. It takes a lot out of you so you just fall asleep." He said knowing full and well she still had no Idea what in celestia's name he was even talking about. He touched his necklace, making sure it wasn't cracked from the fall.


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"Well...I can't control when I sleep. It takes a lot out of you so you just fall asleep." He said knowing full and well she still had no Idea what in celestia's name he was even talking about. He touched his necklace, making sure it wasn't cracked from the fall.

Kenzie blinked, "Uh... Okay then? Um... Well we better rest up if we want to find your daughter tomorrow." 


*next day*


"You ready to go yet? We have to at least find shelter near the castle before sun down to avoid the Trotters. I already bandaged your leg so you might limp a bit. Nevertheless, LEGGO!"


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Kenzie blinked, "Uh... Okay then? Um... Well we better rest up if we want to find your daughter tomorrow." 


*next day*


"You ready to go yet? We have to at least find shelter near the castle before sun down to avoid the Trotters. I already bandaged your leg so you might limp a bit. Nevertheless, LEGGO!"

"Ok," He said limping over.

"Dear Celestia this hurts! Wait a second..." He said before flapping his wings and lifted himself up. 

"This may work." He said. "Ok, I'm ready to go." He said making sure he still had his sword and other weapons on him. He had lost one gernade but he still had one.


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"Ok," He said limping over.

"Dear Celestia this hurts! Wait a second..." He said before flapping his wings and lifted himself up. 

"This may work." He said. "Ok, I'm ready to go." He said making sure he still had his sword and other weapons on him. He had lost one gernade but he still had one.

Kenzie and Ace flew for two hours before landing in front of a small hut. Kenzie went in checking for Trotters, none. She checked for resources. The cabinets were full of food! Kenzie clapped in delight. She started to cook spaghetti for dinner. Yumm!


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