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"Dammit.... god dammit!" He said, slamming a fist down at the table he'd been working at.shaking the various dolls he made. "How the fuck did this happen? Did that one guy decide to do what he did to Adachi to someone else?" He said angrily. He couldn't believe it.After everything they'd done, that foggy hellhome was back after only a few years! He knew they should have kept going into the midnight channel, making sure it was still clear... they hadn't and look where they were now? He sighed, sitting back down. "Yu's back, huh? Damn. Knew I should've headed out with you guys today... timing seems to perfect, him showing up same time as this shit, but I suppose we need our leader now more than ever..." he said,sitting back, looking up at the ceiling. It was tempting to just dart to Junes, tear open the doors and run to the TV and make sure that the fog really was back in the world... but he wasn't stupid... he wouldn't do something like that, atleast not without his friends there.



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"Be glad I don't have my katana or I would kill you for that damn statement" Mariku said






Chie stared in shcok. "No way...it's back...it can't be though" She said as she grabbed her phone and called Naoto. "Hey Naoto d-" "The Midnight Channel, yeah I saw it....but why is it back on again and wasn't the Marie on it also" She asked

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Maybe. I don't know! Anyway, we'll talk about it more when we meet up. Good night Kanji." Yosuke said as he hung up. He looked at the design of the glasses. It could enable him to see without being bothered by the fog. The last time the TV World tried to emerge all that poisonous fog leaked through. He put the glasses back on his nightstand and threw his phone against the wall. "DAMNIT!" Yosuke yelled. He let the phone lie in broken pieces and went off to bed.



"What- Oh. Whoops." Sekel nervously grinned and led Mariku through the streets. "Now that I look at this place, it appears to be a more rundown version of Inaba. Hang on. There appears to be a bunch of TVs stacked on top of each other ..." Sekel walked over to the stack of TVs and warily put his hand on the TV. Expecting the TV to remain sold his hand just went right through. "Found the exit." Sekel grinned.

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Yu had warned Chie about the midnight channel, but found her hanging up to call the others before he could say another word. He sighed, laying back in the futon and looking up at the ceiling. He layed there thinking for the longest time, and quite honestly didn't even remember falling alseep... he hadn't even managed to remember to change before his eyes drifted closed without his knowledge and he fell into a dreamless sleep.


Kanji, meanwhile, took forever to calm down... If he hadn't been at home, he'd have broken every piece of furniture in the room, and only the fact that his mother was sleeping not too far away stopped him from doing it anyway. He finally managed to get himself to collapse onto his bed... punching his pillow a few times for good measure before falling asleep, still fuming. He dreams were filled with visions of beating the ever loving crap out of... whoever did this! 

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"Good...though why would the Midnight Channel show Marie?" Mariku asked as he looked around. 



"It was Marie but wasn't she the true self of Izanami though" Chie asked. "That what I think also but it stil doesn't add up, why would Marie be on the channel" Naoto asked

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"I don't know why the Channel would show Marie. But let's get out of here for now." Sekel said. He put his hand through and he felt something pull him through to the other side. Luckily he was holding on to Mariku's hand otherwise he would have been left behind. Looking around, he let go of Mariku's hand. "This is the electronic department in Junes ..." Sekel said as he realised where they were.



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"How are we in Junes" He said looking around the store. "Marie is in trouble though so we need to make sure she doesn't get hurt...though how are we going to tell her when one, she probably won't believe us and two, We are just teenagers, no one will believe us" He said

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Sekel sighed and sat down. "There's no way we're getting out of here because the whole mall is locked, besides, you may be right about no-one believing us. I saw you holding a brass key over at the table with the Prince Detective. Did any of them react when they saw the key?" Sekel asked.

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"Actually one of them came up to me, he had silver hair but I believe his name was Yu Narukami" Mariku said as he sighed. "Mall is locked down, how are we going to get out we will get in trouble if we get caught" He added. "Also...why did it take us to Junes..." He asked

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"A few years back, do you remember how a group of students would always come into the elctronics department? That may be why it took us here. Maybe the TV is a connection between both worlds." Sekel answered. He rubbed his eyes and put his glasses back in his pocket. "We'd better stay out of sight for when the security guards come." Sekel said.



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"Yeah I do remember...maybe you are right about the TV but it doesn't explain how you could see with the glasses yet I couldn't see without them" Mariku said. "We can't just wait here forever till morning let's head back the other way and wind another exit so we are not in Junes" He suggested

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"Yeah okay." Sekel said. He put his hand through the TV and was pulled through to the other side. He put his glasses on and waited for Mariku to come through after him. "I really hope there's another exit besides this one." Sekel said to himself.


(@@TheLineTrotter After Izaya's next post it will be a time skip.)



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Before entering the tv he went to a random part of the store to grab a pair of reading glasses before going into the tv world. "I'm sure it's okay for me borrow these" He said as he put the glasses on and could see. "Now let's find another exit before anything crazy hap- Sekel...you know how malls have cameras right" He asked

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Sekel got a panicked look on his face. "Ah shit. I was thinking of that when I came back through the TV! Oh wait. You have glasses now. At least you can now follow me. Let's start heading ... this way. Hopefully there's another exit." Sekel said.


(@@TheLineTrotter Time skip has happened!)

Next day, Tuesday, Weather calls for sunny days and clear skies, April 14th

Yosuke woke up and saw his phone in pieces. "Ah hell." Yosuke muttered.



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"Alright let's go then" Mariku said as he started walking. "What do you think is going to happen" He asked as he took the glasses off for a second before putting them back on. "Also how are we going to help Marie ince she could be in danger at this moment" He asked

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Sekel shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know what's going to happen but didn't Margaret say that the TV world and human world are converging again?" Sekel asked. "If we're going to help Marie then what would happen if we get in a fight? We don't have any weapons!" Sekel said.



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Yu woke up, staring at the ceiling... memories of yesterday came flooding back, causing him to sigh heavily. His happy homecoming had been marred by the midnight channel's return... it all seemed too perfect, or, well, imperfect that it came back the same day he did. Coincidence? Yu's time with the first mystery had caused him not to believe in such things. He got up and began to dress, wearing a white dress shirt and black casual jacket. It was quite similar to his old school uniform. It must've grown on him. He checked the time. He looked outside the window... the sky was so clear... it would've been a great day to walk around and catch up with his friends if it hadn't been for these circumstances. He sighed, checking his pockets for his glasses and phone, before heading out... it was a school day, so they'd have to wait on Kanji and Naoko. He tried calling Yosuke's number, but got a dial tone. He blinked, instead calling Teddy's. 




Kanji woke up, sitting up nearly right away... he had quite a satisfying dream,involveing kicking the ever loving crap out of whoever did this shit... dispite his dream, he was still pissed off. How could it happen again? Had they messed up? Was there something they could've done before, or was this inevitable? He groaned, getting up and changing. Damn school... wish he could skip like he use too, but he knew how much that upset his mom. He ate a quick breakfast and went out, walking towards school... he'd have to sit on his damn ass for a few hours while everyone else discussed what they'd do, and while Marie was in danger! 

(Remember everyone: school is still a thing, unless you've graduated like some of the original cast!) 

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Teddy fumbled for his phone as he heard it ring. He saw the caller id and opened the phone to answer it. "Sensei!? Why are you calling me and not Yosuke?" Teddy asked. He was surprised that Yu had returned.

(Remember that Yosuke sent Teddy out before he made the call to Yu and Kanji)


Yosuke was working at Junes when someone to review some security tapes. He thought it odd but did it anyway. What he saw was very strange. Two kids looked like they were coming out of the TV. "This is wrong. I'd better tell the others when they get here." Yosuke muttered to himself.



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"Hey Sekel...what do you think the guards will ask us...I mean they might have saw us come out of the tv...what should we say then" Mariku asked





Naoto was heading offf to school still pondering about what showed on the Midnight Channel. "It still doesn't add up though" She said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"I tried calling him. It went straight to a dial tone.... I`m back in town by the way, Teddy. Dunno if he mentioned that with everything going on with the Midnight Channel... anyway, we all need to meet up at the secret spot after school lets out." He was sure Yosuke was fine. Probably just forgot to charge his phone or... something. He thought a moment... well, Yosuke had the day off yesterday, so he was probably at work. He'd spend some time looking around the shopping district, talking to people, and then head off to see him there. Not to interrupt his work,of course. 



Kanji was on his way to school,final year, when he spotted Naoto. "Yo! Wait up!" He said, jogging shortly to catch up, looking down at the detective.  "So... I`m guessing you`ve watched..." he said, knowing her dutifulness wouldn't allow her not too... "I... fuck... god dammit! I thought this was over.... how did this shit come back? And why?" He said angrily... part of him was hoping the detective of the group would have all the answers, but he knew that was far fetched...


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Sekel shook his head. "I don't think that there were security guards at the department. I know that there were security cameras but I don't think there were security guards." Sekel said. He looked around, trying to spot a TV to take them out. He then saw one as they passed it in an alleyway. "I think our way out Mariku. Over here." Sekel waved Mariku over to the TV.



"When I was about to go to slep, I heard something crash in Yosuke's room. I didn't think anything of it at the time but now that you mention it ... Right! I'll definitely meet up with you at Junes Sensei!" Teddy said. He hung up and thought about the TV World beginning to grow dark. Again. They all kept vigilance over the past few years but last night was completely out of the blue.


Yosuke looked over the tapes again and again, just to make sure he wasn't seeing things. Nope he wasn't seeing things. He quickly replaced the tapes an gave hem back to the security manager. He'll have to tell them what he saw when they met up later.



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Yu nodded, walking around just abit. He talked to the people he knew, getting similar comments about how much he'd grown, talk about what was going around town, the usual. He did that for a time, but inevitably ended up leaving. He wanted to visit the Shrine... but he supposed that could wait until a later date. He went to Junes, well aware he had plenty of time to kill still, but with what was on his mind he wasn't sure what else to do...he went over to the old electronics section, smirking a little. It seemed that electronics were as unpopular in Inaba as ever... seemed like they hadn't even bothered to update this section in the past few years. Heck, it could easily have been the same TV they always used! 

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"I wish I knew myself Kanji but I can figure out why the midnight channel is back on" Naoto said. "Though we need to see what we need to do" Naoto said


"Lets go then because I don't want to stay here any longer then I have to" He said as he jumped into the TV and appeared somewhere

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"Woah!" Sekel shouted as he landed on his own bed. "Hey! We're in my place!" Sekel said with delight. He then checked the clock and his eyes widened. "AAH!! I'VE GOT TO GET TO SCHOOL!" Sekel shouted. "See ya later Mariku!" He shouted behind him as he raced off to Inaba high.



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Mariku sighed. "Reason why I always leave my stuff in my locker until the weekend" He said as he left the house and headed to school. He saw two people, Naoto and some dud who would seem to be the The Beefcake Emperor




((Anyone get these references I am making?))

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