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open Zombie Survival RP


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Frozen sighs, "It... It doesn't feel like major bleeding, so a pharmacy strength potion should suffice... Th-the problem is getting rid of a-all the blood that's already there..." she starts to limp back toward the store, hoping that the coast is clear.

(And so the mini-arc of paranoia has ended. You can bet Frozen will be coming back with a shotgun to get more complex equipment.)

  • Brohoof 1
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(Lol right)

I get a over the counter potion and give it to frozen

"Here is the over the counter"

i say after giving it and contenues to walk with frozen and broken. Helping frozen get to the store with ease

(La la lalala la lala la la.., uh.... la? Oh whatever... filler :P)


Thank you Void Crawler for this ^~^

Pony OC's :: WarFluttershy :: Vanguard Clash

Have a good time here on the forums!  :muffins:

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it was still in the dark of night, the orange glow of the high school burning was visible in the distance but they still had a long walk ahead of them, but now they had supplies to help the injured members of their group


( @@Twinkfeather,  your quite a ways away, you would probably meet up with them half way at the Town Hall)

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it was still in the dark of night, the orange glow of the high school burning was visible in the distance but they still had a long walk ahead of them, but now they had supplies to help the injured members of their group


( @@Twinkfeather,  your quite a ways away, you would probably meet up with them half way at the Town Hall)

he marched through the streets, hammer held low and ready to swing, occasionally talking down a zombie  and caving in it's skull, he'd return it to it's position and continue walking "hope i'm not too late...if I am I still gotta get those supplies" he  grunted and caved in another skull "six"

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We keep walking down the steet, flank by flank, to keep frozen steady and going.

"So... broken?"

i ask him to get his attention.

"When we get back... do you want to talk... alone?"

I added after gettig his attention .

(Got a doc's appoint ment togo to, be back in an hour or so)

(Filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler)


Thank you Void Crawler for this ^~^

Pony OC's :: WarFluttershy :: Vanguard Clash

Have a good time here on the forums!  :muffins:

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Frozen shotguns two of the OTC potions, and coughs quietly as the hemorrhage in her brain is healed and most of the blood is consumed back into her body. Each condition was relatively simple to treat on its own, and while life threatening the two minor potions were plenty in conjunction with each other. She looks at War Fluttershy with a grateful smile, "I'm better now, I can walk on my own." She levitates her rifle at her side, preparing to shoot any zombies in her way.

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Missy had a lot on her mind to think about, she had met these new groups of ponies, all of which seemed friendly, except for the Broken character, he has something to hid, for sure... Lace was nice, she was sweet and sincere and made her feel better almost instantly. She wasn't sure about Sweets though, she was timid so she may not pose a threat.

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The over-mind starts to fail as they begin their walk into the darkness. Abruptly, it disappears entirely and Broken is thrust into control into his body. Everything is painful, from taking a breathe to lifting a leg to walk. He speeds up and quiets his breathe to hide the sounds of his discomfort from the group.


"I... will consider it, warpony." He has a nagging feeling that this was not the most appropriate sentiment but he can't bring himself to care as his wings stop their constant vibration. Their absence restarts the intense and distrating sensations of sensory overload and he trips for step.



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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I catch broken before he falls from tripping.

"Are you ok broken?"

I ask in concern and check to see if he is alright. I look around the area, seing a few zombies out andnaround but no where near us. I take a moment and gaze into his eyes and smile as i help him get back to his hooves.


Thank you Void Crawler for this ^~^

Pony OC's :: WarFluttershy :: Vanguard Clash

Have a good time here on the forums!  :muffins:

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Frozen continues to walk forward, worried that Broken's breakdown is the herald of an impending psychotic breakdown. Cautiously, she looks back at him, "Broken? Are you alright? I... If there's anything I can do to make you feel better, just ask..." she checks her pistol again, ready to shoot the first thing she sees.

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Broken blinks and takes a moment to collect himself, "I am fine for now. There is something wrong with my wings. It is causing me discomfort."


Broken forces himself to continue and brushes a wing against Fluttershy in thanks. "We can handle this when we return."



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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I say to broken and brushes mine against his with a smile as we contenue to the base, we walk to the intersection where the town hall is on the cornor, and we soon see a figure with a weapon aproaching us. The weapon looks like a hammer as we aproach.




Thank you Void Crawler for this ^~^

Pony OC's :: WarFluttershy :: Vanguard Clash

Have a good time here on the forums!  :muffins:

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Missy pondered Broken's wings, they seemed to be a very complex system, as demonstrated, they seem to be able to hold a small amount of charge and operate in a seemingly "dumb" state, but perhaps there was something more to them... if Missy got a better look at them, she may just be able to do something to fix the problem he's having.

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Frozen gives Broken a concerned look, "Is there any way you can turn off your wings? I'd prefer if you don't have any connection to them till I can get you in something like an MRI machine... I'm guessing field medicine is far better where you come from." After he protected her, she became slightly less afraid of him, and as such she begins to care about his well being.

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"Unknown. I have never had a need to deactivate my wings." Broken considers for a moment. "I suppose I could destroy them. They have no pain reception that I am aware of. All the pain is at the interface."


He grimaces. It would almost be like mutilating himself but if he needs to do so to survive... he can try and have somepony do so.



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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Frozen shakes her head, "I don't think that's an option. Trust me, if these zombies have more of those freaky adaptations we're going to want you at full combat capacity, especially since you're the only one in the group who can take out one of those berserkers in a single strike. Don't worry, if you're actually capable of worry, we'll figure out something... Even if it's just an improvisation, we'll figure out something."

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If either of you notice me, you would of notice me in deep thought about things.

"Frozen is right about your wings.... if we could, find a large mana battery somewhere, we could possibly use it to charge your wings longer, and not use as much power from frozen, or any other unicorn"

i comment, and thinks about broken, no longer able to feel the skies breeze would be unbareable for me to think about, but if he had the power in his wings again.

'Maybe... we can fly together, atleast for a short time.'

I thought and smile about it too, hoping we can do that some day.


Thank you Void Crawler for this ^~^

Pony OC's :: WarFluttershy :: Vanguard Clash

Have a good time here on the forums!  :muffins:

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the figure proves to be nothing more than a zombie with an odd piece of shrapnel piercing it as it staggers toward them another one appears behind it , not shuffling, this one moves quietly...and it's faster watching them the second one twists it's body to the right, coming up on the left side of the zombie, the deformity it holds strikes the zombie in the jaw knocking it down, the  things body stops and twists back to the left bringing the object back down on the fallen zombies head with a gruesome sound somewhere between a thud, a pop and a splatter, the figure advances towards them returning the object and it's body to what appears to be their default position, still moving very strangely for a zombie.

The figure proves to be nothing more than a zombie with an odd piece of shrapnel piercing it, As it staggers toward them another one appears behind it, not shuffling, this one moves quietly...and it's faster. Watching them the second one twists it's body to the right, coming up on the left side of the zombie. The deformity it holds strikes the zombie in the jaw knocking it down. The creatures body stops and twists back to the left bringing the object back down on the fallen zombies head with a gruesome sound somewhere between a thud, a pop and a splatter. The figure advances towards them returning the object and it's body to what appears to be their default position, still moving very strangely for a zombie.


(There, happy? don't pick at my grammar, i'm not in the mood for peoples stupid shit today)

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(eh... i could read it the first time and get the gist :P but i really don't care as long as i get the gist of what is going on. :))



You see 3 figures approaching, they are watching their surroundings but they remain walking in your direction.


@ @@Sekhayet,

We see a figure approaching us, but we can tell it is somepony walking towards us. I look at broken and frozen.

"Should we await in the light? So, we can show who we are, and hopefully they do the same?


Thank you Void Crawler for this ^~^

Pony OC's :: WarFluttershy :: Vanguard Clash

Have a good time here on the forums!  :muffins:

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Philipe saw the three figures and stopped. Zombies were never really too aware of their surroundings, and these three didn't move like zombies. If he was right he'd  have to be careful anyway so that they didn't shoot him. If he was wrong, three zombies at once wasn't too smart, either way rushing in wasn't a good decision. He couldn't risk yelling to them....hmmm sight, sound, smell, touch, taste.... well touch, taste and smell are out of the question. He stopped and thought for a moment then sat down right where they could approach him, His hammer  rested wih the handle standing up beside him ready to grab it if he needed it.



@FractaLuna @Sekhayet,

Edited by Twinkfeather
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We see the figure sit down, with the weapon on the ground. I lean over and kiss broken's cheek as we continue walking forward towards the figure, weapons out but not pointed at the figure. As i kiss broken's cheek i notice we are in front of the town hall, about at where we would guess the halfway mark of the building.

"Town hall. Halfway there."

I tell Broken and Frozen as we continue to approach the figure.


Thank you Void Crawler for this ^~^

Pony OC's :: WarFluttershy :: Vanguard Clash

Have a good time here on the forums!  :muffins:

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Broken grimaces as a fresh wave of pain radiates out from where Fluttershy placed her lips but he says nothing. He is thankful that the darkness hides his expressions from her. He can understand the plain fact that she feels something for him but he cannot comprehend why she does. He is mostly a stone. Almost all warponies that survive the conditioning are stones- not by choice but by force. The warpony mask and the passive effects of the magical drugs produced by their bodies all but guarantee emotional evisceration.


He ponders further to escape thinking about the pain. It's not that he is entirely devoid of emotion; he feels less not nothing. Their current situation is not at all conducive to the sort of relationship building that the Diarchy required of its subjects- Queen Cadence and King Shining Armor had just as heavy a hand in the indoctrination materials as Queen Twilight and the third generation of Bearers. He cannot think of a way that this will end well. His rumination ends when they approach the unknown pony. Broken recognizes Phillipe and immediately starts letting his guard down a bit and sagging down slightly. With another pony here, he can finally allow himself a bit of rest.



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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We walk over to philipe.

"Hey, we got the potions, and medical supplies, potions are for last resort, as we only have so many."

I tell her. We are clearly visable to eachother no zombies in sight, and i look over at where the orange glow is.

"The building still on fire?"


I ask to make conversation. and while i think about it, remembering that most warponies have had to make their hearts stone, unlike me, mine is still soft like mud, but still is moldable to dry and harden. It remains mud like unless i am forcing my self to restrain and show no emotion and have hardly little feelings like the warponies of equesria's northern border. That where under constant attack by the wolven. I sake my head and think.

'Enough water and heat will melt a heart of stone. Even if he is a warpony that had to loose his emotions during the time of war for his own protection to fight a unwinable fight to save another pony who he adorded in the past'

I think to my self recalling what most warponies and some of my friends had resorted to for their own protection.


Thank you Void Crawler for this ^~^

Pony OC's :: WarFluttershy :: Vanguard Clash

Have a good time here on the forums!  :muffins:

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I fly around in the store bored. the others haven't come back yet. "Ugh, i'm so bored..." I look down and notice a light blue object. "hmm..." I fly down to it and see that its a ball. "hmm... what could I do with this?..." after minutes of wondering if i could use it for something useful I couldn't think of any. "Meh, whatever I'll just kick it around!" I kicked the ball at a wall over and over and over again waiting for the others to return.

                                Art by: Inky Spark :) Thank You Inky! ~<3

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Frozen sighs at War Fluttershy's mention of the fire, "Yeah... It'll be burning for at least another few hours, more if the school is more flammable than I estimated. Sorry about that, but I knew that we were heading out at night, and drawing them away was the best way to get us there and back alive." She turns to the pony in camouflage, "Friend or foe? I will not hesitate to shoot you if you're going to try and hurt us."

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