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private [Adventure] Island of the Dark Mountain (RP)


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"Yes, I have traveled a far bit. Mostly at my own risk" Should I really tell them? They're just a bunch of tourists, it'll be fine.

"I see all the things the travel agency don't mention. The world is a bit more dangerous than most think. All I really do is go and find artifacts and get them into the right places. Where have you been? Griffon Kingdom? Saddle Arabia?"



This pony seems to know his stuff. More he's bluffing.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Pat: 'Hmm, I think I know it more than he thinks I think I do... Stop confusing myself!' "Um, I have been to Saddle Arabia, but mostly I travel to other countries outside of Equestria."


They finally found their way to the mess hall.


((OOC: Please don't ask about these other countries. I don't want to spend alot of time thinking up names or something.))


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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((Got it. I'll keep random places to a minimum))@@Pat.Rio.T.,




As soon as they entered the mess Hunter's nose picked out the smell of meat from the Griffon portion of the mess hall. No, Hunter. You've got fish in your room. Dont even think about taking some meat from here. stick with hay and salads.

"I'll guess I'll get a salad or something. Maybe an apple too" Unfortunately for him he had to walk past the Griffon area. Hunter just couldn't help but take a peek at the meat. Not bad. He'd seen better cuts but still. He snapped out of his inspection quickly after. ​Did anyone see that? No? Probably not. 



"You go ahead and get something. I've already eaten. I'll find a table" After a quick look over he picked out a booth that could easily fit four ponies. He took a seat and wait for the others.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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River followed Patterson up to the counter to order.


Pat: "We'll take a large caeser salad, and a hay and cheese sandwich with lettuce and tomatoes, with some fries and two glasses of water, please." 


They went over to the booth to sit down and eat. Just as Pat was about to take a bite...




"...Is that, thunder in the distance?"


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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Atlas's ears perked at the distant sound.

"We should be fine. This ship can take some weather. Right?" Atlas got that gut feeling of this is a bad idea. We'll be fine. A little weather hurt nopony.




"It's just some thunder. Calm down" Hunter ate his salad not giving another thought of the thunder. I could really go for some meat right now. Oh well. Food is food.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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 Patterson shrugged off the thunder like everypony else, not perceiving it as a threat.


River: 'The thunder sounds quite far away. We shouldn't even run into a storm, or at least we can alter course in anticipation of an oncoming storm.'


River contemplated as she continued eating.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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Atlas looked over the ponies he had just met. They looked to be normal tourist just getting away from the bustle of everyday life. Nothing special. He took a closer look at Hunter. Nothing out of the ordinary. Probably could throw a good punch. Wait... Fangs? Why the hay would a Changeling be on board? I could be one of the ones of fled the Changeling Kingdom or he has a birth defect. How to know? Aha!

"So Hunter. What is your talent? Your cutie mark is a moon and all"




Hunter had a playbook of stories to make up for his misleading cutie mark. His only concern was how Atlas was probably educated.

"It's astronomy" He lied. "I may have came from a poor village put I studied the stars a lot" He gave a nervous smile once more subtle showing his fangs. He was never a good liar but if he wasn't pressed on the topic he should be fine.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Pat: "Well, what is your special talent Atlas?"


Patterson asked in between a bite, it seemed only fair.


"My cutie mark, though I question why we call it that especially on us stallions, is the flag of my country, which symbolizes my patriotism. And River's cutie mark is a symbol which represents mind over matter, reffering to her special talent which is telekinesis."


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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((River is a wheelchair, right? I mentioned her lameness earlier and you didn't object))@@Pat.Rio.T.




"It's an atlas from a map. It means I'm into exploring and adventuring. At first it was for fun and now I do it full time. You'd be surprised how much ponies pay for somepony to go out into the Everfree forest to grab something. And then I have to make sure said artifacts don't land in the wrong claws and hooves" He ended the remark with a frown. "It's dangerous out there. I've been locked in Griffon prisons many times, tortured once, and had my share of sword fights. One of which gave me a limp for life. I'm on trip to get away from that. You kinda need a break from constantly watching your back and having you sward at your side at all times"

Edited by Airbornepony

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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,  ((OOC: Yes her back legs were paralyzed from birth.))


Pat: "Hmm, that's too bad, but at least you can, you know, walk."


River: "That doesn't stop me from keeping up with you."


"Well you're right there, I couldn't get rid of you..."


River hit Pat's arm.


"...Even if I tried."


He finished. River hugged him before he could say much else.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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((It would be a real shame if the storm suddenly interrupted the talking and caused a crash*nudge* *nudge* *wink* *wink*))@@Pat.Rio.T.,




Atlas smiled at the nice moment going on in front of him.

"So, Hunter. Where'd you get your name? Hunter isn't exactly a pony name"





"Oh, I'm from a border village near the Griffon Kingdom"



"Hunter isn't a Griffon name though" He raised and eyebrow. He noticed something about the pony's eyes. What's up with his eyes... It looks like thy're changing.



"That's just what I was named"



"Uhuh" Atlas was engrossed in Hunter's eyes. they are changing. They look like... wolf eyes?



Hunter noticed his eyesight get a bit better. Then noticed Atlas looking at them funny. Horseapples! It's way to early for my eyes to change! I really should have eaten more fish this morning! 

He went pale and broke out in a cold sweat hoping the others wouldn't notice.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Patterson noticed that Atlas seemed to be... very interested in Hunter.


Pat: 'Why is he "jumping on" Hunter like that?'


River was thinking about the same thing. Atlas wasn't the only one who noticed Hunter's eyes change. After River saw his eyes she almost immediately realized he had the fangs as well.


River: 'Oh My!'


"Umm, how about we go back up on deck?"


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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"Yes! Let's go on deck!" All Hunter wanted was to get out of this situation. "Come on!" He nearly jumped out of his seat. 



Atlas just gave Hunter the I-know-your-hiding-something look. 

He mouthed "I've got mt eye on you" That pony could be trouble. I need to watch him. Closely.

"Yes. We should go atop" He said a bit coldly in Hunter's direction.



Maybe I should just run. No, that would just put me at fault. I'll stick around and see how it goes and run if needed. 

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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As the ponies got up out of their seats and began to head back towards the stairs that lead up top, River tugged on Patterson's coat, indicating that she wanted talk to him. 


Pat: "Oh, um, we will be there in a minute."


River made sure that they were out of earshot before she began speaking.


River: "Pat, have you ever heard of werewolves?"


"Well who hasn't, they're a fairly iconic fictional monster."


"They are more than just fictional, there are many myths, legends, and accounts of them, and there could even be one on this ship."




"Their existence has never been proven, at least not around here, but the accounts are consistent. It is plausible. Hunter has showed some of the documented signs of being a werewolf."


"So you are saying that Hunter could be a werewolf."




"Calm down River, I don't think he wants to hurt us and besides it's in the middle of the day."


"I'm not so sure that helps."


"Let's just enjoy the rest of our trip. It won't be much longer until it's over. I doubt much will happen in the mean time. Cmon, let's get up there before they wonder."


He said as he led the way. River followed along, Pat would never let anything happen to her anyway.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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The group up on deck to be greeted by a storm. It was close but not quite on them. 

That's awful close. Does the crew even known?

He wandered back a bit to Pat and River.

"I don't like how close that storm is. I'm no sailor but I think that's to close" Hunter put his fangs on his bottom teeth as so only his fangs touched his bottom teeth. It was a habit he had and only did when he was nervios which he was from both Atlas and the storm. ((I'm making this up as I go by. This is my first RP with Hunter so this is going to define him a lot)) After a second of realizing he was doing it right in front of two ponies he clamped his mouth shut.

"I'll be over there..." He trotted a bit out of speaking distance and alone. 

Good Job, Hunter! If you hadn't already you've blown it now!




The second Hunter had Pat and River he was next to them.

"You saw that at the table, right? His fangs and eyes! Kinda hard to miss. It's not natural. He shows signs of Lycanthropy or in laypony's terms: a werewolf! I don't trust him. Watch yourselves. If need be I've got a sword in my cabin. It may not be a silver stake but it'll do"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Pat: "Uh, no. River told me. But don't be so fast to pounce on him as soon as he transforms. What if he doesn't want to hurt us, even if he can't control himself. Wait, where did this storm come from? I thought the pegasi scheduled these storms.


As if to answer his question, one of the crew yelled out,


"This storm came out of nowhere! It's right on top of us!"


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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Anala was shocked to see... a storm brewing in the sky! What if it struck the airship? She tried to be brave and strong... but she jst couldn't stop herself from shedding tears at the thought of her demise... and what her friends would do...



OCs: RileyAnala

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The storm blew the ship about with the crew helpless to control the ship.@@Pat.Rio.T.,




Hunter ran to his cabin as fast as he could. The storm made it hard to just stand up straight much less gallop. He burst through his cabin's door which he had left unlocked. 

Good. It's still there. He scooped up his locket and placed it around his neck. He didn't plan to lose this. He galloped back into the hall. What should I do? If I stay down here I'll hit my head and get myself killed but if I'm above I risk being thrown into the sea which this high would like falling onto concrete. Death by long fall it is! He slowly went through the hall stabilizing himself. 

"Hey! You!" Hunter called to a sailor in front of him. "What do we do?"

"I have no bucking idea! I'm just a boiler room worker!" Out of nowhere Atlas stepped from a door his sword at his side.




 "He's on the move. I'll be back" Atlas left Pat and River to follow Hunter. As soon as he entered the bowls of the ship he lost Hunter however. 

Horseapples. I'll get me sword then. He eventually found his room with his Griffon made sword leaning on the nightstand. He put on its sheath and galloped back outside and towards the top deck. He was interrupted by Hunter. The two looked at each other for a moment then continued in silence.




Once they got on deck the conditions got no better. The wind hollowed and some rain had begun to fall. He made his way toward Pat and River still where they were before.

"Hold onto something! Does that wheelchair have brakes?! Use them" He shouted above the storm. He grabbed the rugs of a nearby ladder and hung on for dear life.




"He's right! You're going to need to find something secure!" He found himself a latch and held onto the handle.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Anala looked around frantically. "WHERE'S THE EMERGENCY RESCUE AIRSHIP WHEN YOU NEED THE DAMN THING?!" She did the best thing she could think to do; run inside and take cover. Tears in her eyes, she said her goodbyes, even though nopony could hear them.


"Clementia, even though you're shy and timid, and curl up in a ball at loud noises, you're so kind and caring. Riley, even though you're sort of annoying sometimes, I'm sorry for constantly hitting you round the face. You're only trying to make people happy. Cassidy, I'm sorry for making fun of your book obsession and limited social skills. You're such a smart guy."

OCs: RileyAnala

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, ((OOC: Sorry, I was hoping some other people would post(I'm looking at you , and @Filthy Cropper. And to a lesser extent , though, I know you're busy and probably gone).))


The crew of the ship decided to try to bring the ship down for an emergency landing on the closest island, as safely as they can.


Pat: "No, the wheelchair is not secure, you have to leave it and grab onto something!"


Patterson yelled over the noise, as he grabbed a railing. He reached his hoof out for River to grab, and she reached out to him. But just before their hooves locked, the ship started tipping and River's wheelchair began rolling away from him.


River: "Pat!"




She tried to stop the wheelchair using her hooves, but only succeeded in slowing it down.




He yelled with a somewhat angry tone, as his suit appeared from underneath his coat and engulfed him. His eyes lit up and he gestured a hoof towards River. A construct appeared, taking the form of a large dragon claw, with which he grabbed River and carried her back to him. As soon as they reunited, River clung to Pat with all her might.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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What the hell was that?! Pat is more than he's letting us know. The ship rocked about as the crew attempted to come in for a landing. Atlas was battered back and forth as he held on. With every swing of the ship he hit his bad leg which was causing him excruciating pain. He let his grip slip a bit but it was just enough. He lost his grip entirely and began to slid down the wet deck toward the edge. 

My life was nice. I may die young but I sure as hell lived it to the fullest. He didn't dare extend his wings. They would catch the wind and fling him off into the sea where he would surely drown. He slid and hit the railing at the edge of the ship. With his good leg he grabbed the slick railing and held on. His grip slowly loosen as his strength dwindled. He let go. He waited for the feeling of falling but it never came. He opened his eyes to see Hunter grabbing his hoof keeping him up. 




"Hold on!" Hunter began to try to back up but couldn't. The deck was slick and Atlas weighed to much. The best he could do was keep the two of them there. Hooves aren't exactly the best at traction. But claws are.

No! I can't do that here! I'll get gutted he minute we're safe. But I can't hold Atlas forever. Hunter wrestled with his thoughts of self preservation and saving Atlas.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Pondah scampered around the cafeteria in an attempt to find staff members that weren't occupied to help him get away from the "hotel". He searched the cafeteria for a fair while before he gave up. Every single pony he saw was doing something and were to busy doing important things to help with Pondah's request. He sat in the corner of the room. 'This is hopeless...'


As he sat, he overheard a muffled shout. He couldn't make out what it was but it was clear other ponies could. They began galloping around and the cafeteria became full of a cacophony of screams and shouts. The sudden din made Pondah jump and he tried  look for a way out. Before he could, he felt the floor shake. Pondah's mind kicked into gear and he hid beneath a table nearby. 'This must be an earthquake! Until this passes, I'm staying right here. Today just isn't my day...'

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Frozen puts down her book and begins to calmly walk through the ship. She was more disappointed that they were being told to move somewhere and she had to stop reading than she was concerned that the ship may be in danger. "Don't worry, this sort of thing happens all the time..." She says to reassure herself as she is hit by a rolling whellchair, "Ok... Maybe not all the time..."

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Stormwing, a light grey pegasus, was scared. That was obvious, as one could see by his position of hiding in a storage closet. Which... now that he thought of it, was not the greatest idea in a sit-ee-ation like this. The pony decided to clamber out of the closet while the airship's proximity to the storm was growing closer. He heard thunder strike, and bent his head in such a way he could see somewhat backwards out of a nearby window. "Mmm..." he made an annoyed-ish tone. "That... That doesn't look too good." 

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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Atlas pondered his situation. He was dangling of the edge of an airship caught in the storm of the century with his life in the hooves/paws of a suspected werewolf and if he could hold on to him or not. This would defiantly go on his top ten worst situations list. His bad leg still throbbing with intense pain from being battered. A large gust of wind came form nowhere and blew of his precious fez which he instantly noticed. He had no idea how it had stayed on for so long but it was gone now. Atlas caught a glimpse of the red hat flt toward a silhouette of an island.

"Celestia, damn it!"




Hunter used all his strength holding onto the pony below him. "I may have met you a while ago but I won't let you die!" 


Atlas: "There's no need to be be theatrics! Just let me go! We both know you can't hold on forever!"

Hunter: "I sure as hell will try!" He shouted above the sounds of the storm.




Hunter pumped the last of his strength into keeping Atlas up. He was about to crack from exhaustion and let Atlas fall to his death but he wouldn't let that happen.


"No! We're not dying today!" Hunter let out a scream of untapped rage as he gained strength seemingly from nowhere. His beast blood pumped through his veins giving him wolfish strength. He pulled Atlas onto the deck a few feet only to collapse from exhaustion.




Lighting struck a mast which sails had long been cut away from the ship causing it to fall narrowly avoiding Atlas and Hunter but instead land at the place where Atlas had been hanging. 


"That was close" Atlas shouted to Hunter. He looked down to see he had fallen. Atlas dragged Hunter by the mane away from the edge and next to Pat and River.


"Pat! If we get out of this you know I'm going to ask you what the hay that was!"

Edited by Airbornepony

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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