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Mane6 and the Pokemon they could be!


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So being a steady addict of Pokemon in all shapes and forms (man i miss my giant grey brick gameboy! BLUE VERSION FOR LIFE!) I have gotten sucked into the depth of X&Y, 50 hours in and not even to the third gym!....cough....


Ok ok! To the point! A thought struck me, MLP meets Pokemon! What Mare would be what Pokemon? Being a loyal Ra-ra fan, Lady Rarity needed a very special Mon to represent her..and I have found it!!!




Froslass is SOOOOOOO Rarity! They share the same color scheme, Lady like posture and ontop of the Mon being a female only, it has a diamond shape on its freaking forhead!!


What Mon can you find that are our Mares incarnent? (sp)

---> Here be Fabulous Mare!


<--- There be Brony!


***Fear the Hater, for they are out to taint your Perfection. Buck the Troll, for he would seek to stop the Fabulous flavor. For you are Brony, coated in Pearl, maned in fine Mulberry, eyes of the sky, and flanks of Diamonds. Your life is for the Lady, all hail the Queen, for Rarity, your life, for her.*** -Applejock

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I think cresselia would work nicely for Fluttershy, while espeon would make a solid Twilight, and of course there's rapidash, a horse pokemon with a similar name to a certain rainbow-maned pegasus  ;)

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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I think cresselia would work nicely for Fluttershy, while espeon would make a solid Twilight, and of course there's rapidash, a horse pokemon with a similar name to a certain rainbow-maned pegasus  ;)

Personally, I see Cresselia more as Luna (With Nightmare Moon being Darkrai)

Espeon's tail quivers when sensing something that's about to happen.... (Pinkie Pie)

I'm not quite sure who I'd put as Twilight in espeon's place though


Fluttershy would be chansey

Rainbow/Rapi Dash does work though

Not sure who for applejack

Frosslass for Rarity



Though comparing Pokémon to the elements is a whole different thing

Magic: Kadabra I guess

Loyalty: Growlithe

Generosity: Delibird

Honesty: Reshiram (and I don't like this, being a legendary, but it fit for honesty)

Kindness: Chansey

Laughter: Zorua (It works in my mind)

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On a more serious note, the main ones I can think of are Twily with Espeon, Rarity with Delcatty, and Pinkie with Ludicolo. Aside from those, I got nothin'.  :huh:

  • Brohoof 2


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Admittedly, I am far from the authority on pokemon. If only my partner were on here, they'd be able to come up with the perfect pokemon for every pony you could think of :P

They do work well, that's just my opinion (Plus, personally I'm not putting Flutters as Cresselia just because I wouldn't put any of the mane 6 as legendaries. Except possibly for Twilicorn)

  • Brohoof 1
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They do work well, that's just my opinion (Plus, personally I'm not putting Flutters as Cresselia just because I wouldn't put any of the mane 6 as legendaries. Except possibly for Twilicorn)


That's fair, and I certainly see why you would say cresellia for Luna, since it's a moon legendary, even if that's the only similarity they seem to possess


I like the idea of princess legendaries though. Perhaps even a set, if there's a set that fits them, since legendary sets tend to be three and then a sort of master legendary (who would presumably be Celestia)

  • Brohoof 1

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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That's fair, and I certainly see why you would say cresellia for Luna, since it's a moon legendary, even if that's the only similarity they seem to possess


I like the idea of princess legendaries though. Perhaps even a set, if there's a set that fits them, since legendary sets tend to be three and then a sort of master legendary (who would presumably be Celestia)

Well, I'm not sure they could all be fit into the same set, but Twilight and Cadence could be Uxie and Mesprit, the Knowledge and Emotion pokemon


I'm not sure I'd put luna as Azelf though, and Celestia wouldn't be the best as arceus


I kind of like the Cresselia/Darkrai relation for Luna/Night Mare though, and I think Ho-Oh would sort of work for Celestia

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I think I came up with starters for each of the mane6 at one point...


Twilight I could see as Bulbasaur - it's kind of a leader Pokemon in the anime and seems generally more reserved

Rarity would be either Chikarita or Fennekin as those are the most feminine (although still have an 85% ratio male for some reason - grrr.)

Pinkie Pie would be Oshawott or Totodile - comic relief Pokemon every time they appear in the anime

Applejack could be Charmander - IDK...it's got a similar color scheme and is similarly badass

Rainbow Dash would definitely be either Piplup or Squirtle - both proud, brash, prankster-types and also blue

Fluttershy would easily be Cyndaquil


Scootaloo would be Torchic. Sigh. I'm really the first one to make that joke?

  • Brohoof 3
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Scootaloo would be Torchic. Sigh. I'm really the first one to make that joke?


Scootaloo, Torchic

Sweetie Belle, Jigglypuff

Apple Bloom, Smeargle?

Note: Sweetie and Apple are due to the possible hint to what their talents are from Show Stoppers

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Eeeeep! Those eevees are so cute! I love them, and am in full support of an eeveelution mane six and of Twilight as umbreon and Pinkie as espeon.

Actually I like most of these, Rarity makes a good glaceon, Rainbow Dash makes a good vaporeon. Applejack and Fluttershy both look sorta just like recolored eevees here, but their coloring suggests flareon and sylveon respectively.

  • Brohoof 2

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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Eeeeep! Those eevees are so cute! I love them, and am in full support of an eeveelution mane six and of Twilight as umbreon and Pinkie as espeon.

Actually I like most of these, Rarity makes a good glaceon, Rainbow Dash makes a good vaporeon. Applejack and Fluttershy both look sorta just like recolored eevees here, but their coloring suggests flareon and sylveon respectively.


I too am a fan of the eeveelution line. All of them share similar body structures to our favorite cartoon equinues, so it only seems natural that people would compare the mane 6 to an eeveelution.


This is how I would compare each eeveelution to each pony:

  1. Twilight = Espeon
  2. Rainbow Dash = Jolteon
  3. Fluttershy = Leafeon
  4. Rarity = Sylveon
  5. Applejack = Umbreon
  6. Pinkie = Flareon


#Squadgoals  :ph34r::P:lol::smug::rarity:;):sunny:        

"But that day...The day I discovered racing...I proved that the legends were true. I made the impossible happen!"Dash

"Friendship isn't always easy, but there's no doubt it's worth fighting for."Twilight Sparkle 

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I know this may not be Mane 6, but Derpy would totally have Spinda. As for the M6, I think Fluttershy would like a Pichu (my favorite non-legendary), RD gets...eeeehhh...I guess Staraptor, Rarity gets Gardevoir, Twilight would have Espeon, AJ would get Machamp (just seems right), and Pinkie would defiantly have Ludicolo.

Btw, my fav M6 pony is Applejack.

Edited by Shenron00
  • Brohoof 1

Yo! I'm Shenron00, but you can call me “Shen” if you want!


Thanks to WheatleyCore for the sig! BTW, yes, I do realize that's Carnage and not Shenron.

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