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Asbel pls.


> Notable OBD victories: this refers to battle threads made in the OBD. These threads typically have specific conditions in each fight. They don't operate under the same rules as SA.




"This is Piccolo after his 3 years of training for the androids against Frieza at 100 percent"


Also, the thread was made in 2009, long before the introduction of Golden Frieza and therefore long before anyone, likely even Toriyama, even thought Frieza would return to the series. The thread obviously refers to Namek Frieza, who Piccolo should stomp REAL hard.


Pay attention to the details before passing judgement.

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Asbel pls.


> Notable OBD victories: this refers to battle threads made in the OBD. These threads typically have specific conditions in each fight. They don't operate under the same rules as SA.




"This is Piccolo after his 3 years of training for the androids against Frieza at 100 percent"


Also, the thread was made in 2009, long before the introduction of Golden Frieza and therefore long before anyone, likely even Toriyama, even thought Frieza would return to the series. The thread obviously refers to Namek Frieza, who Piccolo should stomp REAL hard.


Pay attention to the details before passing judgement.

I coulda sworn that link said King Piccolo from DragonBall. Guess I was tired last night. I know Super Namek Piccolo can beat Frieza. He fought Android 17 to a standstill.


But anyway here's proof that you underestimated Hiei:



According to this Hiei was able to beat Itachi.

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Because you're again assuming all threads in the OBD imply no restrictions. The thread in question seems to have been deleted but I'm willing to bet Itachi was restricted from using MS or at the very least Tsukuyomi. In which case Hiei would beat Itachi. Notice that his first notable victory is against the entire Akatsuki, admitting it's likely outdated.


Looking at Itachi's stats, Hiei does admittedly have all the advantages (unlike against Sasuke). The thing is Itachi has all the hax. In a fight, starting distance would be the deciding factor.

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I can vouch that it's likely Itachi was restricted in some form against Hiei. One thing OBD loves to do that Screwattack doesn't do is do fights with restrictions placed on certain characters to make things more interesting or fair.. 


I'm actually not trying to imply that Twilight is stronger than Sombra, just within his ballpark. Sombra himself is obviously stronger than any one alicorn, as depicted by him needing both Celestia and Luna to stop him in show canon, and by him in his AU form being able to hold both Celestia and AU Celestia in a shield spell for some time (noted that the latter was fighting, the former wasn't.) However, with Twilight having been able to match Chrysalis three times already (twice within the newest comic), to the point where she needed a boost in order to definitively beat her, it seems that she's not too far off from that level anymore.


The scaling here would be:
Sombra-Celestia-Luna-Twilight-Chrysalis. With Chrysalis being able to trade blows with Luna, but being slightly behind her, the same as she seemingly is with Twilight, it would seem to suggest they're near or at the same level.


It is quite possible that Celestia is some degree stronger than Luna magically, as in addition to Luna being at or near Chrysalis' level in combat, AU Celestia was able to one-shot AU Luna with little effort in the Reflections arc. Luna also had to struggle to raise the sun in Celestia's absence, with it obviously requiring much less effort from her older sister.


My own ranking is of the same as well. Also, I agree that Celestia is likely stronger than Luna not only because AU Celestia nearly killed AU Luna with one attack (albeit, she caught her off guard), but also because in the Journal of the Two sisters, it stated Celestia loved to study magic which Luna teased her for it, even pointing out she was nearly on par with Starswirl I believe. Thus it would make sense that Celestia would be > Luna in power.

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I can vouch that it's likely Itachi was restricted in some form against Hiei. One thing OBD loves to do that Screwattack doesn't do is do fights with restrictions placed on certain characters to make things more interesting or fair..


On top of that, it's also possible the version of Hiei used in that fight wasn't EoS Hiei, but an earlier version with stats more comparable to Itachi's.


The point is, Asbel, you shouldn't take the notable victories and losses in any OBD match at face value. Like Nuke also said, OBD likes to set restrictions (like what was likely done with Itachi) and don't necessarily always use EoS versions of characters in their match-ups (like what was done with Frieza and Piccolo) to make things more interesting or fair.

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Because you're again assuming all threads in the OBD imply no restrictions. The thread in question seems to have been deleted but I'm willing to bet Itachi was restricted from using MS or at the very least Tsukuyomi. In which case Hiei would beat Itachi. Notice that his first notable victory is against the entire Akatsuki, admitting it's likely outdated.


Looking at Itachi's stats, Hiei does admittedly have all the advantages (unlike against Sasuke). The thing is Itachi has all the hax. In a fight, starting distance would be the deciding factor.

I can vouch that it's likely Itachi was restricted in some form against Hiei. One thing OBD loves to do that Screwattack doesn't do is do fights with restrictions placed on certain characters to make things more interesting or fair.. 


My own ranking is of the same as well. Also, I agree that Celestia is likely stronger than Luna not only because AU Celestia nearly killed AU Luna with one attack (albeit, she caught her off guard), but also because in the Journal of the Two sisters, it stated Celestia loved to study magic which Luna teased her for it, even pointing out she was nearly on par with Starswirl I believe. Thus it would make sense that Celestia would be > Luna in power.

On top of that, it's also possible the version of Hiei used in that fight wasn't EoS Hiei, but an earlier version with stats more comparable to Itachi's.


The point is, Asbel, you shouldn't take the notable victories and losses in any OBD match at face value. Like Nuke also said, OBD likes to set restrictions (like what was likely done with Itachi) and don't necessarily always use EoS versions of characters in their match-ups (like what was done with Frieza and Piccolo) to make things more interesting or fair.

Good point. Also I'm surprised people are actually debating about who is more powerful of the 2 sisters I thought it was obvious Celestia was the strongest. Otherwise she wouldn't be fit to be the ruler.


Anyway what do you think about Kenshin Himura VS Gintoki Sakata?

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Good point. Also I'm surprised people are actually debating about who is more powerful of the 2 sisters I thought it was obvious Celestia was the strongest. Otherwise she wouldn't be fit to be the ruler.


Anyway what do you think about Kenshin Himura VS Gintoki Sakata?


Just a few errant fans who believe Luna is stronger because she beat Celestia using Nightmare Moon forgetting that Nightmare Moon was a different entity that boosted her power above Celestia, and the other few who like to imagine Luna is a better fighter because she's darker and edgier in their fanfics.

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Sorry I was drunk on caffeinated soda when I posted that. Gintoki could beat Kenshin with ease. Because he has the power to defy logic and mimic anything he sees and is essentially immune to Deus Ex Machina. For example he could mimic Ichigo's Final Getsuga Tenshou or Goku's Kamehameha if he wanted to. And he actually even has mimicked Goku's Kamehameha at some points. Kenshin doesn't stand a chance. Gintoki VS Bobobo-Bobobobo would actually be alot more balanced.

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Mega Man V Astro Boy, correct?


Yeah, which should realistically be a stomp in Megaman's favor if we use Battle Network Megaman. Not sure how SA is going to treat him tho. Judging by their preview, it seems they'll only be using a composite of classic and anime Megaman, which may then end up being in favor of Astroboy. I don't know much about AB but he's certainly not universal level like BN Megaman afaik.

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 I don't know much about AB but he's certainly not universal level like BN Megaman afaik.

I don't have any prior knowlegde on Astro Boy so I am intrested in this outcome; unlike Yang V Tifa I am not rooting anyone for this Death Battle.

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Some people have said Hulk VS Atrocitus should happen. but I disagree. Here's why:


+ Ring gives him so many more options than Hulk
+ Faster by a long shot
+ Has ways around Hulk's defenses
+ Could directly feed of off and drain Hulk of his rage
+ Has faced foes with similar healing factors
+ Arguably smarter even when enraged
= Rage is equal
- Weaker of the two
- Hulk's faced foes that were as fast or even faster the Atrocitus
- It'd be over if he lost his ring


+ Stronger
+ Has faced foes that were as fast or faster before
+ Has a healing factor
+ Would keep coming no matter what
+ Can tank most of Atrocitus could throw at him
= Rage is equal
- Atrocitus has so many more options
- Atrocitus could keep Hulk from getting to close if he wanted to
- No counter for Atrocitus's blood
- Atrocitus could feed directly off of Hulk's rage something he hasn't dealt with before
- No surefire way to deal with Atrocitus in a long range fight
- Even in World Breaker Atrocitus could still control how much anger Hulk had even if he could completely extinguish it

It's a bit of a tough match up but Atrocitus wins.

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 Also, @, How about Saitama from One Punch Man for Koro-Sensei's opponent?

Two almost unkillable opponents fight to the death? Yep! That would make an almost perfect match-up. I would be interested to see how would that battle be....

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Asbel, are you possibly assuming Korosensei destroyed the moon?



Because he didn't. It has to do with the anti-matter in his cells. He has no control over it and it's also confirmed that there's less than 1% chance that it could even happen to begin with. What destroyed the moon was a mouse that underwent the same process of fusing anti-matter into its cells that Korosensei did and the mouse's cells ending their accelerated reproductive process, making the anti-matter in them spin out of control.


Aside from that, Korosensei's DC is at best bulding level to city block level. Saitama outclasses him horribly with continent level+, possibly moon level DC with the equivalent durability and sub-relativistic speed given he outpaced Genos' laser and more notably travelled from the moon to the earth in a few seconds. And all of that is casual. Saitama could well be far above everything I just said. There's no way Korosensei's regen is going to help him either.


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Asbel, are you possibly assuming Korosensei destroyed the moon?



Because he didn't. It has to do with the anti-matter in his cells. He has no control over it and it's also confirmed that there's less than 1% chance that it could even happen to begin with. What destroyed the moon was a mouse that underwent the same process of fusing anti-matter into its cells that Korosensei did and the mouse's cells ending their accelerated reproductive process, making the anti-matter in them spin out of control.


Aside from that, Korosensei's DC is at best bulding level to city block level. Saitama outclasses him horribly with continent level+, possibly moon level DC with the equivalent durability and sub-relativistic speed given he outpaced Genos' laser and more notably travelled from the moon to the earth in a few seconds. And all of that is casual. Saitama could well be far above everything I just said. There's no way Korosensei's regen is going to help him either.


Thank you for informing me of that.


Also what do you think about Oga Tatsumi from Beelzebub for Yusuke Urameshi's opponent?

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Thank you for informing me of that.


Also what do you think about Oga Tatsumi from Beelzebub for Yusuke Urameshi's opponent?



It makes for a good Death Battle poster tho, not gonna lie user222437_pic71490_1370609620_thumb.png




Pretty sure EoS Yusuke takes it handily, but Dark Tournament Yusuke vs Tatsumi would be pretty interesting to see.

After watching the latest Team 4 star movie, I'd now like to see a DBZ androids battle royal. 18 vs. 17 vs 16 vs 15 vs 14 vs 13/ Super 13. 

Barring the fact that the movie makes no sense feat-wise, Super 13 no sold Super Piccolo, so I'd expect him to be at least on par with second form Cell. Otherwise, I expect 17 and 18 would be able to take 13/14/15 by virtue of having unlimited energy alone.

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Just a few errant fans who believe Luna is stronger because she beat Celestia using Nightmare Moon forgetting that Nightmare Moon was a different entity that boosted her power above Celestia, and the other few who like to imagine Luna is a better fighter because she's darker and edgier in their fanfics.

Out of interest, why do you say her Nightmare Moon form "boosted" Luna's power? I don't remember that being stated. Plus regular ol' Luna's petulant stomps are strong enough to crack the ground (Luna Eclipsed) or stone balconies (Princess Twilight Sparkle) Heck, the whole wall behind her was cracked.



She's demonstrated super strength that Celestia never has, although I'm sure she could if she wishes.  

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One Minute Melee ideas:
Anakin Skywalker VS Riku (Kingdom Hearts)
Vegeta VS Younger Toguro (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Toriko VS Rob Lucci (One Piece)
Hak Foo (Jackie Chan Adventures) VS Tai Lung (Kung-Fu Panda)
Cell (DBZ) VS Meruem (Hunter x Hunter)
Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail) VS Prince Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Medeka Kurokami (Medoka Box) VS Risa Gremory (Highschool DxD)
Moka Akashiya (Rosario+Vampire) VS Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail)

Ichigo Kurosaki VS Inuyasha

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One Minute Melee ideas:


Anakin Skywalker VS Riku (Kingdom Hearts)

Vegeta VS Younger Toguro (Yu Yu Hakusho)

Toriko VS Rob Lucci (One Piece)

Hak Foo (Jackie Chan Adventures) VS Tai Lung (Kung-Fu Panda)
Cell (DBZ) VS Meruem (Hunter x Hunter)
Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail) VS Prince Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Medeka Kurokami (Medoka Box) VS Risa Gremory (Highschool DxD)
Moka Akashiya (Rosario+Vampire) VS Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail)

Ichigo Kurosaki VS Inuyasha



I'd rather have Vegeta vs Zebra as they're both the anti-hero rival characters in their respective series.


Also, Moka would make a better match with someone like Yang or Leone (Akame ga Kill) since she's a pure brawler herself.

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