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planning 1v1 Romance


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Alright, well, long story short it's been awhile since I`ve had a good romance RP, and i`ve been craving one. I don't have anything concrete planned, but i`m very open to discussion. The only rule I have is that my partner OC is female, because that's just how I am. I`ll be using either of the OCs in my description, Vincent and Nassir, and am very flexible on the location. 



One little caviar: I want this to be slow paced. Ergo, no seeing each other and instantly having one fall for the other. That's literally one of the few things i`m against. If you're interested, please contact me here or pm me. For those who want to examine my roleplaying style, you're welcome to look through post i`ve made and see how you feel about it.


Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my spiel. 

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I am interested...

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Hold on, I'm the first to see this?


... Wut? Huh.


Agh! Beat me to it! Cross posting making me look like a fool. :P


Go on then - I'll bite. I know that you can write well (which is what puts me off these things usually) and these fast-paced romance things really irritate me.




Most of my characters are on my profile page: Cinder, Bubble and Symphony being my three mares - this might be a good chance to finally use Atheia though...





Oh, or Wish Scribe - there's a link to her adult page at the bottom of the normal one.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Oh, hey there Cinder!


Well, since I happen to know how adept you are at role playing, i`m glad to see you responding to this!


Both of your OCs seem very interesting, so i`ll leave it up to you which one you'd prefer to use. I`ll also allow you to decide which OC you'd like me to use, as I enjoy both... although I admit Vincent is a bit more well developed.   


So, what sort of RP would you enjoy most? Slice of life? Any specific location you'd enjoy it being focused on? 

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'Adept'? Huh, I would class myself as 'adept' but sure, I'll roll with it!


So, I'll go with Atheia - she really needs some developing. As far as setting and so on, I'm pretty easy: bad writing is the only thing that puts me off. SoL works for me if that what your thinking? I can do adventure, horror, mystery... whatever you fancy!


Comfort zones are always good to play with! She would be fun to play either out away from civilisation somewhere (where she'd be right at home) or in a huge city (where she really, really wouldn't).

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Hmmm... I`m not really sure. Seems your character isn't made for adventure, however. I suppose we`ll just have to craft a good SOL story!


If you're using Atheia, I suppose I can use Vincent.


You're right about comfort zones... I usually play, at least in 'modern Equestria times', Vincent as a courier, so he could be in ether a town, a city, or in the wilderness... hm...

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Oh don't worry about what she's suited for - things tend to be more interesting when they end up doing stuff that they aren't designed to!


If you want an adventure hybrid thing, I can think up a few rough ideas


For a sol, there's always the good old delivery startup and take it from there, or have Atheia visiting a city he's in?

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