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private Eclipse (Chapter one: Unity) Outdated!

Trevor Bright

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The Princesses are at war. No one is sure what happened, but what they do know is that anguish and anger drove the young Luna to regain her former dark power, becoming Nightmare Moon once again. This time though, she seems to have retained some semblance of sense. She still prefers to be called Luna, though many of Celestia's supporters still insult her by calling her Nightmare.

It was after Luna's transformation that she and Celestia had a great fight, one that escalated from angry voices to that of magic. In the escalation of their terrible battle, ponies ended up having to flee Canterlot for fear of their own lives. Many tried to find refuge in ponyville, but even that was not far enough away to avoid the sisters wrath and in a violent last ditch effort put on by both princesses to try and be rid of each other, the both created a blast so strong, that, together, they destroyed Canterlot and Ponyville.

Survivors from the destruction went to the Crystal Empire hoping to find refuge in Cadence's realm.

They went to Las Pegasus where, sick of the destruction caused by the battling princesses, vowed to live on their own, with no alicorns aloud inside their walls, they live in some semblance of peace.

Or, they went to one of the remaining factions. The New Lunar Republic, which promised a new, safer way of life. The Solar Empire, which promised a brighter, better future. Or they fled to Appaloosa.

After the sisters started warring with each other, the Mane Six had a disagreement. Twilight wasn't sure she knew Celestia anymore. Celestia, for her part, did nothing to allay those doubts, calling on Twilight to help her attack Luna. Twilight refused and left. She contacted Applejack and made arrangements to move some of the survivors to Appaloosa where the Apple family helped tend to the wounded.

Appaloosa became a place for peace. Neither taking sides nor persecuting them, they retain their neutrality only through Twilights constant negotiating and dealing. Being an alicorn, both sides want her to join them, but neither wishes to do something that might anger her and force her to join the other side. So Twilight remains neutral, a blissful peace in a war torn land. That's not to say that they can't or won't defend them selves. The NLR and SE both learned the hard way that force won't get Twilight to join them, so they both focus more on the other side then Appaloosa and Dodge City.

The rest of the mane six was scattered. Besides Applejack, they moved in to various places.
Rarity is said to be in Manehattan, Luna's new seat of power, working in aiding Luna's army by designing armor to protect the soldiers of the night.
Rainbow Dash moved to Cloudsdale where, after the death of Spitfire in one of the more extremely aggressive battles early on in the war, she became the new head of the Solar Empire Air Force. She has become a great strategist and is renown for her ruthlessness in combat.
Pinkie Pie is said to have disappeared without a trace. After witnessing so much carnage, she lost sight of what was important to her. She didn't know how to keep making everypony happy with all the death and destruction going on. One day, she up and left. Disappearing in to the Everfree Forest, and never came back.
Fluttershy, friend of Discord, accompanied him in to seclusion. Knowing that the lord of chaos would be hunted for his power, she convinced him to flee in to the swamp. There, he sowed his chaos seeds and the swamp grew mad, completely impassable. The plants there grow at incredible rates, and attack ponies that venture to near. The animals of the swamp are said to be friends of Fluttershy. They are mostly tame enough, borderline friendly even, until you try to get in to the swamp. Then they protect the land with their dying breath.

If this wasn't bad enough, the changelings, sensing a weakness in the land, invaded to try and take over once and for all. They were unsuccessful. They attempted to cross Discord's swamp, unaware of what befell those that attempted to do the same thing previously. It was slaughter. The pure fury that nature unleashed on them cut their numbers by a full third. Now, the changeling force is left divided on either side of the swamp. King Spellcaster on the south, and the new Queen Spellbinder on the north.
Hive Spellbinder is undisciplined and scattered, erratic. She is new to ruling as she just recently disposed of King Metamorphosis and took his place. Her rule is not concrete, and most of the drones that are supposed to follow her act more like feral animals then devious insects.
Hive Spellcaster, on the other hoof, is quite organized. They've taken control of the Bad Lands, uniting some of Chrysalis's drones with his own. This makes King Spellcaster a force to be reckoned with.

That is the situation Equestria is in. Chaos, strife, hatred and anger rule where harmony and friendship used to be. Can harmony be found or is all hope lost?post-20806-0-50166600-1396411551.jpg

Edited by Dave Pyro
  • Brohoof 4

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Now I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds. -Bhagavad Gita



With the  massive amounts of death and destruction going on, the entity known only as Death was forced to divide his being up even more to collect the souls and keep them from floating away, dooming that particular soul to an eternity of restlessness. Indeed, no less then five thousand souls were lost in the destruction of Canterlot alone. Of course, as one of the chief Fundamentals, this would not do.


These new Aspects, not used to war and destruction on a first-hand basis, found themselves taking sides- some would only collect souls from one side, souls from another. The seven oldest aspects- indeed, the ones promised to Celestia and Luna- knew that harm would come if Death took sides, even unintentionally.


However, only six of them could truly ignore the war...





As Agririon continued to cant profanities under his breath, he silently floated over the hills until he reached Cloudsdale. Ugh. A sky city. He fell off of one once, and it took him days for his spirit energies to repair the skull that bound him to this mortal world. He could walk on clouds, mind you- they were practically platforms of water- but he could definitely could not fly. And, no, gliding did not mean flying. Or protection against hard impacts with the ground.


Looking up at Cloudsdale, he let out another string of curses before pacing on the ground below, sending a mental signal to Celestia that he could go no further until he recieved some help getting up.


Of course, he was the ones bound to the princesses. He was the one that was needed to play double agent. Well, really, forced to. Celestia managed to call him first, yet it was almost certain the Luna was not far behind.


And then he would need to go hunting around for her. Great.

Edited by Nyx Assassin
  • Brohoof 1
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((Sorry for not posting, but its kinda hard to do on your phone at school where there's about a million brony haters around you.))


Redstorm had spent a couple of days in Ponyville now, searching for even the tiniest bit of food. While Canterlot and Ponyville got destroyed from the blast, he was hiding in his cellar, trying to figure out what was going on. Was the war between two really waging outside his doors? After a few minutes, he got up, gathered his courage and Pushed his cellar door open.

Was it a dream? The air was heavy with ashes and he couldn't see anything. When Red's vision cleared up he immediately wished it didn't happen. His home... his friends, all destroyed in what looked like, a giant blast.


There was no time to spare now. The factions' soldiers could be back any minute now. Gulping down tears, Red ran back to the basement, where he packet all the canned food he could carry, into one backpack. In the backpack he also put a knife and a bottle of water. He then headed back outside, and without hesitation, into the outskirts of the Everfree forest. When the sky cleared up, Red was hiding in one of the trees. It looked like Canterlot had been destroyed too. He decided to go back into Ponyville and search for any survivors.


"Why did this all happen?" Red muttered to himself as he thought back to the recent events...


((The blast happened after the war started, right?))

  • Brohoof 2


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Seth Eclipse was on what remained of the Canterlot mountain. The dark grey wolf was starring into the land that was occupied by the Celestial forces, taking his time to plot out a plan of advance. He had been camping up here for a day, just trying to let go of all that happened. However, that seemed impossible. He had orders to bomb a ToI withing the day, but was still waiting for confederation to move up. "How..." He kept muttering to himself as he viewed the death and destruction that lay before him. "I promised to protect this nation from war... now I'm an asset to it's downfall."




During the initial start of the war, Seth (a diplomat at the time) had been at the Wolven Empire for a diplomatic conference regarding border disputes. When communication to Equestria was cut off, the empire feared the worst. Seth and a small team of investigation officers were dispatched to check what caused the lack of communication. When their jet arrived at the nation's boarders, they knew it was too late. Sadly, they were only too right.


As they approached the smoldering remains of Canterlot, the transport was shot out of the air by Celestia's airforce. They assumed that the wolves had already allied themselves with her sister. When a search party came to kill off any survivors of the crash, the greywolf managed to evade detection long enough for the party to move on. Seeing the crashed jet not far from her boarders, Luna also sent a scouting party to see what caused such an event. They were able to track down Seth and bring him back to the new Lunar throne. Seth, having always honored Luna, promised his loyalty for her saving his life. He was allowed him to contact the Wolven Empire to see about returning home, but he was denied the return.


He was made a scout and an infiltrator for Luna's forces. Seeing there was no other place for him, Seth went along with it. He had been tacked with assassinations, bombings, even bio-warfare. Now, he was tasked with an attempt on Celestia's throne. 




Now, he waited.

Edited by arkman575
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Lewis climbed a pile of rubble that was once a restaurant in Canterlot, he looked around at the crumbling buildings and skeletal remains of what once was his home. He sighs and slides down the rubble, he illuminates his horn as he enters a building and looks around cautiously. "H-hello? Anypony here?..." After a moment of silence he trotts further into the building and reaches a room towards the back. He levitates his pack off his back, sets it down and sits next to it. He opens the pack and takes out a knife and twirls it around with his magic. "I hope I don't have to use you..." he says solemnly then sends it flying into the wall opposite him burring it deep into the wood.

  • Brohoof 1

My OC Lewis

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Now I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds. -Bhagavad Gita



With the  massive amounts of death and destruction going on, the entity known only as Death was forced to divide his being up even more to collect the souls and keep them from floating away, dooming that particular soul to an eternity of restlessness. Indeed, no less then five thousand souls were lost in the destruction of Canterlot alone. Of course, as one of the chief Fundamentals, this would not do.


These new Aspects, not used to war and destruction on a first-hand basis, found themselves taking sides- some would only collect souls from one side, souls from another. The seven oldest aspects- indeed, the ones promised to Celestia and Luna- knew that harm would come if Death took sides, even unintentionally.


However, only six of them could truly ignore the war...





As Agririon continued to cant profanities under his breath, he silently floated over the hills until he reached Cloudsdale. Ugh. A sky city. He fell off of one once, and it took him days for his spirit energies to repair the skull that bound him to this mortal world. He could walk on clouds, mind you- they were practically platforms of water- but he could definitely could not fly. And, no, gliding did not mean flying. Or protection against hard impacts with the ground.


Looking up at Cloudsdale, he let out another string of curses before pacing on the ground below, sending a mental signal to Celestia that he could go no further until he recieved some help getting up.


Of course, he was the ones bound to the princesses. He was the one that was needed to play double agent. Well, really, forced to. Celestia managed to call him first, yet it was almost certain the Luna was not far behind.


And then he would need to go hunting around for her. Great.

Agririon felt a sensation in his head and knew that Celestia had understood him. As you wait for help to get you back up to cloudsdale, you hear a noise behind you. Turning around quickly, you see what appears to be a black pegasus disappearing in to the clouds, heading in the direction of canterlot, but you can't be sure, they disappeared to quickly. Then with a loud bang, you look up to see a large rainbow ring discipitating. Celestia had sent Rainbow Dash to come get you. "Hey! Hope you had a nice trip that fall, beacuse vacation's over now!" Rainbow taunts lamely as she picks you up. "Celestia's going to want to see you immidieately. You've really got to stop falling off."

((Sorry for not posting, but its kinda hard to do on your phone at school where there's about a million brony haters around you.))


Redstorm had spent a couple of days in Ponyville now, searching for even the tiniest bit of food. While Canterlot and Ponyville got destroyed from the blast, he was hiding in his cellar, trying to figure out what was going on. Was the war between two really waging outside his doors? After a few minutes, he got up, gathered his courage and Pushed his cellar door open.

Was it a dream? The air was heavy with ashes and he couldn't see anything. When Red's vision cleared up he immediately wished it didn't happen. His home... his friends, all destroyed in what looked like, a giant blast.


There was no time to spare now. The factions' soldiers could be back any minute now. Gulping down tears, Red ran back to the basement, where he packet all the canned food he could carry, into one backpack. In the backpack he also put a knife and a bottle of water. He then headed back outside, and without hesitation, into the outskirts of the Everfree forest. When the sky cleared up, Red was hiding in one of the trees. It looked like Canterlot had been destroyed too. He decided to go back into Ponyville and search for any survivors.


"Why did this all happen?" Red muttered to himself as he thought back to the recent events...


((The blast happened after the war started, right?))

As you look around Ponyville, or what's left of it, you hear a strange noise. As you start to follow the sound, it stops, only to start up again. As you finally find the source of the sound, you're surprised to find that the noise was coming from Fluttershy's house. You approach wearliy, but stop upon hearing the noise again. Finally able to recognize the noise as shifting rubble, you start to wonder if this was a good idea. Before you can decide what to do, you hear a voice come from the remains of the house. "Hey! Who's that? Sis? That you?"

  • Brohoof 1

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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"It is not my fault that you pegasi decide to have your heads in the clouds all the time", he jested back, masking his grumpiness. He would save that for Celestia. As the cloud began up, his hover ceased, and he began standing on the clouds instead of hovering above it. "Of course Celestia chooses her seat of power to be  the only city that I can't simply walk into. No, I've got to go hoofing it until I find the darn place, then I've got to get there." He shook his head as he- very carefully- stepped onto the building that housed Celestia. Turning, bowing, and thanking Rainbow for the ride, he entered the building and- after a quick removal of his skull to scare the guard's legging's off and, indeed, assure that it was indeed him, he withdrew his scythe, knocked on the door twice, before taking a ritualistic  pose of submission, awaiting for admission to be granted.

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Seth Eclipse was on what remained of the Canterlot mountain. The dark grey wolf was starring into the land that was occupied by the Celestial forces, taking his time to plot out a plan of advance. He had been camping up here for a day, just trying to let go of all that happened. However, that seemed impossible. He had orders to bomb a ToI withing the day, but was still waiting for confederation to move up. "How..." He kept muttering to himself as he viewed the death and destruction that lay before him. "I promised to protect this nation from war... now I'm an asset to it's downfall."




During the initial start of the war, Seth (a diplomat at the time) had been at the Wolven Empire for a diplomatic conference regarding border disputes. When communication to Equestria was cut off, the empire feared the worst. Seth and a small team of investigation officers were dispatched to check what caused the lack of communication. When their jet arrived at the nation's boarders, they knew it was too late. Sadly, they were only too right.


As they approached the smoldering remains of Canterlot, the transport was shot out of the air by Celestia's airforce. They assumed that the wolves had already allied themselves with her sister. When a search party came to kill off any survivors of the crash, the greywolf managed to evade detection long enough for the party to move on. Seeing the crashed jet not far from her boarders, Luna also sent a scouting party to see what caused such an event. They were able to track down Seth and bring him back to the new Lunar throne. Seth, having always honored Luna, promised his loyalty for her saving his life. He was allowed him to contact the Wolven Empire to see about returning home, but he was denied the return.


He was made a scout and an infiltrator for Luna's forces. Seeing there was no other place for him, Seth went along with it. He had been tacked with assassinations, bombings, even bio-warfare. Now, he was tasked with an attempt on Celestia's throne.




Now, he waited.

As you stand there, you hear a voice next to you "Pity. This used to be very beautiful." Startled that you didn't hear the pony approaching you jump around to face a white pegasi. "There are things going on at the moment beyond what they look. Keep you guard up canis lupus." Then with a smile, the pegasi disappears.

Lewis climbed a pile of rubble that was once a restaurant in Canterlot, he looked around at the crumbling buildings and skeletal remains of what once was his home. He sighs and slides down the rubble, he illuminates his horn as he enters a building and looks around cautiously. "H-hello? Anypony here?..." After a moment of silence he trotts further into the building and reaches a room towards the back. He levitates his pack off his back, sets it down and sits next to it. He opens the pack and takes out a knife and twirls it around with his magic. "I hope I don't have to use you..." he says solemnly then sends it flying into the wall opposite him burring it deep into the wood.


You hear a yell and a then there's a flash of green light as the wall that the knife stuck in explodes. A white unicorn steps out of the wreckage of the wall. "What? Who?" The first thing you notice about him is his eyes. They have a very haunted look about them. Second is his coat. Its very dirty, and obviously not kept up. His eyes jump around a moment before finally coming to rest on you. His horn stops glowing and he visibly relaxes. "Oh, just a kid...No, he's no threat...No, we-...Yes...just stop." He taps his head before looking apologetically at you. "Sorry kid. Hope I didn't scare ya to bad." Slowly, he reaches out and grabs the knife, flipping it around so he's holding the blade, handle extended towards you. "Here. My name's David. You are?"

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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You hear a yell and a then there's a flash of green light as the wall that the knife stuck in explodes. A white unicorn steps out of the wreckage of the wall. "What? Who?" The first thing you notice about him is his eyes. They have a very haunted look about them. Second is his coat. Its very dirty, and obviously not kept up. His eyes jump around a moment before finally coming to rest on you. His horn stops glowing and he visibly relaxes. "Oh, just a kid...No, he's no threat...No, we-...Yes...just stop." He taps his head before looking apologetically at you. "Sorry kid. Hope I didn't scare ya to bad." Slowly, he reaches out and grabs the knife, flipping it around so he's holding the blade, handle extended towards you. "Here. My name's David. You are?"


Lewis jumps to his feet and throws a shield up to protect him from debris.  He coughs and replies, "Y-you nearly gave me a heart attack!..." He takes the knife with his magic and returns his gaze to David. "Thank you... I-its... nice to meet you?... Erm.. I-I'm lewis..." He nervously raises a hoof to David.

My OC Lewis

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"It is not my fault that you pegasi decide to have your heads in the clouds all the time", he jested back, masking his grumpiness. He would save that for Celestia. As the cloud began up, his hover ceased, and he began standing on the clouds instead of hovering above it. "Of course Celestia chooses her seat of power to be the only city that I can't simply walk into. No, I've got to go hoofing it until I find the darn place, then I've got to get there." He shook his head as he- very carefully- stepped onto the building that housed Celestia. Turning, bowing, and thanking Rainbow for the ride, he entered the building and- after a quick removal of his skull to scare the guard's legging's off and, indeed, assure that it was indeed him, he withdrew his scythe, knocked on the door twice, before taking a ritualistic pose of submission, awaiting for admission to be granted.

You hear a commanding voice. "Enter. Ah, good. Its you. I hope that this most recent fall wasn't to unpleasant." Celestia laughs then covers a mouth with her hoof. "I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't laugh at your misfortunes. Forgive me." She stands and walks around the room before coming to stand before you. "Have you heard anything from my dear sister?" You can hear the spite and what almost sounds like hate in her voice as she says the last two words. "I do hope you'd keep me informed if you did hear anything from her." She walks in a circle around you, a contemplative tone in her voice. "And you would, I commanded you to. Unless she's already commanded you to do otherwise? You'd have to do what she says as well as I. Hmm. This is a conundrum indeed. I'll just ask you this. Have you anything to report?"

Lewis jumps to his feet and throws a shield up to protect him from debris. He coughs and replies, "Y-you nearly gave me a heart attack!..." He takes the knife with his magic and returns his gaze to David. "Thank you... I-its... nice to meet you?... Erm.. I-I'm lewis..." He nervously raises a hoof to David.

David immediately crouches in a defensive stance, hoof reaching in to a pocket in his vest before relaxing, seeing that Lewis was only wanting to shake hooves. As he steps forward to shake hooves, his horn lights up and you feel a strange feeling run over your whole body. David steps back, looking down apologetically. "Sorry, had to make sure you weren't a changeling."

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Seth stared at where the pony once stood. He was unsure of what to make of it. A warning? A warning of what? And if it was a warning, who sent it, and why?


These, and many other questions buzzed in the wolf's minds as he scanned the immediate area for the pony. Nothing. As he did so, a flame emerged from mid-air. Seth turned to the blue light, only to see a scroll drop from where it had formed.


"Well... it's time..." He spoke to himself. He picked up the paper and noticed the lunar insignia embedded on it's binding. Opening it, he read over it with much interest. After a second, he placed it down. It was his confirmation.


Going over to his supplies, he opened his backpack and pulled out a round container no bigger than a thermos. He looked at it, then sighed. Attaching it to his chest suit, he looked to the second thing he needed. The glider. 




After a minute of assembly, he prepped the pack and his weapon (a light pistol) for flight. As he readied himself for the jump, he spoke up at the sky. "


"Forgive me, Iris... I wish there was another way..."


He jumped off the mountain cliff, extended the fins, and began his flight to Cloudsdale.

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"Look at them. So caught up in their petty squabble. They believe they know the face of evil, of danger. They know nothing of the sort. Pitiful." "Peace. They don't see the big picture as we do. They don't recognize danger because it has put on a different face." "Their fate is sealed." "Nay, this story is just begun"

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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David immediately crouches in a defensive stance, hoof reaching in to a pocket in his vest before relaxing, seeing that Lewis was only wanting to shake hooves. As he steps forward to shake hooves, his horn lights up and you feel a strange feeling run over your whole body. David steps back, looking down apologetically. "Sorry, had to make sure you weren't a changeling."


Shivers a bit from the spell. "I-its ok... I understand.. can't trust many ponies now a days." He looks around for any other unexpected guests. "So what are you doing here? On a mission for either of the princesses, or just another survivor like me?" He puts away his knife feeling he could trust this newcomer.

My OC Lewis

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Shivers a bit from the spell. "I-its ok... I understand.. can't trust many ponies now a days." He looks around for any other unexpected guests. "So what are you doing here? On a mission for either of the princesses, or just another survivor like me?" He puts away his knife feeling he could trust this newcomer.

David looks at Lewis in disbelief. "Wait, is the NLR still around? I've been in hiding since...well, since a long time. I was...no! Stop innterupting me...he's just a kid, don't see how he could be a SE agent...just shut up." Having seemed to have lost focus when he started talking to himself, he looked back at Lewis, seemingly oblivious to his lapse. "Right. I was part of the NLR, but something happened a while back, and I, well, I haven't come out in a while. I have a bunker I've been living in, here, I'll show you. I got food and drink," he pauses a beat as he examines Lewis,"but you might not be old enough. I got fresh water to. C'mon." With that he turns around and walks back in to the hole he blew in to the wall, taking a winding tunnel down down down. He walks past many other openings before finally coming out in to a large room. It was furnished with a bed, a sink, a stock pile of weapons and food, (both of them very large) and what could be a security booth covered in screens showing various parts of Ponyville and Canterlot.

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Agririon felt a sensation in his head and knew that Celestia had understood him. As you wait for help to get you back up to cloudsdale, you hear a noise behind you. Turning around quickly, you see what appears to be a black pegasus disappearing in to the clouds, heading in the direction of canterlot, but you can't be sure, they disappeared to quickly. Then with a loud bang, you look up to see a large rainbow ring discipitating. Celestia had sent Rainbow Dash to come get you. "Hey! Hope you had a nice trip that fall, beacuse vacation's over now!" Rainbow taunts lamely as she picks you up. "Celestia's going to want to see you immidieately. You've really got to stop falling off."


As you look around Ponyville, or what's left of it, you hear a strange noise. As you start to follow the sound, it stops, only to start up again. As you finally find the source of the sound, you're surprised to find that the noise was coming from Fluttershy's house. You approach wearliy, but stop upon hearing the noise again. Finally able to recognize the noise as shifting rubble, you start to wonder if this was a good idea. Before you can decide what to do, you hear a voice come from the remains of the house. "Hey! Who's that? Sis? That you?"

Red was pretty sure he knew everyone in Ponyville, yet the voice didn't sound familiar. Or has he forgotten the voices of his friends?

Shaking his head, he spoke up: "N-no? I'm one of the survivors."

A million thoughts went through Red's head when he had finiahed that sentence. What if the pony was actually a soldier? Or any one of those voice imitators that Fluttershy had once told him about? What if it was a cutthroat, sent out to hunt him down?

Just as Red realized how bizarre his last idea was, he stepped back. He hadn't hear a response yet, making one of those thoughts more and more likely...


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Seth was on his approach to the capital of the Solar Empire. If the ponies were going to notice him, now would be the time. In his missions, he had been spotted, but never captured. Hopefully today wouldn't be any different. Looking down at his payload, he sighed again. He had no idea what this bomb was going to yield, but if the scared science ponies that gave it to him was any notification, it was going to be big.


As he began his decent to the cloud city, the wolf pulled out a bottle that was tucked into his vest. It was a little potion from the unicorns that would provide him with about a day's worth of cloud walking. Drinking the contents, he tucked it back in and readied himself for the mission.

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Red was pretty sure he knew everyone in Ponyville, yet the voice didn't sound familiar. Or has he forgotten the voices of his friends?

Shaking his head, he spoke up: "N-no? I'm one of the survivors."

A million thoughts went through Red's head when he had finiahed that sentence. What if the pony was actually a soldier? Or any one of those voice imitators that Fluttershy had once told him about? What if it was a cutthroat, sent out to hunt him down?

Just as Red realized how bizarre his last idea was, he stepped back. He hadn't hear a response yet, making one of those thoughts more and more likely...

A tan unicorn steps outbof the wreckage and in to the clearing. "Hello! I'm sorry. I thought you were someone I knew. I'm looking for the pegasus that lived here. She helped me out a while back and now I'm hoping to repay that debt. You would happen to know where she's gone do you?"



Seth was on his approach to the capital of the Solar Empire. If the ponies were going to notice him, now would be the time. In his missions, he had been spotted, but never captured. Hopefully today wouldn't be any different. Looking down at his payload, he sighed again. He had no idea what this bomb was going to yield, but if the scared science ponies that gave it to him was any notification, it was going to be big.


As he began his decent to the cloud city, the wolf pulled out a bottle that was tucked into his vest. It was a little potion from the unicorns that would provide him with about a day's worth of cloud walking. Drinking the contents, he tucked it back in and readied himself for the mission.

As you keep flying you think you see two pegasi flying twords you, a black one and a white one. No alarms been sounded yet so you're sure that they aren't soldiers. As you keep flying, the seem to not be flying towards you, but chasing one another. At least the black one seems to be chasing the white one. As you make your final approach you recognize the white one as the one who visited you on the mountain. He draws close enough to yell something and you hear "No! You don't know wha-!" At that moment, the black pegasi accelerates and slams in to the white one, knocking him off course and bellow cloud level out of sight. He flies past you and you see he actually has bat wings, possibly making him Lunar Guard? He says to you simply as you pass him "Finish it." Then takes off in pursuit of the white pegasi. Do you continue your bombing run like the black pony said? Or heed the white one and abort?

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Seth looked from the black pony, then to the city. After a second, he turned in pursuit of the two. "Fuck it. These ponies can live another day." He said, adding more trust for the chaise. As he heads for the cloud layer where the others had flown through, a thought occurred to him. 


'I... just drank a cloud walking potion... crap...' He barley had time to react as he pulled up. Sadly, physics was one hell of a smart ass when it came to momentum. He scraped against the cloud, his pack being torn off his body. Finally, he came to a halt. After a moment of recovery, he looked up to see his glider fall off the edge of the clouds. He was now stuck on the enemy territory's HQ with a must likely highly volatile bomb strapped to his chest. Great. Looking to the main city, he wondered his best approach for entry without being noticed (like there was one). 

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A tan unicorn steps outbof the wreckage and in to the clearing. "Hello! I'm sorry. I thought you were someone I kne. I'm looking for the pegasus that lived here. She helped me out a while back and now I'm hoping to repay that debt. You would happen to know where she's gone do you?"


As you keep flying you think you see two pegasi flying twords you, a black one and a white one. No alarms been sounded yet so you're sure that they aren't soldiers. As you keep flying, the seem to not be flying towards you, but chasing one another. At least the black one seems to be chasing the white one. As you make your final approach you recognize the white one as the one who visited you on the mountain. He draws close enough to yell something and you hear "No! You don't know wha-!" At that moment, the black pegasi accelerates and slams in to the white one, knocking him off course and bellow cloud level out of sight. He flies past you and you see he actually has bat wings, possibly making him Lunar Guard? He says to you simply as you pass him "Finish it." Then takes off in pursuit of the white pegasi. Do you continue your bombing run like the black pony said? Or heed the white one and abort?

((Cant quote right with the phone.))


Red was relieved it wasn't a soldier. Atleast he didn't look like it. The unicorn seemed friendly, so Red instantly pull his knife on him. After a sigh of relief, he spoke up: "No, uh... I know who you're talking about. Atleast I think so. Yellow fur, pink mane, shy voice? Yeah, I know her, though after the blast hit, I don't know what happened to her..."Red said, while keeping his eyes still on the unicorn. "How did she help you?"


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Bowing deeply, Agririon's voice was polite, yet betrayed a hint of annoyance as spoke, emphasized even more by the fact that he was just laughed at for something completely out of his control. "Well, Princess... the only news I have so far is that there's a war going on, the number off Aspects in this realm has almost tripled after Canterlot was destroyed and we lost over a quarter of the city's population's souls for transportation to Mortus." A tone entered his spirit essence that hinted at the blame of this calamity is going to Celestia and Luna. "Also, you are the first to call on my assistance."




Suddenly, Agririon sensed something... new. A bomb, a plot, and confusion. Confusion? Confusion at what to do, now that his method of escape had failed him. "Celestia, there is a something that just entered Cloudsdale. And it has an explosive device of some sort." He quickly began weaving his soul catcher- a device that made the mass collection of souls easier- into his cloak before looked at Celestia oddly at her seemingly surprised expression. "Well, I hardly expect that you are just going to sit around and let this bomb explode, now, are you?" 

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((Cant quote right with the phone.))


Red was relieved it wasn't a soldier. Atleast he didn't look like it. The unicorn seemed friendly, so Red instantly pull his knife on him. After a sigh of relief, he spoke up: "No, uh... I know who you're talking about. Atleast I think so. Yellow fur, pink mane, shy voice? Yeah, I know her, though after the blast hit, I don't know what happened to her..."Red said, while keeping his eyes still on the unicorn. "How did she help you?"

The tan unicorn's eyes widen, "Yeah, that's her. She, well, let's say I got in a bit of trouble a while back and the ponies in charge hurt me, the left me for dead not to far from Ponyville. Well, she stumbles across me, half dead, dehydrated, and starving. Not a very pretty sight. Well, she takes me in and nurses me back to health." His tone had become some what dreamy during his description and he seemed to have zoned out. Shaking his head and focusing back on Red, he says, "Yeah, so now I'm hoping to help her back, but it looks like I'm to late."



Bowing deeply, Agririon's voice was polite, yet betrayed a hint of annoyance as spoke, emphasized even more by the fact that he was just laughed at for something completely out of his control. "Well, Princess... the only news I have so far is that there's a war going on, the number off Aspects in this realm has almost tripled after Canterlot was destroyed and we lost over a quarter of the city's population's souls for transportation to Mortus." A tone entered his spirit essence that hinted at the blame of this calamity is going to Celestia and Luna. "Also, you are the first to call on my assistance."




Suddenly, Agririon sensed something... new. A bomb, a plot, and confusion. Confusion? Confusion at what to do, now that his method of escape had failed him. "Celestia, there is a something that just entered Cloudsdale. And it has an explosive device of some sort." He quickly began weaving his soul catcher- a device that made the mass collection of souls easier- into his cloak before looked at Celestia oddly at her seemingly surprised expression. "Well, I hardly expect that you are just going to sit around and let this bomb explode, now, are you?"

Celestia eyed him for a moment before walking back to her throne to sit down. Speaking, her tone a bit harder then before, she says "No, I can hardly sit by an let another city be destroyed by my foolish sister. I can't go out my self though as the bomb is undoubtedly meant for me. Get Rainbow Dash and a few of our Air Force together and have them retrieve this being and the bomb. Seperate them and bring the bomber to me and send the bomb to our scientists."

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Celestia eyed him for a moment before walking back to her throne to sit down. Speaking, her tone a bit harder then before, she says "No, I can hardly sit by an let another city be destroyed by my foolish sister. I can't go out my self though as the bomb is undoubtedly meant for me. Get Rainbow Dash and a few of our Air Force together and have them retrieve this being and the bomb. Seperate them and bring the bomber to me and send the bomb to our scientists."


Bah! Messenger duty, because I need to be humiliated further. Of course, he did not say this out loud, or give any sign whatsoever that he was thinking these thoughts. Instead, he looked at her thoughtfully. "It shall be done." He bowed deeply once again before turning and leaving.


As he was on the way out- with another glare at the guard to ensure that it was, indeed, him- he halted suddenly, a familiar presence entering his mind. And, suddenly, words appeared in a dull, monotonous voice.


The being you are after takes the appearance of a wolf. He works for Luna. Follow her directives, and if Celestia demands that he be imprisoned or killed, refuse and say that he has a greater purpose. He will be one of the ones destined to unweave this catastrophe.


Agririon nodded to himself before moving forward, examining the cloud city for this wolf or Rainbow, whichever came first. Before he could find either of them, he was greeted with yet another psychic message. Warn Celestia that if she continues these hostilities, I will call the Fundamentals together to examine their actions and, if necessary, remove them. They cannot continue to have hostilities every other millennium.


Grinning to himself, he spotted a blur of rainbow color, and quickly began to move towards it, shooting a telepathic expression of urgency in her direction.

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Grinning to himself, he spotted a blur of rainbow color, and quickly began to move towards it, shooting a telepathic expression of urgency in her direction.

The tan unicorn's eyes widen, "Yeah, that's her. She, well, let's say I got in a bit of trouble a while back and the ponies in charge hurt me, the left me for dead not to far from Ponyville. Well, she stumbles across me, half dead, dehydrated, and starving. Not a very pretty sight. Well, she takes me in and nurses me back to health." His tone had become some what dreamy during his description and he seemed to have zoned out. Shaking his head and focusing back on Red, he says, "Yeah, so now I'm hoping to help her back, but it looks like I'm to late."

Celestia eyed him for a moment before walking back to her throne to sit down. Speaking, her tone a bit harder then before, she says "No, I can hardly sit by an let another city be destroyed by my foolish sister. I can't go out my self though as the bomb is undoubtedly meant for me. Get Rainbow Dash and a few of our Air Force together and have them retrieve this being and the bomb. Seperate them and bring the bomber to me and send the bomb to our scientists."

Seth began his walk for the cloud city. He was just on the outskirts on a semi-stable cloud at the present time. It he were to stay out here forever, he would easily spotted by a patrol. It was odd that he wasn't picked up now with those stunts he pulled with that glider.

Oh well.


"Well Seth," he muttered to himself as he hiked towards the city. "At least you can apply for workmanship comp for crash landing in the enemy hq. Ok no, but maybe you will get a medal. That's probably the best you will get Sethy." He finished.


He was roughly half way there when he Braganza to see patrols of ponies. One in particulate was leaving a rainbow con trail.


"So, this is were she ended up. All the way out in cloudsdale helping the sun goddess. I just hope for both of our sakes our paths don't cross."

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The tan unicorn's eyes widen, "Yeah, that's her. She, well, let's say I got in a bit of trouble a while back and the ponies in charge hurt me, the left me for dead not far from Ponyville. Well, she stumbles across me, half dead, dehydrated, and starving. Not a very pretty sight. Well, she takes me in and nurses me back to health." His tone had become some what dreamy during his description and he seemed to have zoned out. Shaking his head and focusing back on Red, he says, "Yeah, so now I'm hoping to help her back, but it looks like I'm to late."

Celestia eyed him for a moment before walking back to her throne to sit down. Speaking, her tone a bit harder then before, she says "No, I can hardly sit by an let another city be destroyed by my foolish sister. I can't go out my self though as the bomb is undoubtedly meant for me. Get Rainbow Dash and a few of our Air Force together and have them retrieve this being and the bomb. Seperate them and bring the bomber to me and send the bomb to our scientists."

"Oh, sorry to hear that..." Red answered. He was now sure that the unicorn wasn't part of some kind of evil cult.

"Well I've spent a couple of days here now and as far as I'm concerned, nobody else is alive here..."

The remains of Ponyville caught his eye. That's it. He couldn't spend another minute here. It was certain that he had to leave now or this place would turn him insane. The ruins, the corpses... everything here was slowly chipping on his brain and this guy was his ticket out of here. Probably.

Turning back to the unicorn, he said: ''Well, I'd better introduce myself... I'm Redstorm or Red for short.''

Not waiting for an answer, he continued: ''Say, if you were going somewhere else, maybe search for the pegasus or whatever, could I come with you?''


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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"Oh cruel irony. Tried to help you did, breaking our agreement not to interfere, but you only made things worse." "I would have helped if you hadn't come blundering in trying to stop me." "Ah, but again, that would be disrupting the terms of our wager." "You..." "No, you were right, it is just getting started."

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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