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alicorn Prince Dusk


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Gender: Male.


Age: 1,010 years of age.


Introduction: Dusk is the son of Princess Luna, and he currently resides in Ponyville. He is recognized as one of the heroic ponies of Ponyville, despite his destructive and villainous introduction when first released. He values the Mane 6 as allies and friends, and he is Twilight's and Rainbow Dash's rival in terms of their respective abilities (magic/flying). Unlike Twilight, however, Dusk has full knowledge of all forms of magic and does not require spell books to use a spell. Dusk is very intellegent, and has a respect for the majority of his enemies. He dislikes formalities, and refuses to be referred to as a Prince, and refuses to attend formal gatherings (i.e Grand Galloping Gala). He does whatever he feels is right, and goes to the limit to make sure that it is completed.


Backstory: Celestia and Luna had showed Dusk the wonders of Equestria in his first decade of life, and he began to greatly enjoy his surroundings, such as animals and plants. He was a very happy colt, however once Celestia had sent Luna to the moon and had him captured and put in a secret base (and put into a capsule that would keep him asleep for whatever length of time), he was furious and filled with hatred. He also had best friends, a mare and a stallion, who were banished for trying to defend Dusk and assist him with his resistance, and died with lack of necessary supplies.


Story in FiM: One day, when returning from Zecora's in the Everfree Forest, Fluttershy and the Cutie Mark Crusaders stumbled across a metal door disguised as a common hill. Curiously, the C.M.C's began to investigate, with a frantic Fluttershy chasing after them. They were awed by the abandoned secret base, and were very curious of why it's purpose, as they eventually discovered Dusk's sleeping body within a capsule in a large, dark room. Once Fluttershy caught up with the C.M.C's and saw Dusk's body, she told the three fillies to find a way to release him, stating "nopony should be left behind like this." Once released, Dusk immediately began destroying the room in a rage, and within ten seconds, the room was beat up and broken, filled with steam and fog. When seeing a shocked group with a mare and three fillies, Dusk introduced himself and teleported away. The startled ponies immediately found their way back to Ponyville and told this news to the rest of the Mane 6, who didn't believe this to be true. However, a couple days later, Celestia called the Mane 6 to Canterlot to explain the destruction Dusk had began to cause in Manehattan and Fillydelphia and his origin. She then assigned the Mane 6 to stop and capture Dusk and bring him to Canterlot. After several encounters with Dusk and failed attempts at capturing Dusk, Rainbow Dash finally found Dusk at the race track of Cloudsdale, in which he had learned had been the pathway to the core of Cloudsdale where, if destroyed, could make Cloudsdale crumble and fall on a large portion of Equestria. She challenged him, and they started displaying their speed as they began a quick-paced, physical battle of speed and strength. Out of exhaustion and several crucial hits given by Rainbow Dash, Dusk had become unconcsious. He awoke to find his wings tied tight to his body, and his hooves stuck to the ground, with the Mane 6 surrounding him. Twilight explained she had placed a spell that temporarily disabled his magic, and that there was no use struggling. They had begun interrogation on the dark prince, and eventually Dusk had been driven to full blown anger and sadness by explaining his cursed past, breaking out of his restraints. There was still little he could do as his wings remained to be kept in place, and magic was still disabled. Eventually, Applejack, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash were forced to leave as Celestia called them over to help defend Canterlot from an Ursa Minor that Dusk had previously awoke and released. Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity were left with the task of calming an enraged alicorn who had just got his magic back. Rarity started to explain the unfairness of the situation of him taking his anger out on ponies who were irrelevant to his troubled past. Dusk, now furious, telekinetically blasted Rarity across the room (without injuring her) yelling "DON'T TALK TO ME ABOUT FAIR! NOT AFTER WHAT HAPPENED A MILLENIUM AGO!" Pinkie Pie attempted to cheer him up, whereas Fluttershy, very frightened, tried to be sympathetic towards the stallion. Eventually, Dusk was convinced he had done wrong when he realized (With the three mares' help) that Luna and his friends wanted him to protect Equestria, not destroy it in revenge. With a smile, a tear, and a flash, Dusk was gone and off to Canterlot. He found Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Celestia's guards keeping the Ursa Minor occupied, yet they were all tired and near the exhaustion point. When the Ursa Minor was about to attack a tired Twilight, they noticed a blur of black and red striking the in the head, toppling it over. Everypony was confused by Dusk's change of heart, but they went with it and defeated the Minor. Dusk met with Luna and Celestia, and the princesses had him introduced to Ponyville, where he was first shunned, however accepted once his story was explained. He had finally had a normal life again.


Characteristics: Dusk has a purple coat and a red mane with black stripes. He is slightly bigger than the average mare in Ponyville, but about the same size as any usual stallion.


Personality: Dusk has a very serious mentality and rarely shows emotion other than his release. This helps him assist other ponies, but can sometimes become annoying towards emotional ponies like Pinkie Pie, for example.




Princess Celestia - Originally thought of her as a second mother, however after Luna's banishment and his imprisonment, he became furious with Celestia, however quickly forgave her once he returned to his senses.

Princess Luna - Obviously has a very loving and respective relationship with Luna, as she is his mother.

Twilight Sparkle - Seen as a friend, a partner, and a mentor in terms of magic when with Dusk. Although they magically fought many times in their encounters when the Mane 6 attempted to capture Dusk, they had recovered and are now good friends.

Rarity - A minor friend to Dusk. Is tolerable and kind to Dusk, however they barely converse. Also, when Rarity makes Dusk pose for suit makings and such, Dusk is rather bored and finds the whole situation as unnecessary.

Fluttershy - One of Dusk's best friend, and vice versa. Although these two ponies don't seem like a very good match for friends, there are several reasons why they are friends from both ponies. First, they both have a deep passion for nature, mainly animals. For Dusk, he remains grateful to Fluttershy for her releasing him, although unknowing of the damage he would cause. He also greatly appreciates how she cheered him up when he was depressed about all the destruction he caused and how much he was getting shunned in Ponyville and how she housed him prior to him getting a home for himself in Ponyville. For Fluttershy, she appreciates how he helps her around her cottage with her animals and such. She also loves how he treats her very well and carefully, as Dusk is aware of Fluttershy's shyness and insecurity.

Rainbow Dash - A rival and friend to Dusk. They often have competitions based on flying abilities, mainly speed. These competitions can often be fierce.

Pinkie Pie - Both Pinkie Pie and Dusk are employed at Sugarcube Corner, and although Pinkie Pie is occasionally annoying to Dusk, he tolerates her presence and is still her friend. He still refuses to smile, however, just for a tease.

Applejack - Like Rainbow Dash, Applejack is a rival and friend to Dusk in terms of strength. They have competitions on strengh constantly, and he occasionally assists her in the farm.

Draco - Another one of Dusk's best friends. He is a hot-headed teenage dragon who Dusk first met when he was attacking a dragon nest when the Element of Magic was hoarded into the gigantic pile of the dragons' treasure pile. After injuring Draco's father, Draco managed to give Dusk his signature scar on his eye and scorch Dusk's wing and leg. Before Dusk begun his counter attack Pinkie Pie, who had been accompanying Dusk when he came to the nest, managed to restrain both rivaling creatures. After working together over a long period of time, they became to tolerate the other's presence although still bitter about their encounter. Eventually, they finally managed to befriend the other after completing several tasks with each other and sharing their own information to each other.

Edited by Dusk

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