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gaming FTL Advanced: The S.S. Wonderbolt


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These are the voyages of the crew of the S.S. Wonderbolt. Captain Celestia, Weapons Officer Rainbow Dash, Engineer Applejack, Shield operator Twilight Sparkle, Security officers Big Mac and Luna.


The FTL:AE has hit and it is amazing!!! What are some of your victories or failures during your FTL adventures?


Alas my Pony crew perished in Sector 7, saving a transport ship full of civilians from pirates. Big Mac (rock man) fought valiently against 3 Mantis boarders before he decided to vent the oxygen in the compartment he was in order to save the rest of the ship. Luna awaited in the next compartment for the intruders to breakdown the advanced door system. She fortunately fended off the intruders by making med bay stops to patch up before jumping into the fray. Meanwhile, a inbound missle breached the weapons bay, taking down the Wonderbolts Halbred beam leaving the burst laser and artemis missile system still up. Dashie patched the whole but had to heal up before patching up the rest of the damage to the weapon system. Our hacking system had taken down the enemy shield system to level 1 (from 3) allowing a volley from the Wonderbolt to desotry the enemy ships remaining shield and one burst laser level 2. Alas the enemy still had a hermes and heavy Ion blaster, which responded to our assault and took our shields offline. Celestia and Luna had to abandon thier positions in order help repair the shield system which was damaged from the hermes missile breach which just occured. Less then a quarter of hull integrity remained!!!


"BACK TO STATIONS!" Celestia howled over the intercom system, another volley was inbound against the Wonderbolt, destorying engine power and the hacking system...things turned grim. The ship was hemmoraging air and the last volley killed Twilight Sparkle, though she died heroicly never abandoing her station, struggling to keep the ships shields up. At last, a target lock was acquired against the Wonderbolt, the Hermes missile in bound. Celestia broadcasted to the remaining crew, "It was a pleasure to serve with you all, but an honor to die at your sides..."Then static...the missile hit the bridge instantly killing Captain Celestia, causing a cascade of secondary explosions to ripple through the compromised hull, tearing the ship apart and sending the crew into the cold embrace of death...You shall never be forgotten.

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