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open Titan Squad - ME3 Crossover Advanced RP


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Note: If you are not involved in this RP feel free to join the OOC thread to join. I will allow reinforcements to join the RP at certain times.



The inside of the shuttle is dark, but the flickering lights from the miscellaneous panels and systems cause errie shadows to be cast on the steel walls, and on the armour of your new squad mates. You sit in one of the seats of the shuttle, definitely not leather or comfortable in any way, but you expected nothing more from an alliance ship. You lean back and you feel the form of your rifle attached to your armour restricting your movement. Your equipment, whatever it might be, is attached to your belt, but maybe a few calibrations before the mission is to begin wouldn't go without harm. You look back up and you notice that there are only two other ponies in this section of the shuttle. You remember explicitly that there were to be four ponies in this squad including yourself.

Your train of thought is interrupted temporarily by the shuttle bouncing, almost sending you and your squad mates into the ceiling of the shuttle. A voice pops up on the intercom shortly after.

“Sorry about that. I needed to avoid that quick alert system sweep. Only a few more minutes until we make landfall, so I suggest you prepare yourselves.” The female voice says.

And so begins the mission.

Edited by xzeno
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Righty was nervous. Should anypony be nervous on a mission where they didn't tell you any major details?


She thought so.


She quickly ran another set of calibrations on her trusty Vindicator.

'Accuracy over power', she thought to herself. 'What could go wrong?'

She ran one final diagnostics check on her armnor and her squad's armor.

Suprisingly, she wasn't the only nervous one, as the heartbeat monitors were a bit jumpy.

This kind of made her a bit more relaxed.


She looked around sheepishly and spoke up.

"Umm...where's the rest of the squad...?"




Righty was nervous. Should anypony be nervous on a mission where they didn't tell you any major details?


She thought so.


She quickly ran another set of calibrations on her trusty Vindicator.

'Accuracy over power', she thought to herself. 'What could go wrong?'

She ran one final diagnostics check on her armnor and her squad's armor.

Suprisingly, she wasn't the only nervous one, as the heartbeat monitors were a bit jumpy.

This kind of made her a bit more relaxed.


She looked around sheepishly and spoke up.

"Umm...where's the rest of the squad...?"





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  On 2014-07-23 at 2:30 AM, CITRUS KING46 said:

You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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As was his custom before any combat mission, Gladius was almost obsessively going over his weapons and equipment, making sure everything was perfectly in order. A calibration here, a holster adjustment there, anything to help him ensure that he could rely on each piece of his gear for optimal performance. He wasn't going to allow a mistake to color the team's impression of him, and that was saying nothing of the fact that he knew as well as anyone that a single slip-up could mean that he wasn't coming back alive. Eventually satisfied with the adjustments to his Eviscerator, he sent a small biotic charge back and forth between his hooves. All good there. Amp functioning properly. He tightened the straps on his armor and, finally content with the state of his equipment, sat back and scanned the rest of the team. They seemed to be missing someone, but there wasn't much he could do about that even if they were. The others seemed reliable enough, and that was good enough for him. All that was left was to wait for their arrival.

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Repsol sat in the shuttle, looking down to his hooves. Clenched between them was a single clip for his sidearm. Counting the bullets one more time, he unholstered the pistol and slid the clip inside. A relieving click emitted from the gun and a small smile crept up on his muzzle.

Hearing the voice of one of his squad mates, he looked over to the source.@@Dattebayo

"I dunno. I guess they couldn't make the party." Repsol replied. He grinned sheepishly, trying to hide his nervousness. Tough he knew they could all see his heartbeat rising on their monitors as they drew closer to their destination.

He turned back to the pistol in his hooves. He looked it over one last time before he was satisfied. He slid it back into it's holster.


Now that his weapons where all double, triple, and quadriple checked, he started fidgeting with his belt. Recounting his ammunition and checking his equipment.

He looked back at his squad mates. "So, anypony had a contract on a jungle planet before?" He tried to sound as confident as he could. Tough this was his first time ever doing a contract on such a climate, and it would definitley be a tough one.


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@@repsol rave

"I did, once." said Righty.

"It was too hot...and one guy I knew got Trench Hoof. They had to cut it off."


Righty scrunched her nose at that last line. She could still remember that awful smell.


She summoned her drone, feeling as if she could use the company.

"You ready, Cloud?" The drone beeped once in a baritone sort of way. "Heh...you too, huh?"

She knew it couldn't really respond...but she liked having it around.

She quickly gave it the tazer upgrade and shut it off...no need to waste the power when it's isn't needed.






"I did, once." said Righty.

"It was too hot...and one guy I knew got Trench Hoof. They had to cut it off."


Righty scrunched her nose at that last line. She could still remember that awful smell.


She summoned her drone, feeling as if she could use the company.

"You ready, Cloud?" The drone beeped once in a baratone sort of way. "Heh...you too, huh?"

She knew it couldn't really respond...but she liked having it around.

She quickly gave it the tazer upgrade and shut i off...no need to waste the power when it's isn't needed.


Edited by Dattebayo


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  On 2014-07-23 at 2:30 AM, CITRUS KING46 said:

You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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The shuttle rocks again sending the ponies scrambling to remain in their seats. A muffled phrase could be heard from the cockpit that most likely consisted of angry cursing.


Suddenly a view screen shimmers to life at one end of the shuttle. The only thing on it is a waveform showing quiet calm background noise of what sounds like ventilation fans. A female voice breaks the tranquility.


"Greetings mercs. Welcome to Joab, where nopony goes unless they absolutely need to be here. Unfortunately for you, business takes us to this remote planet on accounts of a presence that is rarely felt in this galaxy." The pony pauses momentarily.


"No doubt at least some of you would have heard of the recent dissapearances in the expanse. And no we are not being deployed to follow up on a citadel missing pony ad. This is something much more serious. The Terminus systems were never a safe place, but we put colonies there anyways. And now several of our colonies have gone dark. Upon investigation there were no traces of combat, nor no trace of any pony at the colony period. And I mean there were no bodies, and definitely no survivors."


"You might be asking, 'what does this shitty little planet have to do with this?'. Well keep your saddle on for a second. This planet is the location of a deep space Alliance monitoring station. Stations like these help watch Mass Relays for uninvited guests and unruly folk. We are here to retrieve data on ship movements in the area. This mission is simple, but I expect the upmost discipline when we are on the ground. I shall meet you all at the dropoff point. Gaze out."


After the pony completes her briefing, a sharp tone executes and the view screen goes dark again.

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"No bodies...?" gulped Righty.

"That definitely doesn't sound good..."


She hurredly brought uph her omnitool. She had a bad feeling that whatever it was that took the colonists would surely try to take them, too.

Better prepared for the worst than to be caught with your pants down, was her belief.


"How do you guys want your shields? Duration over strength or the other way around? The latter is better for getting hit by heavier rounds and the former is for fast, little strikes."


Her hoof hovered over the glowing yellow display anxiousoly awaiting the responses of her teamates.





"No bodies...?" gulped Righty.

"That definitely doesn't sound good..."


She hurredly brought uph her omnitool. She had a bad feeling that whatever it was that took the colonists would surely try to take them, too.

Better prepared for the worst than to be caught with your pants down, was her belief.


"How do you guys want your shields? Duration over strength or the other way around? The latter is better for getting hit by heavier rounds and the former is for fast, little strikes."


Her hoof hovered over the glowing yellow display anxiousoly awaiting the responses of her teamates.


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  On 2014-07-23 at 2:30 AM, CITRUS KING46 said:

You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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The briefing only served to put Gladius further on edge than he already naturally was going into any mission. And when he was nervous, he checked his equipment. Again. And again. After about four times, he felt a little better and stopped, sitting back and simply trying to relax until they arrived. Nothing more he could do now, and no point in worrying until there was actually something for him to do. But it was out of his hooves for now, and he was better off trying to enjoy what little peace he could while there was still a chance to do so. He looked over at the tech when she asked about their shields. Not wanting to be without backup protection if his biotic barriers went down in combat, he spoke up.




He shrugged. "Who knows what to expect when we get there? I'd say strength over duration. If we get ambushed by something big, at least we'll live long enough to fight back that way." Tech wasn't really his forte, so he was really just saying the most logical thing that came to mind. Hopefully he hadn't just made an ass of himself.

  • Brohoof 1

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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@@Dattebayo,Repsol replayed the briefing in his head a few times. No survivors? That usually isn't all that bad, tough no bodies either? That's just plain wrong.

He was pulled from his train of thought by the question of one of his squad mates. Tapping his chin with one of his hooves, he began to build scenarios in his mind. All of wich included what type of shield would be more in his favor.

Eventually, he came to a conclusion. "I'm gonna go for strenght here." 


It might have sounded like just a guess, but he knew exactly why he chose this, With his role as scout for the squad, he would need to be able to withstand close range fire. He also didn't have any long range weaponry, so he needed to rely on close range and maybe even hoof to hoof combat if they where going to find the ones responsible for the recent blackouts.


His mind ventured back to thoughts as he speculated who the female voice on the other side of the screen could have been. He was definitely going to find out, with her saying she would be waiting at the LZ, tough why didn't she show her fae on the screen?

It all gave the mission a shady and mystrious feeling, and he began to grow more nervous. 

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Righty finished re-configuring her squaddies' armor. She was never one to boast about her work, but if there's one thing she specialized in, it's tech. Her omnitool beeped repeatedly, confirming the changes.

A blue aura then momentarily surrounded her newly-shielded allies and disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared.


But this newfound protection did little to ease Righty's nerves.

Whatever it was that happened to the colonists...it wasn't good. She's been in danger before, both as an Alliance engineer and a Merc, but something about this mission was very off.


"Done..." she droned out.

She thought about the voice on the other end. 'SHe's being awfully vauge'... she thought. Was she one of those strong, silent types she always hread about in those cheesy stories on the extranet? Or did he know something the rest of the squad didn't?


She really hoped not. She hated suprises.






Righty finished re-configuring her squaddies' armor. She was never one to boast about her work, but if there's one thing she specialized in, it's tech. Her omnitool beeped repeatedly, confirming the changes.

A blue aura then momentarily surrounded her newly-shielded allies and disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared.


But this newfound protection did little to ease Righty's nerves.

Whatever it was that happened to the colonists...it wasn't good. She's been in danger before, both as an Alliance engineer and a Merc, but something about this mission was very off.


"Done..." she droned out.

She thought about the voice on the other end. 'SHe's being awfully vauge'... she thought. Was she one of those strong, silent types she always hread about in those cheesy stories on the extranet? Or did he know something the rest of the squad didn't?


She really hoped not. She hated suprises.

Edited by Dattebayo


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  On 2014-07-23 at 2:30 AM, CITRUS KING46 said:

You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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The pilot's voice went over the shuttle's intercom. "That briefing didn't sound good. I wonder why the alliance wants to send a full squad in to recover monitoring data. Doesn't make sense to me. Oh well. Prepare for landing, we're only a minute out."

The shuttle rocked again, turning to the side and slowing down. Out the window of the shuttle a large antenna and radar installation was obscured by foliage and a thick mist that covered the forest canopy. A small clearing started making itself clear through the trees. That seems to be the landing zone. The shuttle stops right above the clearing and starts losing altitude. The clearing looks empty but ass the shuttle continues to lower you can make out a pony standing near the edge in dark blue armour. The pony waves down the pilot, then begins walking towards the shuttle. The shuttle makes contact causing a large thud. The door almost immediately opens to let you out.


"Safe trip squad." The pilot says over the intercom. "Don't die."

You step down from the shuttle and approach the pony in armour. The armour is in alliance colours, but the area where the Alliance logo should be looks as if it has been painted over. The the two rank stripes remain however.

"Greetings squad. I am Gaze. That's the only name I want you to ever call me. I want no sirs, and I sure as hell don't want any ma'ams. I assume that Turbulence played my pre-recorded briefing is that correct?" She asked in a low toned voice. "You all look scared shitless so I'm going to assume so. Right now our objective is to get to the radar station that is conspicuously placed not far from this clearing. We're going to secure the traffic data on this subsector for analysis, then we are going to receive our next objective. Are there any questions, queries, complications, or snide remarks that you'd like to bring to my attention?"

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 Repsol trotted out of the shuttle, feeling his heart sink as the pilot mentions something about dieing. 

As he approached the Mare, he couldn't help but scan her over. She didn't look like a merc, so that was kind of unsettling. What would somepony from the alliance need with a squad of mercs? The answer came as his gaze came to the alliance logo, ar atleast, where it should have been. No alliance then... figures. 


He was pulled from his train of thought as the mare started to speak up. Her voice wasn't the harsh commanding voice Repsol was expecting, tough it did carry a tone that said 'dont mess with me'.

Her briefing wasn't very long, tough it wasn't really needed to have long talks now. They had their briefing on the shuttle, and the sooner Repsol got his hooves from the mud of this planet, the better.


As the mare Repsol now knew as Gaze finished her short briefing, Repsol perked up a bit. "Yeah i got a question here." He said as he raised his hoof. "If this is just a simple recover OP, why not just send a recover unit, or even a drone? A whole merc squad seems kind of overkill to me."

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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((Just for clarification, I'll use a horizontal rule to separate my characters sections of each post. I'll make a point to write the character's name into the first line of the section as well. I'll even put it in bold if I remember to. It'll probably make more sense when you see it than when I explain like this.))


Thanks to past experience and a generally unshakable disposition, Gladius was seemingly entirely unfazed by the bumping and rocking of the shuttle as it landed. He listened to their commander's briefing without a word, appreciating her straightforwardness. He wasn't accustomed to calling his superior by their name instead of their title, but he figured he could get used to the informality. Of course, at this point he was more concerned with what lie ahead of them than whether he would get along well with their leader. Honestly, he just wanted to get moving at this point. Hopefully nobody else had any questions that would slow them down.


Lost Knowledge had been too busy checking his equipment and calibrating his omnitool to make conversation on the shuttle, and now that they'd arrived he found he had nothing much to say. It didn't help that he found their leader rather intimidating. He decided it was probably best not to question her, even if the mission seemed more than a little unusual.

  • Brohoof 2

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Straight and to the point. Righty was intimidated already.


She heard the other pony speak up about the details of the mission, which immediately made her think of her own doubts about this mission.


"Yeah. Umm, are we the only ones? The briefing said..."

She trailed off as she stepped off the shuttle.


The humidity was brutal. She summoned her drone and looked around wearily. 

Her armor made things all the more uncomfortable, even with the built-in cooling on full power and Cloud giving off a little chill.


'Sweet Celestia, this is unbearable...' she though to herself.


She snapped out of it. She didn't want to look weak in front of her other squadmates.

They'll probably want their lives in much more confident hooves.


She straightened up and said "Where's the rest of the squad? According to the briefing, we're understaffed."






Straight and to the point. Righty was intimidated already.


She heard the other pony speak up about the details of the mission, which immediately made her think of her own doubts about this mission.


"Yeah. Umm, are we the only ones? The briefing said..."

She trailed off as she stepped off the shuttle.


The humidity was brutal. She summoned her drone and looked around wearily. 

Her armor made things all the more uncomfortable, even with the built-in cooling on full power and Cloud giving off a little chill.


Edited by Dattebayo
  • Brohoof 1


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  On 2014-07-23 at 2:30 AM, CITRUS KING46 said:

You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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  On 2014-04-10 at 11:07 PM, repsol rave said:
"Yeah i got a question here." He said as he raised his hoof. "If this is just a simple recover OP, why not just send a recover unit, or even a drone? A whole merc squad seems kind of overkill to me."

"It would be overkill, wouldn't it Repsol? Normally the tower transmits their data every 10 minutes for backup in the Equestrian archives. So, it would have been that the data that we need would be right back home safe and sound in a little nook in the archives somewhere. Given the fact that we're in a jungle hundreds of millions of lightyears away from Equestria I think that changes things a bit. You are right to be concerned, and I'm glad to see that you all aren't dumb as a stump.

In fact, this tower went down just before we lost contact with the colonies in the sector. Given the situation, we have no idea whether the tower will be completely vacant like the other colonies have been found, or whether we might find something new here. That's why the Alliance has 'bad company' moving in on this data."




  On 2014-04-10 at 11:15 PM, Dattebayo said:
"Where's the rest of the squad? According to the briefing, we're understaffed."

"You are right, but not by much. We're only missing a single member of the team, and fortunately I can operate perfectly well while we are a pony down." She said, turning around to look at the jungle behind her. She starts walking towards the edge of the clearing, the radio in your helmet crackles to life. "We need to move quickly now. I hate this planet. Turbulence, take off and keep in a holding pattern within 2 minutes of our location. Advise on radar contact."

"Affirmative Titan Actual." You hear the pilot say through the radio. "Taking off now." The end of the pilot's message is met by the roar of the shuttle's engines as it takes off, kicking up dust and dirt that pelts your armour.
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The answer Repsol recieved was pretty uncomforting. For all he knew, they could be trotting into a damn deathtrap, and nopony would even see it coming. The fact the tower went out slightly before the colonies was also rather suspicious. Who or whatever might be the cause of all the blackouts has definitely been here, and maybe still was.


As his helmet's radio crackled to life, he responded with a simple "Following.", carefull not to fall into regular habits and refer to his commanding officer as ma'am.

The dust and mud thrown into the air by the shuttle sticked to his helmet's visor, restricting his view. He wiped a hoof over it in an attempt to clean it, but only succeeds in spreading the dirt out. Letting out a annoyed groan, he removed the helmet entirely. This however was a pretty bad move as the immense humidity attacked his now bare face.

Leaving no time to spare, he swiftly wiped his helmet's visor of any mud and quickly pressed it over his head again, silently cussing at himself for ever taking the thing off.  


Now with better vision, Repsol looked around. The thick forest seemed to be extending for an eternity, and probably where. There was pretty much no sign of sivilisation anywhere, and it was only that he knew that there was a radio tower there somewhere, otherwise he would have thought they where the first to set hoof in this place.

Now thinking about it, he had seen the tower sticking out over the canopy, tough he was never really good at making assumptions. He decided to call over the radio.@@xzeno,  "Ma- uhm... Gaze, do we have an expected time of arrival?" 

Edited by repsol rave
  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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'5 ponies are supposed to find out an entire colony disappearance...buck me.'


Righty almost wondered casually if this could be all a cruel prank when she was battered by the tsunami of dust and pebbles. 'Thank goodness my suit is airtight...' she thought. If there's one thing she hated more than humidity, it was dust.


As the shuttle's engines grew fainter and fainter, she looked around at the treetops around the clearing. They were nothing like those she saw back home.


"O-on your six...!" Righty belted out as she remembered to maintain formation. She didn't even have time to scan for nearby electronic signatures.


'Damn it, she isn't even waiting for us..' thought Righty.

Even though they all met just a short time ago, it seemed like Gaze was in a hurry to complete the mission at her speed and probably leave everypony else in the dust.


Now that her armor's sensors adjusted to the damp heat if the jungle, the cooling fans in her suit were doing their job. She could think a lot clearer now that the overwhelming heat wasn't the first thing on her mind.


Cloud bleeped once as it activated its short-range motion sensor.


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  On 2014-07-23 at 2:30 AM, CITRUS KING46 said:

You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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Gaze pushes into the brush of the jungle, swiping the plant life away from her face with every single step that she took. Bugs were everywhere, crawling up and down the trees and the plants all around the ponies making their way through the dense ecosystem.




  On 2014-04-11 at 12:53 AM, repsol rave said:
"Ma- uhm... Gaze, do we have an expected time of arrival?"


"Less than a minute. We are quite fortunate that clearing exists. The nearest landing zone other than the one we used is a couple kilometres away from the station. Normally we'd go through the regular landing pad that is connected to the tower, but it's extremely open. If there is anything hostile inside the station it would have heard the shuttle, moved to the landing pad, then ambushed us as we walked out to get into the station. Either that or they would have waited inside and tried to take us prisoner as we walk in through the door. It could also be completely empty and there was no point to taking this landing zone but really Repsol do you think it would have been a smart idea to land closer?"

"That's a rhetorical question please don't answer it." She said the second before Repsol was about to respond.

Gaze continued to push her way through the jungle, creating a pathway in the brush that the other ponies could follow.



((@@Dattebayo, the short range sensor on the drone detects a cluster of hits to the front left of the direction the squad is moving. Several other isolated contacts can be seen scattered throughout the surrounding jungle. ))

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"Huh..?" Righty scrunched her nose from inside her helmet. "No...that can't be right..."

She had just calibrated the drone to work without problems, the fresh air in her suit was a testament to that.

Still though, she hoped I'm the back of her mind that it was indeed a bug.


"Umm, ma'am," she whispered through the radio. ",I read several unidentified contacts all around us...it may just be the local wildlife, this thing is pretty sensitive."


She showed the readings to Gaze, who stopped as soon as she heard the telltale ping.


"Theres also a significantly more concentrated cluster to our North West... What do you think? Possible survivors?"


She let Gaze interpret the readings intensively.



Again, for filler:


"Huh..?" Righty scrunched her nose from inside her helmet. "No...that can't be right..."

She had just calibrated the drone to work without problems, the fresh air in her suit was a testament to that.

Still though, she hoped I'm the back of her mind that it was indeed a bug.


"Umm, ma'am," she whispered through the radio. ",I read several unidentified contacts all around us...it may just be the local wildlife, this thing is pretty sensitive."


She showed the readings to Gaze, who stopped as soon as she heard the telltale ping.


"Theres also a significantly more concentrated cluster to our North West... What do you think? Possible survivors?"


She let Gaze interpret the readings intensively.



Again, for filler:

  • Brohoof 1


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  On 2014-07-23 at 2:30 AM, CITRUS KING46 said:

You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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  On 2014-04-11 at 3:38 AM, Dattebayo said:
"Umm, ma'am," she whispered through the radio. "I read several unidentified contacts all around us...it may just be the local wildlife, this thing is pretty sensitive." She showed the readings to Gaze, who stopped as soon as she heard the telltale ping.

"Theres also a significantly more concentrated cluster to our North West... What do you think? Possible survivors?"


Gaze gave a hoof signal, then got low in the brush. She quickly looked over the contact report, then glared to Righty.

"What'd I tell you about calling me Ma'am? Don't do that." She said in a stern voice. "@@repsol rave,, you're up. Move in that direction with your cloak up and see if you can get eyes on whatever is making those signatures. Everyone else keep your eyes open."


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@@xzeno, Repsol got low as gaze mentioned the squad the do so. He waited anctiously as she went over the drones readings. 

After a few seconds, Gaze called over her radio to Repsol. Upon hearing this, he gulped once before replying with a short: "Affirmative". He kinda hoped it was just some harmless local wildlife they could scare away with some shots in the air.

He moved closer as he cautiously eyed the signatures on his motion tracker. As soon as he passed gaze, he looked at her once before activating his cloaking device, rendering him invisible. Well, almost anyway, tough in this environment it would be very, very hard to spot his shadow.


As he silently moved towards the station, he could see it appear through the dense forest. He got his shotgun from his back and held it ready to kill anything that got in close enough range. He was just a few dozen meters out now, tough he couldn't see anyting yet. 

After pressing away some large leaves with one of his hooves, the tower came into sight.

Carefull not to move too much plants as he did so, he slowly moved from out of the trees into the open canopy surrounding the tower. The signatures where still there, tough he couldn't see anything. Right as he was about to call out over his radio, the signatures bagan to move.


He quickly trotted towards the station and pressed against a outside wall, carefull to not make any noise as his armor pressed against the station. He went for his radio again. 

"Squad, i've got motion on the signatures. No visual, Do i have permission to move in?" 

Edited by repsol rave
  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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"I told you to get eyes on Repsol not to clutter up the net. Get in there and tell me what you see." Gaze calmly stated over the radio.

((As you push your head through the brush you can make out the shapes of several large creatures standing in a conglomerate. The are large cow-like animals with thick long necks that stand slightly taller than 2 metres. There are about 10 to 15 of the creatures. However after a slight delay you can also make out a shape below one of the animal's hoof. The reflections in the sunlight betray that it is made of either metal or a shined polymer. The creatures currently look docile, but they are very built.))

A prompt over the radio brings your attention back to the current situation. "Sitrep?"

Filler filler we need more filler here did you know that we can have filler? There is a lot of filler because I had no idea that there was an extremely inconvenient minimum character limit that makes it difficult to make quick replies just to keep people on task but thankfully now I am over the limit lets do this!!

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Repsol mentally groaned at the harsh reply he recieved through his helmet's speaker. Carefull not to broadcast it over the radio, ha muttered something under his breath about her being back there while he was getting his nerves killed out here.

As he moved away from the wall and back into the open, he made his way further towards the dots on his motion scanner. Tough what he found, wasn't exactly what he expected to find. He sighed once and lowered his shotgun before placing it on his back again.

As he heared the voice of his commanding officer call out over the radio, he turned his back to the peacefull lookinh creatures.

"I have some cow-like animals up here, Gaze. They seem to be harmless, unless you're made out of grass." He let an audible smirk form on his muzzle. 


As he turned back to the creatures again, he made out a faint glint under one of their hooves. It looked like something metallic, tough he couldn't quite make out what it was. He was still cloaked in his invisible field, so the creatures shouldn't have spot him yet. Atleast, they didn't show any signs they had spot him. He silently inced closer to the creature with the metal object under it's hoof.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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((The metal object now started glistening as sunlight was able to hit it directly when not obscured by the shadow of the creatures. After further inspection you now recognised that it was crystal armour. The only faction that wears this kind of armour is the Crystal Empire. As you kept getting closer you can make out the insignia of the Crystal Empire for sure. The Crystal Empire is an elitist group of Ponies who do not share the views of cooperation with other species like the Alliance does. They believe that Ponies are the sole keepers of the galaxy and that all the other races were merely keeping everything stable until the pony's interstellar ascension. You also notice that there is blood coming from the armoured corpse.

A shrilling call from a jungle bird scares you a little in light of this new information.))

And guess what guys I get to make more filler yay! We all love filler don't we? It's a wonderful thing of wonderfulness that lets us be wonderful in our own ways! Yay! :D

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As Repsol recognised the object as a corpse, a shudder made it's way down his spine. Slowly backing away from the large creature, now extra carefull not to make himself visible for it, he called out over the radio.

"Uhh... Squad, i've got a corpse up here. Seems like it's from the Crystal Empire. " He looked around once. "Only one corpse in my direct vicinity tough." Somehow, seeing this corpse was kind of comforting. If there where still bodies out here, the ones that caused it couldn't have been the same as the ones that blacked out the colonies, right? Anyway, what seemed to be a normal recovery mission seemed to get a whole lot darker. And he was now on top of his game.


As he silently trotted over to a nearby door, he noticed it had no power. Wedging it open would give away his position for sure, and he still wasn't sure what to think of the large cow like creatures. "doors are shut, looking for alternative routes now."

He trotted around the building, looking for a possible way in. After a while he found a window that had been broken already. He checked his surroundings once before cautiously peeking his head through the broken glass.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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