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private The deadly journey ((1x1 adventure/action/horror RP))


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(awwww sorry.. my stupid mind.... )


"w..wow... that is really... something that sounds bad Time Rider... i.. i don't know who or what this.. person is... and why he wants to do so.. do you have any idea? or somehow we can help you to... fight him? We don't want an enemy powerfull as this, especially if he wants to harm a friend of us!"

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(awwww sorry.. my stupid mind.... )


"w..wow... that is really... something that sounds bad Time Rider... i.. i don't know who or what this.. person is... and why he wants to do so.. do you have any idea? or somehow we can help you to... fight him? We don't want an enemy powerfull as this, especially if he wants to harm a friend of us!"

Time looked outside of the chariot.


"I don't know your highness Celestia why he wants to do this... But I don't think he meant to you ponies... But we human... I don't know about you all... But I afraid I am already one of his enemies..." Time stopped a little and stared back to her.


"But there is a way to stop him... Those symbols what were marked on that stone near of my ship... I think they are representing something... I think they are some kind of destinations. I don't know yet what... But if you'll help me, we might find out the answers. But I warn you, both of your highnessess..." *he said, meaning Luna as well.


"If you'll help me, we will speed up process of saving my home... But I am sure Time Master will notice this and you'll ponies become victims as well." He said with warning and kind of saddened voice.

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""we will help you Time Rider, just me and my syster Luna, nopony else, we don't care if we get in trouble but other ponies will may succumb to hhim if he is really that powerfull... so... in what way can we halp you Time Rider? Shall we go back where you landed and saw the helements?"

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""we will help you Time Rider, just me and my syster Luna, nopony else, we don't care if we get in trouble but other ponies will may succumb to hhim if he is really that powerfull... so... in what way can we halp you Time Rider? Shall we go back where you landed and saw the helements?"

"That could be best... But Celestia it will not be only you or Luna... He would attack everyone of you... Even innocent ones. I am not yet sure how... But I think he may think that tou are having your own subjects or ponies or snything like that... Since you both are queens after all. So your highnessess would become his main targets and other ponies the side victims." Time explained to Celestia and Luna. Edited by StormBolt24
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"so.. if we help you... he will turn against all Equestria.. if we don't .. you will lose... but.. he can feel you right?^ maybe we are already in danger.."


Celestia said


"i want to help him the same.. maybe twilight and her friends can help as well.. we can't let him alone!"


luna added

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"so.. if we help you... he will turn against all Equestria.. if we don't .. you will lose... but.. he can feel you right?^ maybe we are already in danger.."


Celestia said


"i want to help him the same.. maybe twilight and her friends can help as well.. we can't let him alone!"


luna added

"Possibly Celestia... But I believe I can do this on my own. No: he actually cannot feel me... But he is a Time Master... So it is unpredictable, what he is going to or what he is currently doing. But yes: he will turn against you all, if he will sooner or later realizes that you are helping me... I don't know yet what will happen then... But I fear the worst and thank you for your offer princess Luna... But I suppose i'll refuse your offer...ni don't want others spare their lives for me... Who after all: released him from his imprisson." Time said with a voice of mixed shame and defence and fear.

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"you did what? and why? ListenTime Rider, i don't care, we never let a pony down, nor we will for a visitor from an another planet or dimension, nor for a FRIEND ok? we are princesses, we may not be strong as your race or him, but se will help you" because this is how we do it in Equstria!"

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"you did what? and why? ListenTime Rider, i don't care, we never let a pony down, nor we will for a visitor from an another planet or dimension, nor for a FRIEND ok? we are princesses, we may not be strong as your race or him, but se will help you" because this is how we do it in Equstria!"

Time Rider just stared Celestia.


"But you wouldn't let me down your highnesses. But you would risk only yours and other subjects lives in that case and I don't even know yet what it would be. What comes to yours first question: I suspect the release happened the sametime, when I manage to mine the crystal out from the asteroid and use it to power up my ship. Oh yeah and I am not pony for my original form." Time Rider Answered.

Edited by StormBolt24
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"we know that you are not ap ony Time Rider, that's why we want to help you to get back safely to your universe.... and i see... that crystal must bbe very powerfull then.. tell us in what ways we can help you, and we will decide if it will be worth it to risk Equestria for you"

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"we know that you are not ap ony Time Rider, that's why we want to help you to get back safely to your universe.... and i see... that crystal must bbe very powerfull then.. tell us in what ways we can help you, and we will decide if it will be worth it to risk Equestria for you"

"..... Very well Celestia... First of all: we need to get back to my ship, where I can show you that rock as well as the ship. For there: I need to use that diamond to power up my machine. Then: we'll see what to do next... But if some pieces or even the fragment can be found from here Equestria, I would appreciate yours help." He said to Celestia kindly.

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"i will send some royal guards team to look for them Time... we have that gem here.. if we can guide us toward the ship we may try to power it.. sounds good to you?"


Celestia said


"yeah all of the other ponies should be already there... we may meet them in the everfree"

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"i will send some royal guards team to look for them Time... we have that gem here.. if we can guide us toward the ship we may try to power it.. sounds good to you?"


Celestia said


"yeah all of the other ponies should be already there... we may meet them in the everfree"

"Princess... I don't yet even know where are those pieces or fragment... But I think I do have one solution. But first: let us proceed to my Time Machine, so I can execute what I have on my mind. I wouldn't want to others search the pieces or fragment Celestia... At least not yet because it is unsure how dangerous they can be." He said to Celestia. "I wouls like to get them for myself." He added kindly.


"And... Is there something you will do princess Luna?" He asked from her kindly.

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"ok Time Rider.. show us thw way to the ship"


Celestia said


"move toward the Everfree Forest!"


she then ordered to the royal guards that were carrying the flying carriage


"me? i will be there with you Time Rider, i don't know how i can help you but if you will let me inside your mind and if he attacs you there, i may try to give your mind a some kind of mental shield"

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"ok Time Rider.. show us thw way to the ship"


Celestia said


"move toward the Everfree Forest!"


she then ordered to the royal guards that were carrying the flying carriage


"me? i will be there with you Time Rider, i don't know how i can help you but if you will let me inside your mind and if he attacs you there, i may try to give your mind a some kind of mental shield"

"Alright Celestia. Once we land, I shall lead you to my ship, because I suppose I can get us there." Time said to Celestia and then turned towards Luna.


"Very well princess Luna... But in return: I want you to not try to peek my memmories or such a things... Because I want to keep them private... And tell or show you when the time is right." He said to Luna... And got irresistable wanting to hug her, so he gave her one softly.


"I would appreciate it, if you would help me with this guest... We are heading I suppose." He added to her.

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"i never read ponies minds, or thoughts or memories, i get in their dreams and minds only when they need help, both in their dreams, both for problems.. even if i wanted to, i couldn't read their memories, it is wrong and diserespectfull... but i can and i will try to protect your minds and memories from him!" Luna said hugging back Time Rider

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"i never read ponies minds, or thoughts or memories, i get in their dreams and minds only when they need help, both in their dreams, both for problems.. even if i wanted to, i couldn't read their memories, it is wrong and diserespectfull... but i can and i will try to protect your minds and memories from him!" Luna said hugging back Time Rider

"Thank you princess Luna... I appreciate your help and kindness.* he said while smiling, when she hugged.


"How oong, until we are at the Everfree forwst Celestia? Time asked, while he looked outside of the chariot.


"I hope we can do this as soon as we can...." Time thought.

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"very soon,  we are leaving canterlot, i think that we should be there in five o ten minutes.. i can almost see it from here Time Rider"


Celestia said trying to look far away toward the forest


"and don't thank me, we are doing this to help a creature in need, it is our job as rulers of Equestria!"

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"very soon,  we are leaving canterlot, i think that we should be there in five o ten minutes.. i can almost see it from here Time Rider"


Celestia said trying to look far away toward the forest


"and don't thank me, we are doing this to help a creature in need, it is our job as rulers of Equestria!"

"Very well princess Celestia and Luna, I dhall wait, until we are there. I don't think that Time Master will yet sent anyones here or realize that you are helping me, because I think he is busy for creating his final destruction element: "The Timeshock." But we better make haste and get there as soon as we can." Time said to Celestia and Luna.

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"i don't have the slightest idea of what this ' Timeshock' is Time Rider.. but the forest is in sight! "


Celestia said pointing her hoof toward the forest now very close, as she spoke the carriage started the landing manuvre, slowly reaching and touching the ground in front of the forest..


"so.. shall we go by hooves?"

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"i don't have the slightest idea of what this ' Timeshock' is Time Rider.. but the forest is in sight! "


Celestia said pointing her hoof toward the forest now very close, as she spoke the carriage started the landing manuvre, slowly reaching and touching the ground in front of the forest..


"so.. shall we go by hooves?"

"Sure your highness. Let's go." Time said, while stooding up and carefully stepping out of the chariot and to the ground with four hoofs.


"Alright, let us proceed to my ship. Will there be anyone elses coming here as well princess Celestia and princess Luna?" Time asked.

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"half of the guards will remain here with the chariot,  if you please we can bring with us the other two guards in case of need to protect ourelves from the local nature and its .... ' inhabitants', if you don't fell comfortable with that, they will stay here"


Celestia said

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"half of the guards will remain here with the chariot, if you please we can bring with us the other two guards in case of need to protect ourelves from the local nature and its .... ' inhabitants', if you don't fell comfortable with that, they will stay here"


Celestia said

"Sounds good princess Celestia. Let us do then as you plan." Time said with smile and then look forward.


"Alright, let us proceed now to my ship, so we can begin the plan and hopefully: found some of those fragments and pieces." Time said while hoping that Time Master is not yet get known of this.


Meanwhile at the billions of lightyears away at the Dawn of Time:




Time Master was staring at his completion of Timeshock, a huge green spiral light, that should destroy everything, he then stared elsewhere.


"Hmm... I sense that something is going on that world called: "Equestria" perhaps someones are helping him.... Fools." Master thought and then he transformed himself a tall human form, with black heavy armory and high-tech suits mix. He holds his right hand a powerful staff weapon and in the other: nothing. He uses metallic gloves and summons with his powers: an huge army of loyalists.


"My army listen to me! My plan is being out in a great danger! I need you my loyal army, to defend me and my plans and find those crystal fragments and ((sorry I can't tell yet :P)) pieces. Spread to the universes and try to stay hidden! DO NOT get spotted! You are all known now as: "The Time Guardians." Master spoke to his own created army. The army understood and Master opened the spirals to the other dimmensions and then they disappeared one after another, while there was only standing one legion of 500 troopers.


"You... I will sent you to the world of Equestria. You will go there and kill the trouble maker called: "Time Rider" if he has some helpers, kill them as well! Launch there a full scale attack, if you'll have to." After Master was spoken, he opened the spiral gate to the army to go. The army proceed to through the spiral.


Meanwhile at the Equestria: everypony can see the shining spiral at the space but long way still.


((If you wanna know something about Master's army, here you go: they are as well black suits armored high-tech troopers with space shipments. All troopers are same sized as the humans, but they are all robots. At least for now.))

Edited by StormBolt24
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as they walked trough the forest Celestia stoopped


"uh.. this.. this is strange.."

"what is wrong sister?" Luna asked

"i.. i sense a big powerfull energy... something unknow yet dangerous.. m..myabe it is just my mind tricking me... i hope.. let's keep walking"

 Celestia said trying to focus on her steps



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as they walked trough the forest Celestia stoopped


"uh.. this.. this is strange.."

"what is wrong sister?" Luna asked

"i.. i sense a big powerfull energy... something unknow yet dangerous.. m..myabe it is just my mind tricking me... i hope.. let's keep walking"

 Celestia said trying to focus on her steps



"I fear worst your highnessess... I afraid that Master has realized that you are helping me... He must have unleashed so ething dangerous. But let us proceed forqard, we should be there very soon." Time said while walking forward.


Soon: they arrived to his ship and where was the big rovk as well standing.


"Here we are princessess... That is the rock I was talking about and my ship. I still don't know what those symbols means though..." He said while looking it and walking towards his ship.


Meanwhile: Time Master's shipment has arrived via portal and now: they are proceeding slowly towards the Equestria's planet.


((Current symbols have now 10 and symbols are: E, M, F, P, J, T, R, S, K and D. Oh yah and if you wanna know something else about these warriors, check out the private message I sent you :3))

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"wait... there are.. soldiers? here? on damn!"


Luna said concerned


"i must organize the royal guards for this w emust protect Equestria! You two, turn on that machine, i go back and see what i can do!"


Luna said


"..o .. ok sister... now Time Rider... what this symbols may mean? and most of all.. shall we tru this gem?"


She asked

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