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private 1x1 RP "Days Past"

Seaweed-Headed Dragon

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Sapphire slowly ate the last of her waffle, then looked over at him "Oh yeah, because your in training to be a wonderbolt" She said as her eyes gleamed "I have always thought it would be really cool to meet a pony like you, who can do really cool flying tricks and stuff" She said with a chuckle

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Lightwing jumped in front of Raindash

"Well,our story is..."

After a loooong hour of storytelling...

"And that's how we've met!!!"

She jumped on her sofa,and took a sip of coffee

"Oh,and Raindash is right!With me on the middle,nothing is normal ;) "

She drinks the coffe and jumps back next to them




Oh,hi @RainDash S. Dragon!!! :3

Edited by Lightwing
  • Brohoof 1
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Whirl blushes and smiles "Well, I'm not THAT good at doing tricks and stuff, I'm still in training" He looks back the newspaper, "What i really want to be is part of a good team, Yeah sure the Wonderbolts is a team, but I've heard what kind of team it is" He grumbles "I've heard from Rainbow Dash that they're not that.....welcoming and friendly"





Oh hi there..?

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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(Im sorry, but you saying "oh hi there...?" just made me laugh really hard xD)


Sapphire glanced over at him "Well, I can understand that, you have to be the best of the best flyer to get in there"  She said with a shake of her head "Although it would be nice to get a job somewere were you are free"

  • Brohoof 1

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(Yeah...I think Light posted in the wrong RP XD  :catface:  But still Hi Light!!)


Whirl shrugs "So now that you have no job, what are you planning to do now?" He looks over at the newspaper again. He had started to think, Hmmmmm maybe me and her can go on one of those adventures, Just like Rain, Light and Frozen

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Sapphire shrugged as she looked over out of the window, starting to get annoyed at how there was still nothing going on outside. She looked over at him "Iv never really thought about it, mostly just read...But I feel as if I need something more, something beyond just this simple books"

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Whirl blushes. "You think that maybe the 3 might need some....you know help" He looks outside as it starts to thunder more. Lightning strikes as Whirl jumps scared. "You know they haven't come back for a while and maybe....just maybe. ..." He looks around as the storm raged on


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Sapphire jumped to her feed "Yeah, I think we should go see if there OK? I wonder where they went, and we can also try and find all the ponys that have gone missing!" She said with a happy smile as she looked over at raindash "I mean...Would that be ok with you then?"

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Whirl gets to his feet. "Let's go Sapphire" He smiles really wide. "Oh this is gonna be so so exciting! It's like our own little adventure!" He walks to the door and opens it. "Oh my...the storm is still going on!..and where should we look first?" He sqints through the rain


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Sapphire grabbed a umbrella before walking over to lhim "Well, I would say were they were last seen, so at the grand capital its self!" She said with a smile as she looked over at him "So, I guess we will need train tickets, are you up for paying? Because Im kinda broke..." 

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He smiles widely "oh sure things. I've got money to burn!" He walks outside while holding the umbrella for both of them. "Next stop! The train station! " They start walking to the Station.


"Two tickets please to the Crystal Empire"


"Here you are sir" The Pony behind the counter said


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Sapphire was almost jumping with happyness as she she looked over at him "Oh man, Iv never gone on a train!" She said with a smile as she looked back over at him, then she walked inside and sat down, yawning and looking out the window "Ugh, I have no idea what time it is"

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The conductor yelled as the train whistle blew "All Aboard!!"


Whirl shivered as he followed Sapphire on the Train. He suddenly noticed that they were the only ones on. "Oh man this is creepy" He takes a seat next to her


Outside the thunder kept roaring as lightning lit up the sky.


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Sapphire looked around at the group with a tilted head, wondering what was bugging him "Huh? Its not creepy, look, theres only a few of them" She said shaking her head as she looked back over at him, then pulled out a book and sat there, reading it and fliping trough the pages

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The train doors closed as the cars began to move. "I'm not use to seeing the train cars so empty." Whirl said as he looks over at what Sapphire was reading "Whatcha doing?" He asked as the storm outside began to grow more violent. The wind howled and the thunder roared louder. .."oh my Celestia.it is getting bad outside*


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Sapphire shrugged "Just some old book" She said as she looked out of the window "Jeeze...This IS kinda scary, theres only like 1 or 2 other ponys in this car!" She said as she scooted closer to him, feeling slightly cold and shaking her head "I wonder whats going on"

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Whirl begins to look worried as the train car shakes a bit. He scoots closer too and shivers. "I don't know why,..this doesn't seem right" Outside it was all foggy and rain was still coming down hard.


The conductor's voice was muffled by the wind. "NEXT STOP! CRYSTAL EMPIRE! '


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Sapphire sighed as she closed her book, she looked around at the 2 other ponys, they had heavy cloaks over then, and you could not see there faces. She looked over at him and sighed, shaking her head she looked at the window, and how hard the rain was coming down

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Whirl blushes as he puts his arm around Sapphire to keep her warm. The weather began getting worst and worst as the train traveled along the track toward the Crystal Empire. "What should we do first when we get there? Do you know where to look first" Whirl asked.


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Sapphire shivverd and scooted alittle closer to whirl before looking out the window. She glanced over his and said "Well...We might just wanna get someplace to rest, just a hotel or somthin" She said with a sigh as she looked out at the rain pooring down all around them

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The conductor shouted as the train pulled into the station "Crystal Empire!!"


Whirl  shivers too "You look cold, Want my coat?" He drapes his coat over her as they steped off the train. "Ok we need to go find somewhere to stay" They entered the Empire slowly 


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Sapphire smiled as she looked over at whirl "Thank you, I was feeling kinda cold" She said with a shake of her head and looked over at the city "Jeeze, When I first saw this place, it looked so happy..." She said as she walked into it, looking around to try and find a place to stay

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Whirl walks up to the first Hotel he see's and walks up the counter.


"1 room please" He says to the pony behind the counter


"Al..al...right" He stammered as he looked very nervous and gave the keys to Whirl


"Is there something going on here?" Whirl asked "You seem...nervous"


"2 days ago, ponies began mysteriously disappearing including, Cadence"


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Sapphire looked over and sighed, shaking her head "Huh, seemes like this is not only going on here, but all around this kingdom" She said with a shake of her head as she walked up the stares, happy to get away from all the cold rain and saddnes of all that had happend

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Whirl gives her the room key "We're in room 13" He said skeptically, "Uh when should start searching for the group of 3 ponies?" They walked down the hallway to the room





At the castle, Rain, Light and Frozen were looking around, investigating the place for clues.


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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