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private A New Future (1x1 RP)

Courageous Thunder Dash

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Ariel was somewhat startled by the loud Pegasus mare's sudden appearance, almost seeming to shrink in fright as she stared at the rainbow-maned pony with wide eyes; making doubly certain she was safely hidden behind Thunder Dash as she started to tremble slightly. It was Rainbow Dash's expression of disbelief that got to the filly, as Ariel started to think that this mare wouldn't be so accepting of her after all. Her ears flattened and tears formed in her eyes as she let out a barely audible whimper.

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@@Miss Reaper,


A faint smile appeared on Rainbow Dash. "Now now Rainbow, it's not all about what you want. It's for Ariel's good. Her parents are bad, and she can't just go back out there." Thunder stated. It then came to Rainbow. "You're right! What was I thinking?" Rainbow Dash asked with a silly giggle.  

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The small filly still stared at Rainbow Dash uncertainly, with tears in her eyes and her ears flat against the sides of her head. She didn't know what to make of the rainbow-maned Pegasus at this moment; she was still as timid as ever, and she still wondered if Rainbow Dash really would accept her as part of the family.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"It's okay Ariel. Rainbow will get used to you. It won't take that long. Rainbow then calmly walked over to Ariel having no intentions of doing her harm. She then opened her arms out. "It's okay." She said. Thunder turned and kneeled. "See, she's already gotten used to you." Thunder stated.  

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Ariel continued to stare up at Rainbow Dash, still remaining uncertain. Through her messy bangs, there was a visible glimpse of her other eye, the iris ice blue in contrast to her typically seen amethyst-colored one. The filly was still reluctant to accept those she didn't know; and that hidden eye was the indicator of one of the largest reasons she had suffered abuse at her parents' hooves, why she was so timid - terrified, even, that ponies would treat her the same way her parents had.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"It's okay. Why are you so scared. I will never hurt anypony. Besides, I'm the Element of Loyalty." Rainbow stated. "That's right Rainbow. Even though you were the first of my family to meet, you've gotta get used to being around us." Thunder stated as he laid and comforted Ariel.  

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Ariel paused for a moment, looking at Thunder before glancing at Rainbow Dash once more. "Element... of Loyalty?" she echoed quietly, contemplating that for a minute. She supposed that meant that Rainbow Dash was, apparently, loyal to those she cared about. But that didn't help much to coerce the filly past her own trust issues, either way. Only time and kindness would bring the young pony to truly trust another pony.

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@@Miss Reaper,


Thunder started to stroke Ariel's fur lovingly. "It'll take some time for her to get used to you and the others, and I know it would be a while." Thunder stated as he continued to stroke Ariel's fur lightly. "Would you like something to drink?" Thunder asked as he continued to stroke Ariel's fur.  

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Ariel at first blinked in confusion when he started to stroke her fur. But as she realized how nice it actually felt, she also started to realize how starved she had been for some affection. She slowly closed her eyes, simply enjoying the attention. Then she leaned against him, nuzzling him gently to return some of that affection in kind; thinking how much nicer this was compared to interactions between herself and her birth parents.

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@@Miss Reaper,


Thunder let out a cute little giggle and gently nuzzled Ariel back. "Awww." Rainbow said with a giggle as she drew a tiny bit closer to Ariel. Thunder continued to gently stroke Ariel's fur. "Daddy loves you." Thunder said happily as he continued to stroke Ariels fur.  

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Feeling more relaxed than she had in a long while, Ariel started to feel just how tired out she really was from the entire ordeal of today; from wandering aimlessly on the streets to being found by Thunder Dash, to gaining wings and even learning how to fly. She rested her head against his side, cuddling closer to him as she felt herself start to drift off to sleep.

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@@Miss Reaper,


Thunder and Ariel had laid close to the center of the open living room. Because the whole house on on a cloud, it was really soft. Thunder spread his wing, and wrapped it around Ariel as he too started to nod off. "Sleep well." Thunder stated as he drifted off to sleep.  

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It wasn't long before Ariel had slipped into a deep sleep. But, that was when she was least at peace, ironically enough, for the place of dreams - meant to be a sweet landscape for the subconscious - always turned out to be a place of horrors for the little filly, for she was almost always plagued with night terrors; a step above the normal nightmares, terribly vivid dreams whose images burned themselves into the mind of the one suffering them.


When it came time to wake up, she did so with a jolt and a shriek that she almost immediately tried to suppress by covering her mouth with both front hooves. She started trembling violently, tears streaming down her face as she sobbed, the sounds of which she also tried to muffle.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"Shhh, shhh. It's okay. Daddy's here. Did my little filly have a bad dream?" Thunder asked as he moved Ariel to where his heart was so it could comfort her like the first time. "Dreams cannot hurt you Ariel. I know you've had a rough past, but no matter what, Luna will always be there for you. She will comfort you, just like I do." Thunder said giving Ariel a gentle nuzzle.  

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Ariel slowly shook her head. "P-Princess L-Luna... can't help me," she hiccuped. "S-She never does..." And with that, she clung tightly to Thunder, crying into him. She was terribly distraught, shaking like a leaf and holding onto Thunder desperately as if her life depended on it as she cried; not even the soothing sound of his heartbeat could pacify her at this point in time. Night terrors were a level above nightmares - they felt awfully real to the one inflicted with them, the memories vivid even after waking.

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@@Miss Reaper,


(OOC: Gonna make Luna help Ariel in this RP.)


"Sure she will. She helps every foal in their dreams. Why, she helped one named Scootaloo face her fears when Rainbow here, told some scary stories. Right Dashie?" Thunder asked. Rainbow Dash nodded. "Trust me Ariel." Thunder stated giving Ariel a little kiss.  

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The filly gently flicked her ears for a moment, before she shook her head slowly. "I-I don't wanna go back to sleep... e-ever," she whimpered, covering her teary eyes with her front hooves. Of course, she said something along those same lines each and every time she had suffered a night terror - and, of course, sleep would always come and overtake her again. She was reluctant to believe that the Princess of the Night would come and help, anyway. After suffering with these terrible dreams for so long, would the lunar princess really come and banish them once and for all?

Edited by Miss Reaper
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@@Miss Reaper,


"But...you have to sleep. Everypony has to sleep. If you don't sleep, you won't have the energy to move on and then soon you will have to sleep for several days straight. Trust me Ariel. Everything will be alright." Thunder stated as he continued to cuddle and snuggle Ariel.  

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Ariel sniffled and rubbed at her eyes, gradually beginning to calm down; the memories of the night terror were still fresh in her mind, but the longer she stayed in the waking world, with Thunder's comfort, the calmer she eventually became. After she calmed down and stopped crying, she looked up at Thunder, giving him the faintest of smiles as she nuzzled him gently. Then she lightly rested her head against his chest, letting the sound of his heartbeat soothe her even further.

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@@Miss Reaper,


Thunder nuzzled Ariel back. Soon, Rainbow Dash came to join the two. She was all tuckered out from a free-flight that she had just done. She yawned and rested next to Ariel. "You must be tired Rainbow." Thunder stated. "Yeah..." She said with another yawn and started to drift off to sleep.  

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Ariel eyed Rainbow Dash for a few moments as the rainbow-maned Pegasus lied down next to her, but the filly didn't say anything as she laid her head gently against Thunder's chest once more and closed her eyes. While she still didn't quite like the idea of going back to sleep - having been frightened into a state of wakefulness by the bad dream, anyway - at the least, she could simply lie there and relax with her new family; thinking of how the idea still seemed so new and so strange to her, an entirely different family than the one she had lived with up until she ran away.

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@@Miss Reaper,


"It's okay..." Rainbow Dash said faintly as she turned to face Ariel. She went in for a very gentle nuzzle. "Mommy and daddy are right here." She assured. Thunder had fallen asleep. Although he was sleeping, he had thoughts about Ariel's future and how that would play out.  

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Ariel opened her eyes once more and looked at Rainbow Dash, staring into the mare's magenta gaze for a few long moments before she gave a tiny smile. With that assurance, the young filly rested her head and closed her eyes again, finding herself and her tired body relaxing into a state where she could fall asleep once more.


The dream began the same way it almost always did for her: With her lost in a seemingly endless forest, no way to escape or find her way out. It seemed calm, almost serene, at first, but she knew that something was coming. Almost immediately, she took off, running aimlessly deeper and deeper into the infinite forest. She knew that they were coming. The two sets of eyes gleaming in the darkness. The monsters that wanted nothing more than to torture her.

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@@Miss Reaper,


In the dream, a bright light shone in front of Ariel. It was Luna, right there in front of her. "Do not fear...young foal." She said as she calmly approached Ariel in her dreams. Luna had confronted many foals in these nightmare chases, and she knew all about Ariel's past.  

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Ariel skidded to a halt when the Princess of the Night appeared before her. She looked up at the alicorn, at first dumbfounded by the taller mare's relative size; then dumbfounded once more when she realized that she was standing before the lunar princess. "P-Princess Luna..." she uttered in shock.


After a few moments, she nervously glanced back to see if the 'monsters' were still pursuing her. But now... somehow, all was quiet; the dreamscape turned peaceful upon the arrival of the dreamwalker, Luna.

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