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private A New Future (1x1 RP)

Courageous Thunder Dash

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Ariel glanced at Thunder before checking her wings once more. She had them fluttering at a steady pace now, able to focus on the rhythm of her wingbeats while she didn't have to worry about staying aloft with Thunder's hooves helping her in that respect.


After another few moments, she lookes to Thunder Dash once more. "I-I think so," she said, with some uncertainty still remaining, but enough confidence to try and take flight on her own.

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Ariel closed her eyes as she braced herself for losing the support of his hooves, focusing on keeping her wings fluttering and hopefully keeping herself in the air. She felt his hooves slowly move away, but kept her eyes closed. She wobbled, slightly unsteady in the air on her own, and immediately tried to correct her balance. Once she was stable once more, the filly slowly opened her eyes to find herself hovering; she was still in the air, keeping herself up by her wings alone. She was flying! A small smile spread across her face - one of the first times Thunder would have ever seen the filly smiling.

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Ariel's smile grew as she felt encouraged by his words and her success up to this point. Making sure to keep a steady rhythm of fluttering her wings, she tried to move herself forward. Again, she found herself wobbling unsteadily, still unused to keeping balance in the air, but she did her best to keep from falling. Slowly, she moved forward, a little at a time, towards Thunder, and that happy smile returned in earnest.

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"Good! Good! Keep going! You're doing great!" Thunder stated as he took two more steps back. "Remember, I'm here if something happens." Thunder said smiling. He was truly happy that Ariel was now learning to fly. He was even more proud of her, that she took that step to try to overcome her past. 

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The filly, feeling happier than she had in a long while, let out a little giggle. She kept flying forward, feeling more confident with each passing moment she stayed in the air; and in turn, picking up some speed as her uncertainty about flying faded. But she couldn't just keep flying in a straight line. She wondered, if she dipped one of her wings down just a little, if she could turn...?


Ariel let her left wing dip down in an attempt to turn accordingly. However, it upset the still-delicate balance she had had, especially since she was going somewhat faster now. She flailed her little hooves, trying desperately to keep balance.

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@@Miss Reaper,


Thunder put his hooves back under Ariel. "Careful. Steady it up. You're doing great." Thunder stated as he kept his hooves under Ariel. "When you turn, be sure not to hesitate, for if you do, you'll lose your balance." Thunder advised as he kept his hooves under Ariel. "I'm going to remove my hooves from under you again." Thunder warned as he was about to remove them.  

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Ariel kept her wings fluttering as she reestablished her balance with Thunder's help. She could feel that her little wings were starting to get somewhat tired, but she was determined to try and get the hang of this flying thing now. Making sure to keep his advice in mind, she looked to him and said, "O-Okay..." She was ready to give it one more try. She felt that she might be able to get it this time; she felt confident in herself for the first time since she could remember.

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"Smooth, graceful..." Ariel repeated to herself, finding herself able to stay in the air a little easier this time in spite of her tiring wings. Now she had to try and keep balance while moving forward and turning at the same time; that was the tricky part for the filly. But she had the will to keep trying now. She again began with simple forward motion, moving slowly at first and gradually building some speed. Then when she tried a turn, she leaned gently, doing her best to prevent herself from losing balance like the last time. She managed to turn a small circle without falling, and, again feeling happy that she was getting the hang of it, giggled once more.

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Ariel glanced in Thunder's direction, smiling; there was nothing quite like the joy of flying, or rather finally learning how to do so. She increased the pace of her fluttering wings just slightly, building up her speed in small increments. She felt as if she was finally able to keep balance without too much worry - though she would, of course, still be conscious of the fact that balance was indeed necessary - and so she maintained control even as she picked up a little speed.

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Ariel turned in his direction at once, while it kept playing in her mind that she was flying. She was actually flying! Having been a mere Unicorn foal up until now, she never knew that she would come to learn how to fly, let alone find the joy in flight itself. She flew towards Thunder Dash, nearly giddy with excitement and happiness; she finally dared to let herself think that things were better here, now, and that the past would never come back to haunt her again.

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It wasn't long before the filly closed the distance between themselves; and this time, she would openly accept his hug and even return the gesture in kind; she was simply so happy in this moment, she had forgotten her own reservations about physical contact, so happy that she just wanted to celebrate and enjoy the moment for what it was.

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Ariel smiled up at him, her wings fluttering a little from happiness before she folded them upon her sides. After such a workout from her learning to fly, those little wings needed a bit of a rest, so she was more than content to rest in his arms as they made their way to his house.


Upon arriving, she studied the sight of the cloud house in wonder. And a waterfall with rainbows instead of water! She stared, eyes wide; even if she were a more outspoken filly, she would have been speechless at this point.

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Thunder opened the door. In front of him, Electra Blitz and Storm Rush were playing battlecloud. Unfotunately, Storm Rush had only one mega-cloud left. "A7". Blitz stated. "Ugh! Come on Blitz! That's like the fourth time you've beaten me! I still don't think you can beat Rainbow Dash." He said. "I will...someday." Blitz stated. "You're about that brother." Thunder stated. Blitz suddenly looked up. "Wait, who's that little filly?" He asked. "This is Ariel, our new daughter, and Storm Rush's new little niece." Thunder stated. Thunder gently put Ariel down on the ground. 


(OOC: Here are what Storm Rush and Electra Blitz look like

Storm Rush


Electra Blitz (He's got the same eye color as Thunder Dash.)


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Ariel glanced up at Thunder once more as she was set down, and then slowly turned to look at Electra Blitz and Storm Rush. As happy as she had seemed with Thunder Dash just minutes before, her original timidity returned with a vengeance in the presence of these new ponies. Almost immediately, she sought to hide behind Thunder's legs, peeking out shyly at the other two, ears flat against her head.

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The filly glanced up at Thunder Dash yet again before looking towards Blitz once more. She still said nothing, keeping her silence as what was usual for her in her shyness. And she seemed to prefer staying where she was, hiding behind Thunder, rather than make any move to speak to or acquaint herself with her new family members; she wanted to stick with the pony she knew at least somewhat rather than the ones she didn't know at all.

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@@Miss Reaper,


Thunder turned and saw Ariel hiding behind his leg. "Don't worry Ariel, you'll get to know them. Suddenly, Rainbow Dash flew in. "Woohoo! I've got the rest of the day off!" She cheered happily. "Good for you." Blitz said. "Uh, was that sarcasm?" Rainbow asked. "No." Blitz answered. Rainbow turned and suddenly saw Ariel. "Hey Thunder, who's that cute little filly hiding behind your leg?" Rainbow asked. "This is Ariel, our new daughter." Thunder stated. "What?! Daughter?!" Rainbow asked in shocked. "Yes...she has nowhere else to go...so we're taking her in." Thunder stated. Rainbow said nothing.  

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