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About the Female Fans of MLP...


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I'm a fourteen year old girl who absolutely LOVES MLP... yes, I know girls (albeit under my age but still) are the intended viewers for this show, but why does this give us so much hate? Sometimes I almost feel alienated from the fandom... I mean, it's fine that guys like MLP, but I don't think that it should mean that the girls who like it should get trampled over and pushed aside. 


For instance, there are a TON of phrases in the fandom... such as "brohoof" and the universal "brony"... yes, there IS "Pegasister", but come on... that sounds totally lame next to an awesome name like "brony"...


I guess what I'm saying here is just that I wish my gender wouldn't get so many rolled eyes or get so pushed aside with a fandom dominated by males... I don't mean to upset anyone, but I just felt that this needed to be discussed...

  • Brohoof 12


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I'm a fourteen year old girl who absolutely LOVES MLP... yes, I know girls (albeit under my age but still) are the intended viewers for this show, but why does this give us so much hate? Sometimes I almost feel alienated from the fandom... I mean, it's fine that guys like MLP, but I don't think that it should mean that the girls who like it should get trampled over and pushed aside. 


For instance, there are a TON of phrases in the fandom... such as "brohoof" and the universal "brony"... yes, there IS "Pegasister", but come on... that sounds totally lame next to an awesome name like "brony"...


I guess what I'm saying here is just that I wish my gender wouldn't get so many rolled eyes or get so pushed aside with a fandom dominated by males... I don't mean to upset anyone, but I just felt that this needed to be discussed...

Its because you're supposed to like it, so that makes you nothing special, which is bullshit, and I wish they would follow their own creed "love and tolerate" not just with other guys, but also with the kids and girls.

hell when i do go out to buy a pony doll to sculpt it into a different pony, I've on many times, seen a little girl want the last one, that I had picked up, and I end up giving it to her smile, and walk off, It actually makes me really happy whenever i see a kid wearing pony things, or watching the show on their parents Ipads or some shit like that

  • Brohoof 6
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That's really cool that you do that tripfly... I wish I could be that open about MLP. :) But I'm kinda getting mixed messages about your post... if your agreeing with me then that's great. :) I mean, I love the fandom as everyone here is very nice, but still... what I stated in my first post is my own opinion but still stands. ^_^

  • Brohoof 1


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I'm not trying to spark a flame-war or anything, but I'd like to point out that us dudes don't live in Eden either. People treat us like a plague and we get collectively blamed for everything someone doesn't like about the fandom, even shit like the porn that the ladies are just as guilty of.  

Edited by Shoboni
  • Brohoof 7



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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That's really cool that you do that tripfly... I wish I could be that open about MLP. :) But I'm kinda getting mixed messages about your post... if your agreeing with me then that's great. :) I mean, I love the fandom as everyone here is very nice, but still... what I stated in my first post is my own opinion but still stands. ^_^


Oh i agree with you, but there is a LARGE part of the fandom that I just can't stand, I started on /brony/ (don't go there, trust me) and thats all i knew of bronies for a time, terrible people there, but anyways, yeah these guys are nice

  • Brohoof 1
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It's because a lot of Bronies don't understand the implications of their actions. It's similar to video games. Guys complain all the time they can never find "gamer girls" but go in any online lobby with a girl in it, they harass her, make lewd comments, and the like. The same thing happens here, a lot of Bronies complain they can't find the girl that wants to be with them and understand that they like MLP, but on the same coin they alienate a whole group of people that fit that description and go one step further and enjoy MLP too. 

  • Brohoof 9


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That's a good point... I agree, I feel bad that people think that bronies are like the plague... which is totally not cool. :( I admit I used to be like that, but no more! I think it's ridiculous... people should be able to like what they want. :/ But you are right... but at least bronies are mostly accepted online in forums such as these and such. Girls are too, but it's still not quite the same somehow... I dunno, again I don't wanna start a flame war myself, but still... ^^;


EDIT: I agree! I'm a "gamer girl", and its the same thing... people should be able to like whatever they want, regardless of gender or whatever. :/

Edited by Cassadragon
  • Brohoof 3


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It's true that the fandom's perspective is twentysomething male-dominated, but the OP is hardly alone in this fandom. I know of several female fans personally, and I've never seen them get treated any differently in the brony groups I'm part of. I hope the OP's experiences are just a one-off thing and not a trend.

  • Brohoof 2
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The simple truth is that male fans get more attention because society sees the fact that men are into this as a much bigger deal than girls being into it. This in and of itself doen't mean that female fans are getting pushed aside but I haven't really seen female fans treated badly in this fandom. I am not saying it dosen't happen as there is bad behavior in every fandom but I haven't seen enough evidence to conclude that it is the epidemic that some people make it out to be.

  • Brohoof 3
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Hm... that's an interesting point. Sadly I don't know anyone IRL besides little girls that are fans of the show, so my perspective is solely on the based on how internet female fangirls of the show are treated... again its not fair either way, as bronies get a lot of hate too (and for silly reasons too... its sad really). :/


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I don't discriminate anypony when it comes to anything, It's because I listened to a song about a cup of tea when I was growing up, Even though it's just a cup of tea, The song had a strong message. :)


"Whatever the situation whatever the race or creed, 
Tea knows no segregation, no class nor pedigree 
It knows no motivations, no sect or organisation, 
It knows no one religion, 
Nor political belief. "

  • Brohoof 3
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Hm... that's an interesting point. Sadly I don't know anyone IRL besides little girls that are fans of the show, so my perspective is solely on the based on how internet female fangirls of the show are treated... again its not fair either way, as bronies get a lot of hate too (and for silly reasons too... its sad really). :/

All I can say is, ignore the hater's and people who treat you like shit they don't know you, so they're just assuming things upon you.

as far as they know, you could be the coolest cat in town, but because you happen to like MLP and a girl, they just assume you're a poser.

(also hit the quote button if you want to notify someone you're replying too)

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't discriminate anypony when it comes to anything, It's because I listened to a song about a cup of tea when I was growing up, Even though it's just a cup of tea, The song had a strong message. :)


"Whatever the situation whatever the race or creed, 

Tea knows no segregation, no class nor pedigree 

It knows no motivations, no sect or organisation, 

It knows no one religion, 

Nor political belief. "

That... is a beautiful reply. :'3 So true!



All I can say is, ignore the hater's and people who treat you like shit they don't know you, so they're just assuming things upon you.

as far as they know, you could be the coolest cat in town, but because you happen to like MLP and a girl, they just assume you're a poser.

(also hit the quote button if you want to notify someone you're replying too)

(thanks for the tip XD) Thank you... that means a lot. :') I wish I had someone I could spill my secret too IRL who wouldn't think I was weird for watching the show... I told my BFF (who is a bit younger then me and also a girl) but she thinks I'm nuts for liking a "little girls show". -_- But that's off topic. :/ I can't tell you how many people I've gotten talked to on places such as Tumblr who unfollowed me for posting MLP or sent me messages about it... ugh. It's ridiculous! And I'm a girl, so shouldn't it not be as bad? :/ Which is sad to say because bronies shouldn't get hate in any way either but... yeah. :/


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I'm a fifteen year old ordinary girl who loves My Little Pony and people just call me childish and seriously, I don't give a damn 'bout what they say cuz its true, I am childish. The reason why males are noticed so much in the brony community is because its clearly unusual to see that males can like a show based for little girls and for me I'm completely used to that.

Bronies aren't just a name for male fans, its for females too if you don't like the term pegasister like I do.

Edited by DokiLoki
  • Brohoof 1


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I'm a fifteen year old ordinary girl who loves My Little Pony and people just call me childish and seriously, I don't give a damn 'bout what they say cuz its true, I am childish. The reason why males are noticed so much in the brony community is because its clearly unusual to see that males can like a show based for little girls and for me I'm completely used to that.

Bronies aren't just a name for male fans, its for females too if you don't like the term pegasister like I do.

AMEN about this post... I totally agree with you. I personally find it weird for whatever reason to be called a "brony" with me being a girl (dunno why but if you call yourself that its fine!) but... yeah... I just... it's crazy for both the male and female sides of this whole predicament. :/ But again, I am definitely childish as well... although my friends and stuff don't always understand but whatevs... >.>

  • Brohoof 1


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(thanks for the tip XD) Thank you... that means a lot. :') I wish I had someone I could spill my secret too IRL who wouldn't think I was weird for watching the show... I told my BFF (who is a bit younger then me and also a girl) but she thinks I'm nuts for liking a "little girls show". -_- But that's off topic. :/ I can't tell you how many people I've gotten talked to on places such as Tumblr who unfollowed me for posting MLP or sent me messages about it... ugh. It's ridiculous! And I'm a girl, so shouldn't it not be as bad? :/ Which is sad to say because bronies shouldn't get hate in any way either but... yeah. :/

As far as i can see it, Its because the older installments of MLP were.... Pretty lacking in everything especially generation 3 and most people won't look into it and just think its the same as before, and Fox news doesn't help, and especially tumblr, they try to say they're opened minded, but they are REALLY closed minded when it comes to anything that isn't insanely popular 

and hey don't feel bad about not having anyone IRL to talk about it with who won't be rude, I've only got my parents and girlfriend to talk about it I feel that none of my friends would even talk to me again if they knew

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As far as i can see it, Its because the older installments of MLP were.... Pretty lacking in everything especially generation 3 and most people won't look into it and just think its the same as before, and Fox news doesn't help, and especially tumblr, they try to say they're opened minded, but they are REALLY closed minded when it comes to anything that isn't insanely popular 

and hey don't feel bad about not having anyone IRL to talk about it with who won't be rude, I've only got my parents and girlfriend to talk about it I feel that none of my friends would even talk to me again if they knew

I agree! I personally LOVE Tumblr, but I can agree that sometimes people on there can be... a bit closed minded sometimes like you said. :/ Well, this particular friend has watched the new versions of MLP because of her little sis (just like what happened to mine), but she didn't like it... I love her, but you'd just have to know her... :/ But whatevs, if she doesn't like it, oh well. I can like it! XD Aw thanks... :3 My parents don't know about it though... well, they know I watch it with my little sis, but they don't like I LIKE it this much... whenever I mention it they're just like "okaaay..." if I say that I'm watching it. :/ I haven't spilled the beans yet... I'm just afraid I will have to if I ever want merch though. :/ Don't know how that's gonna blow over... only my BFF knows. :/


Sorry for going off topic. ^^; I totally know how you feel though... :/


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especially tumblr, they try to say they're opened minded, but they are REALLY closed minded when it comes to anything that isn't insanely popular

Tumblr is my favorite site, but people there are huge jerks when it comes to being open-minded. They preach tolerance and equality, but I've seen people getting hate for being straight, or cis-gendered, Caucasian, or male. It's so petty.


Going back to the OP, as a female brony, I completely agree. The fandom often tends to push us aside because "girls are suppose to like My Little Pony" so it's not special. So much for love and tolerance. The ladies of the fandom get hated on too. People call us childish for liking the show. I've also been called a pervert. It isn't just you, boys!


I think us ladies of the fandom should get a little bit more respect. We are a strong part of this fandom just as much as any of the men are. Of course, not all bronies shun the female fans, but I've seen a lot of hate.

  • Brohoof 6


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It's interesting because I got into the fandom via my special somepony (who is male, I am female) and we're both way out of the "intended demographic" for MLP.  But I have seen what you talk about within the fandom... the notion that female bronies  are somehow lesser because we are "supposed to" like things like MLP.  (I really TRIED to like "Pegasister", but why does it have to sound so "girly"??  Brony, to me, is a strong, proud word and Pegasister is.. like a limp french fry)


Here's the thing,  though... why is Friendship a "female" theme?  I have never really taken a "Girl Power" message away from MLP (with the exception of the CMC episodes, but they are a minority and they are focused on fillies finding out their destinies).  It's focused on building and maintaining friendships. It's focused on the problems that friends have and overcome and I don't think those things are unique to females.


I think the other assumption that gets made is that bronies (male) are somehow perverts because they like something "for little girls"... as if they watch episodes of MLP in vans that say "Hey kids, free candy inside" on them when the bronies I've encountered (albeit a small sample) were primarily mid-teen to 20-something dudes (for the most part) who like the art and the voice acting and the sense of community.  And since the guys are on the defensive about being made to feel like pervs, they take it out on the ladies of the fandom who they see as having things "easier" being females and liking a show "for little girls".


Back in the day (save me a seat, Granny Smith!) there were cartoons like Rocky & Bullwinkle and they were funny to me as a child, but if I see them now, there is a whole layer of jokes/puns in those cartoons which sailed right over my young head and they make the show enjoyable as an adult in a totally different way.  I think MLP has a good lesson to offer younger fans but I think there are elements for older viewers/fans as well.


Bottom line, I think there needs to be more love and tolerance within the fandom for bronies of all genders and ages.

  • Brohoof 9
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When I first became a brony a few months ago, I watched a video of a panel (I think from Bronycon). The majority of the people I could see were males. I think it's sad that the girls often feel unappreciated in this fandom. The males definitely get all of the media coverage because it is so "unnatural" for us to like a show aimed for girls. I really enjoy seeing female perspectives. IRL, I only have three little nieces, their mother, and one old roommate that I get to talk to about MLP.


I've enjoyed reading through your thoughts here! As for Tumblr, I usually only go there to find gifs...

  • Brohoof 2
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I can't tell you how many people I've gotten talked to on places such as Tumblr who unfollowed me for posting MLP or sent me messages about it... ugh. It's ridiculous!

It's 'cause people on Tumblr hate bronies because all they think we do is fap to horses.

  • Brohoof 1



aromatisse is the sass master

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It's 'cause people on Tumblr hate bronies because all they think we do is fap to horses.

and are all fedora wearing neckbeards 

hell even my girlfriend thinks this, and she knows i'm a brony, even watched the show with me. shits annoying

  • Brohoof 2
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and are all fedora wearing neckbeards  hell even my girlfriend thinks this, and she knows i'm a brony, even watched the show with me. shits annoying

So your gf thinks you are the only non fedora wearing neckbeard on earth who is a brony? 

Edited by Nymphia



aromatisse is the sass master

i <3 rwby, game grumps and homestuck. uwu

obey submit consume

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I have never seen the supposed hate on wom fans of the show by male bronies, and I've bronied for about 2years now.

I always hear exaggerated second hand stories about it, but from what I've seen, they're treated exactly the same as a woman on the internet is (for better or for worse).


^Click for my Deviant Art^

You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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well as a male member of this fandom I here by apologies for any stupid things others of my gender have said to any of you girls(or young woman) in here and everywhere else for that matter for our actions and I hope it doesn't contiune to put a sour note for you about this fandom. O and you know what how about you lot work on a new name for yourselves in the fandom if pegasisters isn't to your liking :P

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